static Actor ChooseHelipad(Actor self) { var rearmBuildings = self.Info.Traits.Get <HelicopterInfo>().RearmBuildings; return(self.World.Actors.Where(a => a.Owner == self.Owner).FirstOrDefault( a => rearmBuildings.Contains(a.Info.Name) && !Reservable.IsReserved(a))); }
public Actor ChooseHelipad(Actor self) { var rearmBuildings = heli.Info.RearmBuildings; return(self.World.Actors.Where(a => a.Owner == self.Owner).FirstOrDefault( a => rearmBuildings.Contains(a.Info.Name) && !Reservable.IsReserved(a))); }
void Calculate(Actor self) { if (dest == null || dest.IsDead || Reservable.IsReserved(dest)) { dest = ChooseResupplier(self, true); } if (dest == null) { return; } var landPos = dest.CenterPosition; var altitude = aircraft.Info.CruiseAltitude.Length; // Distance required for descent. var landDistance = altitude * 1024 / aircraft.Info.MaximumPitch.Tan(); // Land towards the east var approachStart = landPos + new WVec(-landDistance, 0, altitude); // Add 10% to the turning radius to ensure we have enough room var speed = aircraft.MovementSpeed * 32 / 35; var turnRadius = CalculateTurnRadius(speed); // Find the center of the turning circles for clockwise and counterclockwise turns var angle = WAngle.FromFacing(aircraft.Facing); var fwd = -new WVec(angle.Sin(), angle.Cos(), 0); // Work out whether we should turn clockwise or counter-clockwise for approach var side = new WVec(-fwd.Y, fwd.X, fwd.Z); var approachDelta = self.CenterPosition - approachStart; var sideTowardBase = new[] { side, -side } .MinBy(a => WVec.Dot(a, approachDelta)); // Calculate the tangent line that joins the turning circles at the current and approach positions var cp = self.CenterPosition + turnRadius * sideTowardBase / 1024; var posCenter = new WPos(cp.X, cp.Y, altitude); var approachCenter = approachStart + new WVec(0, turnRadius * Math.Sign(self.CenterPosition.Y - approachStart.Y), 0); var tangentDirection = approachCenter - posCenter; var tangentLength = tangentDirection.Length; var tangentOffset = WVec.Zero; if (tangentLength != 0) { tangentOffset = new WVec(-tangentDirection.Y, tangentDirection.X, 0) * turnRadius / tangentLength; } // TODO: correctly handle CCW <-> CW turns if (tangentOffset.X > 0) { tangentOffset = -tangentOffset; } w1 = posCenter + tangentOffset; w2 = approachCenter + tangentOffset; w3 = approachStart; isCalculated = true; }
public override Activity Tick(Actor self) { if (IsCanceled) { return(NextActivity); } if (dest == null || dest.IsDead || Reservable.IsReserved(dest)) { dest = ChooseHelipad(self, true); } var initialFacing = heli.Info.InitialFacing; if (dest == null || dest.IsDead) { var nearestHpad = ChooseHelipad(self, false); if (nearestHpad == null) { return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities(new Turn(self, initialFacing), new HeliLand(self, true), NextActivity)); } else { var distanceFromHelipad = (nearestHpad.CenterPosition - self.CenterPosition).HorizontalLength; var distanceLength = heli.Info.WaitDistanceFromResupplyBase.Length; // If no pad is available, move near one and wait if (distanceFromHelipad > distanceLength) { var randomPosition = WVec.FromPDF(self.World.SharedRandom, 2) * distanceLength / 1024; var target = Target.FromPos(nearestHpad.CenterPosition + randomPosition); return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities(new HeliFly(self, target, WDist.Zero, heli.Info.WaitDistanceFromResupplyBase), this)); } return(this); } } var exit = dest.Info.TraitInfos <ExitInfo>().FirstOrDefault(); var offset = (exit != null) ? exit.SpawnOffset : WVec.Zero; if (ShouldLandAtBuilding(self, dest)) { heli.MakeReservation(dest); return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities( new HeliFly(self, Target.FromPos(dest.CenterPosition + offset)), new Turn(self, initialFacing), new HeliLand(self, false), new ResupplyAircraft(self), !abortOnResupply ? NextActivity : null)); } return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities( new HeliFly(self, Target.FromPos(dest.CenterPosition + offset)), NextActivity)); }
