public string WeatherDataListing() { //Forms the weather data into a string separated by line feeds string wsList = ""; if (weaList.Count > 0) { { wsList += "WriteDate:\t" + ReportDate.ToString("hh:mm:ss"); wsList += "\r\n" + "TempScale:\t" + TempScale.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "WindScale:\t" + WindScale.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "SkyTemp:\t" + SkyTemp.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "AmbTemp:\t" + AmbTemp.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "SenTemp:\t" + SenTemp.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "WindSpeed:\t" + WindSpeed.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "Humidity:\t\t" + Humidity.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "DewPoint:\t" + DewPoint.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "DewHeat:\t" + DewHeat.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "RainFlag:\t\t" + RainFlag.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "WetFlag:\t\t" + WetFlag.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "ElapsedTime:\t" + ElapsedSeconds.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "LastDataWrite:\t" + LastDataWrite.ToString("hh:mm:ss"); wsList += "\r\n" + "Cloudiness:\t" + Cloudiness.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "Windiness:\t" + Windiness.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "Raininess:\t" + Raininess.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "Darkness:\t" + Darkness.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "RoofCloseFlag:\t" + RoofCloseFlag.ToString(); wsList += "\r\n" + "AlertFlag:\t\t" + AlertFlag.ToString(); } } return(wsList); }
private void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (cmbCashBank.SelectedItem != null && cmbReportDate.SelectedItem != null) { ReportDate repDate = cmbReportDate.SelectedItem as ReportDate; BankModel bnk = cmbCashBank.SelectedItem as BankModel; repDate.ReportType = cmbChartType.SelectedValue.ToString(); if (repDate.DateReport.Equals("BY MONTH")) { DateTime searchDate = DateTime.Parse(dateFrom.Text); repDate.MonthFrom = searchDate.Year + "-" + searchDate.Month + "-" + searchDate.Day; searchDate = DateTime.Parse(dateTo.Text); repDate.MonthTo = searchDate.Year + "-" + searchDate.Month + "-" + searchDate.Day; ReportForm report = new ReportForm(bnk, repDate, "FHBOTTLES"); report.ShowDialog(); } else { repDate.YearFrom = txtYearFrom.Text + "-01-01"; repDate.YearTo = txtYearTo.Text + "-12-31"; ReportForm report = new ReportForm(bnk, repDate, "FHBOTTLES"); report.ShowDialog(); } } }
private void button2_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { moveSidePanel(button2); ReportDate ssa = new ReportDate(); addControlsTopanel(ssa); }
public ContentResult GetReport(int reportId, ReportDate reportDate, string customer, bool?nonCash) { var dates = ReporDateRanges.GetDates(reportDate); dates.From = DateTime.SpecifyKind(dates.From, DateTimeKind.Utc); dates.To = DateTime.SpecifyKind(dates.To, DateTimeKind.Utc); return(GetReportDates(reportId, dates.From, dates.To, customer, nonCash)); } // GetReport
/// <summary> /// Returns true if InventoryOrder instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of InventoryOrder to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(InventoryOrder other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( Id == other.Id || Id != null && Id.Equals(other.Id) ) && ( Description == other.Description || Description != null && Description.Equals(other.Description) ) && ( InventoryVariantName == other.InventoryVariantName || InventoryVariantName != null && InventoryVariantName.Equals(other.InventoryVariantName) ) && ( Created == other.Created || Created != null && Created.Equals(other.Created) ) && ( ReportDate == other.ReportDate || ReportDate != null && ReportDate.Equals(other.ReportDate) ) && ( Creator == other.Creator || Creator != null && Creator.Equals(other.Creator) ) && ( Assignees == other.Assignees || Assignees != null && Assignees.SequenceEqual(other.Assignees) ) && ( Status == other.Status || Status != null && Status.Equals(other.Status) ) && ( HasOnlyUntaggedAssets == other.HasOnlyUntaggedAssets || HasOnlyUntaggedAssets != null && HasOnlyUntaggedAssets.Equals(other.HasOnlyUntaggedAssets) )); }
