Example #1
        private void ChangeExtrusionExpression()
            // Get the first layer from the scene view's operation layers, it should be a feature layer.
            FeatureLayer censusFeatureLayer = (FeatureLayer)_mySceneView.Scene.OperationalLayers[0];

            // Get the renderer from the feature layer.
            Renderer censusRenderer = censusFeatureLayer.Renderer;

            // Get the scene properties from the feature layer's renderer.
            RendererSceneProperties sceneProperties = censusRenderer.SceneProperties;

            // Toggle the feature layer's scene properties renderer extrusion expression and change the button text.
            if (_toggleExtrusionButton.Title(UIControlState.Normal) == "Show population density")
                // An offset of 100000 is added to ensure that polygons for large areas (like Alaska)
                // with low populations will be extruded above the curvature of the Earth.
                sceneProperties.ExtrusionExpression = "[POP07_SQMI] * 5000 + 100000";
                _toggleExtrusionButton.SetTitle("Show total population", UIControlState.Normal);
            else if (_toggleExtrusionButton.Title(UIControlState.Normal) == "Show total population")
                sceneProperties.ExtrusionExpression = "[POP2007] / 10";
                _toggleExtrusionButton.SetTitle("Show population density", UIControlState.Normal);
Example #2
        private void ChangeExtrusionExpression()
            // Get the first layer from the scene view's operation layers, it should be a feature layer
            FeatureLayer myFeatureLayer = (FeatureLayer)_mySceneView.Scene.OperationalLayers[0];

            // Get the renderer from the feature layer
            Renderer myRenderer = myFeatureLayer.Renderer;

            // Get the scene properties from the feature layer's renderer
            RendererSceneProperties myRendererSceneProperties = myRenderer.SceneProperties;

            // Toggle the feature layer's scene properties renderer extrusion expression and change the button text
            if (_button_ToggleExtrusionData.Text == "Show population density")
                // An offset of 100000 is added to ensure that polygons for large areas (like Alaska)
                // with low populations will be extruded above the curvature of the Earth.
                myRendererSceneProperties.ExtrusionExpression = "[POP07_SQMI] * 5000 + 100000";
                _button_ToggleExtrusionData.Text = "Show total population";
            else if (_button_ToggleExtrusionData.Text == "Show total population")
                myRendererSceneProperties.ExtrusionExpression = "[POP2007] / 10";
                _button_ToggleExtrusionData.Text = "Show population density";
Example #3
        private async void Initialize()
                // Define the Uri for the service feature table (US state polygons)
                Uri serviceFeatureTableUri = new Uri("https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Census/MapServer/3");

                // Create a new service feature table from the Uri
                ServiceFeatureTable censusTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(serviceFeatureTableUri);

                // Create a new feature layer from the service feature table
                FeatureLayer censusLayer = new FeatureLayer(censusTable)
                    // Set the rendering mode of the feature layer to be dynamic (needed for extrusion to work)
                    RenderingMode = FeatureRenderingMode.Dynamic

                // Create a new simple line symbol for the feature layer
                SimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Black, 1);

                // Create a new simple fill symbol for the feature layer
                SimpleFillSymbol fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Blue, lineSymbol);

                // Create a new simple renderer for the feature layer
                SimpleRenderer layerRenderer = new SimpleRenderer(fillSymbol);

                // Get the scene properties from the simple renderer
                RendererSceneProperties sceneProperties = layerRenderer.SceneProperties;

                // Set the extrusion mode for the scene properties
                sceneProperties.ExtrusionMode = ExtrusionMode.AbsoluteHeight;

                // Set the initial extrusion expression
                sceneProperties.ExtrusionExpression = "[POP2007] / 10";

                // Set the feature layer's renderer to the define simple renderer
                censusLayer.Renderer = layerRenderer;

                // Create a new scene with the topographic backdrop
                Scene myScene = new Scene(BasemapType.Topographic);

                // Set the scene view's scene to the newly create one
                MySceneView.Scene = myScene;

