Example #1
        public void requestTuples(string receiverRouting, int receiverTarget, IList <string> receiverUrls)
            if (!requested)
                requested             = true;
                this.receiver_routing = receiverRouting;
                this.receiver_target  = receiverTarget;
                //Dictionary for hashing routing
                if (receiver_routing.StartsWith(SysConfig.HASHING) && this.res.Count == 0 && notSentTuples.Count != 0)
                    string[] aux   = this.receiver_routing.Split('(');
                    int      field = Int32.Parse(aux[1].First() + "");

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IList <IList <string> > > entry in notProcessedTuples)
                        foreach (List <string> tuple in entry.Value)
                            int replica = Math.Abs(tuple[field - 1].GetHashCode()) % receiverUrls.Count;
                            IList <IList <string> > set;
                            if (!(res.ContainsKey(replica)))
                                set = new List <IList <string> >();
                                res.Add(replica, set);
                                set = res[replica];
                                res[replica] = set;

                foreach (string url in receiverUrls)
                    channel = new TcpChannel();
                    IRemoteOperator op = (IRemoteOperator)Activator.GetObject(typeof(Operator), url);
                    if (op == null)
                        throw new CannotAccessRemoteObjectException("Cannot get remote Operator from " + url);
                    if (notSentTuples.Count > 0)
                        if ((this.receiver_routing.Equals(SysConfig.PRIMARY) && url.Equals(receiverUrls[0])))
                            //ERROR can be here, there was notProcessedTuples
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IList <IList <string> > > entry in notSentTuples)
                                string machine  = entry.Key.Split(';')[0];
                                string sequence = entry.Key.Split(';')[1];
                                relationingSequences.Add("" + seq, "" + sequence);
                                not_acked.Add(machine + ";" + seq + ";" + receivers_urls[0], entry.Value);
                                RemoteAsyncProcessTuplesDelegate remoteDel = new RemoteAsyncProcessTuplesDelegate(op.doProcessTuples);
                                seq += 1;
                                IAsyncResult remoteResult = remoteDel.BeginInvoke(urls[0], "" + seq, entry.Value, null, null);
                        else if (url.Equals(receiverUrls[0]) && this.receiver_routing.Equals(SysConfig.RANDOM)) //RANDOM ROUTING
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IList <IList <string> > > entry in notSentTuples)
                                string machine  = entry.Key.Split(';')[0];
                                string sequence = entry.Key.Split(';')[1];
                                relationingSequences.Add("" + seq, "" + sequence);
                                not_acked.Add(machine + ";" + seq + ";" + receivers_urls[0], entry.Value);
                                RemoteAsyncProcessTuplesDelegate remoteProcTupleDel = new RemoteAsyncProcessTuplesDelegate(op.doProcessTuples);
                                seq += 1;
                                IAsyncResult remoteResult = remoteProcTupleDel.BeginInvoke(urls[0], "" + seq, entry.Value, null, null);
                        else if (this.receiver_routing.StartsWith(SysConfig.HASHING)) //HASHING ROUTING
                            foreach (int rep in res.Keys)
                                if (url.Equals(receiverUrls[rep]))
                                    relationingSequences.Add("" + seq, "" + seq);
                                    not_acked.Add(this.urls[0] + ";" + seq + ";" + url, res[rep]);
                                    RemoteAsyncProcessTuplesDelegate remoteProcTupleDel = new RemoteAsyncProcessTuplesDelegate(op.doProcessTuples);
                                    seq += 1;
                                    IAsyncResult remoteResult = remoteProcTupleDel.BeginInvoke(this.urls[0], "" + seq, res[rep], null, null);
                        notSentTuples = new Dictionary <string, IList <IList <string> > >();
                foreach (string url in receivers_bad_urls)
                receivers_bad_urls = new List <string>();
Example #2
        private bool processTuples(string machine, string machine_seq, IList <IList <string> > tuples)
            if (!canProcessTuples())
                notProcessedTuples.Add(machine + ";" + machine_seq, tuples);

            Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(this.opTypeCode);

            foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes())
                if (type.IsClass == true)
                    if (type.FullName.EndsWith("." + this.className))
                        object   ClassObj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                        object[] args;
                        object   resultObject;
                        IList <IList <string> > result = new List <IList <string> >();

                        string resu = "";
                        foreach (IList <string> tuple in tuples)
                            foreach (string s in tuple)
                                resu += s + ",";
                            resu += "\n";
                        Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Before Processing:\n" + resu);

