Example #1
        public static bool ShortMsg_Send(Request_Head head, User_Register u, string v_code)
                var    prefix = head.Platform == 0 ? "[企业查询宝iOS版]" : "[企业查询宝android版]";
                string msg    = null;
                if (u.op_type == Verify_Code_Type.user_register)
                    msg = $"尊敬的{prefix}注册用户:您的手机注册验证码为{v_code},如不是本人操作请忽略。";
                    msg = $"尊敬的{prefix}用户:您的手机验证码为{v_code},如不是本人操作请忽略。";

                var result = ShortMsg_Proxy.ShortMsg_Send("企业查询宝", "前瞻", u.u_tel, msg);
            catch (Exception e)
                #region debug
                Util.Log_Info(nameof(ShortMsg_Send), Location.Internal, e.Message, "failed to send message to user's phone");
Example #2
        public static UserInfo To_UserInfo(Request_Head head, User_Register u)
            var user = new UserInfo();

            user.u_id   = 0;
            user.u_uid  = 0;
            user.u_type = (byte)Login_Type.Local;

            user.u_mobile = u.u_tel;

            user.u_status        = (int)Users_State.Register;
            user.u_status_email  = 0; // 表示未验证
            user.u_status_mobile = 1;
            user.u_status_verify = 0;

            user.u_face           = string.Empty;
            user.u_face2          = string.Empty;
            user.u_face3          = head.Platform == Platform.Android ? "android" : "ios"; // 存放标记
            user.u_signature      = string.Empty;
            user.u_signatureImg   = string.Empty;
            user.u_regTime        = DateTime.Now;
            user.u_prevLoginTime  = string.Empty;
            user.u_curLoginTime   = string.Empty;
            user.u_login_num      = 0;
            user.u_login_duration = 0;
            user.u_total_money    = 0;
            user.u_total_exp      = 0;
            user.u_grade          = (int)User_Level.normal;
            user.u_birthday       = string.Empty;
            user.u_astro          = string.Empty;
            user.u_profession     = string.Empty;
            user.u_height         = 0;
            user.u_weight         = 0;
            user.u_live_country   = string.Empty;
            user.u_live_city      = string.Empty;
            user.u_home_country   = string.Empty;
            user.u_home_city      = string.Empty;
            user.u_interest       = string.Empty;
            user.u_weibo          = string.Empty;
            user.u_total_tiezi    = 0;
            user.u_total_huifu    = 0;
            user.u_total_shang    = 0;
            user.u_total_shangQZ  = 0;
            user.u_total_shangQF  = 0;
            user.u_total_shangJY  = 0;
            user.u_total_pinglun  = 0;
            user.u_tableId        = 0;
            user.u_today_shangF   = 0;
            user.u_today_shangJY  = 0;

            user.u_email  = string.Empty;
            user.u_name   = u.u_name;
            user.u_pwd    = Cipher_Md5.Md5_16_1(u.u_pwd);
            user.u_regsex = 2;//默认性别保密
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="head"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static AppOrgCompanyLogInfo To_AppOrgCompanyLog(this Request_Head h)
            var l = new AppOrgCompanyLogInfo();

            l.cl_browser    = UserAgentCache.CreateOrGetCacheItem(WebOperationContext.Current.IncomingRequest.UserAgent).GetBrowser();
            l.cl_cookieId   = h.Cookie;
            l.cl_date       = DateTime.Now;
            l.cl_screenSize = h.Screen_Size;

            l.cl_appVer = h.App_Ver;
            if (h.Platform == Platform.Android)
                l.cl_osName = "Android";
            else if (h.Platform == Platform.Iphone)
                l.cl_osName = "IOS";
