/// <summary> /// Shows member's all rents /// </summary> /// <param name="member"></param> private void ShowMyRents(Member member) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("All my Rents"); Console.WriteLine("------------\n"); List <Rent> myRents = RentRepository.GetMyRents(member); if (myRents.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("\nThere is no rents registered"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < myRents.Count; i++) { int j = i; if (myRents[i].RentedBook != null) { Console.WriteLine($"[{++j}][Book] [Title]: {myRents[i].RentedBook.Title} is rented from {myRents[i].StartDate} until {myRents[i].EndDate}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"[{++j}][Film] [Title]: {myRents[i].RentedFilm.Title} is rented from {myRents[i].StartDate} until {myRents[i].EndDate}"); } } } PressKeyToGoBackToMainMenu(member); }
public BoatService() { bm_repository = new BoatModelRepository(); b_repository = new BoatRepository(); i_repository = new ImageRepository(); r_repository = new RentRepository(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets member's all rents from db and shows /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns>A list of member's rents</returns> private List <Rent> ShowRentsByMemberId(ObjectId id) { List <Rent> rents = RentRepository.GetRentsByMemberId(id); if (rents.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("\nThere is no rents registered"); PressKeyToGoBackToRentMenu(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < rents.Count; i++) { int j = i; if (rents[i].RentedBook != null) { Console.WriteLine($"[{++j}][Book] [Title]: {rents[i].RentedBook.Title} is rented from {rents[i].StartDate} until {rents[i].EndDate}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"[{++j}][Film] [Title]: {rents[i].RentedFilm.Title} is rented from {rents[i].StartDate} until {rents[i].EndDate}"); } } } return(rents); }
/// <summary> /// Gets all rents of a member by member id from db and returns to view /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult MemberRents(string id) { ObjectId memberId = new ObjectId(id); List <Rent> rents = RentRepository.GetRentsByMemberId(memberId); return(View(rents)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a rent by id from db /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns>A rent as an object</returns> public ActionResult Delete(string id) { ObjectId retnId = new ObjectId(id); Rent rent = RentRepository.GetRentById(retnId); return(View(rent)); }
public RentModel CancelRentVehicle(RentModel rentModel) { RentModel rent = null; try { VehicleRepository vehicleRepository = new VehicleRepository(); Vehicle vehicle = vehicleRepository.SelectedByNumber(rentModel.vehiclenumber); if (vehicle == null) { throw new Exception("CustomerBisuness::RentVehicle: Vehcile Is Not Found! \n"); } //Rent Update RentRepository rentRepository = new RentRepository(); rentModel.isactive = 0; rentRepository.Update(rentModel); rent = rentRepository.SelectedByVehicleAndMember(rentModel.vehiclenumber, rentModel.membernumber); //Vehicle Update vehicle.istaken = 0; vehicleRepository.Update(vehicle); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("CustomerBisuness::RentVehicle: Error occured.\n", ex); } return(rent); }
static void Main(string[] args) { RentalContext ctx = new RentalContext(); RentRepository rentRepo = new RentRepository(ctx); VideoGameRepository gameRepo = new VideoGameRepository(ctx); PersonRepository personRepo = new PersonRepository(ctx); RentLogic rentLogic = new RentLogic(rentRepo); VideoGameLogic gameLogic = new VideoGameLogic(gameRepo); PersonLogic personLogic = new PersonLogic(personRepo); Console.WriteLine(">List all rents"); rentLogic.GetAllRentals().ToList().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x.AllData)); Console.WriteLine("\n\n##################################################\n"); Console.WriteLine("\n\n>List all games"); gameLogic.GetAllGames().ToList().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x.AllData)); Console.WriteLine("\n\n##################################################\n"); Console.WriteLine("\n\n>List all people"); personLogic.GetAllPeople().ToList().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x.AllData)); //################################################## Console.WriteLine(rentLogic.MostFine()); Console.WriteLine(rentLogic.MostRentedGame()); Console.WriteLine(rentLogic.MostRentsByPerson()); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of all rents from db, sorts the list by member name and returns to view /// </summary> /// <returns>a list of all rents</returns> public ActionResult Index() { List <Rent> rents = RentRepository.GetRents(); SortRentsByMemberName sortRentsByMemberName = new SortRentsByMemberName(); rents.Sort(sortRentsByMemberName); return(View(rents)); }
public MessageService() { a_repository = new AccountRepository(); b_repository = new BoatRepository(); bm_repository = new BoatModelRepository(); m_repository = new MessageRepository(); r_repository = new RentRepository(); }
