public void Execute(int search, RentUpdateRequestDTO request)
            var rent = AiContext.Rents

            if (rent == null || rent.IsDeleted == 1)
                throw new EntityNotFoundException("Rent");
            //Allowing modifying rent only in period of reservation
            //Status with id 9 is "Reserved" status
            if (rent.StatusId != 9)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
            var user = AiContext.Users

            if (user == null || user.IsDeleted == 1)
                throw new EntityNotFoundException("User");
            var pickLocaton = AiContext.Locations

            if (pickLocaton == null || pickLocaton.IsDeleted == 1)
                throw new EntityNotFoundException("Pick up location");
            var dropLocation = AiContext.Locations

            if (dropLocation == null || dropLocation.IsDeleted == 1)
                throw new EntityNotFoundException("Drop off location");
            var customer = AiContext.Customers

            if (customer == null || customer.IsDeleted == 1)
                throw new EntityNotFoundException("Customer");
            var vehicle = AiContext.Vehicles

            if (vehicle == null || vehicle.IsDeleted == 1)
                throw new EntityNotFoundException("Vehicle");
            //If vehicle is rented renting won't be possible
            if (vehicle.Rented == true && vehicle.Id != rent.VehicleId)
                throw new EntityExistsException();
            //If it's not rented, column in vehicle 'Rented' is changed to true until renting status is 'Returned'
            //Previous vehicle status is set back to avaliable
            if (vehicle.Id != rent.VehicleId)
                vehicle.Rented     = true;
                vehicle.ModifiedAt = DateTime.Now;
                var previousVehicle = AiContext.Vehicles
                previousVehicle.Rented     = false;
                previousVehicle.ModifiedAt = DateTime.Now;
            rent.UserId            = request.UserId;
            rent.CustomerId        = request.CustomerId;
            rent.DropLocationId    = request.DropLocationId;
            rent.LocationId        = request.LocationId;
            rent.PickDate          = request.PickDate;
            rent.DropDate          = request.DropDate;
            rent.VehicleId         = request.VehicleId;
            rent.FirstName         = customer.FirstName;
            rent.LastName          = customer.LastName;
            rent.Email             = customer.Email;
            rent.VehicleCostPerDay = vehicle.CostPerDay;
            rent.PickAdress        = pickLocaton.Adress;
            rent.DropAdress        = dropLocation.Adress;
            rent.ModifiedAt        = DateTime.Now;
            //Updating initial price based on vehicle cost, days and pickup location
            var days = Math.Ceiling((request.DropDate - request.PickDate).TotalDays);

            if (days <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            rent.TotallPrice = vehicle.CostPerDay * days + pickLocaton.Price;
            //Updating Extra add-ons
            //Removing extra addons which were in old list and not in new
            var extraAddons = AiContext.RentExtraAddons
                              .Where(x => x.RentId == rent.Id)
                              .Select(x => x.ExtraAddonId);
            var newExtraAddons     = request.ExtraAddonIds;
            var diffOldExtraAddons = extraAddons.Except(newExtraAddons);

            foreach (var x in diffOldExtraAddons)
                var removeExtra = AiContext.RentExtraAddons
                                  .Where(b => b.RentId == rent.Id)
                                  .Where(b => b.ExtraAddonId == x)
                rent.TotallPrice -= removeExtra.Price;
            //Adding addons which are in new list
            var diffNewExtraAddons = newExtraAddons.Except(extraAddons);

            foreach (var x in diffNewExtraAddons)
                var extra = AiContext.ExtraAddons
                if (extra == null || extra.IsDeleted == 1)
                    throw new EntityNotFoundException("Extra addon with id " + x);
                var extraAddonRent = new RentExtraAddon
                    RentId       = rent.Id,
                    ExtraAddonId = x,
                    Price        = AiContext.ExtraAddons
                                   .Where(e => e.Id == x)
                                   .Select(e => e.Price)
                rent.TotallPrice += extraAddonRent.Price;
        public RentResponseDTO Execute(RentRequestDTO request)
            var rent = new Rent();
            var user = AiContext.Users

            if (user == null || user.IsDeleted == 1)
                throw new EntityNotFoundException("User");
            var pickLocaton = AiContext.Locations

