public void Replace_ReplacesWordWithNewWord_string()
            string       sentenceToFix     = "The cat barked at the cathedral";
            string       testFixedSentence = "The dog barked at the cathedral";
            ReplaceWords testCase          = new ReplaceWords("cat", sentenceToFix, "dog");
            string       fixedSentence     = testCase.Replace();

            Assert.AreEqual(testFixedSentence, fixedSentence);
        public void SetIgnoreCaseTrue_IgnoresCasing_true()
            string       sentenceToFix     = "ThE cAt BaRked at the CatHedral";
            string       testFixedSentence = "the dog barked at the cathedral";
            ReplaceWords testCase          = new ReplaceWords("cat", sentenceToFix, "dog");

            string fixedSentence = testCase.Replace();

            Assert.AreEqual(testFixedSentence, fixedSentence);