public static unsafe void EncodeLinePreTransformed(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bgfx.Encoder *encoder, ushort viewId, SimpleVertex *vertices, int n)
            bgfx.TransientIndexBuffer  tib;
            bgfx.TransientVertexBuffer tvb;
            int ni = (n / 4) * 6;

            if (!bgfx.alloc_transient_buffers(&tvb, &sys->m_simpleVertexBufferDecl, (uint)n, &tib, (uint)ni))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Out of transient bgfx memory!");
            UnsafeUtility.MemCpy((SimpleVertex *), vertices, sizeof(SimpleVertex) * n);
            ushort *indices = (ushort *);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 4)
                indices[0] = (ushort)i; indices[1] = (ushort)(i + 1); indices[2] = (ushort)(i + 2);
                indices[3] = (ushort)(i + 2); indices[4] = (ushort)(i + 3); indices[5] = (ushort)i;
                indices   += 6;
            bgfx.encoder_set_transient_index_buffer(encoder, &tib, 0, (uint)ni);
            bgfx.encoder_set_transient_vertex_buffer(encoder, 0, &tvb, 0, (uint)n, sys->m_simpleVertexBufferDeclHandle);

            // material uniforms setup
            ulong state = (ulong)(bgfx.StateFlags.DepthTestLess | bgfx.StateFlags.WriteRgb) | RendererBGFXStatic.MakeBGFXBlend(bgfx.StateFlags.BlendOne, bgfx.StateFlags.BlendInvSrcAlpha);

            bgfx.encoder_set_state(encoder, state, 0);
            bgfx.encoder_submit(encoder, viewId, sys->m_lineShader.m_prog, 0, (byte)bgfx.DiscardFlags.All);
        public static unsafe void EncodeLine(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bgfx.Encoder *encoder, ushort viewId, float3 p0, float3 p1, float4 color, float2 width, ref float4x4 objTx, ref float4x4 viewTx, ref float4x4 projTx)
            float4 p0t = math.mul(projTx,
                                           math.mul(objTx, new float4(p0, 1))));
            float4 p1t = math.mul(projTx,
                                           math.mul(objTx, new float4(p1, 1))));

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)   // really only need to clip z near, but clip all to make sure clipping works
                if (!ClipLinePositive(ref p0t, ref p1t, i))
                if (!ClipLineNegative(ref p0t, ref p1t, i))
            SimpleVertex *buf = stackalloc SimpleVertex[4];

   *= 1.0f / p0t.w;
   *= 1.0f / p1t.w;
            float2 dp     = math.normalizesafe(p1t.xy - p0t.xy);
            float2 dprefl = new float2(-dp.y, dp.x);
            float3 dv     = new float3(dprefl * width, 0);
            float3 du     = new float3(dp * width * .5f, 0);

            buf[0].Position = + dv - du; buf[0].Color = color; buf[0].TexCoord0 = new float2(0, 1);
            buf[1].Position = - dv - du; buf[1].Color = color; buf[1].TexCoord0 = new float2(0, -1);
            buf[2].Position = - dv + du; buf[2].Color = color; buf[2].TexCoord0 = new float2(1, -1);
            buf[3].Position = + dv + du; buf[3].Color = color; buf[3].TexCoord0 = new float2(1, 1);
            EncodeLinePreTransformed(sys, encoder, viewId, buf, 4);
Example #3
        // For uniforms and shaders setup. Does not handle vertex/index buffers
        private static unsafe void EncodeSimple(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bgfx.Encoder *encoder, ref SimpleShader simpleShader, ushort viewId, ref float4x4 tx, ref SimpleMaterialBGFX mat, byte flipCulling, uint depth)
            ulong state = mat.state;

            if (flipCulling != 0)
                state = FlipCulling(state);
            bgfx.set_state(state, 0);

            fixed(float4x4 *p = &tx)
            bgfx.encoder_set_transform(encoder, p, 1);

