public void DrawFrame() { emutex.Update(gfxdata); emusprite.Texture = emutex; window.Draw(emusprite); window.Display(); }
public void EvaluateAgents(IEnumerable <ICarAI> agents, List <Parameters> maps) { this.Initalise(agents); foreach (var map in maps) { // Copy the map lineSegments = map.Map; carSimScreen.SetLineSegments(lineSegments); // Set our starting position (initial heading is always straight down) this.startPosition = map.StartPosition.Value; carSimScreen.InitaliseCars(map.Checkpoints, this.startPosition, 0); this.EvaluateAgents(); window.Clear(); window.Display(); Thread.Sleep(100); } window.Clear(); var text = new FontText(new Font("SimData\\Fonts\\Calibri.ttf"), $"Training Generation {gen++}...", Color.White) { Scale = 2 }; var cameraPosition = carSimScreen.Camera.GetView().Center; window.DrawString(text, cameraPosition); window.Display(); }
private void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { _renderWindow.DispatchEvents(); _renderWindow.Clear(new SFML.Graphics.Color(255, 255, 255)); Calendar.DrawCalendar(_renderWindow, _nodesModel, _sunModel, _moonModel, _metonicYearModel, _monthModel, _dayModel, _sunCountModel); _renderWindow.Display(); }
public void Render(DoomApplication app) { if (app.State == ApplicationState.Opening) { openingSequence.Render(app.Opening); } else if (app.State == ApplicationState.Game) { RenderGame(app.Game); } if (app.Menu.Active) { menu.Render(app.Menu); } var screenData = screen.Data; var p = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, uint>(sfmlTextureData); for (var i = 0; i < p.Length; i++) { p[i] = colors[screenData[i]]; } sfmlTexture.Update(sfmlTextureData, (uint)screen.Height, (uint)screen.Width, 0, 0); sfmlWindow.Draw(sfmlSprite, sfmlStates); sfmlWindow.Display(); }
void Render() { Window.Clear(LetterBoxColor.SFMLColor); Surface.FillColor = Color; Surface.Fill(Color); Draw.GameTarget = Surface; Draw.SpriteBatch.Begin(); // Spritebatch test? if (DrawInactiveScenes) { foreach (Scene scene in Scenes.Reverse()) { if (Scene != scene) { scenesToRender.Add(scene); } if (!scene.DrawScenesBelow) { scenesToRender = new List <Scene>(); if (Scene != scene) { scenesToRender.Add(scene); } } } for (int i = 0; i < scenesToRender.Count; i++) { scenesToRender[i].RenderInternal(); } scenesToRender = new List <Scene>(); } if (Scene != null) { Scene.RenderInternal(); } Draw.SpriteBatch.End(); // Spritebatch test? Draw.ResetTarget(); foreach (var surface in Surfaces) { Draw.Graphic(surface); } Surface.DrawToWindow(this); if (Debugger != null) { Debugger.Render(); } Window.Display(); }
public void Print(Text a) { window.DispatchEvents(); window.Clear(Color.Black); window.Draw(a); window.Display(); }
private void DrawPause() { Window.Clear(Color.Blue); Font f = new Font("./Resources/font.ttf"); Text t = new Text("PAUSED", f, 44); t.Color = Color.White; //t.Origin = new Vector2f(0.5f, 0.5f); t.Position = new Vector2f(0, 0); Window.Draw(t); Window.Display(); }
public void StartAnimation() { RectangleShape rs = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(800, 500)); for (int i = 255; i > 0; i -= 8) { window.Clear(); DrawFrame(); rs.FillColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, (byte)i); window.Draw(rs); window.Display(); } }
public void Loop() { isAlive = true; while (isAlive && window.IsOpen) { window.Clear(); window.DispatchEvents(); Draw(window); window.Display(); } window.SetVisible(false); window.Close(); }
void initialRender() { window.Clear(); states.Transform = player.transform; window.Draw(player.Circle, states); foreach (KeyValuePair <byte, NonPlayer> np in nonPlayers) { states.Transform = np.Value.transform; window.Draw(np.Value.Circle, states); } window.Display(); }
