// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        anim           = GetComponent <Animator>();
        _StartPosision = transform.position;

        _playerController = GetComponent <CharacterController>();
        #region Get Reset Scene Script
        _ResetButtonScript = _ResetButton.GetComponent <Reset_Scene_Script>();
        if (_ResetButtonScript == null)
            Debug.LogError("No se encontró el script del botón");

        audio = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <AudioAdmin>();
        if (audio == null)
            Debug.LogError("No se encontro Audio");

Example #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        #region initialize Player
        _initialSpeed        = 5f;
        _speed               = _initialSpeed;
        _runningSpeed        = 10f;
        _playerController    = GetComponent <CharacterController>();    //Obtener el Controlador
        _currentJumps        = 0;
        _StartPosition       = transform.position;
        totalClientsToAttend = 10;
        _isTriggeredHelper   = false;

        _modelAnim = GetComponentInChildren <Animator>();

        #region initialize Camera
        _zoom = -5f;
        _playerCamera.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, _zoom);

        #region initialize UI

        foodNumber      = 0;
        moneyEarned     = 0;
        lifeRemaining   = 3;
        attendedClients = 0;

        _BackgroundImage.enabled = false;

        #region Get Reset Scene Script
        _ResetButtonScript = _ResetButton.GetComponent <Reset_Scene_Script>();
        if (_ResetButtonScript == null)
            Debug.LogError("Button Script Missing");

        #region Puntaje
        _maxPuntaje = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Food").Length;

        #region Audio
        _audio = FindObjectOfType <AudioAdmin>();
        if (_audio == null)
            Debug.LogError("Audio script could not be found.");

        #region SpawnObjects
        enemiesSpawnObj = FindObjectOfType <SpawnObjects>();
        if (enemiesSpawnObj == null)
            Debug.LogError("'Enemies SpawnObjects' could not be found.");
        clientsSpawnObj = FindObjectOfType <ClientSpawner>();
        if (clientsSpawnObj == null)
            Debug.LogError("'Clients SpawnObjects' could not be found");
        collectablesSpawnerObj = FindObjectsOfType <InfiniteSpawner>();
        if (collectablesSpawnerObj == null)
            Debug.LogError("'Infinite Spawners' could not be found");

        #region PlayerLife
        maxHealth            = 100;
        health               = maxHealth;
        healthBar.fillAmount = health / maxHealth;
        InvokeRepeating("EnergyLoss", 1, 1);