            // material uniforms setup
            fixed(float4 *p = &mat.constAlbedo_Opacity)
            bgfx.encoder_set_uniform(encoder, simpleShader.m_uniformColor0, p, 1);

            fixed(float4 *p = &mat.mainTextureScaleTranslate)
            bgfx.encoder_set_uniform(encoder, simpleShader.m_uniformTexMad, p, 1);

            fixed(float4 *p = &mat.billboarded)
            bgfx.encoder_set_uniform(encoder, simpleShader.m_uniformBillboarded, p, 1);

            bgfx.encoder_set_texture(encoder, 0, simpleShader.m_samplerTexColor0, mat.texAlbedoOpacity, UInt32.MaxValue);
            bgfx.encoder_submit(encoder, viewId, simpleShader.m_prog, depth, (byte)bgfx.DiscardFlags.All);
 public static unsafe void EncodeLitMesh(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bgfx.Encoder *encoder, ushort viewId, ref MeshBGFX mesh, ref float4x4 tx,
                                         ref LitMaterialBGFX mat, ref LightingBGFX lighting, ref float4x4 viewTx, int startIndex, int indexCount,
                                         byte flipCulling, ref LightingViewSpaceBGFX viewSpaceLightCache, uint depth)
     mesh.SetForSubmit(encoder, startIndex, indexCount);
     EncodeLit(sys, encoder, ref sys->m_litShader, viewId, ref tx, ref mat, ref lighting, ref viewTx, flipCulling, ref viewSpaceLightCache, depth);
Example #5
        public unsafe bool UpdateSimpleMaterialBGFX(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, ref SimpleMaterial mat, ref SimpleMaterialBGFX matBGFX, bool srgbColors)
            // if constants changed, need to update packed value
            matBGFX.constAlbedo_Opacity = srgbColors ?
                                          new float4(Color.LinearToSRGB(mat.constAlbedo), mat.constOpacity) :
                                          new float4(mat.constAlbedo, mat.constOpacity);
            // if texture entity OR load state changed need to update texture handles
            // content of texture change should transparently update texture referenced by handle
            bool stillLoading = false;

            if (InitTexture(ref matBGFX.texAlbedoOpacity, mat.texAlbedoOpacity, sys->m_whiteTexture))
                stillLoading = true;

            // if twoSided or hasalpha changed, need to update state
            matBGFX.state = (ulong)(bgfx.StateFlags.WriteRgb | bgfx.StateFlags.WriteA | bgfx.StateFlags.DepthTestLess);
            if (!mat.twoSided && !mat.billboarded)
                matBGFX.state |= (ulong)bgfx.StateFlags.CullCw;
            if (mat.transparent)
                matBGFX.state |= RendererBGFXStatic.MakeBGFXBlend(bgfx.StateFlags.BlendOne, bgfx.StateFlags.BlendInvSrcAlpha);
                matBGFX.state |= (ulong)bgfx.StateFlags.WriteZ;
            matBGFX.mainTextureScaleTranslate = new float4(mat.scale, mat.offset);

            matBGFX.billboarded = new float4(mat.billboarded ? 1 : 0, 0, 0, 0);
Example #6
        public unsafe void UpdateLitMaterialBGFX(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, Entity e, bool srgbColors)
            var mat     = EntityManager.GetComponentData <LitMaterial>(e);
            var matBGFX = EntityManager.GetComponentData <LitMaterialBGFX>(e);

            UpdateLitMaterialBGFX(sys, ref mat, ref matBGFX, srgbColors);
            EntityManager.SetComponentData(e, matBGFX);
Example #7
        public static unsafe MeshBGFX CreateStaticMeshFromBlobAsset(RendererBGFXInstance *inst, LitMeshRenderData mesh)
            ushort *   indices   = (ushort *)mesh.Mesh.Value.Indices.GetUnsafePtr();
            int        nindices  = mesh.Mesh.Value.Indices.Length;
            LitVertex *vertices  = (LitVertex *)mesh.Mesh.Value.Vertices.GetUnsafePtr();
            int        nvertices = mesh.Mesh.Value.Vertices.Length;