                // Add the feature layer to the scene's operational layer collection

                // Create a new map point to define where to look on the scene view
                MapPoint myMapPoint = new MapPoint(-10974490, 4814376, 0, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

                // Set the scene view's camera controller to the orbit location camera controller
                MySceneView.CameraController = new OrbitLocationCameraController(myMapPoint, 20000000);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Something went wrong, display the error
                var message = new MessageDialog(ex.ToString(), "Error");
                await message.ShowAsync();
Example #4
        private async void InitializeScene()
            try {
                //var webSceneUrl = new Uri("https://geoinfo-support.maps.arcgis.com/home/webscene/viewer.html?webscene=47435c44d2d8483d9489218eac5329dd");
                Uri serviceFeatureTable_Uri      = new Uri("https://services.arcgis.com/LeHsdRPbeEIElrVR/arcgis/rest/services/globalSceneTrainees_WFL1/FeatureServer/1");
                ServiceFeatureTable featureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(serviceFeatureTable_Uri);

                FeatureLayer featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(featureTable)
                    RenderingMode = FeatureRenderingMode.Dynamic

                SimpleLineSymbol mySimpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Colors.Black, 1);
                SimpleFillSymbol mysimpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, Colors.Blue, mySimpleLineSymbol);
                SimpleRenderer   mySimpleRenderer   = new SimpleRenderer(mysimpleFillSymbol);

                var scene = new Scene(Basemap.CreateTopographic());
                //scene = new Scene(Basemap.CreateTopographic());
                scene.BaseSurface.BackgroundGrid.IsVisible = false;
                //scene.BaseSurface.ElevationSources.Add(new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(new Uri("https://elevation3d.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/WorldElevation3D/Terrain3D/ImageServer")));
                scene.BaseSurface.NavigationConstraint = NavigationConstraint.None;

                RendererSceneProperties myRendererSceneProperties = mySimpleRenderer.SceneProperties;
                myRendererSceneProperties.ExtrusionMode       = ExtrusionMode.AbsoluteHeight;
                myRendererSceneProperties.ExtrusionExpression = "[height]";
                featureLayer.Renderer = mySimpleRenderer;

                await scene.LoadAsync();

                arSceneView.Scene = scene;
                double widthScene = 1300;
                double widthReal  = 1;

                arSceneView.TranslationFactor = widthScene / widthReal;
                arSceneView.ClippingDistance = 800;
                arSceneView.SetInitialTransformation(TransformationMatrix.Create(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, .5, 1.5));
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("Failed to load scene", ex.Message, "OK");

                await Navigation.PopAsync();
Example #5
        private void ChangeExtrusionExpression()
            // Get the first layer from the scene view's operation layers, it should be a feature layer
            FeatureLayer myFeatureLayer = (FeatureLayer)_mySceneView.Scene.OperationalLayers[0];

            // Get the renderer from the feature layer
            Renderer myRenderer = myFeatureLayer.Renderer;

            // Get the scene properties from the feature layer's renderer
            RendererSceneProperties myRendererSceneProperties = myRenderer.SceneProperties;

            // Toggle the feature layer's scene properties renderer extrusion expression and change the button text
            if (_button_ToggleExtrusionData.Text == "Population Density")
                myRendererSceneProperties.ExtrusionExpression = "[POP07_SQMI] * 5000";
                _button_ToggleExtrusionData.Text = "Total Population";
            else if (_button_ToggleExtrusionData.Text == "Total Population")
                myRendererSceneProperties.ExtrusionExpression = "[POP2007] / 10";
                _button_ToggleExtrusionData.Text = "Population Density";
        private void ToggleExtrusionButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the first layer from the scene view's operation layers, it should be a feature layer.
            FeatureLayer censusFeatureLayer = (FeatureLayer)_mySceneView.Scene.OperationalLayers[0];

            // Get the renderer from the feature layer.
            Renderer censusRenderer = censusFeatureLayer.Renderer;

            // Get the scene properties from the feature layer's renderer.
            RendererSceneProperties sceneProperties = censusRenderer.SceneProperties;

