Example #1
    private void BindShader([MaybeNull] WorldCamera camera,
                            RenderingDevice device,
                            IList <Light3d> lights,
                            MdfRenderOverrides overrides)
        // Fill out the globals for the shader
        var globals = new MdfGlobalConstants();

        Matrix4x4 viewProj;

        if (overrides != null && overrides.uiProjection)
            viewProj = device.UiProjection;
            viewProj = camera?.GetViewProj() ?? device.UiProjection;

        // Should we use a separate world matrix?
        if (overrides != null && overrides.useWorldMatrix)
            // Build a world * view * proj matrix
            var worldViewProj = overrides.worldMatrix * viewProj;
            globals.viewProj = worldViewProj;
            globals.viewProj = viewProj;

        // Set material diffuse color for shader
        Vector4 color;

        // TODO: This is a bug, it should check overrideDiffuse
        if (overrides != null && overrides.overrideColor != default)
            color = overrides.overrideColor.ToRGBA();
            color = new PackedLinearColorA(mSpec.diffuse).ToRGBA();

        globals.matDiffuse = color;
        if (overrides != null && overrides.alpha != 1.0f)
            globals.matDiffuse.W *= overrides.alpha;

        // Set time for UV animation in minutes as a floating point number
        var timeInSec = (float)(device.GetLastFrameStart() - device.GetDeviceCreated()).Seconds;

        globals.uvAnimTime.X = timeInSec / 60.0f;
        // Clamp to [0, 1]
        if (globals.uvAnimTime.X > 1)
            globals.uvAnimTime.X -= MathF.Floor(globals.uvAnimTime.X);

        // Swirl is more complicated due to cos/sin involvement
        // This means speedU is in "full rotations every 60 seconds" . RPM
        var uvRotations = globals.UvRotations;

        for (var i = 0; i < mSpec.samplers.Count; ++i)
            var sampler = mSpec.samplers[i];
            if (sampler.uvType != MdfUvType.Swirl)

            ref var uvRot = ref uvRotations[i];
            uvRot.X = MathF.Cos(sampler.speedU * globals.uvAnimTime.X * MathF.PI * 2) * 0.1f;
            uvRot.Y = MathF.Sin(sampler.speedV * globals.uvAnimTime.X * MathF.PI * 2) * 0.1f;