            return(CreateStaticMesh(inst, indices, nindices, vertices, nvertices));
        public static unsafe void EncodeShadowMapTransient(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bgfx.Encoder *encoder, bgfx.TransientIndexBuffer *tib, bgfx.TransientVertexBuffer *tvb, int nvertices, int nindices,
                                                           ushort viewId, ref float4x4 tx, byte flipCulling, float4 bias)
            EncodeLitTransientBuffers(sys, encoder, tib, tvb, nvertices, nindices);
            EncodeShadowMap(sys, encoder, ref sys->m_shadowMapShader, viewId, ref tx, flipCulling, bias
                            , new float4(1)
Example #9
        public static unsafe MeshBGFX CreateStaticMesh(RendererBGFXInstance *inst, ushort *indices, int nindices, SimpleVertex *vertices, int nvertices, SkinnedMeshVertex *skinningdata = null)
            bool hasSkinningData = skinningdata != null;

            long bytes = nvertices * sizeof(SimpleVertex) + nindices * sizeof(ushort);
            if (hasSkinningData)
                bytes += nvertices * sizeof(SkinnedMeshVertex);
            if (hasSkinningData)
                int   simpleVertexSize   = sizeof(SimpleVertex);
                int   skinningVertexSize = sizeof(SkinnedMeshVertex);
                int   totalVertexSize    = simpleVertexSize + skinningVertexSize;
                byte *tmpBlock           = (byte *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(totalVertexSize * nvertices, 4, Allocator.Temp);
                UnsafeUtility.MemCpyStride(tmpBlock, totalVertexSize, vertices, simpleVertexSize, simpleVertexSize, nvertices);
                UnsafeUtility.MemCpyStride(tmpBlock + simpleVertexSize, totalVertexSize, skinningdata, skinningVertexSize, skinningVertexSize, nvertices);
                bgfx.Memory *bgfxMemory = RendererBGFXStatic.CreateMemoryBlock((byte *)tmpBlock, nvertices * totalVertexSize);
                UnsafeUtility.Free(tmpBlock, Allocator.Temp);

                return(new MeshBGFX
                    indexBufferHandle = bgfx.create_index_buffer(RendererBGFXStatic.CreateMemoryBlock((byte *)indices, nindices * 2), (ushort)bgfx.BufferFlags.None).idx,
                    vertexBufferHandle = bgfx.create_vertex_buffer(bgfxMemory, &inst->m_simpleSkinnedVertexBufferDecl, (ushort)bgfx.BufferFlags.None).idx,
                    indexCount = nindices,
                    vertexCount = nvertices,
                    maxIndexCount = nindices,
                    maxVertexCount = nvertices,
                    vertexLayoutHandle = inst->m_simpleSkinnedVertexBufferDeclHandle,
                    isDynamic = false,
                    vertexSize = totalVertexSize,
                return(new MeshBGFX
                    indexBufferHandle = bgfx.create_index_buffer(RendererBGFXStatic.CreateMemoryBlock((byte *)indices, nindices * 2), (ushort)bgfx.BufferFlags.None).idx,
                    vertexBufferHandle = bgfx.create_vertex_buffer(RendererBGFXStatic.CreateMemoryBlock((byte *)vertices, nvertices * sizeof(SimpleVertex)), &inst->m_simpleVertexBufferDecl, (ushort)bgfx.BufferFlags.None).idx,
                    indexCount = nindices,
                    vertexCount = nvertices,
                    maxIndexCount = nindices,
                    maxVertexCount = nvertices,
                    vertexLayoutHandle = inst->m_simpleVertexBufferDeclHandle,
                    isDynamic = false,
                    vertexSize = sizeof(SimpleVertex),
        public static unsafe void EncodeDebugTangents(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bgfx.Encoder *encoder, ushort viewId, float2 width, float length, ref LitMeshRenderData mesh, ref float4x4 objTx, ref float4x4 viewTx, ref float4x4 projTx)
            int        nv       = (int)mesh.Mesh.Value.Vertices.Length;
            LitVertex *vertices = (LitVertex *)mesh.Mesh.Value.Vertices.GetUnsafePtr();