            // Toggle the feature layer's scene properties renderer extrusion expression and change the button text.
            if (((UISegmentedControl)sender).SelectedSegment == 0)
                // An offset of 100000 is added to ensure that polygons for large areas (like Alaska)
                // with low populations will be extruded above the curvature of the Earth.
                sceneProperties.ExtrusionExpression = "[POP07_SQMI] * 5000 + 100000";
                sceneProperties.ExtrusionExpression = "[POP2007] / 10";
        private async void Initialize()
            // Apply appropriate maps to the scene and the inset map view
            InsetMapView.Map  = new Map(Basemap.CreateImagery());
            MySceneView.Scene = new Scene(Basemap.CreateImagery());

            // Update the mission selection UI
            MissionSelectionBox.ItemsSource   = _missionToItemId.Keys;
            MissionSelectionBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // Wire up the selection change event to call the ChangeMission method; this method resets the animation and starts a new mission
            MissionSelectionBox.SelectionChanged += async(sender, args) => { await ChangeMission(args.AddedItems[0].ToString()); };

            // Apply the elevation source
            Surface         surface         = new Surface();
            ElevationSource elevationSource = new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(_elevationServiceUrl);

            MySceneView.Scene.BaseSurface = surface;

            // Create and add the graphics overlay
            GraphicsOverlay sceneOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay
                SceneProperties = { SurfacePlacement = SurfacePlacement.Absolute }


            // Create a renderer to handle updating plane's orientation
            SimpleRenderer          renderer3D       = new SimpleRenderer();
            RendererSceneProperties renderProperties = renderer3D.SceneProperties;

            // Use expressions to keep the renderer properties updated as parameters of the rendered object
            renderProperties.HeadingExpression = "[HEADING]";
            renderProperties.PitchExpression   = "[PITCH]";
            renderProperties.RollExpression    = "[ROLL]";
            // Apply the renderer to the scene view's overlay
            sceneOverlay.Renderer = renderer3D;

            // Create renderer to symbolize plane and update plane orientation in the inset map
            SimpleRenderer renderer2D = new SimpleRenderer();
            // Create the symbol that will be used for the plane
            SimpleMarkerSymbol plane2DSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Triangle, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, 10);

            // Apply the symbol to the renderer
            renderer2D.Symbol = plane2DSymbol;
            // Apply a rotation expression to the renderer
            renderer2D.RotationExpression = "[ANGLE]";
            // Update the inset map with a new GraphicsOverlay based on the renderer
            GraphicsOverlay insetMapOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay
                Renderer = renderer2D


            // Create placeholder graphic for showing the mission route in the inset map
            SimpleLineSymbol routeSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2);

            _routeGraphic = new Graphic {
                Symbol = routeSymbol

            // Create the plane graphic; this is symbolized as a blue triangle because of renderer implemented above
            // Create the attribute dictionary
            Dictionary <string, object> plane2DAttributes = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            // Set the angle for the plane graphic
            plane2DAttributes["ANGLE"] = 0f;
            // Create the graphic from the attributes and the initial point
            _plane2D = new Graphic(new MapPoint(0, 0, SpatialReferences.Wgs84), plane2DAttributes);
            // Add the plane graphic to the inset map via the overlay

                // Create the model graphic for the plane
                // Get the path to the 3D model
                string modelPath = GetModelPath();
                // Create the scene symbol from the path to the model
                ModelSceneSymbol plane3DSymbol = await ModelSceneSymbol.CreateAsync(new Uri(modelPath), 1.0);

                // Create the graphic with an initial location and the plane symbol
                _plane3D = new Graphic(new MapPoint(0, 0, 0, SpatialReferences.Wgs84), plane3DSymbol);
                // Add the plane to the overlay

                // Create the orbit camera controller to follow the plane
                _orbitCameraController = new OrbitGeoElementCameraController(_plane3D, 20.0)
                    CameraPitchOffset = 75.0
                MySceneView.CameraController = _orbitCameraController;