public void ResolveOrder(Actor self, Order order) { if (order.OrderString == "Move") { var cell = self.World.Map.Clamp(order.TargetLocation); var explored = self.Owner.Shroud.IsExplored(cell); if (!explored && !Info.MoveIntoShroud) { return; } UnReserve(); var target = Target.FromCell(self.World, cell); self.SetTargetLine(target, Color.Green); self.CancelActivity(); self.QueueActivity(new Fly(self, target)); self.QueueActivity(new FlyCircle()); } else if (order.OrderString == "Enter") { if (Reservable.IsReserved(order.TargetActor)) { return; } UnReserve(); self.SetTargetLine(Target.FromOrder(self.World, order), Color.Green); self.CancelActivity(); self.QueueActivity(new ReturnToBase(self, order.TargetActor)); self.QueueActivity(new ResupplyAircraft()); } else if (order.OrderString == "Stop") { UnReserve(); self.CancelActivity(); } else if (order.OrderString == "ReturnToBase") { var airfield = ReturnToBase.ChooseAirfield(self, true); if (airfield == null) { return; } UnReserve(); self.CancelActivity(); self.SetTargetLine(Target.FromActor(airfield), Color.Green); self.QueueActivity(new ReturnToBase(self, airfield)); self.QueueActivity(new ResupplyAircraft()); } else { // Game.Debug("Unreserve due to unhandled order: {0}".F(order.OrderString)); UnReserve(); } }
void Calculate(Actor self) { if (dest == null || Reservable.IsReserved(dest)) { dest = ChooseAirfield(self); } if (dest == null) { return; } var plane = self.Trait <Plane>(); var res = dest.TraitOrDefault <Reservable>(); if (res != null) { plane.UnReserve(); plane.reservation = res.Reserve(dest, self, plane); } var landPos = dest.CenterLocation; var aircraft = self.Trait <Aircraft>(); var speed = .2f * aircraft.MovementSpeed; var approachStart = landPos - new float2(aircraft.Altitude * speed, 0); var turnRadius = (128f / self.Info.Traits.Get <AircraftInfo>().ROT) * speed / (float)Math.PI; /* work out the center points */ var fwd = -float2.FromAngle(aircraft.Facing / 128f * (float)Math.PI); var side = new float2(-fwd.Y, fwd.X); /* rotate */ var sideTowardBase = new[] { side, -side } .OrderBy(a => float2.Dot(a, self.CenterLocation - approachStart)) .First(); var c1 = self.CenterLocation + turnRadius * sideTowardBase; var c2 = approachStart + new float2(0, turnRadius * Math.Sign(self.CenterLocation.Y - approachStart.Y)); // above or below start point /* work out tangent points */ var d = c2 - c1; var e = (turnRadius / d.Length) * d; var f = new float2(-e.Y, e.X); /* rotate */ /* todo: support internal tangents, too! */ if (f.X > 0) { f = -f; } w1 = (c1 + f).ToInt2(); w2 = (c2 + f).ToInt2(); w3 = (approachStart).ToInt2(); plane.RTBPathHash = w1 + w2 + w3; isCalculated = true; }
public Actor ChooseHelipad(Actor self, bool unreservedOnly) { var rearmBuildings = heli.Info.RearmBuildings; return(self.World.Actors.Where(a => a.Owner == self.Owner && rearmBuildings.Contains(a.Info.Name) && (!unreservedOnly || !Reservable.IsReserved(self))).ClosestTo(self)); }