            for (int i = 0; i < nv; i++)
                EncodeLine(sys, encoder, viewId, vertices[i].Position, vertices[i].Position + vertices[i].Normal * length, new float4(0, 0, 1, 1), width, ref objTx, ref viewTx, ref projTx);
                EncodeLine(sys, encoder, viewId, vertices[i].Position, vertices[i].Position + vertices[i].Tangent * length, new float4(1, 0, 0, 1), width, ref objTx, ref viewTx, ref projTx);
        // ---------------- simple, lit, with mesh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public unsafe static void SubmitLitMeshDirect(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, ushort viewId, ref MeshBGFX mesh, ref float4x4 tx,
                                                      ref LitMaterialBGFX mat, ref LightingBGFX lighting,
                                                      ref float4x4 viewTx, int startIndex, int indexCount, byte flipCulling, uint depth)
            bgfx.Encoder *        encoder = bgfx.encoder_begin(false);
            LightingViewSpaceBGFX vsLight = default;

            vsLight.cacheTag = -1;
            EncodeLitMesh(sys, encoder, viewId, ref mesh, ref tx, ref mat, ref lighting, ref viewTx, startIndex, indexCount, flipCulling, ref vsLight, depth);
Example #12
        public static unsafe MeshBGFX CreateStaticSkinnedMeshFromBlobAsset(RendererBGFXInstance *inst,
                                                                           LitMeshRenderData meshData, SkinnedMeshRenderData skinnedData)
            ushort *           indices      = (ushort *)meshData.Mesh.Value.Indices.GetUnsafePtr();
            int                nindices     = meshData.Mesh.Value.Indices.Length;
            LitVertex *        vertices     = (LitVertex *)meshData.Mesh.Value.Vertices.GetUnsafePtr();
            int                nvertices    = meshData.Mesh.Value.Vertices.Length;
            SkinnedMeshVertex *skinningdata = (SkinnedMeshVertex *)skinnedData.SkinnedMeshDataRef.Value.Vertices.GetUnsafePtr();

            return(CreateStaticMesh(inst, indices, nindices, vertices, nvertices, skinningdata));
Example #13
        public static unsafe void EncodeSimpleSkinnedmesh(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bgfx.Encoder *encoder, ushort viewId, ref MeshBGFX mesh, ref float4x4 tx, ref SimpleMaterialBGFX mat,
                                                          int startIndex, int indexCount, byte flipCulling, uint depth, float4x4[] boneMatrices)
            mesh.SetForSubmit(encoder, startIndex, indexCount);
            fixed(float4x4 *p = boneMatrices)
                bgfx.encoder_set_uniform(encoder, sys->m_simpleSkinnedMeshShader.m_uniformBoneMatrices, p, (ushort)boneMatrices.Length);

            EncodeSimple(sys, encoder, ref sys->m_simpleSkinnedMeshShader.m_simpleShader, viewId, ref tx, ref mat, flipCulling, depth);
Example #14
        public static unsafe void EncodeShadowMapSkinnedMesh(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bgfx.Encoder *encoder, ushort viewId, ref MeshBGFX mesh, ref float4x4 tx,
                                                             int startIndex, int indexCount, byte flipCulling, float4 bias, float4x4[] boneMatrices)
            mesh.SetForSubmit(encoder, startIndex, indexCount);
            fixed(float4x4 *p = boneMatrices)
                bgfx.encoder_set_uniform(encoder, sys->m_skinnedMeshShadowMapShader.m_uniformBoneMatrices, p, (ushort)boneMatrices.Length);

            EncodeShadowMap(sys, encoder, ref sys->m_skinnedMeshShadowMapShader.m_shadowMapShader, viewId, ref tx, flipCulling, bias);
Example #15
        protected override void OnStopRunning()
            m_BGFXSystem   = null;
            m_BGFXInstance = null;
            PlatformEvents.OnSuspendResume -= OnSuspendResume;

        public static unsafe void EncodeLitSkinnedMesh(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bgfx.Encoder *encoder, ushort viewId, ref MeshBGFX mesh, ref float4x4 tx,
                                                       ref LitMaterialBGFX mat, ref LightingBGFX lighting, ref float4x4 viewTx, int startIndex, int indexCount,
                                                       byte flipCulling, ref LightingViewSpaceBGFX viewSpaceLightCache, uint depth, float4x4[] boneMatrices)
            mesh.SetForSubmit(encoder, startIndex, indexCount);
            fixed(float4x4 *p = boneMatrices)
                bgfx.encoder_set_uniform(encoder, sys->m_litSkinnedMeshShader.m_uniformBoneMatrices, p, (ushort)boneMatrices.Length);

            EncodeLit(sys, encoder, ref sys->m_litSkinnedMeshShader.m_litShader, viewId, ref tx, ref mat, ref lighting, ref viewTx, flipCulling, ref viewSpaceLightCache, depth);
Example #17
        public unsafe bool UpdateLitMaterialBGFX(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, ref LitMaterial mat, ref LitMaterialBGFX matBGFX, bool srgbColors)
            bool stillLoading = false;

            if (InitTexture(ref matBGFX.texAlbedoOpacity, mat.texAlbedoOpacity, sys->m_whiteTexture))
                stillLoading = true;
            if (InitTexture(ref matBGFX.texNormal, mat.texNormal, sys->m_upTexture))
                stillLoading = true;
            if (InitTexture(ref matBGFX.texMetal, mat.texMetal, sys->m_whiteTexture))
                stillLoading = true;
            if (InitTexture(ref matBGFX.texEmissive, mat.texEmissive, sys->m_whiteTexture))
                stillLoading = true;

            InitShader(ref matBGFX.shaderProgram, mat.shader, sys->m_litShader.m_prog);

            matBGFX.constAlbedo_Opacity = srgbColors ?
                                          new float4(Color.LinearToSRGB(mat.constAlbedo), mat.constOpacity) :
                                          new float4(mat.constAlbedo, mat.constOpacity);
            matBGFX.constMetal_Smoothness_Billboarded = new float4(mat.constMetal, mat.constSmoothness, mat.billboarded ? 1 : 0, 0);
            matBGFX.constEmissive_normalMapZScale     = srgbColors ?
                                                        new float4(Color.LinearToSRGB(mat.constEmissive), mat.normalMapZScale) :
                                                        new float4(mat.constEmissive, mat.normalMapZScale);
            matBGFX.mainTextureScaleTranslate = new float4(mat.scale, mat.offset);
            matBGFX.smoothness   = new float4(0.0f);
            matBGFX.smoothness.x = (!mat.transparent && mat.smoothnessAlbedoAlpha) ? 1 : 0;
            matBGFX.smoothness.y = (!mat.transparent && !mat.smoothnessAlbedoAlpha) ? 1 : 0;
            matBGFX.smoothness.z = !mat.transparent ? 1 : 0;

            // if twoSided, need to update state
            matBGFX.state = (ulong)(bgfx.StateFlags.WriteRgb | bgfx.StateFlags.WriteA | bgfx.StateFlags.DepthTestLess);
            if (!mat.twoSided && !mat.billboarded)
                matBGFX.state |= (ulong)bgfx.StateFlags.CullCcw;
            if (mat.transparent)
                matBGFX.state |= RendererBGFXStatic.MakeBGFXBlend(bgfx.StateFlags.BlendOne, bgfx.StateFlags.BlendInvSrcAlpha);
                matBGFX.state |= (ulong)bgfx.StateFlags.WriteZ;
        // ---------------- shadow map ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static unsafe void EncodeShadowMapMesh(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bgfx.Encoder *encoder, ushort viewId, ref MeshBGFX mesh, ref float4x4 tx,
                                                      int startIndex, int indexCount, byte flipCulling, float4 bias)
            float4 cd = GetShadowDebugColor(mesh.DebugIndex() + startIndex);
            mesh.SetForSubmit(encoder, startIndex, indexCount);
            EncodeShadowMap(sys, encoder, ref sys->m_shadowMapShader, viewId, ref tx, flipCulling, bias
                            , cd
        private void EncodeBox(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bgfx.Encoder *encoder, Entity ePass, ref float4x4 tx, float3 cMin, float3 cMax, float width, float4 color)
            var      pass = EntityManager.GetComponentData <RenderPass>(ePass);
            float4x4 adjustedProjection = sys->GetAdjustedProjection(ref pass);
            float2   normWidth          = new float2(width / pass.viewport.w, width / pass.viewport.h);