public IEnumerable <IEnumerable <string> > GetMonthMeasurements(ReportDate date) { var from = string.Format("{0}{1}00", date.YearAsString, date.MonthAsString); var to = string.Format("{0}{1}00", date.YearAsString, date.MonthPlusOneAsString); var sqlCommand = string.Format("Select datum, Psum_0, Psum_1, Psum_2, Psum_3, Psum_4, Psum_5, Psum_6 from gis where datum >= {0} and datum < {1}", from, to); return(this.Select(sqlCommand, ConnectionString.Value)); }
public IEnumerable <IEnumerable <string> > GetMeasurements(ReportDate date) { var from = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}0000", date.YearAsString, date.MonthAsString, date.DayAsString); var to = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}0000", date.YearAsString, date.MonthAsString, date.DayPlusOneAsString); var sqlCommand = string.Format("Select datum, pac_1, pac_2, pac_3, pac_4, pac_5, pac_6, pac_7 from minutas where datum >= {0} and datum < {1}", from, to); return(this.dbConnection.Select(sqlCommand, this.settingsProvider.GetDbConnectionString())); }
public DailyStatusReportVM(ITenantDBsDir dir) : base(dir) { MinDate = dir.Collections.AllDates().First(); MaxDate = dir.Collections.LastPostedDate(); ReportDate = MaxDate; PreviousDateCmd = R2Command.Relay(() => ReportDate = ReportDate.AddDays(-1), _ => ReportDate > MinDate, "Previous Day"); NextDateCmd = R2Command.Relay(() => ReportDate = ReportDate.AddDays(1), _ => ReportDate < MaxDate, "Next Day"); }
public PurchasingReport(Parking principalParking) { InitializeComponent(); dtpFinishingHour.ResetText(); dtpStartingHour.ResetText(); lblTitleTable.Hide(); pnlReport.Hide(); MyParking = principalParking; myReportDate = new ReportDate(); }
public override string ToString() { string str = ReportDate.ToShortDateString() + " "; for (int i = 0; i < _values.Count; ++i) { str += _values[i].ToString("0.00") + (i + 1 < _values.Count ? " " : string.Empty); } return(str); }
private static ReportDate CreateReportDate(string date) { var split = date.Split('.'); int day = int.Parse(split[0]); int month = int.Parse(split[1]); int year = int.Parse(split[2]); var reportDate = new ReportDate(year, month, day); return(reportDate); }
private void loadReportDates() { ReportDate dateReport = new ReportDate(); dateReport.DateReport = "BY YEAR"; cmbReportDate.Items.Add(dateReport); dateReport = new ReportDate(); dateReport.DateReport = "BY MONTH"; cmbReportDate.Items.Add(dateReport); }
private static string CopyTemplate(string path, ReportDate date, string templateFile, string targetFileName) { var location = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(location); var templatePath = string.Format("{0}\\Template\\{1}", directory, templateFile); var targetPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", path, targetFileName); File.Copy(templatePath, targetPath, true); return(targetPath); }
public bool ArePurchaseHoursInRangeForReport(ReportDate myReportDate, DateTime purchaseStartingHour, DateTime purchaseFinishingHour) { return((purchaseStartingHour.TimeOfDay <= myReportDate.StartingHour.TimeOfDay && purchaseFinishingHour.TimeOfDay >= myReportDate.StartingHour.TimeOfDay) || (purchaseStartingHour.TimeOfDay <= myReportDate.FinishingHour.TimeOfDay && purchaseFinishingHour.TimeOfDay >= myReportDate.FinishingHour.TimeOfDay) || (purchaseStartingHour.TimeOfDay >= myReportDate.StartingHour.TimeOfDay && purchaseFinishingHour.TimeOfDay <= myReportDate.FinishingHour.TimeOfDay)); }
public void IsChosenSHSameAsFH() { DateTime startingHour = DateTime.Today; DateTime finishingHour = DateTime.Today; startingHour = startingHour.AddHours(14); finishingHour = finishingHour.AddHours(14); ReportDate rep = new ReportDate { StartingHour = startingHour, FinishingHour = finishingHour }; Assert.IsTrue(aParking.IsChosenSHEarlierThanChosenFH(rep)); }
