public JsonResult EditComment(vmComment input) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(Json("faild")); } try { using (var _Context = new ApplicationDbContext()) { var _objEntityComment = new RepositoryPattern <PostComment>(_Context); var CurrentItem = _objEntityComment.GetByPredicate(x => x.ID == input.ID); if (CurrentItem != null) { CurrentItem.Is_Active = input.Is_Active; CurrentItem.FullName = input.FullName; CurrentItem.Comment = input.Comment; _objEntityComment.Update(CurrentItem); _objEntityComment.Save(); _objEntityComment.Dispose(); } } } catch (Exception) { return(Json("OK")); } return(Json("OK")); }
public void UpdateCustomer(Customers customer) { Customers cust = repo.Find(x => x.CustomerID == customer.CustomerID); cust.ContactName = customer.ContactName; cust.CompanyName = customer.CompanyName; cust.Address = customer.Address; cust.City = customer.City; cust.ContactTitle = customer.ContactTitle; cust.Country = customer.Country; cust.Password = customer.Password; cust.Phone = customer.Phone; cust.PostalCode = customer.PostalCode; cust.Region = customer.Region; repo.Update(cust); }
public JsonResult ReadComment(int id) { try { using (var _Context = new ApplicationDbContext()) { var _objEntityComment = new RepositoryPattern <PostComment>(_Context); var CurrentItem = _objEntityComment.GetByPredicate(x => x.ID == id); if (CurrentItem != null) { CurrentItem.Is_Read = "1"; _objEntityComment.Update(CurrentItem); _objEntityComment.Save(); _objEntityComment.Dispose(); } } } catch (Exception) { return(Json("OK")); } return(Json("OK")); }
public void UpdateCustomer(Customer cust) { repo.Update(cust); }
public JsonResult EditPost(vmPublishPost input) { try { //delete image of Post To Insert New Image For Post (Update) if (input.FlagHaveFile == true) { DatabaseOperation objDatabaseOperation = new DatabaseOperation(); using (var _Context1 = new ApplicationDbContext()) { var objEntityPost = new RepositoryPattern <Post>(_Context1); var CurrentItem = objEntityPost.GetByPredicate(x => x.ID == input.PostID); if (objDatabaseOperation.DeleteImageOfPost(CurrentItem.ImageID)) { //InfoUser AppUser = new InfoUser(); var TodayDateShamsi = DateConvertor.DateToNumber(DateConvertor.TodayDate()); //var NewNewsCode = HelpOperation.NewsCode(Convert.ToInt32(TodayDateShamsi)); HelpOperation.CreateArchiveFolderOnTheServer(); HttpPostedFileBase hpf = Request.Files[0] as HttpPostedFileBase; var FileSize = HelpOperation.ToFileSize(hpf.ContentLength); var GuidID = CurrentItem.ImageID; var FileNameOnServer = GuidID + Path.GetExtension(hpf.FileName); var FilePath = @"~\MediaFiles\Image\" + FileNameOnServer; var FilePathOnServer = Server.MapPath(FilePath); var FileUrl = HelpOperation.MapToUrl(FilePath); Request.Files[0].SaveAs(FilePathOnServer); using (var _ContextImage = new ApplicationDbContext()) { var _objEntityImage = new RepositoryPattern <Image>(_ContextImage); var NewItemImage = new Image { ID = GuidID, TitleUrl = input.Title, FileName = FileNameOnServer, FileSize = FileSize, FileUrl = FileUrl, FilePathOnServer = FilePath }; _objEntityImage.Insert(NewItemImage); _objEntityImage.Save(); _objEntityImage.Dispose(); } } } } using (var _context = new ApplicationDbContext()) { var objEntityPost = new RepositoryPattern <Post>(_context); var CurrentItem = objEntityPost.GetByPredicate(x => x.ID == input.PostID); CurrentItem.Title = input.Title.Trim(); CurrentItem.CategoryID = input.CategoryID; //Categories = new List<Category>() { new Category() {ID = CategoryID, } }, CurrentItem.Content = input.Content; CurrentItem.IsActive = input.IsActive == "true" ? "0" : "1"; CurrentItem.Labels = input.Tagsinput.Trim(); CurrentItem.SeoMetaDescription = input.SeoMetaDescription.Trim(); //CurrentItem.PostDate = DateConvertor.DateToNumber(DateConvertor.TodayDate()); //CurrentItem.PostTime = DateConvertor.TimeNowShort(); objEntityPost.Update(CurrentItem); objEntityPost.Save(); objEntityPost.Dispose(); } return(Json("OK")); } catch (Exception) { return(Json("Faild")); } }
