public async Task <IActionResult> RenewApiKey(Guid subscriptionId) { var ukprn = _contextAccessor.HttpContext.User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "")?.Value; try { var externalApiSubscriptions = await GetExternalApiSubscriptions(_webConfiguration.AzureApiAuthentication.ProductId, ukprn); var subscription = externalApiSubscriptions?.Where(p => p.Id == subscriptionId.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); if (subscription == null) { throw new Exception($"The subscription {subscriptionId} is invalid or does not belong to organsiation identified by {ukprn}"); } var viewModel = new RenewApiKeyViewModel { SubscriptionId = subscription.Id, CurrentKey = subscription.PrimaryKey, LastRenewedDate = subscription.CreatedDate, LastRenewedTicks = subscription.CreatedDate.Ticks }; return(View(viewModel)); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Unable to renew API key"); } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(OrganisationDetails), nameof(OrganisationController).RemoveController(), "api-subscription")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> RenewApiKey(RenewApiKeyViewModel vm) { var ukprn = _contextAccessor.HttpContext.User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "")?.Value; try { var externalApiSubscriptions = await GetExternalApiSubscriptions(_webConfiguration.AzureApiAuthentication.ProductId, ukprn); var subscription = externalApiSubscriptions?.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == vm.SubscriptionId.ToString()); if (subscription == null || !subscription.CreatedDate.Ticks.Equals(vm.LastRenewedTicks) || !subscription.PrimaryKey.Equals(vm.CurrentKey)) { TempData.SetAlert(new Alert { Message = "Your API key could not be renewed, please check the current value and retry if necessary.", Type = AlertType.Warning }); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(RenewApiKey), nameof(OrganisationController).RemoveController(), "api-subscription")); } // delete and re-subscribe so that the created date can be used to track a 'renewed' key if (await _externalApiClient.DeleteSubscriptionAndResubscribe(ukprn, subscription.Id)) { TempData.SetAlert(new Alert { Message = "Your API key has been renewed", Type = AlertType.Success }); } else { TempData.SetAlert(new Alert { Message = "Your API key could not be renewed, please check the current value and retry if necessary.", Type = AlertType.Warning }); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Unable to renew API key"); } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(OrganisationDetails), nameof(OrganisationController).RemoveController(), "api-subscription")); }