            if (pickLocaton == null || pickLocaton.IsDeleted == 1)
                throw new EntityNotFoundException("Pick up location");
            var dropLocation = AiContext.Locations

            if (dropLocation == null || dropLocation.IsDeleted == 1)
                throw new EntityNotFoundException("Drop off location");
            int statusId = request.StatusId.HasValue ? request.StatusId.GetValueOrDefault() : 9;
            var status   = AiContext.RentStatus

            if (status == null || status.IsDeleted == 1)
                throw new EntityNotFoundException("Rent status");
            var customer = AiContext.Customers

            if (customer == null || customer.IsDeleted == 1)
                throw new EntityNotFoundException("Customer");
            var vehicle = AiContext.Vehicles

            if (vehicle == null || vehicle.IsDeleted == 1)
                throw new EntityNotFoundException("Vehicle");
            //If vehicle is rented renting won't be possible
            if (vehicle.Rented == true)
                throw new EntityExistsException();
            //If it's not rented, column in vehicle 'Rented' is changed to true until renting status is 'Returned'
            vehicle.Rented     = true;
            vehicle.ModifiedAt = DateTime.Now;
            rent.UserId            = request.UserId;
            rent.CustomerId        = request.CustomerId;
            rent.DropLocationId    = request.DropLocationId;
            rent.LocationId        = request.LocationId;
            rent.PickDate          = request.PickDate;
            rent.DropDate          = request.DropDate;
            rent.StatusId          = statusId;
            rent.VehicleId         = request.VehicleId;
            rent.FirstName         = customer.FirstName;
            rent.LastName          = customer.LastName;
            rent.Email             = customer.Email;
            rent.VehicleCostPerDay = vehicle.CostPerDay;
            rent.PickAdress        = pickLocaton.Adress;
            rent.DropAdress        = dropLocation.Adress;
            //Starting calculatin of totall price based on days and vehicle cost per day
            //Price doesn't get lower for durations shorter than day. Price depenends strictly on number of days. 2 hrs = 1 day, 25 hrs = 2 days etc
            var days = Math.Ceiling((request.DropDate - request.PickDate).TotalDays);

            if (days <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            //Getting integer of timespan between drop and pick up date
            rent.TotallPrice = vehicle.CostPerDay * days + pickLocaton.Price;
            //Adding rent to db
            //Adding extra addons into db based on array of Extra Addon Ids
            foreach (var x in request.ExtraAddonIds)
                var extra = AiContext.ExtraAddons
                if (extra == null || extra.IsDeleted == 1)
                    throw new EntityNotFoundException("Extra addon with id " + x);
                var extraAddonRent = new RentExtraAddon
                    RentId       = rent.Id,
                    ExtraAddonId = x,
                    Price        = AiContext.ExtraAddons
                                   .Where(e => e.Id == x)
                                   .Select(e => e.Price)
                rent.TotallPrice += extraAddonRent.Price;
            //final calculation of price  based on days
            _emailSender.Body    = "You have successfully made reservation";
            _emailSender.Subject = "Rent reservation";
            _emailSender.ToEmail = rent.Email;
            return(new RentResponseDTO
                Id = rent.Id,
                UserId = rent.UserId,
                CustomerId = rent.CustomerId,
                LocationId = rent.LocationId,
                DropLocationId = rent.DropLocationId,
                VehicleId = rent.VehicleId,
                StatusId = rent.StatusId,
                VehicleModel = vehicle.Model,
                RentStatus = status.Name,
                VehicleCostPerDay = rent.VehicleCostPerDay,
                FirstName = rent.FirstName,
                LastName = rent.LastName,
                Email = rent.Email,
                TotallPrice = rent.TotallPrice,
                PickDate = rent.PickDate,
                DropDate = rent.DropDate,
                PickAdress = pickLocaton.Adress,
                DropAdress = dropLocation.Adress,
                RentExtraAddons = AiContext.RentExtraAddons
                                  .Where(re => re.RentId == rent.Id)
                                  .Select(re => new RentExtraAddonResponseDTO
                    ExtraAddonId = re.ExtraAddonId,
                    ExtraAddonName = re.ExtraAddon.Name,
                    Price = re.ExtraAddon.Price