                // Create a timer; this will enable animating the plane
                _animationTimer = new DispatcherTimer()
                    // This is the duration of the timer in milliseconds. This controls the animation speed (fps)
                    Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 60)

                _animationTimer.Tick += AnimatePlane;

                // Set the initial mission for when the sample loads
                await ChangeMission(_missionToItemId.Keys.First());
            catch (Exception e)
                await new MessageDialog(e.ToString(), "Error").ShowAsync();
Example #8
        private void Initialize()
                // Define the Uri for the service feature table (US state polygons)
                var myServiceFeatureTable_Uri = new Uri("https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Census/MapServer/3");

                // Create a new service feature table from the Uri
                ServiceFeatureTable myServiceFeatureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(myServiceFeatureTable_Uri);

                // Create a new feature layer from the service feature table
                FeatureLayer myFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(myServiceFeatureTable);

                // Set the rendering mode of the feature layer to be dynamic (needed for extrusion to work)
                myFeatureLayer.RenderingMode = FeatureRenderingMode.Dynamic;

                // Create a new simple line symbol for the feature layer
                SimpleLineSymbol mySimpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Black, 1);

                // Create a new simple fill symbol for the feature layer
                SimpleFillSymbol mysimpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Blue, mySimpleLineSymbol);

                // Create a new simple renderer for the feature layer
                SimpleRenderer mySimpleRenderer = new SimpleRenderer(mysimpleFillSymbol);

                // Get the scene properties from the simple renderer
                RendererSceneProperties myRendererSceneProperties = mySimpleRenderer.SceneProperties;

                // Set the extrusion mode for the scene properties to be base height
                myRendererSceneProperties.ExtrusionMode = ExtrusionMode.BaseHeight;

                // Set the initial extrusion expression
                myRendererSceneProperties.ExtrusionExpression = "[POP2007] / 10";

                // Set the feature layer's renderer to the define simple renderer
                myFeatureLayer.Renderer = mySimpleRenderer;

                // Create a new scene with the topographic backdrop
                Scene myScene = new Scene(BasemapType.Topographic);

                // Set the scene view's scene to the newly create one
                _mySceneView.Scene = myScene;

                // Add the feature layer to the scene's operational layer collection

                // Create a new map point to define where to look on the scene view
                MapPoint myMapPoint = new MapPoint(-10974490, 4814376, 0, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

                // Create a new orbit location camera controller using the map point and defined distance
                OrbitLocationCameraController myOrbitLocationCameraController = new OrbitLocationCameraController(myMapPoint, 20000000);

                // Set the scene view's camera controller to the orbit location camera controller
                _mySceneView.CameraController = myOrbitLocationCameraController;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Something went wrong, display the error
                var alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
        private void Initialize()
                // Define the URI for the service feature table (US state polygons).
                Uri featureTableUri = new Uri("https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Census/MapServer/3");

                // Create a new service feature table from the URI.
                ServiceFeatureTable censusServiceFeatureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(featureTableUri);

                // Create a new feature layer from the service feature table.
                FeatureLayer censusFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(censusServiceFeatureTable)
                    // Set the rendering mode of the feature layer to be dynamic (needed for extrusion to work).
                    RenderingMode = FeatureRenderingMode.Dynamic

                // Create a new simple line symbol for the feature layer.
                SimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Black, 1);

                // Create a new simple fill symbol for the feature layer.
                SimpleFillSymbol fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Blue, lineSymbol);

                // Create a new simple renderer for the feature layer.
                SimpleRenderer renderer = new SimpleRenderer(fillSymbol);

                // Get the scene properties from the simple renderer.
                RendererSceneProperties sceneProperties = renderer.SceneProperties;

                // Set the extrusion mode for the scene properties.
                sceneProperties.ExtrusionMode = ExtrusionMode.AbsoluteHeight;

                // Set the initial extrusion expression.
                sceneProperties.ExtrusionExpression = "[POP2007] / 10";

                // Set the feature layer's renderer to the define simple renderer.
                censusFeatureLayer.Renderer = renderer;

                // Create a new scene with a topographic basemap.
                Scene myScene = new Scene(BasemapType.Topographic);

                // Set the scene view's scene to the newly create one.
                _mySceneView.Scene = myScene;

                // Add the feature layer to the scene's operational layer collection.