public void IsChosenSDSameAsFD() { DateTime startingDate = DateTime.Today; DateTime finishingDate = DateTime.Today; startingDate = startingDate.AddHours(14); finishingDate = finishingDate.AddHours(14); ReportDate rep = new ReportDate { StartingDate = startingDate, FinishingDate = finishingDate }; Assert.IsTrue(aParking.IsChosenSDateEarlierThanChosenFDate(rep)); }
private List <CompanyPayrollItemSummaryLine> GetCompanyData() { try { using (var ctx = new PayrollDB()) { var startDate = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0}/1/{1}", ReportDate.Month, ReportDate.Year)); var endDate = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0}/1/{1}", ReportDate.AddMonths(1).Month, ReportDate.AddMonths(1).Year)); var plst = (from p in ctx.PayrollItems//.Where(x => x.PayrollJobId == CurrentPayrollJob.PayrollJobId) .Where( pi => pi.PayrollJob.EndDate.Month == ReportDate.Month && pi.PayrollJob.EndDate.Year == ReportDate.Year) .Include(x => x.PayrollJob.Company.Institution) .OrderByDescending(x => x.IncomeDeduction) .ThenBy(x => x.PayrollSetupItem == null ? x.Priority : x.PayrollSetupItem.Priority) group p by new { p.Name } into g select new CompanyPayrollItemSummaryLine { Payroll_Item = g.Key.Name, Total = g.Sum(p => p.Amount), PayrollItems = g.OrderByDescending(x => x.IncomeDeduction) .ThenBy(x => x.PayrollSetupItem == null ? x.Priority : x.PayrollSetupItem.Priority) }).ToList(); if (!plst.Any()) { return(null); } plst.ForEach(x => x.PayrollItems.ToList().ForEach(z => { z.PayrollJobReference.Load(); z.PayrollJob.CompanyReference.Load(); z.PayrollJob.Company.InstitutionReference.Load(); })); return(plst); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns>Hash code</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { var hashCode = 41; // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :) if (Id != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Id.GetHashCode(); } if (Description != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Description.GetHashCode(); } if (InventoryVariantName != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + InventoryVariantName.GetHashCode(); } if (Created != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Created.GetHashCode(); } if (ReportDate != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ReportDate.GetHashCode(); } if (Creator != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Creator.GetHashCode(); } if (Assignees != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Assignees.GetHashCode(); } if (Status != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Status.GetHashCode(); } if (HasOnlyUntaggedAssets != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + HasOnlyUntaggedAssets.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetReport(ReportDate date) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var reportString = await _reportManager.BuildReport(date.Year, date.Month); var content = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(reportString); var result = new FileContentResult(content, "application/octet-stream") { FileDownloadName = "report.txt" }; return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if OwnerVerificationPdfViewModel instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of OwnerVerificationPdfViewModel to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(OwnerVerificationPdfViewModel other) { if (other is null) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( ReportDate == other.ReportDate || ReportDate.Equals(other.ReportDate) ) && ( Title == other.Title || Title.Equals(other.Title) ) && ( DistrictId == other.DistrictId || DistrictId.Equals(other.DistrictId) ) && ( MinistryDistrictId == other.MinistryDistrictId || MinistryDistrictId.Equals(other.MinistryDistrictId) ) && ( DistrictName == other.DistrictName || DistrictName.Equals(other.DistrictName) ) && ( DistrictAddress == other.DistrictAddress || DistrictAddress.Equals(other.DistrictAddress) ) && ( DistrictContact == other.DistrictContact || DistrictContact.Equals(other.DistrictContact) ) && ( Owners == other.Owners || Owners.Equals(other.Owners) )); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns>Hash code</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { // credit: unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { int hash = 41; // Suitable nullity checks hash = hash * 59 + ReportDate.GetHashCode(); hash = hash * 59 + Title.GetHashCode(); hash = hash * 59 + DistrictId.GetHashCode(); hash = hash * 59 + MinistryDistrictId.GetHashCode(); hash = hash * 59 + DistrictName.GetHashCode(); hash = hash * 59 + DistrictAddress.GetHashCode(); hash = hash * 59 + DistrictContact.GetHashCode(); hash = hash * 59 + Owners.GetHashCode(); return(hash); } }
public void IsPurchaseDateInRangeForReportTrueRFDateAfterPFDate() { DateTime purchaseDate = DateTime.Today; purchaseDate = purchaseDate.AddHours(34); DateTime startingDate = DateTime.Today; startingDate = startingDate.AddHours(10); DateTime finishingDate = DateTime.Today; finishingDate = finishingDate.AddHours(58); ReportDate rep = new ReportDate { StartingDate = startingDate, FinishingDate = finishingDate }; Assert.IsTrue(aParking.IsPurchaseDateInRangeForReport(rep, purchaseDate)); }
public void ComputeEndDate() { DueDate = ReportDate.AddDays(7); }
public string QueryManPowerRequestRPT(ProductionPlanningReportVM vm) { List <ReportByDatePhase> datePhaseList = new List <ReportByDatePhase>(); ReportDate phase = new ReportDate(); var date = Convert.ToDateTime(vm.DateFrom); switch (date.DayOfWeek.ToString()) { case "Monday": phase.StartDate = date; phase.EndDate = date.AddDays(6); break; case "Tuesday": phase.StartDate = date.AddDays(-1); phase.EndDate = date.AddDays(5); break; case "Wednesday": phase.StartDate = date.AddDays(-2); phase.EndDate = date.AddDays(4); break; case "Thursday": phase.StartDate = date.AddDays(-3); phase.EndDate = date.AddDays(3); break; case "Friday": phase.StartDate = date.AddDays(-4); phase.EndDate = date.AddDays(2); break; case "Saturday": phase.StartDate = date.AddDays(-5); phase.EndDate = date.AddDays(1); break; case "Sunday": phase.StartDate = date.AddDays(-6); phase.EndDate = date; break; } ReportByDatePhase pPreviousPhase = new ReportByDatePhase(); pPreviousPhase.StartDate = phase.StartDate.AddDays(-14).ToString(FormatConstants.DateTimeFormatStringByDate); pPreviousPhase.EndDate = phase.EndDate.AddDays(-14).ToString(FormatConstants.DateTimeFormatStringByDate); datePhaseList.Add(pPreviousPhase); ReportByDatePhase previousPhase = new ReportByDatePhase(); previousPhase.StartDate = phase.StartDate.AddDays(-7).ToString(FormatConstants.DateTimeFormatStringByDate); previousPhase.EndDate = phase.EndDate.AddDays(-7).ToString(FormatConstants.DateTimeFormatStringByDate); datePhaseList.Add(previousPhase); ReportByDatePhase currentPhase = new ReportByDatePhase(); currentPhase.StartDate = phase.StartDate.ToString(FormatConstants.DateTimeFormatStringByDate); currentPhase.EndDate = phase.EndDate.ToString(FormatConstants.DateTimeFormatStringByDate); datePhaseList.Add(currentPhase); ReportByDatePhase nextPhase = new ReportByDatePhase(); nextPhase.StartDate = phase.StartDate.AddDays(7).ToString(FormatConstants.DateTimeFormatStringByDate); nextPhase.EndDate = phase.EndDate.AddDays(7).ToString(FormatConstants.DateTimeFormatStringByDate); datePhaseList.Add(nextPhase); ReportByDatePhase nNextPhase = new ReportByDatePhase(); nNextPhase.StartDate = phase.StartDate.AddDays(14).ToString(FormatConstants.DateTimeFormatStringByDate); nNextPhase.EndDate = phase.EndDate.AddDays(14).ToString(FormatConstants.DateTimeFormatStringByDate); datePhaseList.Add(nNextPhase); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(datePhaseList); return(json); }
} // DownloadReportDates public FileResult DownloadReport(int reportId, ReportDate reportDate, string customer, bool?nonCash) { var dates = ReporDateRanges.GetDates(reportDate); return(DownloadReportDates(reportId, dates.From, dates.To, customer, nonCash)); } // DownloadReport
public int GetHashCode(Report obj) { return(ReportId * (ReportDate.GetHashCode())); }