public void OpenGame(RenderWindow window) { window.Clear(); this.Draw(window); window.Display(); this.PlaySoundMenu(); bool end = true; bool KeyPressed = true; while (end == true) { if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Escape)) { this.StopSoundMenu(); end = false; window.Close(); } if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.D)) { this.Move(Keyboard.Key.D); KeyPressed = false; } else if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Q)) { this.Move(Keyboard.Key.Q); KeyPressed = false; } else if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Return) && KeyPressed == false) { if (this.SelectedItemIndex == 0) { this.StopSoundMenu(); end = false; window.Clear(); } else if (this.SelectedItemIndex == 1) { this.StopSoundMenu(); end = false; window.Close(); } } this.Draw(window); window.Display(); Thread.Sleep(85); } }
public void Run() { // vbouchard et ppoulin // Fait jouer le son de début de jeu beginningSound.Play(); if (true == game.LoadGrid("Levels/level1.txt")) { window.SetActive(); while ((lastKeyPressed != Keyboard.Key.Escape) && window.IsOpen && (game.Update(lastKeyPressed) == EndGameResult.NotFinished)) { window.Clear(Color.Black); window.DispatchEvents(); game.Draw(window); window.Display(); // Tant que le son de début de jeu n'est pas arrêter on affiche l'écran titre while (beginningSound.Status != SoundStatus.Stopped && window.IsOpen) { // Si l'écran titre n'a pas déjà été dessiner (pour ne pas l'afficher à chaque fois dans la boucle) if (isTitleDrawn == false) { // On affiche l'écran de jeu (sans ceci le labyrinthe et les pacmans ne s'affichent pas) window.Display(); // On dessine l'écran titre sur le jeu window.Draw(titleSprite); // On affiche l'écran titre sur le jeu window.Display(); // L'écran titre à été afficher isTitleDrawn = true; } } // Le jeu à terminer d'avoir son écran de début et sa musique de début game.isBeginning = false; } // Si le jeu est terminer, onse débarasse du son de début (sans ceci nous avons une execption de mémoire de son perdue) if (game.Update(lastKeyPressed) != EndGameResult.NotFinished) { beginningSound.Dispose(); } } else { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Format de fichier invalide.\n\nL'application va se terminer", "Erreur lors du chargement"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { window.Closed += Window_Closed; window.MouseButtonPressed += Window_MouseButtonPressed; window.MouseButtonReleased += Window_MouseButtonReleased; window.SetVerticalSyncEnabled(true); window.SetFramerateLimit(60); SetScene(new BlankScene()); while (window.IsOpen) { window.DispatchEvents(); window.Clear(); foreach (Drawable drawable in currentScene.GetDrawables().GetAll()) { window.Draw(drawable); } currentScene.Update(); window.Display(); } }
public void Run() { Init(); // Start of game loop while (window.IsOpen) { // Process events - keypress, mouse movement & clicks window.DispatchEvents(); // Clear screen - to pre-determined color window.Clear(clearColor); // Update the game if player hasn't paused if (isPaused) { window.Draw(menuText); } else { Update(window, dt); } // Update the window window.Display(); } // End of game loop }
private void Redraw() { _window.Clear(); _window.DispatchEvents(); foreach (RectangleShape checkBox in _checkBoxes) { _window.Draw(checkBox); } _window.Draw(_pong); _window.Draw(_left); _window.Draw(_right); _window.Draw(_human); _window.Draw(_targetMode); _window.Draw(_easy); _window.Draw(_normal); _window.Draw(_hard); _window.Draw(_pressToContinue); _window.Draw(_xLeft); _window.Draw(_xRight); _window.Display(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var windowColor = new Color(0, 0, 0); var mode = new VideoMode(800, 600); var app = new RenderWindow(mode, "Ant Simulator"); var startUp = new StartUp(app) { Active = true }; app.Closed += OnClose; while (app.IsOpen) { // Process events app.DispatchEvents(); // Clear screen app.Clear(windowColor); app.Draw(startUp); // Update the window app.Display(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //create the window object win = new RenderWindow(new SFML.Window.VideoMode(800, 600), "Meu Terraria"); //need for vertical synchronization win.SetVerticalSyncEnabled(true); //you need to bind a method to the window event handler that will be called when you click the close window button on the upper right of the window win.Closed += Win_Closed; win.Resized += Win_Resized; //loading content Content.Load(); Game = new Game(); //a loop that will work as long as the window is open while (win.IsOpen) { //inside the loop we ask one team that revises all its incoming message box about events such as moving higher, closing when keystrokes and so on win.DispatchEvents(); //call the event handlers for each pading events Game.Update(); //next, we clear the drawing area of the window win.Clear(Color.Black); Game.Draw(); win.Display(); } }