public static Actor ChooseAirfield(Actor self, bool unreservedOnly) { var rearmBuildings = self.Info.TraitInfo <AircraftInfo>().RearmBuildings; return(self.World.ActorsHavingTrait <Reservable>() .Where(a => a.Owner == self.Owner && rearmBuildings.Contains(a.Info.Name) && (!unreservedOnly || !Reservable.IsReserved(a))) .ClosestTo(self)); }
public static Actor ChooseAirfield(Actor self, bool unreservedOnly) { var rearmBuildings = self.Info.Traits.Get <PlaneInfo>().RearmBuildings; return(self.World.ActorsWithTrait <Reservable>() .Where(a => a.Actor.Owner == self.Owner) .Where(a => rearmBuildings.Contains(a.Actor.Info.Name) && (!unreservedOnly || !Reservable.IsReserved(a.Actor))) .Select(a => a.Actor) .ClosestTo(self)); }
public Actor ChooseResupplier(Actor self, bool unreservedOnly) { if (rearmable == null) { return(null); } return(self.World.Actors.Where(a => a.Owner == self.Owner && rearmable.Info.RearmActors.Contains(a.Info.Name) && (!unreservedOnly || !Reservable.IsReserved(a))) .ClosestTo(self)); }
public void ResolveOrder(Actor self, Order order) { if (order.OrderString == "Move") { UnReserve(); var target = self.World.ClampToWorld(order.TargetLocation); self.SetTargetLine(Target.FromCell(target), Color.Green); self.CancelActivity(); self.QueueActivity(Fly.ToCell(target)); self.QueueActivity(new FlyCircle()); } else if (order.OrderString == "Enter") { if (Reservable.IsReserved(order.TargetActor)) { return; } UnReserve(); self.SetTargetLine(Target.FromOrder(order), Color.Green); self.CancelActivity(); self.QueueActivity(new ReturnToBase(self, order.TargetActor)); self.QueueActivity(new ResupplyAircraft()); } else if (order.OrderString == "Stop") { UnReserve(); self.CancelActivity(); } else if (order.OrderString == "ReturnToBase") { var airfield = ReturnToBase.ChooseAirfield(self); if (airfield == null) { return; } UnReserve(); self.CancelActivity(); self.SetTargetLine(Target.FromActor(airfield), Color.Green); self.QueueActivity(new ReturnToBase(self, airfield)); self.QueueActivity(new ResupplyAircraft()); } else { // Game.Debug("Unreserve due to unhandled order: {0}".F(order.OrderString)); UnReserve(); } }
public static Actor ChooseResupplier(Actor self, bool unreservedOnly) { var rearmInfo = self.Info.TraitInfoOrDefault <RearmableInfo>(); if (rearmInfo == null) { return(null); } return(self.World.ActorsHavingTrait <Reservable>() .Where(a => a.Owner == self.Owner && rearmInfo.RearmActors.Contains(a.Info.Name) && (!unreservedOnly || !Reservable.IsReserved(a))) .ClosestTo(self)); }
public override Activity Tick(Actor self) { var host = aircraft.GetActorBelow(); if (host == null) { return(NextActivity); } if (aircraft.IsPlane) { return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities( aircraft.GetResupplyActivities(host) .Append(new CallFunc(() => aircraft.UnReserve())) .Append(new WaitFor(() => NextActivity != null || Reservable.IsReserved(host))) .Append(new TakeOff(self)) .Append(NextActivity).ToArray())); } // If is helicopter move away as soon as the resupply ends return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities( aircraft.GetResupplyActivities(host).Append(new TakeOff(self)).Append(NextActivity).ToArray())); }
