public void Pass(HtmlDocument doc) { var nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//audio"); if (nodes != null) { var c = new Component(); c.ElementName = "amp-audio"; c.ScriptPath = ""; RequiredComponents.Add(c); foreach (HtmlNode n in nodes) { n.Name = "amp-audio"; if (n.Attributes["width"] == null) { n.Attributes.Add("width", "auto"); } n.Attributes["width"].Value = "auto"; } } }
/// <summary> /// Initialize a set of <see cref="IComponent"/> types that all entities associated with this system must have. /// </summary> /// <param name="components">The types of <see cref="IComponent"/> this system will require before associating with an entity.</param> public void Require(params Type[] components) { RequiredComponents.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) { RequiredComponents.Add(components[i]); } }
public void Pass(HtmlDocument doc) { var nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//iframe[not(ancestor::noscript)]"); if (nodes != null) { var c = new Component(); c.ElementName = "amp-youtube"; c.ScriptPath = ""; RequiredComponents.Add(c); foreach (HtmlNode n in nodes) { if (!IsYouTubeIframe(n)) { continue; } var ytCode = GetYouTubeCode(n); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ytCode)) { continue; } HtmlNode ampYouTube = HtmlNode.CreateNode(string.Format("<amp-youtube data-videoid=\"{0}\" layout=\"responsive\"></amp-youtube>", ytCode)); EnsureHeightAndWidthAttributes(n); ScrubAttributes(n, null, true); foreach (HtmlAttribute attr in n.Attributes) { ampYouTube.Attributes.Add(attr.Name, attr.Value); } n.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ampYouTube, n); } } }