            for (int j = 0; j < Culling.EdgeTable.Length; j++)
                float3 p0 = Culling.SelectCoordsMinMax(cMin, cMax, Culling.EdgeTable[j] & 7);
                float3 p1 = Culling.SelectCoordsMinMax(cMin, cMax, Culling.EdgeTable[j] >> 3);
                SubmitHelper.EncodeLine(sys, encoder, pass.viewId, p0, p1, color, normWidth,
                                        ref tx, ref pass.viewTransform, ref adjustedProjection);
        public static unsafe bool SubmitTransientAlloc(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bgfx.TransientIndexBuffer *tib, bgfx.TransientVertexBuffer *tvb, int nvertices, int nindices, bgfx.VertexLayout *layout)
            if (!bgfx.alloc_transient_buffers(tvb, layout, (uint)nvertices, tib, (uint)nindices))
                // TODO: throw or ignore draw?
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Out of transient bgfx memory!");
                RenderDebug.LogFormat("Warning: Out of transient bgfx memory! Skipping draw call.");
        // For uniforms and shaders setup. Does not handle vertex/index buffers
        private unsafe static void EncodeZOnly(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bgfx.Encoder *encoder, ushort viewId, ref float4x4 tx, byte flipCulling)
            ulong state = (ulong)(bgfx.StateFlags.WriteZ | bgfx.StateFlags.DepthTestLess | bgfx.StateFlags.CullCcw);

            if (flipCulling != 0)
                state = FlipCulling(state);
            bgfx.encoder_set_state(encoder, state, 0);
            unsafe { fixed(float4x4 *p = &tx) bgfx.encoder_set_transform(encoder, p, 1); }
            float4 color = new float4(1, 0, 0, 1);

            bgfx.encoder_set_uniform(encoder, sys->m_zOnlyShader.m_uniformDebugColor, &color, 1);
            bgfx.encoder_submit(encoder, viewId, sys->m_zOnlyShader.m_prog, 0, (byte)bgfx.DiscardFlags.All);
Example #22
        public ulong              state; // includes blending and culling!

        internal unsafe bool Update(EntityManager em, RendererBGFXInstance *sys, ref BitmapFontMaterial mat)
            constClipRect     = mat.ConstClipRect;
            constMaskSoftness = mat.ConstMaskSoftness;

            // if texture entity OR load state changed need to update texture handles
            // content of texture change should transparently update texture referenced by handle
            bool stillLoading = UpdateTextMaterialsSystem.InitTexture(em, ref texAtlas, mat.AtlasTexture, sys->m_whiteTexture);

            // text is always two-sided and transparent
            state  = (ulong)(bgfx.StateFlags.WriteRgb | bgfx.StateFlags.WriteA | bgfx.StateFlags.DepthTestLess);
            state |= RendererBGFXStatic.MakeBGFXBlend(bgfx.StateFlags.BlendSrcAlpha, bgfx.StateFlags.BlendInvSrcAlpha);

        static private void Circle(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bgfx.Encoder *encoder, ushort viewId, float3 org, float3 du, float3 dv, float r, int n, float4 color, float2 normWidth,
                                   ref float4x4 tx, ref float4x4 txView, ref float4x4 txProj)
            float3 pprev = org + dv * r;

            for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                float  a = ((float)i / (float)n) * math.PI * 2.0f;
                float  u = math.sin(a) * r;
                float  v = math.cos(a) * r;
                float3 p = org + du * u + dv * v;
                SubmitHelper.EncodeLine(sys, encoder, viewId, pprev, p, color, normWidth, ref tx, ref txView, ref txProj);
                pprev = p;
Example #24
        // For uniforms and shaders setup. Does not handle vertex/index buffers
        private static unsafe void EncodeShadowMap(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bgfx.Encoder *encoder, ref ShadowMapShader shadowMapShader, ushort viewId, ref float4x4 tx, byte flipCulling, float4 bias)
            ulong state = (ulong)(bgfx.StateFlags.WriteZ | bgfx.StateFlags.DepthTestLess | bgfx.StateFlags.CullCcw);