void Calculate(Actor self) { if (dest == null || Reservable.IsReserved(dest)) { dest = ChooseAirfield(self, true); } if (dest == null) { return; } var plane = self.Trait <Plane>(); var planeInfo = self.Info.Traits.Get <PlaneInfo>(); var res = dest.TraitOrDefault <Reservable>(); if (res != null) { plane.UnReserve(); plane.Reservation = res.Reserve(dest, self, plane); } var landPos = dest.CenterPosition; var altitude = planeInfo.CruiseAltitude.Range; // Distance required for descent. var landDistance = altitude * 1024 / plane.Info.MaximumPitch.Tan(); // Land towards the east var approachStart = landPos + new WVec(-landDistance, 0, altitude); // Add 10% to the turning radius to ensure we have enough room var speed = plane.MovementSpeed * 32 / 35; var turnRadius = (int)(141 * speed / planeInfo.ROT / (float)Math.PI); // Find the center of the turning circles for clockwise and counterclockwise turns var angle = WAngle.FromFacing(plane.Facing); var fwd = -new WVec(angle.Sin(), angle.Cos(), 0); // Work out whether we should turn clockwise or counter-clockwise for approach var side = new WVec(-fwd.Y, fwd.X, fwd.Z); var approachDelta = self.CenterPosition - approachStart; var sideTowardBase = new[] { side, -side } .MinBy(a => WVec.Dot(a, approachDelta)); // Calculate the tangent line that joins the turning circles at the current and approach positions var cp = self.CenterPosition + turnRadius * sideTowardBase / 1024; var posCenter = new WPos(cp.X, cp.Y, altitude); var approachCenter = approachStart + new WVec(0, turnRadius * Math.Sign(self.CenterPosition.Y - approachStart.Y), 0); var tangentDirection = approachCenter - posCenter; var tangentOffset = new WVec(-tangentDirection.Y, tangentDirection.X, 0) * turnRadius / tangentDirection.Length; // TODO: correctly handle CCW <-> CW turns if (tangentOffset.X > 0) { tangentOffset = -tangentOffset; } w1 = posCenter + tangentOffset; w2 = approachCenter + tangentOffset; w3 = approachStart; plane.RTBPathHash = w1 + (WVec)w2 + (WVec)w3; isCalculated = true; }
public override Activity Tick(Actor self) { // Refuse to take off if it would land immediately again. // Special case: Don't kill other deploy hotkey activities. if (heli.ForceLanding) { return(NextActivity); } if (IsCanceled) { return(NextActivity); } if (dest == null || dest.IsDead || Reservable.IsReserved(dest)) { dest = ChooseHelipad(self, true); } var initialFacing = heli.Info.InitialFacing; if (dest == null || dest.IsDead) { var nearestHpad = ChooseHelipad(self, false); // If a heli was told to return and there's no (available) RearmBuilding, going to the probable next queued activity (HeliAttack) // would be pointless (due to lack of ammo), and possibly even lead to an infinite loop due to HeliAttack.cs:L79. if (nearestHpad == null && heli.Info.LandWhenIdle) { if (heli.Info.TurnToLand) { return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities(new Turn(self, initialFacing), new HeliLand(self, true))); } return(new HeliLand(self, true)); } else if (nearestHpad == null && !heli.Info.LandWhenIdle) { return(null); } else { var distanceFromHelipad = (nearestHpad.CenterPosition - self.CenterPosition).HorizontalLength; var distanceLength = heli.Info.WaitDistanceFromResupplyBase.Length; // If no pad is available, move near one and wait if (distanceFromHelipad > distanceLength) { var randomPosition = WVec.FromPDF(self.World.SharedRandom, 2) * distanceLength / 1024; var target = Target.FromPos(nearestHpad.CenterPosition + randomPosition); return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities(new HeliFly(self, target, WDist.Zero, heli.Info.WaitDistanceFromResupplyBase), this)); } return(this); } } var exit = dest.Info.FirstExitOrDefault(null); var offset = (exit != null) ? exit.SpawnOffset : WVec.Zero; if (ShouldLandAtBuilding(self, dest)) { heli.MakeReservation(dest); return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities( new HeliFly(self, Target.FromPos(dest.CenterPosition + offset)), new Turn(self, initialFacing), new HeliLand(self, false), new ResupplyAircraft(self), !abortOnResupply ? NextActivity : null)); } return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities( new HeliFly(self, Target.FromPos(dest.CenterPosition + offset)), NextActivity)); }
