/// <summary>
        /// Get model matrix that transform this renderer from model space to world space.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MarkableStruct<mat4> GetModelMatrix()
            if (this.modelMatrixRecord.IsMarked())// this model matrix is updated.
                // get matrix representing transform relative to parent node.
                mat4 matrix = IModelSpaceHelper.GetModelMatrix(this);
                // cascade parent's model matrix.
                SceneObject obj = this.BindingSceneObject;
                if (obj != null)
                    ITreeNode<SceneObject> parent = obj.Parent;
                    if (parent != null)
                        RendererBase parentRenderer = parent.Content.Renderer;
                        if (parentRenderer != null)
                            // get parent's matrix representing transform relative to world space coordinate.
                            MarkableStruct<mat4> parentMatrix = parentRenderer.GetModelMatrix();
                            // get matrix means transform relative to world space coordinate for this renderer.
                            matrix = parentMatrix.Value * matrix;
                // update this renderer's transform matrix relative to world space coordinate.
                this.modelMatrix.Value = matrix;
            else // this model matrix is not updated.
                SceneObject obj = this.BindingSceneObject;
                if (obj != null)
                    SceneObject parent = obj.Parent.Content;
                    if (parent != null)
                        RendererBase parentRenderer = parent.Renderer;
                        if (parentRenderer != null)
                            // get parent's matrix representing transform relative to world space coordinate.
                            MarkableStruct<mat4> parentMatrix = parentRenderer.GetModelMatrix();
                            long ticks = parentMatrix.UpdateTicks;
                            if (this.parentMatrixTicks != ticks) // parent's model matrix is updated.
                                mat4 matrix = IModelSpaceHelper.GetModelMatrix(this);
                                this.modelMatrix.Value = parentMatrix.Value * matrix;
                                this.parentMatrixTicks = ticks;

            return this.modelMatrix;