//public void EtkinligeKatil(int organizeid, OrganizeKullanici org) //{ // if (db.OrganizeKullanicis.Any(x => x.OrganizeID == organizeid)) return; // OrganizeKullanici ok = new OrganizeKullanici(); // ok.OrganizeID = org.OrganizeID; // ok.KatilimciID = org.KatilimciID; // ok.KayitTarihi = org.KayitTarihi; // ok.KatılımcıSayisi = org.KatılımcıSayisi; // db.OrganizeKullanicis.Add(ok); // db.SaveChanges(); //} public void OrganizeKullaniciUpdate(OrganizeKullanici organizeKullanici) { repo1.Update(organizeKullanici); }
public string UpdateTableAndfieldconfiguration(TableAndFieldConfigurationServiceModel tableAndFieldConfiguration) { try { if (tableAndFieldConfiguration == null) { //return Exception; } var dataToInsert = new List <FieldConfiguration>(); var dataToUpdate = new List <FieldConfiguration>(); var idsToDeleteFieldMapping = new List <FieldMappingConfiguration>(); using (var repo = new RepositoryPattern <TableConfiguration>()) { var detailsToUpdate = Mapper.Map <TableConfiguration>(tableAndFieldConfiguration.tableConfiguration); repo.Update(detailsToUpdate); repo.Save(); } tableAndFieldConfiguration.fieldConfiguration.ForEach(f => { f.TableConfigId = tableAndFieldConfiguration.tableConfiguration.Id; f.IsDisplay = true; }); dataToInsert = Mapper.Map <List <FieldConfiguration> >(tableAndFieldConfiguration.fieldConfiguration.Where(f => f.Id == default(int)).ToList()); dataToUpdate = Mapper.Map <List <FieldConfiguration> >(tableAndFieldConfiguration.fieldConfiguration.Where(u => u.Id != default(int)).ToList()); var configurationIds = dataToUpdate.Select(i => i.Id).ToList(); using (var repo = new RepositoryPattern <FieldConfiguration>()) { //Update existing records which will not display in future var records = repo.SelectAll().Where(f => f.TableConfigId == tableAndFieldConfiguration.tableConfiguration.Id && !configurationIds.Any(c => c == f.Id)).Select(c => { c.IsDisplay = false; return(c); }).ToList(); if (records.Any()) { dataToUpdate.AddRange(records); } if (dataToUpdate.Any()) { repo.BulkUpdate(dataToUpdate); } if (dataToInsert.Any()) { repo.BulkInsert(dataToInsert); } idsToDeleteFieldMapping.AddRange(repo.SelectAll().Where(h => h.TableConfigId == tableAndFieldConfiguration.tableConfiguration.Id && h.FieldMappingConfigurations.Any()) .SelectMany(g => g.FieldMappingConfigurations).ToList()); } tableAndFieldConfiguration.fieldConfiguration.ForEach(field => { if (field.Id == default(int)) { var dataWithIds = dataToInsert.FirstOrDefault(a => a.SourceColumnName == field.SourceColumnName && a.TableConfigId == field.TableConfigId && a.ReferenceTableName == field.ReferenceTableName && a.ReferenceColumnName == field.ReferenceColumnName && field.IsDisplay).Id; field.Id = dataWithIds; } }); List <FieldMappingConfiguration> fieldMappingConfigurations = new List <FieldMappingConfiguration>(); tableAndFieldConfiguration.fieldConfiguration.ForEach(fields => { if (fields.MappedCoumns.Any()) { fields.MappedCoumns.ForEach(m => { var mappingDetails = new FieldMappingConfiguration() { FieldConfigurationId = fields.Id, MapColumnName = m, MapTableName = fields.ReferenceTableName, }; fieldMappingConfigurations.Add(mappingDetails); }); } }); using (var repo = new RepositoryPattern <FieldMappingConfiguration>()) { if (idsToDeleteFieldMapping.Any()) { repo.BulkDelete(idsToDeleteFieldMapping); } if (fieldMappingConfigurations.Any()) { repo.BulkInsert(fieldMappingConfigurations); } } return("Table and field mapping Save succesfully"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }