Example #1
            public Test.RemoteCommunicatorPrx createCommunicator(Dictionary <string, string> props, Ice.Current current)
                // Prepare the property set using the given properties.
                Ice.InitializationData init = new Ice.InitializationData();
                init.properties = Ice.Util.createProperties();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> e in props)
                    init.properties.setProperty(e.Key, e.Value);

                if (init.properties.getPropertyAsInt("NullLogger") > 0)
                    init.logger = new NullLogger();

                // Initialize a new communicator.
                Ice.Communicator communicator = Ice.Util.initialize(init);

                // Install a custom admin facet.
                    communicator.addAdminFacet <TestFacet, TestFacetTraits>(new TestFacetI(), "TestFacet");
                catch (System.ArgumentException ex)

                // The RemoteCommunicator servant also implements PropertiesAdminUpdateCallback.
                // Set the callback on the admin facet.
                RemoteCommunicatorI servant = new RemoteCommunicatorI(communicator);
                var propFacet = communicator.findAdminFacet("Properties").servant;

                if (propFacet != null)
                    Ice.NativePropertiesAdmin admin = (Ice.NativePropertiesAdmin)propFacet;
                    Debug.Assert(admin != null);

Example #2
            public Test.RemoteCommunicatorPrx createCommunicator(Dictionary <string, string> props, Ice.Current current)
                // Prepare the property set using the given properties.
                Logger?logger = null;
                int    nullLogger;

                if (props.TryGetValue("NullLogger", out value) && int.TryParse(value, out nullLogger) && nullLogger > 0)
                    logger = new NullLogger();

                // Initialize a new communicator.
                var communicator = new Communicator(props, logger: logger);

                // Install a custom admin facet.
                    communicator.AddAdminFacet <TestFacet, TestFacetTraits>(new TestFacetI(), "TestFacet");
                catch (System.ArgumentException ex)

                // The RemoteCommunicator servant also implements PropertiesAdminUpdateCallback.
                // Set the callback on the admin facet.
                RemoteCommunicatorI servant = new RemoteCommunicatorI(communicator);
                var propFacet = communicator.FindAdminFacet("Properties").servant;

                if (propFacet != null)
                    Ice.NativePropertiesAdmin admin = (Ice.NativePropertiesAdmin)propFacet;
                    Debug.Assert(admin != null);

Example #3
File: TestI.cs Project: ycbxklk/ice
            override public Test.RemoteCommunicatorPrx createCommunicator(Dictionary <string, string> props, Ice.Current current)
                // Prepare the property set using the given properties.
                Ice.InitializationData init = new Ice.InitializationData();
                init.properties = Ice.Util.createProperties();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> e in props)
                    init.properties.setProperty(e.Key, e.Value);

                if (init.properties.getPropertyAsInt("NullLogger") > 0)
                    init.logger = new NullLogger();

                // Initialize a new communicator.
                Ice.Communicator communicator = Ice.Util.initialize(init);

                // Install a custom admin facet.
                communicator.addAdminFacet(new TestFacetI(), "TestFacet");

                // The RemoteCommunicator servant also implements PropertiesAdminUpdateCallback.
                // Set the callback on the admin facet.
                RemoteCommunicatorI servant = new RemoteCommunicatorI(communicator);

                Ice.Object propFacet = communicator.findAdminFacet("Properties");

                if (propFacet != null)
                    Ice.NativePropertiesAdmin admin = (Ice.NativePropertiesAdmin)propFacet;
                    Debug.Assert(admin != null);

                Ice.ObjectPrx proxy = current.adapter.addWithUUID(servant);
Example #4
    public override RemoteCommunicatorPrx createCommunicator(Dictionary<string, string> props, Ice.Current current)
        // Prepare the property set using the given properties.
        Ice.InitializationData init = new Ice.InitializationData();
        init.properties = Ice.Util.createProperties();
        foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> e in props)
            init.properties.setProperty(e.Key, e.Value);

        if(init.properties.getPropertyAsInt("NullLogger") > 0)
            init.logger = new NullLogger();

        // Initialize a new communicator.
        Ice.Communicator communicator = Ice.Util.initialize(init);

        // Install a custom admin facet.
        communicator.addAdminFacet(new TestFacetI(), "TestFacet");

        // The RemoteCommunicator servant also implements PropertiesAdminUpdateCallback.
        // Set the callback on the admin facet.
        RemoteCommunicatorI servant = new RemoteCommunicatorI(communicator);
        Ice.Object propFacet = communicator.findAdminFacet("Properties");

        if(propFacet != null)
            Ice.NativePropertiesAdmin admin = (Ice.NativePropertiesAdmin)propFacet;
            Debug.Assert(admin != null);

        Ice.ObjectPrx proxy = current.adapter.addWithUUID(servant);
        return RemoteCommunicatorPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(proxy);