private void Render() { while (_window.IsOpen) { _window.DispatchEvents(); if (!_shouldRender) { continue; } _window.Clear(); var lines = GetLines(); for (var i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { _text.Position = new Vector2f(0f, i * (FontSize + 4)); _text.DisplayedString = lines[i]; _window.Draw(_text); DrawCallback?.Invoke(_window); } _window.Display(); _shouldRender = false; } }
private void Run() { // Start call Start(); double updateTime = 0d; float totalTime = 0f; float oldTime = 0f; float deltaTime = 0f; Clock clock = new Clock(); while (Window.IsOpen) { Window.DispatchEvents(); totalTime = clock.ElapsedTime.AsSeconds(); deltaTime = totalTime - oldTime; oldTime = totalTime; updateTime += deltaTime; if (updateTime >= frameDelay) { updateTime = 0; Update(); Window.Clear(Color.Black); Render(); Window.Display(); } } }
public void Run() { while (window.IsOpen) { window.DispatchEvents(); window.Clear(Color.Black); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { window.Draw(grass[x, y]); } } // Map the flipped vertical axis and the 1,1 pixel grid to the 16,16 pixel grid taking into account the origin. robot.Position = new Vector2f((toyRobot.Position.x * size) + halfSize, ((size * (height - 1)) - (toyRobot.Position.y * size)) + halfSize); robot.Rotation = DirectionUtility.DirectionToRotation[toyRobot.Direction]; window.Draw(robot); window.Display(); } robot.Texture.Dispose(); grass[0, 0].Texture.Dispose(); }
public void Render() { _sfmlWindow.DispatchEvents(); _sfmlWindow.Clear(); _sfmlWindow.Draw(sprite); _sfmlWindow.Display(); }
private void renderLoop() { window = new RenderWindow( new VideoMode(Settings.ScreenSize.X, Settings.ScreenSize.Y), Settings.Title, Styles.Fullscreen | Styles.Close ); window.Closed += (object sender, EventArgs e) => (sender as RenderWindow).Close(); window.KeyPressed += (object sender, KeyEventArgs e) => keyPressed(e); window.KeyReleased += (object sender, KeyEventArgs e) => keyReleased(e); init(); updateThread.Start(); while (window.IsOpen) { stateLock.WaitOne(); window.DispatchEvents(); window.Clear(Settings.DefaultBgColor); draw(); window.Display(); stateLock.ReleaseMutex(); } }
public void Run() { window.SetActive(); bool gameIsOver = false; // Game.GetInstance( ).InitializeGame( paths[currentLevel] ); while (window.IsOpen && !gameIsOver) { EndGameResult result = Game.GetInstance().Update(); if (result == EndGameResult.Win) { // Signaler la victoire Game.GetInstance().HandleEndOfGame(result); } else if (result == EndGameResult.Lost) { // Signaler la défaite Game.GetInstance().HandleEndOfGame(result); } else { // Effectuer le rendu window.Clear(backgroundColor); window.DispatchEvents(); Game.GetInstance().Draw(window); window.Display(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { GradientRect g = new GradientRect(0, 0, 800, 600, Color.Red, Color.Black, 2); RenderWindow win = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode(800, 600), ""); Color gradientPrimary = new Color(255, 0, 0); Color gradientSecondary = new Color(0, 0, 0); win.Closed += (sender, e) => win.Close(); win.MouseMoved += (sender, e) => { if (e.X < 400) { gradientPrimary.R = PercentColor(e.Y, 0.0); gradientPrimary.G = PercentColor(e.Y, 0.0); gradientPrimary.B = PercentColor(e.Y, 600.0); } else { gradientSecondary.R = (byte)(Math.Abs(255 - PercentColor(e.Y, 600.0))); gradientSecondary.G = (byte)(Math.Abs(255 - PercentColor(e.Y, 