                        if (className.Equals("UniqueOperator") || className.Equals("FilterOperator") || className.Equals("CountOperator") || className.Equals("DupOperator"))
                            args         = new object[] { tuples, this.opSpecs };
                            resultObject = type.InvokeMember(this.method, BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, ClassObj, args);
                            result       = (IList <IList <string> >)resultObject;

                            if (className.Equals("UniqueOperator"))
                                IList <IList <string> > aux2 = new List <IList <string> >();
                                foreach (IList <string> tup in result)
                                    foreach (string str in tup)
                                        IList <string> aux    = new List <string>();
                                        bool           unique = true;
                                        foreach (string str_unique in uniqueTuples)
                                            if (str_unique.Equals(str))
                                                unique = false;
                                        if (unique)
                                result = aux2;
                            foreach (IList <string> tuple in tuples)
                                args         = new object[] { tuple };
                                resultObject = type.InvokeMember(this.method, BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, ClassObj, args);
                                IList <IList <string> > temp = (IList <IList <string> >)resultObject;
                                foreach (List <string> t in temp)

                        resu = "";
                        foreach (IList <string> tuple in result)
                            foreach (string s in tuple)
                                resu += s + ",";
                            resu += "\n";
                        Console.WriteLine("DEBUG After Processing:\n" + resu);

                        if (fullLoggingLevel && result.Count > 0)
                            RemoteAsyncLogDelegate RemoteDel = new RemoteAsyncLogDelegate(puppet.registerLog);
                            //converting to puppet master format
                            IList <string> res = new List <string>();
                            foreach (IList <string> l in result)
                                String temp = "";
                                if (l.Count > 0)
                                    temp += l[0];
                                for (int i = 1; i < l.Count; i++)
                                    temp += "," + l[i];
                            IAsyncResult RemAr = RemoteDel.BeginInvoke(urls[0], res, null, null);

                        if (receivers.Count == 0 && result.Count > 0)
                            notSentTuples.Add(machine + ";" + machine_seq, result);
                            if (finalOperator && notSentTuples.Count > 0)
                                sendAckToPrevious(machine, machine_seq);
                                notSentTuples = new Dictionary <string, IList <IList <string> > >();
                            if (receiver_routing.Equals(SysConfig.PRIMARY) && result.Count > 0)
                                relationingSequences.Add("" + seq, "" + machine_seq);
                                not_acked.Add(machine + ";" + seq + ";" + receivers_urls[0], result);
                                RemoteAsyncProcessTuplesDelegate remoteProcTupleDel = new RemoteAsyncProcessTuplesDelegate(receivers[0].doProcessTuples);
                                seq += 1;
                                IAsyncResult remoteResult = remoteProcTupleDel.BeginInvoke(this.urls[0], "" + seq, result, null, null);
                            else if (receiver_routing.Equals(SysConfig.RANDOM) && result.Count > 0) //Random Routing
                                Random r = new Random();
                                receiver_target = r.Next() % receivers.Count();

                                relationingSequences.Add("" + seq, "" + machine_seq);
                                not_acked.Add(machine + ";" + seq + ";" + receivers_urls[receiver_target], result);
                                RemoteAsyncProcessTuplesDelegate remoteProcTupleDel = new RemoteAsyncProcessTuplesDelegate(receivers[receiver_target].doProcessTuples);
                                seq += 1;
                                IAsyncResult remoteResult = remoteProcTupleDel.BeginInvoke(this.urls[0], "" + seq, result, null, null);
                            else if (receiver_routing.StartsWith(SysConfig.HASHING) && result.Count > 0) //Hashing Routing
                                string[] aux   = this.receiver_routing.Split('(');
                                int      field = Int32.Parse(aux[1].First() + "");
                                res = new Dictionary <int, IList <IList <string> > >();

                                foreach (IList <string> tuple in result)
                                    int replica = Math.Abs(tuple[field - 1].GetHashCode()) % Int32.Parse(this.repFact);

                                    if (!res.ContainsKey(replica))
                                        IList <IList <string> > temp = new List <IList <string> >();
                                        res.Add(replica, temp);

                                foreach (int rep in res.Keys)
                                    relationingSequences.Add("" + seq, "" + machine_seq);
                                    not_acked.Add(machine + ";" + seq + ";" + receivers_urls[rep], res[rep]);
                                    RemoteAsyncProcessTuplesDelegate remoteProcTupleDel = new RemoteAsyncProcessTuplesDelegate(receivers[rep].doProcessTuples);
                                    seq += 1;
                                    IAsyncResult remoteResult = remoteProcTupleDel.BeginInvoke(this.urls[0], "" + seq, res[rep], null, null);

                        notProcessedTuples = new Dictionary <string, IList <IList <string> > >();
            throw (new System.Exception("could not invoke method"));