            if (flipCulling != 0)
                state = FlipCulling(state);
            state |= (ulong)bgfx.StateFlags.WriteRgb | (ulong)bgfx.StateFlags.WriteA;
            float4 c = new float4(1);
            bgfx.encoder_set_uniform(encoder, shadowMapShader.m_uniformDebugColor, &c, 1);
            bgfx.encoder_set_state(encoder, state, 0);
            unsafe { fixed(float4x4 *p = &tx) bgfx.encoder_set_transform(encoder, p, 1); }
            bgfx.encoder_set_uniform(encoder, shadowMapShader.m_uniformBias, &bias, 1);
            bgfx.encoder_submit(encoder, viewId, shadowMapShader.m_prog, 0, (byte)bgfx.DiscardFlags.All);
Example #25
        public static unsafe MeshBGFX CreateDynamicMeshSimple(RendererBGFXInstance *inst, int maxVertices, int maxIndices, bool hasSkinningData)
            Assert.IsTrue(maxVertices <= 0x10000 && maxVertices > 0 && maxIndices > 0 && maxIndices <= 0xf0000);
            long bytes = maxVertices * sizeof(SimpleVertex) + maxIndices * sizeof(ushort);
            if (hasSkinningData)
                bytes += maxVertices * sizeof(SkinnedMeshVertex);
            if (hasSkinningData)
                return(new MeshBGFX
                    maxVertexCount = maxVertices,
                    maxIndexCount = maxIndices,
                    vertexCount = 0,
                    indexCount = 0,
                    vertexBufferHandle = bgfx.create_dynamic_vertex_buffer((uint)maxVertices, &inst->m_simpleSkinnedVertexBufferDecl, (ushort)bgfx.BufferFlags.None).idx,
                    indexBufferHandle = bgfx.create_dynamic_index_buffer((uint)maxIndices, (ushort)bgfx.BufferFlags.None).idx,
                    vertexLayoutHandle = inst->m_simpleSkinnedVertexBufferDeclHandle,
                    isDynamic = true,
                    vertexSize = sizeof(SimpleVertex) + sizeof(SkinnedMeshVertex),
                return(new MeshBGFX
                    maxVertexCount = maxVertices,
                    maxIndexCount = maxIndices,
                    vertexCount = 0,
                    indexCount = 0,
                    vertexBufferHandle = bgfx.create_dynamic_vertex_buffer((uint)maxVertices, &inst->m_simpleVertexBufferDecl, (ushort)bgfx.BufferFlags.None).idx,
                    indexBufferHandle = bgfx.create_dynamic_index_buffer((uint)maxIndices, (ushort)bgfx.BufferFlags.None).idx,
                    vertexLayoutHandle = inst->m_simpleVertexBufferDeclHandle,
                    isDynamic = true,
                    vertexSize = sizeof(SimpleVertex),
Example #26
        bool EnsureInitialized()
            // early-out assumption that if we initialized the shader, we're good to go
            if (m_TextShader.Initialized)

            if (!m_BGFXSystem.IsInitialized())

            m_BGFXInstance = m_BGFXSystem.InstancePointer();

            // TODO -- need a better way to find a shader given a guid
            int foundShaders = 0;

            Entities.ForEach((ref BuiltInShader builtInShader, ref ShaderBinData shaders) =>
                if (builtInShader.Guid == BitmapFontMaterial.ShaderGuid)
                    m_TextShader.Init(BGFXShaderHelper.GetPrecompiledShaderData(m_BGFXInstance->m_rendererType, shaders, ref builtInShader.Name));
                else if (builtInShader.Guid == SDFFontMaterial.ShaderGuid)
                    m_TextSDFShader.Init(BGFXShaderHelper.GetPrecompiledShaderData(m_BGFXInstance->m_rendererType, shaders, ref builtInShader.Name));