public ActionResult BookRents(string id) { ObjectId bookId = new ObjectId(id); Book book = BookRepository.GetBookById(bookId); List <Rent> rents = RentRepository.GetAllSameBookRented(book); return(View(rents)); }
public ActionResult FilmRents(string id) { ObjectId filmId = new ObjectId(id); Film film = FilmRepository.GetFilmById(filmId); List <Rent> rents = RentRepository.GetAllSameFilmRented(film); return(View(rents)); }
public void Setup() { RentalContext ctx = new RentalContext(); RentRepository rentRepo = new RentRepository(ctx); VideoGameRepository gameRepo = new VideoGameRepository(ctx); PersonRepository personRepo = new PersonRepository(ctx); rentLogic = new RentLogic(rentRepo); gameLogic = new VideoGameLogic(gameRepo); personLogic = new PersonLogic(personRepo); }
public void GetAdress() { Adress adress; using (var context = new RentMyCarContext(options)) { var service = new RentRepository(context); adress = service.GetAdress(_userLb.UserName, 2); } Assert.AreEqual("Warszawa", adress.City); Assert.AreEqual("02-787", adress.PostalCode); }
public void GetRent() { Rent rent; using (var context = new RentMyCarContext(options)) { var service = new RentRepository(context); rent = service.GetRent(_userLb.UserName, 2); } Assert.AreEqual(_ferrari.Model, rent.Car.Model); Assert.AreEqual("02-787", rent.Adress.PostalCode); }
public void AddRent() { using (var context = new RentMyCarContext(options)) { context.Users.Add(this._userFr); context.Users.Add(this._userLb); context.SaveChanges(); var service = new CarRepository(context); service.AddCar(_userFr.UserName, _ferrari); service.AddCar(_userLb.UserName, _lambo); } Rent rent1 = new Rent() { EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(5), Adress = new Adress() { PostalCode = "02-785", StreetName = "Zlota", StreetNumber = 52, City = "Warszawa" }, CarId = _lambo.CarId }; Rent rent2 = new Rent() { EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(5), Adress = new Adress() { PostalCode = "02-787", StreetName = "Pulawska", StreetNumber = 99, City = "Warszawa" }, CarId = _ferrari.CarId }; using (var context = new RentMyCarContext(options)) { var service = new RentRepository(context); service.AddRent(this._userFr.UserName, rent1); service.AddRent(this._userLb.UserName, rent2); } using (var context = new RentMyCarContext(options)) { Assert.AreEqual(2, context.Rents.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(_lambo.Model, context.Rents.Include(r => r.Car).FirstOrDefault().Car.Model); Assert.AreEqual(_userFr.UserName, context.Rents.Include(r => r.User).FirstOrDefault().User.UserName); } }
public void GetRents() { IEnumerable <Rent> rentsFr; using (var context = new RentMyCarContext(options)) { var service = new RentRepository(context); rentsFr = service.GetRents(_userFr.UserName); } Assert.AreEqual(1, rentsFr.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(_lambo.Model, rentsFr.FirstOrDefault().Car.Model); }
private UnitOfWork() { _context = new CarRentalAppContext(); Bills = new BillRepository(_context); Cars = new CarRepository(_context); Clients = new ClientRepository(_context); Classifications = new ClassificationRepository(_context); Rents = new RentRepository(_context); Roles = new RoleRepository(_context); Users = new UserRepository(_context); _context.Database.Log = AppLogger.LogSqlInFile; }
protected void ButtonRent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rent rent = new Rent() { BookID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ID"]), UserID = int.Parse(DropDownListUser.SelectedItem.Value), RentDate = DateTime.Now, ReturnDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(15) }; RentRepository.AddRent(rent); Response.Redirect("AllRecords.aspx"); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(string id) { try { ObjectId retnId = new ObjectId(id); RentRepository.DeleteRentById(retnId); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { return(View()); } }
public RentAddAction( RentRepository rentRepository, VehicleRepository vehicleRepository, RentRateRepository rentRateRepository, EmployeeRepository employeeRepository, CustomerRepository customerRepository ) { _rentRepository = rentRepository; _vehicleRepository = vehicleRepository; _rentRateRepository = rentRateRepository; _employeeRepository = employeeRepository; _customerRepository = customerRepository; }
public void SetAdress() { Adress adress = new Adress() { PostalCode = "02-785", StreetName = "Zlota", StreetNumber = 52, City = "Warszawa" }; using (var context = new RentMyCarContext(options)) { var service = new RentRepository(context); adress = service.GetAdress(_userLb.UserName, 2); } Assert.AreEqual("Warszawa", adress.City); Assert.AreEqual("02-785", adress.PostalCode); }
public UnitOfWork(LibraryDbContext context) { DbContext = context; Books = new BookRepository(context); Users = new UserRepository(context); Rents = new RentRepository(context); Roles = new RoleRepository(context); if (Roles.FindByCondition(role => role.Name == "Admin").Count() == 0) { Roles.Add(new Role("Admin")); } if (Roles.FindByCondition(role => role.Name == "Reader").Count() == 0) { Roles.Add(new Role("Reader")); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks if film if free to rent between entered start and end rent's date /// </summary> /// <param name="film"></param> /// <returns>True if film if free to rent and false if not</returns> private bool FilmIsFreeToRent(Rent rent) { List <Rent> allSameFilmRented = RentRepository.GetAllSameFilmRented(rent.RentedFilm); int rentedCopies = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allSameFilmRented.Count; i++) { if (rent.EndDate >= allSameFilmRented[i].StartDate && rent.StartDate <= allSameFilmRented[i].EndDate) { rentedCopies++; } } if (rentedCopies >= rent.RentedFilm.Copies) { return(false); } return(true); }
