private string AllocateSuffix()
            var count = RequestStorage.Get <int>(FieldAttributeType) + 1;


            RequestStorage.Set(FieldAttributeType, count);
            return(count == 1 ? string.Empty : char.ConvertFromUtf32(95 + count)); // single lowercase letter from latin alphabet or an empty string
        private string AllocateSuffix()
            var count = RequestStorage.Get <int>(AttributeWeakId);

            if (!RequestStorage.Get <bool>(AttributeFullId)) // attributes of the same TypeId should be filtered out at this stage from outside, so
            {                                                // the only reason we still encounter duplicates means, they are applied in separate models (e.g. collection processing) - adapters names differentiation should be avoided
                RequestStorage.Set(AttributeFullId, true);
            RequestStorage.Set(AttributeWeakId, count);
            return(count == 1 ? string.Empty : char.ConvertFromUtf32(95 + count)); // single lowercase letter from latin alphabet or an empty string