            // must have the shader
            if (foundShaders != 2)
                throw new Exception("Couldn't find all needed Text precompiled shaders");

        public static unsafe MeshBGFX CreateStaticMesh(RendererBGFXInstance *inst, ushort *indices, int nindices, SimpleVertex *vertices, int nvertices)
            long bytes = nvertices * sizeof(SimpleVertex) + nindices * sizeof(ushort);
            return(new MeshBGFX
                indexBufferHandle = bgfx.create_index_buffer(RendererBGFXStatic.CreateMemoryBlock((byte *)indices, nindices * 2), (ushort)bgfx.BufferFlags.None).idx,
                vertexBufferHandle = bgfx.create_vertex_buffer(RendererBGFXStatic.CreateMemoryBlock((byte *)vertices, nvertices * sizeof(SimpleVertex)), &inst->m_simpleVertexBufferDecl, (ushort)bgfx.BufferFlags.None).idx,
                indexCount = nindices,
                vertexCount = nvertices,
                maxIndexCount = nindices,
                maxVertexCount = nvertices,
                vertexLayoutHandle = inst->m_simpleVertexBufferDeclHandle,
                isDynamic = false,
                vertexSize = sizeof(SimpleVertex),
        public static unsafe void SubmitBlitDirectExtended(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, ushort viewId, ref float4x4 tx, bgfx.TextureHandle tetxure,
                                                           bool fromSRGB, bool toSRGB, float reinhard, float4 mulColor, float4 addColor, bool premultiply)
            unsafe {
                bgfx.Encoder *encoder = bgfx.encoder_begin(false);
                bgfx.encoder_set_state(encoder, (uint)(bgfx.StateFlags.WriteRgb | bgfx.StateFlags.WriteA), 0);

                fixed(float4x4 *p = &tx)
                bgfx.encoder_set_transform(encoder, p, 1);

                sys->m_quadMesh.SetForSubmit(encoder, 0, 6);
                // material uniforms setup
                bgfx.encoder_set_uniform(encoder, sys->m_blitShader.m_colormul, &mulColor, 1);
                bgfx.encoder_set_uniform(encoder, sys->m_blitShader.m_coloradd, &addColor, 1);
                float4 noTexMad = new float4(1, 1, 0, 0);
                bgfx.encoder_set_uniform(encoder, sys->m_blitShader.m_uniformTexMad, &noTexMad, 1);
                bgfx.encoder_set_texture(encoder, 0, sys->m_blitShader.m_samplerTexColor0, tetxure, UInt32.MaxValue);
                float4 s = new float4(fromSRGB ? 1.0f : 0.0f, toSRGB ? 1.0f : 0.0f, reinhard, premultiply ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
                bgfx.encoder_set_uniform(encoder, sys->m_blitShader.m_decodeSRGB_encodeSRGB_reinhard_premultiply, &s, 1);
                // submit
                bgfx.encoder_submit(encoder, viewId, sys->m_blitShader.m_prog, 0, (byte)bgfx.DiscardFlags.All);
        // ---------------- blit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static unsafe void SubmitBlitDirectFast(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, ushort viewId, ref float4x4 tx, float4 color, bgfx.TextureHandle tetxure)
            unsafe {
                bgfx.Encoder *encoder = bgfx.encoder_begin(false);
                bgfx.set_state((uint)(bgfx.StateFlags.WriteRgb | bgfx.StateFlags.WriteA), 0);

                fixed(float4x4 *p = &tx)
                bgfx.encoder_set_transform(encoder, p, 1);

                sys->m_quadMesh.SetForSubmit(encoder, 0, 6);
                // material uniforms setup
                bgfx.encoder_set_uniform(encoder, sys->m_simpleShader.m_uniformColor0, &color, 1);
                float4 noTexMad = new float4(1, 1, 0, 0);
                bgfx.encoder_set_uniform(encoder, sys->m_simpleShader.m_uniformTexMad, &noTexMad, 1);
                bgfx.encoder_set_texture(encoder, 0, sys->m_simpleShader.m_samplerTexColor0, tetxure, UInt32.MaxValue);

                fixed(float4 *p = &
                bgfx.encoder_set_uniform(encoder, sys->m_simpleShader.m_uniformBillboarded, p, 1);

                // submit
                bgfx.encoder_submit(encoder, viewId, sys->m_simpleShader.m_prog, 0, (byte)bgfx.DiscardFlags.All);
 private void AddMappedLightFromEntity(Entity e, ref LightingBGFX r, bool srgbColors, RendererBGFXInstance *sys)
     if (e == Entity.Null)
         return; }