private string editTextLine() { // 2018.01 asakawa 数値がマイナスの場合の出力形式の修正のために一部変更 string textLine = ""; // 伝区 textLine += "0"; // 年号 textLine += "1"; // 売上年月日 string date = ReportDate.ToShortDateString(); textLine += util.TruncateByteRight(DHandling.RemoveNoNum(date), 6); // yyyymmdd →yymmdd // 請求年月日 textLine += util.TruncateByteRight(DHandling.RemoveNoNum(date), 6); // yyyymmdd →yymmdd // 伝票番号 6桁、0Padding textLine += util.PaddingInBytes(Convert.ToString(SlipNo), "Number", 6); // 得意先コード(業務No) textLine += TaskCode; // 得意先名 char[] strChar = TaskName.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < strChar.Length; i++) { if (strChar[i] == ' ') { strChar[i] = ' '; } } TaskName = new string( strChar ); //string taskData = util.FormFixedByteLengthLeft("(" + CostType + ")" + TaskName, 68); string taskData = util.FormFixedByteLengthLeft(TaskName, 68); textLine += util.TruncateByteLeft(taskData, 40); // 先方担当者名 textLine += util.TruncateByteRight(taskData, 28); // 部門コード int dIdx = Array.IndexOf(sdKeyArray, (OfficeCode + util.SubstringByte(TaskCode, 0, 1))); if (dIdx < 0) { dIdx = Array.IndexOf(sdKeyArray, (OfficeCode + " ")); } textLine += sDeptArray[dIdx]; // 担当者コード //string pCode = Conv.ResizeMemberCode(MemberCode.TrimEnd(),2); textLine += Conv.ResizeMemberCode(LeaderMCode.TrimEnd(), 2); // 摘要コード textLine += "00"; // 摘要名 textLine += util.PaddingInBytes(" ", "Char", 30); // 商品コード textLine += util.SubstringByte(ItemCode, 0, 4); // マスター区分 textLine += "0"; // 品名 if (ItemCode.TrimEnd() == "K999") { char checkChar = ' '; if (Item != "") { checkChar = Item[0]; } string kItem = (checkChar == '●') ? Item : kMark + Item; textLine += util.FormFixedByteLengthLeft(kItem, 36); } else { textLine += util.FormFixedByteLengthLeft(Item, 36); } //textLine += util.PaddingInBytes(Item, "Char", 36); //textLine += util.FormFixedByteLengthLeft(Item, 36); // 区 textLine += "0"; // 入数 textLine += "0000"; // 箱数 textLine += "00000"; // 数量 if (Quantity == 0) { Quantity = 1; // 0では商魂汎用データ作成時にエラーになる } // 2018.01 asakawa マイナス値の場合の出力形式の修正のために変更 // textLine += util.PaddingInBytes( Convert.ToString( Quantity ), "Number", 9 ); if (Quantity < 0) { textLine += "-"; decimal qq = Quantity * (-1); textLine += util.PaddingInBytes(Convert.ToString(qq), "Number", 8); } else { textLine += util.PaddingInBytes(Convert.ToString(Quantity), "Number", 9); } // 単位 textLine += util.PaddingInBytes(Unit, "Char", 4); // 単価 // 2018.01 asakawa マイナス値の場合の出力形式の修正のために変更 // textLine += util.PaddingInBytes( UnitPrice.ToString( "0" ), "Number", 10 ); if (UnitPrice < 0) { textLine += "-"; decimal pp = UnitPrice * (-1); // textLine += util.PaddingInBytes(Convert.ToString(pp), "Number", 9); // 小数点以下も出力される textLine += util.PaddingInBytes(pp.ToString("0"), "Number", 9); } else { textLine += util.PaddingInBytes(UnitPrice.ToString("0"), "Number", 10); } // 売上金額 int sales = Convert.ToInt32(Quantity * UnitPrice); // 2018.01 asakawa マイナス値の場合の出力形式の修正のために変更 // textLine += util.PaddingInBytes( Convert.ToString( sales ), "Number", 10 ); if (sales < 0) { textLine += "-"; textLine += util.PaddingInBytes(Convert.ToString(sales * (-1)), "Number", 9); } else { textLine += util.PaddingInBytes(Convert.ToString(sales), "Number", 10); } // 原単価 textLine += util.PaddingInBytes("0", "Number", 9); // 原価額 textLine += util.PaddingInBytes("0", "Number", 10); // 税区分 textLine += "0"; // 税込区分 textLine += "0"; // 備考区分 textLine += "1"; //備考区分が0:備考は数字、1:文字1 // 備考 textLine += util.PaddingInBytes(" ", "Char", 9); // 同時入荷区分 textLine += "0"; return(textLine); }
public bool IsChosenSHEarlierThanChosenFH(ReportDate myReportDate) { return(myReportDate.StartingHour.TimeOfDay <= myReportDate.FinishingHour.TimeOfDay); }
public bool IsChosenSDateEarlierThanChosenFDate(ReportDate myReportDate) { return(myReportDate.StartingDate.Date <= myReportDate.FinishingDate.Date); }
public bool IsPurchaseDateInRangeForReport(ReportDate myReportDate, DateTime purchaseDate) { return(purchaseDate.Date >= myReportDate.StartingDate.Date && purchaseDate.Date <= myReportDate.FinishingDate.Date); }