600.0))); gradientSecondary.B = (byte)(Math.Abs(255 - PercentColor(e.Y, 60S0.0))); } }; while (win.IsOpen()) { win.DispatchEvents(); win.Clear(); g.Draw(win); win.Display(); g.ChangePrimaryColor(gradientPrimary); g.ChangeSecondaryColor(gradientSecondary); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Window = new RenderWindow(new SFML.Window.VideoMode(800, 600), "Моя Terraria!"); Window.SetVerticalSyncEnabled(true); Window.Closed += Win_Closed; Window.Resized += Win_Resized; // Загрузка контента Content.Load(); Game = new Game(); // Создаём новый объект класса игры Clock clock = new Clock(); while (Window.IsOpen) { Delta = clock.Restart().AsSeconds(); Window.DispatchEvents(); Game.Update(); Window.Clear(Color.Black); Game.Draw(); Window.Display(); } }
/// <summary> /// Draw code of the program /// </summary> private void Draw() { //totalTime += drawClock.Restart().AsSeconds(); //if (totalTime > 0.016f) //{ // totalTime = 0; window.Clear(); currentRenderTexture.Clear(); currentRenderTexture.Draw(borderSprite); EntityManager.Draw(currentRenderTexture); currentRenderTexture.Display(); drawSprite.Texture = currentRenderTexture.Texture; window.Draw(drawSprite); horizontal.Update(currentRenderTexture.Texture, sigma, glow); secondPass.Clear(); secondPass.Draw(horizontal); secondPass.Display(); vertical.Update(secondPass.Texture, sigma, glow); window.Draw(vertical); EntityManager.DrawText(window); window.Display(); //} }
static void Main(string[] args) { window = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode((uint)window_width, (uint)window_height), "SortingVisuals"); window.Closed += new EventHandler(OnClose); BaseSort sort = new ShakeSort(); sort.SetEntries(window_width, window_height); while (window.IsOpen) { window.DispatchEvents(); window.Clear(Color.White); sort.DoSort(); for (int i = 0; i < sort.GetCurrentSort().Count; i++) { RectangleShape lineEntry = new RectangleShape(new SFML.System.Vector2f(1, sort.GetCurrentSort()[i])); lineEntry.FillColor = Color.Black; lineEntry.Position = new SFML.System.Vector2f(i, 0); window.Draw(lineEntry); } window.Display(); } }
public void Run() { Initialize(); var window = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode(800, 600), "Pong", Styles.Default); DateTime previous_time = DateTime.Now; DateTime current_time; double delta; while (running) { current_time = DateTime.Now; delta = current_time.Subtract(previous_time).TotalMilliseconds; previous_time = current_time; window.DispatchEvents(); window.Closed += (sender, evtArgs) => running = false; Update(delta); window.Clear(Color.Black); Render(window); window.Display(); } }
private void MainLoop() { Stopwatch frameTime = new Stopwatch(); while (m_window.Visible) { float lastFrameTime = (float)frameTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; frameTime.Restart(); m_renderWindow.SetView(Globals.ViewManager.View); if (Globals.RenderManager.Update(lastFrameTime, m_renderWindow)) { m_renderWindow.Display(); } Application.DoEvents(); Globals.InputManager.Update(lastFrameTime); Globals.EntityManager.Update(lastFrameTime); Globals.PhysicsManager.Update(lastFrameTime); Globals.ProcessManager.Update(lastFrameTime); var maxEventTime = MaxFrameTime - (float)frameTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; Globals.EventManager.Update(maxEventTime); if (frameTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds < MaxFrameTime) { Thread.Sleep(1); } } }
public virtual void RenderLoop() { lastFrame = DateTime.Now; while (renderWindow.IsOpen) { //Assuming 60 fps float deltaTime = (float)DateTime.Now.Subtract(lastFrame).Milliseconds / 17; lastFrame = DateTime.Now; //Perform Network Methods NetworkUpdate(); //Perform Updates on Dynamic Actors UpdateGame(deltaTime); //Dispatch Events and Clear the screen renderWindow.DispatchEvents(); renderWindow.Clear(Color.Black); //Adjust and Set the view //Adjust view to player location renderWindow.SetView(view); //Render Each Drawable Actor DrawActors(); //Draw frame on screen renderWindow.Display(); } }