public ActionResult RentFilmToMember(string id, string memberId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { List <Member> members = MemberRepository.GetMembers(); SortMemberByName sortMemberByName = new SortMemberByName(); members.Sort(sortMemberByName); if (RentRepository.IsStartDateCorrect(startDate)) { if (RentRepository.IsEndDateCorrect(endDate, startDate)) { ObjectId RentingMemberId = new ObjectId(memberId); Member member = MemberRepository.GetMemberById(RentingMemberId); ObjectId rentingFilmId = new ObjectId(id); Film film = FilmRepository.GetFilmById(rentingFilmId); Rent rent = new Rent(member, null, film, startDate, endDate); if (FilmRepository.FilmIsFreeToRent(rent)) { RentRepository.CreateRent(rent); return(Redirect($"/Rents/MemberRents/{memberId}")); } else { TempData["textmsg"] = "<script>alert('This book is not free to Rent in this entered date period. Please try another dates');</script>"; return(View(members)); } } else { TempData["textmsg"] = "<script>alert('You entered a date before rent start date. Please try a date after rent start date');</script>"; return(View(members)); } } else { TempData["textmsg"] = "<script>alert('You entered a date before today date. Please try a date after today date');</script>"; return(View(members)); } }
public ActionResult RentBook(string id, string bookId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { List <Book> books = BookRepository.GetBooks(); SortBooksByTitle sortBooksByTitle = new SortBooksByTitle(); books.Sort(sortBooksByTitle); if (RentRepository.IsStartDateCorrect(startDate)) { if (RentRepository.IsEndDateCorrect(endDate, startDate)) { ObjectId memberId = new ObjectId(id); Member member = MemberRepository.GetMemberById(memberId); ObjectId rentingBookId = new ObjectId(bookId); Book book = BookRepository.GetBookById(rentingBookId); Rent rent = new Rent(member, book, null, startDate, endDate); if (BookRepository.BookIsFreeToRent(rent)) { RentRepository.CreateRent(rent); return(Redirect($"/Rents/MemberRents/{id}")); } else { TempData["textmsg"] = "<script>alert('This book is not free to Rent in this entered date period. Please try another dates');</script>"; return(View(books)); } } else { TempData["textmsg"] = "<script>alert('You entered a date before rent start date. Please try a date after rent start date');</script>"; return(View(books)); } } else { TempData["textmsg"] = "<script>alert('You entered a date before today date. Please try a date after today date');</script>"; return(View(books)); } }
public RentModel RentVehicle(RentModel rentModel) { RentModel rent = null; try { VehicleRepository vehicleRepository = new VehicleRepository(); Vehicle vehicle = vehicleRepository.SelectedByNumber(rentModel.vehiclenumber); if (vehicle == null) { throw new Exception("CustomerBisuness::RentVehicle: Vehcile Is Not Found! \n"); } MemberRepository repository = new MemberRepository(); Member isHaveMember = repository.SelectedByNumber(rentModel.membernumber); if (isHaveMember == null) { throw new Exception("CustomerBisuness::RentVehicle: Customer Is Not Found! \n"); } if (vehicleRepository.VehicleIsTaken(rentModel.vehiclenumber)) { throw new Exception("CustomerBisuness::RentVehicle: Vehicle Is Not Available! \n"); } RentRepository rentRepository = new RentRepository(); rentRepository.Insert(rentModel); rent = rentRepository.SelectedByVehicleAndMember(rentModel.vehiclenumber, rentModel.membernumber); //Vehicle Update vehicle.istaken = 1; vehicleRepository.Update(vehicle); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("CustomerBisuness::RentVehicle: Error occured.\n", ex); } return(rent); }
/// <summary> /// gets a rented item and delete it from db /// </summary> private void ReturnItem() { List <Rent> memberRents = ShowRents(); int rentIdToReturn; while (true) { Console.Write("\nEnter RENT ID you want to DELETE: "); string inputRentId = Console.ReadLine(); if (inputRentId.Length != 0 && IsDigitsOnly(inputRentId) && int.Parse(inputRentId) > 0 && int.Parse(inputRentId) <= memberRents.Count) { rentIdToReturn = int.Parse(inputRentId) - 1; break; } } RentRepository.DeleteRentById(memberRents[rentIdToReturn].Id); Console.WriteLine($"\nItem returned SUCCESSFULLY"); PressKeyToGoBackToRentMenu(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Repeater1.DataSource = RentRepository.GetAllRents(); Repeater1.DataBind(); }
public ReportEmployeeRents(EmployeeRepository employeeRepository, RentRepository rentRepository) { _employeeRepository = employeeRepository; _rentRepository = rentRepository; }
public RentDeleteAction(RentRepository rentRepository) { _rentRepository = rentRepository; }