internal BlueMarbleBuilder() : base("Blue Marble", MainForm.WorldWindowSingleton, null) { ImageLayer oBaseLayer = new WorldWind.Renderable.ImageLayer( "Blue Marble ImageLayer", MainForm.WorldWindowSingleton.CurrentWorld, 0, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}\\Data\\Earth\\BmngBathy\\world.topo.bathy.2004{1:D2}.jpg", Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), 7), -90, 90, -180, 180, 1.0f, null); WorldWind.NltImageStore imageStore = new WorldWind.NltImageStore(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "bmng.topo.bathy.2004{0:D2}", 7), ""); imageStore.DataDirectory = null; imageStore.LevelZeroTileSizeDegrees = 36.0; imageStore.LevelCount = 5; imageStore.ImageExtension = "jpg"; imageStore.CacheDirectory = MainForm.WorldWindowSingleton.Cache.CacheDirectory + "\\Earth\\BMNG\\"; WorldWind.ImageStore[] ias = new WorldWind.ImageStore[1]; ias[0] = imageStore; QuadTileSet oTiledBaseLayer = new WorldWind.Renderable.QuadTileSet( "Blue Marble QuadTileSet", MainForm.WorldWindowSingleton.CurrentWorld, 0, 90, -90, -180, 180, true, ias); RenderableObjectList oRenderableList = new RenderableObjectList("This name doesn't matter, it gets rewritten"); oRenderableList.Add(oBaseLayer); oRenderableList.Add(oTiledBaseLayer); oRenderableList.RenderPriority = RenderPriority.TerrainMappedImages; m_hObject = oRenderableList; }
/// <summary> /// Adds a pre-constructed feed to the list and its layer to the root layer /// </summary> /// <param name="feed">feed to add</param> /// <param name="addToRoot">sets whether or not the layer gets added to this root layer</param> public void Add(GeoRssFeed feed, bool addToRoot) { if (addToRoot) { m_rootLayer.Add(feed.Layer); } m_feeds.Add(feed); m_form.UpdateDataGridView(); }
public override void Load() { // Setup Drag&Drop functionality Global.worldWindow.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler(OgrVectorImporter_DragEnter); Global.worldWindow.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(OgrVectorImporter_DragDrop); world = Global.worldWindow.CurrentWorld; layer = new RenderableObjectList(Name); world.RenderableObjects.Add(layer); waitMessage = new WaitMessage(); layer.Add(waitMessage); LoadSaveXmlConfig(true); }
/// <summary> /// 存储一些列的对象 /// </summary> /// <param name="ro">存储的对象</param> /// <param name="file">存储位置</param> public static void SaveAs(RenderableObject ro, string file) { XmlDocument worldDoc = new XmlDocument(); worldDoc.AppendChild((worldDoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null))); if (ro is RenderableObjectList) { //worldDoc.AppendChild(saveLayer((RenderableObjectList)ro, worldDoc)); worldDoc.AppendChild(ro.ToXml(worldDoc)); } else { RenderableObjectList rol = new RenderableObjectList("Saved"); rol.Add(ro); worldDoc.AppendChild(saveLayer(rol, worldDoc)); } worldDoc.Save(file); }
/// <summary> /// Plugin entry point - All plugins must implement this function /// </summary> public override void Load() { // Setup Drag&Drop functionality m_Application.WorldWindow.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler(OgrVectorImporter_DragEnter); m_Application.WorldWindow.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(OgrVectorImporter_DragDrop); world = m_Application.WorldWindow.CurrentWorld; layer = new RenderableObjectList(Name); world.RenderableObjects.Add(layer); waitMessage = new WaitMessage(); layer.Add(waitMessage); menuItem = new MenuItem("Import vectors from OGR data source..."); menuItem.Click += new EventHandler(menuItem_Click); ParentApplication.PluginsMenu.MenuItems.Add(menuItem); LoadSaveXmlConfig(true); }