                // Create a new map point to define where to look on the scene view.
                MapPoint myMapPoint = new MapPoint(-10974490, 4814376, 0, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

                // Create and use an orbit location camera controller defined by a point and distance.
                _mySceneView.CameraController = new OrbitLocationCameraController(myMapPoint, 20000000);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Something went wrong, display the error.
                UIAlertController alert = UIAlertController.Create("Error", ex.Message, UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);
                alert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("OK", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null));
                PresentViewController(alert, true, null);
Example #10
        private async void Initialize()
            _statsVC = new StatsDisplayViewController();

            // Apply appropriate maps to the scene and the inset map view.
            _insetMapView.Map = new Map(Basemap.CreateImagery());
            _insetMapView.IsAttributionTextVisible = false;
            _mySceneView.Scene = new Scene(Basemap.CreateImagery());

            // Apply the elevation source.
            Surface         surface         = new Surface();
            ElevationSource elevationSource = new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(_elevationServiceUrl);

            _mySceneView.Scene.BaseSurface = surface;

            // Create and add the graphics overlay.
            GraphicsOverlay sceneOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay
                SceneProperties = { SurfacePlacement = SurfacePlacement.Absolute }


            // Create a renderer to handle updating plane's orientation.
            SimpleRenderer          renderer3D       = new SimpleRenderer();
            RendererSceneProperties renderProperties = renderer3D.SceneProperties;

            // Use expressions to keep the renderer properties updated as parameters of the rendered object.
            renderProperties.HeadingExpression = "[HEADING]";
            renderProperties.PitchExpression   = "[PITCH]";
            renderProperties.RollExpression    = "[ROLL]";

            // Apply the renderer to the scene view's overlay.
            sceneOverlay.Renderer = renderer3D;

            // Create renderer to symbolize plane and update plane orientation in the inset map.
            SimpleRenderer renderer2D = new SimpleRenderer
                Symbol             = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Triangle, Color.Blue, 10),
                RotationExpression = "[ANGLE]"

            // Update the inset map with a new GraphicsOverlay based on the renderer.
            GraphicsOverlay insetMapOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay
                Renderer = renderer2D


            // Create placeholder graphic for showing the mission route in the inset map.
            SimpleLineSymbol routeSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Red, 2);

            _routeGraphic = new Graphic {
                Symbol = routeSymbol

            // Create the plane graphic; this is symbolized as a blue triangle because of renderer implemented above.
            Dictionary <string, object> plane2DAttributes = new Dictionary <string, object>
                // Set the angle for the plane graphic.
                ["ANGLE"] = 0f

            // Create the graphic from the attributes and the initial point.
            _plane2D = new Graphic(new MapPoint(0, 0, SpatialReferences.Wgs84), plane2DAttributes);

            // Add the plane graphic to the inset map via the overlay.

                // Create the model graphic for the plane.
                string modelPath = DataManager.GetDataFolder("681d6f7694644709a7c830ec57a2d72b", "Bristol.dae");

                // Create the scene symbol from the path to the model.
                ModelSceneSymbol plane3DSymbol = await ModelSceneSymbol.CreateAsync(new Uri(modelPath), 1.0);

                // Create the graphic with an initial location and the plane symbol.
                _plane3D = new Graphic(new MapPoint(0, 0, 0, SpatialReferences.Wgs84), plane3DSymbol);

                // Add the plane to the overlay.