public void ResolveOrder(Actor self, Order order) { if (reservation != null) { reservation.Dispose(); reservation = null; } if (order.OrderString == "Move") { var target = self.World.ClampToWorld(order.TargetLocation); self.SetTargetLine(Target.FromCell(target), Color.Green); self.CancelActivity(); self.QueueActivity(new HeliFly(Util.CenterOfCell(target))); if (Info.LandWhenIdle) { self.QueueActivity(new Turn(Info.InitialFacing)); self.QueueActivity(new HeliLand(true)); } } if (order.OrderString == "Enter") { if (Reservable.IsReserved(order.TargetActor)) { self.CancelActivity(); self.QueueActivity(new HeliReturn()); } else { var res = order.TargetActor.TraitOrDefault <Reservable>(); if (res != null) { reservation = res.Reserve(order.TargetActor, self, this); } var exit = order.TargetActor.Info.Traits.WithInterface <ExitInfo>().FirstOrDefault(); var offset = exit != null ? exit.SpawnOffset : int2.Zero; self.SetTargetLine(Target.FromActor(order.TargetActor), Color.Green); self.CancelActivity(); self.QueueActivity(new HeliFly(order.TargetActor.Trait <IHasLocation>().PxPosition + offset)); self.QueueActivity(new Turn(Info.InitialFacing)); self.QueueActivity(new HeliLand(false)); self.QueueActivity(new ResupplyAircraft()); } } if (order.OrderString == "ReturnToBase") { self.CancelActivity(); self.QueueActivity(new HeliReturn()); } if (order.OrderString == "Stop") { self.CancelActivity(); if (Info.LandWhenIdle) { self.QueueActivity(new Turn(Info.InitialFacing)); self.QueueActivity(new HeliLand(true)); } } }
public void ResolveOrder(Actor self, Order order) { if (Reservation != null) { Reservation.Dispose(); Reservation = null; } if (order.OrderString == "Move") { var cell = self.World.Map.Clamp(order.TargetLocation); var explored = self.Owner.Shroud.IsExplored(cell); if (!explored && !Info.MoveIntoShroud) { return; } var target = Target.FromCell(self.World, cell); self.SetTargetLine(target, Color.Green); self.CancelActivity(); self.QueueActivity(new HeliFly(self, target)); if (Info.LandWhenIdle) { if (Info.TurnToLand) { self.QueueActivity(new Turn(self, Info.InitialFacing)); } self.QueueActivity(new HeliLand(true)); } } if (order.OrderString == "Enter") { if (Reservable.IsReserved(order.TargetActor)) { self.CancelActivity(); self.QueueActivity(new HeliReturn()); } else { var res = order.TargetActor.TraitOrDefault <Reservable>(); if (res != null) { Reservation = res.Reserve(order.TargetActor, self, this); } var exit = order.TargetActor.Info.Traits.WithInterface <ExitInfo>().FirstOrDefault(); var offset = (exit != null) ? exit.SpawnOffset : WVec.Zero; self.SetTargetLine(Target.FromActor(order.TargetActor), Color.Green); self.CancelActivity(); self.QueueActivity(new HeliFly(self, Target.FromPos(order.TargetActor.CenterPosition + offset))); self.QueueActivity(new Turn(self, Info.InitialFacing)); self.QueueActivity(new HeliLand(false)); self.QueueActivity(new ResupplyAircraft()); self.QueueActivity(new TakeOff()); } } if (order.OrderString == "ReturnToBase") { self.CancelActivity(); self.QueueActivity(new HeliReturn()); } if (order.OrderString == "Stop") { self.CancelActivity(); if (Info.LandWhenIdle) { if (Info.TurnToLand) { self.QueueActivity(new Turn(self, Info.InitialFacing)); } self.QueueActivity(new HeliLand(true)); } } }