private void ParseGeometry(OGR.Geometry geom, string keyStringValue, double keyNumericValue, string labelValue) { int geomType = geom.GetGeometryType(); if (geomType == ogr.wkbUnknown) { return; } // points else if (geomType == ogr.wkbPoint || geomType == ogr.wkbPoint25D) { bool dataSubListExists = false; foreach (Icons l in styleSubList.ChildObjects) { if (l.Name == keyStringValue) { dataSubList = l; dataSubListExists = true; } } if (!dataSubListExists) { dataSubList = new Icons(keyStringValue); //subSubList.DisableExpansion = true; styleSubList.Add(dataSubList); } double[] p = { geom.GetX(0), geom.GetY(0) }; if (needsTransformation) { coordTransform.TransformPoint(p); } WorldWind.Renderable.Icon ic = new WorldWind.Renderable.Icon(labelValue, p[1], p[0], 0); //ic.TextureFileName = Path.Combine(this.PluginDirectory, "icon.png"); ic.TextureFileName = ""; //ic.Width = 12; //ic.Height = 12; dataSubList.Add(ic); //Console.WriteLine(" Found point, contains " + geom.GetPointCount()); waitMessage.Text += "\nFound " + geom.GetGeometryName(); } // linestring or multi-line else if (geomType == ogr.wkbLineString || geomType == ogr.wkbLineString25D) { //Console.WriteLine(" Found " + geom.GetGeometryName() + ", contains " + geom.GetPointCount() + "points, " + geom.GetGeometryCount() + " sub-geometries"); waitMessage.Text += "\nFound " + geom.GetGeometryName() + ", contains " + geom.GetPointCount() + " points, " + geom.GetGeometryCount() + " sub-geometries"; bool dataSubListExists = false; foreach (Icons l in styleSubList.ChildObjects) { if (l.Name == keyStringValue) { dataSubList = l; dataSubListExists = true; } } if (!dataSubListExists) { dataSubList = new Icons(keyStringValue); //subSubList.DisableExpansion = true; styleSubList.Add(dataSubList); } int pointCount = geom.GetPointCount(); Point3d[] p = new Point3d[pointCount]; //TODO: handle 2.5/3D? for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++) { double[] point = { geom.GetX(i), geom.GetY(i) }; if (needsTransformation) { coordTransform.TransformPoint(point); } p[i] = new Point3d(point[0], point[1], 0); } //Color lineColor = Color.FromArgb(infoSelector.LineAlpha, infoSelector.LineColor); Color lineColor = InterpolateColor(keyNumericValue, true); LineFeature lf = new LineFeature(labelValue, world, p, lineColor); lf.LineWidth = infoSelector.NumericMinStyle.LineWidth; dataSubList.Add(lf); } // polygon... else if (geomType == ogr.wkbPolygon || geomType == ogr.wkbPolygon25D) { bool dataSubListExists = false; foreach (Icons l in styleSubList.ChildObjects) { if (l.Name == keyStringValue) { dataSubList = l; dataSubListExists = true; } } if (!dataSubListExists) { dataSubList = new Icons(keyStringValue); //subSubList.DisableExpansion = true; styleSubList.Add(dataSubList); } //Console.WriteLine(" Found " + geom.GetGeometryName() + ", contains " + geom.GetGeometryCount() + " sub-geometries"); waitMessage.Text += "\nFound " + geom.GetGeometryName() + ", contains " + geom.GetPointCount() + " points, " + geom.GetGeometryCount() + " sub-geometries"; int numInnerRings = geom.GetGeometryCount() - 1; LinearRing[] innerRings; if (numInnerRings != 0) { innerRings = new LinearRing[numInnerRings]; } else { innerRings = null; } LinearRing outerRing = new LinearRing(); OGR.Geometry ring; //outer ring... ring = geom.GetGeometryRef(0); waitMessage.Text += "\nFound " + ring.GetGeometryName() + ", contains " + ring.GetPointCount() + " points, " + ring.GetGeometryCount() + " sub-geometries"; int pointCount = ring.GetPointCount(); Point3d[] p = new Point3d[pointCount]; for (int k = 0; k < pointCount; k++) { double x = ring.GetX(k); double y = ring.GetY(k); double[] point = { x, y }; if (needsTransformation) { coordTransform.TransformPoint(point); } p[k] = new Point3d(point[0], point[1], 0); } outerRing.Points = p; //inner rings... if (innerRings != null) { for (int i = 1; i < geom.GetGeometryCount(); i++) { ring = geom.GetGeometryRef(i); waitMessage.Text += "\nFound " + ring.GetGeometryName() + ", contains " + ring.GetPointCount() + " points, " + ring.GetGeometryCount() + " sub-geometries"; for (int j = 0; j < ring.GetPointCount(); j++) { int innerRingPointCount = ring.GetPointCount(); Point3d[] q = new Point3d[innerRingPointCount]; for (int k = 0; k < innerRingPointCount; k++) { double x = ring.GetX(k); double y = ring.GetY(k); double[] point = { x, y }; if (needsTransformation) { coordTransform.TransformPoint(point); } q[k] = new Point3d(point[0], point[1], 0); } LinearRing r = new LinearRing(); r.Points = q; innerRings[i - 1] = r; } } } Color fillColor = InterpolateColor(keyNumericValue, false); Color lineColor = InterpolateColor(keyNumericValue, true); PolygonFeature pf = new PolygonFeature( labelValue, world, outerRing, innerRings, fillColor); pf.Outline = infoSelector.NumericMinStyle.OutlinePolygons; pf.OutlineColor = lineColor; dataSubList.Add(pf); } else if (geomType == ogr.wkbMultiPoint || geomType == ogr.wkbMultiPoint25D || geomType == ogr.wkbMultiLineString || geomType == ogr.wkbMultiLineString25D || geomType == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon || geomType == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon25D) { waitMessage.Text += "\nFound " + geom.GetGeometryName() + ", contains " + geom.GetGeometryCount() + " sub-geometries"; ParseGeometry(geom, keyStringValue, keyNumericValue, labelValue); } }
void LoadFile() { FileInfo f = new FileInfo(fileName); fileSubList = null; // Create the LM branch for the file... foreach (RenderableObject l in layer.ChildObjects) { if (l.Name == f.Name) { fileSubList = (RenderableObjectList)l; break; } } if (fileSubList == null) { fileSubList = new RenderableObjectList(f.Name); } layer.Add(fileSubList); ogr.UseExceptions(); try { ogr.RegisterAll(); ds = ogr.Open(fileName, 0); ogrLayer = ds.GetLayerByIndex(0); SpatialReference inSrs = ogrLayer.GetSpatialRef(); ArrayList fieldNames = GetFieldNames(ogrLayer); infoSelector = new VectorInfoSelector(ogrLayer); if (infoSelector.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } styleSubList = new RenderableObjectList(infoSelector.TextStyle.Layername); styleSubList.IsOn = false; fileSubList.Add(styleSubList); keyFieldName = infoSelector.TextStyle.KeyDataFieldName; keyDataType = infoSelector.TextStyle.DataType; labelFieldName = infoSelector.TextStyle.LabelFieldName; if (keyDataType == DataType.Text && infoSelector.TextStyle.TextFilter) { filterString = infoSelector.TextStyle.TextFilterString; textFilterType = infoSelector.TextStyle.TextFilterType; } maxPolygonColor = infoSelector.NumericMaxStyle.PolygonColor; maxLineColor = infoSelector.NumericMaxStyle.LineColor; maxLineWidth = infoSelector.NumericMaxStyle.LineWidth; maxOutlinePolygons = infoSelector.NumericMaxStyle.OutlinePolygons; minPolygonColor = infoSelector.NumericMinStyle.PolygonColor; minLineColor = infoSelector.NumericMinStyle.LineColor; minLineWidth = infoSelector.NumericMinStyle.LineWidth; minOutlinePolygons = infoSelector.NumericMinStyle.OutlinePolygons; noDataLineColor = infoSelector.NumericNoDataStyle.LineColor; noDataLineWidth = infoSelector.NumericNoDataStyle.LineWidth; noDataPolygonColor = infoSelector.NumericNoDataStyle.PolygonColor; noDataOutlinePolygons = infoSelector.NumericNoDataStyle.OutlinePolygons; noDataValue = infoSelector.NumericNoDataStyle.NoDataValue; textLineColor = infoSelector.TextStyle.LineColor; textLineWidth = infoSelector.TextStyle.LineWidth; textPolygonColor = infoSelector.TextStyle.PolygonColor; textOutlinePolygons = infoSelector.TextStyle.OutlinePolygons; if (infoSelector.Projection.Contains("EPSG")) { string trimString = "EPSG:"; string epsgString = infoSelector.Projection.Trim(trimString.ToCharArray()); int epsg = int.Parse(epsgString); inSrs = new SpatialReference(""); inSrs.ImportFromEPSG(epsg); } else if (infoSelector.Projection == "" || infoSelector.Projection == "(unknown)") { inSrs = null; } else { inSrs = new SpatialReference(""); inSrs.ImportFromProj4(infoSelector.Projection); } OGR.SpatialReference outSrs = new OGR.SpatialReference(outWkt); //outSrs.ImportFromEPSG(4326); if (inSrs != null) { coordTransform = new CoordinateTransformation(inSrs, outSrs); needsTransformation = true; Console.WriteLine("Reprojecting..."); } keyFieldIndex = GetFieldIndexFromString(keyFieldName, fieldNames); labelFieldIndex = GetFieldIndexFromString(labelFieldName, fieldNames); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\nNo features imported."); return; } Thread t = new Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(LoadVectors)); t.IsBackground = true; t.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Plugin entry point - All plugins must implement this function /// </summary> public override void Load() { FileInfo savedFile = new FileInfo(SavedFilePath); if (!savedFile.Exists) { if (!savedFile.Directory.Exists) { savedFile.Directory.Create(); } try { // Offline check if (World.Settings.WorkOffline) { throw new Exception("Offline mode active."); } MFW3D.Net.WebDownload download = new MFW3D.Net.WebDownload(DataFileUri); download.DownloadFile(savedFile.FullName); download.Dispose(); } catch { } } m_wavingFlagsList = new RenderableObjectList("Waving Flags"); m_wavingFlagsList.IsOn = false; System.Collections.Hashtable countryHash = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); using (StreamReader reader = savedFile.OpenText()) { string header = reader.ReadLine(); string[] headers = header.Split('\t'); string line = reader.ReadLine(); while (line != null) { System.Collections.Hashtable fieldHash = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); string[] lineParts = line.Split('\t'); //Log.Write(string.Format("{0}\t{1}", lineParts[0], lineParts[1])); try { if ((lineParts[3].Length > 0) && (lineParts[4].Length > 0)) { double latitude = double.Parse(lineParts[3], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double longitude = double.Parse(lineParts[4], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (lineParts[1].Length == 2) { string flagFileUri = FlagTextureDirectoryUri + "/" + lineParts[1] + FlagSuffix; FileInfo savedFlagFile = new FileInfo(SavedFlagsDirectory + "\\" + lineParts[1] + ".dds"); WavingFlagLayer flag = new WavingFlagLayer( lineParts[0], Global.worldWindow.CurrentWorld, latitude, longitude, flagFileUri); flag.SavedImagePath = savedFlagFile.FullName; flag.ScaleX = 100000; flag.ScaleY = 100000; flag.ScaleZ = 100000; flag.Bar3D = new Bar3D(flag.Name, flag.World, latitude, longitude, 0, flag.ScaleZ, System.Drawing.Color.Red); flag.Bar3D.ScaleX = 0.3f * flag.ScaleX; flag.Bar3D.ScaleY = 0.3f * flag.ScaleY; flag.Bar3D.IsOn = false; flag.RenderPriority = RenderPriority.Custom; flag.OnMouseEnterEvent += new EventHandler(flag_OnMouseEnterEvent); flag.OnMouseLeaveEvent += new EventHandler(flag_OnMouseLeaveEvent); flag.OnMouseUpEvent += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(flag_OnMouseUpEvent); m_wavingFlagsList.Add(flag); for (int i = 0; i < lineParts.Length; i++) { try { double value; if (double.TryParse(lineParts[i], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out value)) { fieldHash.Add(headers[i], value); } else { fieldHash.Add(headers[i], lineParts[i]); } } catch { fieldHash.Add(headers[i], lineParts[i]); } } countryHash.Add(lineParts[0], fieldHash); } else { //Log.Write(Log.Levels.Debug, "blank: " + lineParts[0]); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write(Log.Levels.Warning, string.Format("Exception: {0} - {1}", lineParts[0], ex.ToString())); } line = reader.ReadLine(); } Headers = headers; } CountryHash = countryHash; InitializeCiaForm(); Global.worldWindow.CurrentWorld.RenderableObjects.Add(m_wavingFlagsList); }