                // Create the orbit camera controller to follow the plane.
                _orbitCameraController = new OrbitGeoElementCameraController(_plane3D, 20.0)
                    CameraPitchOffset = 75.0
                _mySceneView.CameraController = _orbitCameraController;

                // Create a timer; this animates the plane.
                // The value is the duration of the timer in milliseconds. This controls the speed of the animation (fps).
                _animationTimer = new Timer(60)
                    AutoReset = true

                // Set the initial mission for when the sample loads.
            catch (Exception e)
                new UIAlertView("Error", e.ToString(), (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null).Show();
Example #11
        private async Task Initialize()
            // Apply appropriate maps to the scene and the inset map view
            _insetMapView.Map = new Map(Basemap.CreateImagery());
            _insetMapView.IsAttributionTextVisible = false;
            _mySceneView.Scene = new Scene(Basemap.CreateImagery());

            // Apply the elevation source
            Surface         surface         = new Surface();
            ElevationSource elevationSource = new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(_elevationServiceUrl);

            _mySceneView.Scene.BaseSurface = surface;

            // Create and add the graphics overlay
            GraphicsOverlay sceneOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay
                SceneProperties = { SurfacePlacement = SurfacePlacement.Absolute }


            // Create a renderer to handle updating plane's orientation
            SimpleRenderer          renderer3D       = new SimpleRenderer();
            RendererSceneProperties renderProperties = renderer3D.SceneProperties;

            // Use expressions to keep the renderer properties updated as parameters of the rendered object
            renderProperties.HeadingExpression = "[HEADING]";
            renderProperties.PitchExpression   = "[PITCH]";
            renderProperties.RollExpression    = "[ROLL]";
            // Apply the renderer to the scene view's overlay
            sceneOverlay.Renderer = renderer3D;

            // Create renderer to symbolize plane and update plane orientation in the inset map
            SimpleRenderer renderer2D = new SimpleRenderer();
            // Create the symbol that will be used for the plane
            SimpleMarkerSymbol plane2DSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Triangle, Color.Blue, 10);

            // Apply the symbol to the renderer
            renderer2D.Symbol = plane2DSymbol;
            // Apply a rotation expression to the renderer
            renderer2D.RotationExpression = "[ANGLE]";
            // Update the inset map with a new GraphicsOverlay based on the renderer
            GraphicsOverlay insetMapOperlay = new GraphicsOverlay
                Renderer = renderer2D


            // Create placeholder graphic for showing the mission route in the inset map
            SimpleLineSymbol routeSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Red, 2);

            _routeGraphic = new Graphic {
                Symbol = routeSymbol

            // Create the plane graphic; this is symbolized as a blue triangle because of renderer implemented above
            // Create the attribute dictionary
            Dictionary <string, object> plane2DAttributes = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            // Set the angle for the plane graphic
            plane2DAttributes["ANGLE"] = 0f;
            // Create the graphic from the attributes and the initial point
            _plane2D = new Graphic(new MapPoint(0, 0, SpatialReferences.Wgs84), plane2DAttributes);
            // Add the plane graphic to the inset map via the overlay

            // Create the model graphic for the plane
            // Get the path to the 3D model
            string modelPath = await GetModelPath();

            // Create the scene symbol from the path to the model
            ModelSceneSymbol plane3DSymbol = await ModelSceneSymbol.CreateAsync(new Uri(modelPath), 1.0);

            // Create the graphic with an initial location and the plane symbol
            _plane3D = new Graphic(new MapPoint(0, 0, 0, SpatialReferences.Wgs84), plane3DSymbol);
            // Add the plane to the overlay

            // Create the orbit camera controller to follow the plane
            _orbitCameraController = new OrbitGeoElementCameraController(_plane3D, 20.0)
                CameraPitchOffset = 75.0
            _mySceneView.CameraController = _orbitCameraController;

            // Create a timer; this animates the plane
            // The value is the duration of the timer in milliseconds. This controls the speed of the animation (fps)
            _animationTimer = new Timer(60)
                AutoReset = true

            // Call the animation method every time the timer expires (once every 60ms per above)
            _animationTimer.Elapsed += (sender, args) => AnimatePlane();

            // Set the initial mission for when the sample loads
            await ChangeMission(_missionToItemId.Keys.First());