private void DestroyTargetArrow(bool destroyEnemyArrow, bool isLocallyCanceled) { if (this.IsActive()) { if (destroyEnemyArrow != this.m_isEnemyArrow) { Log.Rachelle.Print(string.Format("trying to destroy {0} arrow but the active arrow is {1}", !destroyEnemyArrow ? "friendly" : "enemy", !this.m_isEnemyArrow ? "friendly" : "enemy"), new object[0]); } else { if (isLocallyCanceled) { Entity entity = GameState.Get().GetEntity(this.m_sourceEntityID); if (entity != null) { entity.GetCard().NotifyTargetingCanceled(); } } this.m_originLocationEntityID = -1; this.m_sourceEntityID = -1; if (!this.m_isEnemyArrow) { RemoteActionHandler.Get().NotifyOpponentOfTargetEnd(); PegCursor.Get().Show(); } this.ActivateArrow(false); this.ShowDamageIndicator(false); } } }
private void OnUserUI() { if (RemoteActionHandler.Get() != null) { RemoteActionHandler.Get().HandleAction(Network.GetUserUI()); } }
public void Update() { GameState gs = GameState.Get(); if (gs == null) { return; } var rah = RemoteActionHandler.Get(); if (gs.IsMulliganManagerActive()) { // TODO: set choices... MulliganManager.Get().GetMulliganButton().TriggerRelease(); } if (gs.IsFriendlySidePlayerTurn()) { if (gs.IsTurnStartManagerBlockingInput() == false) { if (m_nextChooseOption == null) { return; } SendOption(m_nextChooseOption); m_nextChooseOption = null; } } }
public void HandleInput() { Card item = null; if ((RemoteActionHandler.Get() != null) && (RemoteActionHandler.Get().GetFriendlyHoverCard() != null)) { Card friendlyHoverCard = RemoteActionHandler.Get().GetFriendlyHoverCard(); if (friendlyHoverCard.GetController().IsFriendlySide() && (friendlyHoverCard.GetZone() is ZoneHand)) { item = friendlyHoverCard; } } int slotMousedOver = -1; if (item != null) { slotMousedOver = base.m_cards.IndexOf(item); } if (UniversalInputManager.Get().IsTouchMode()) { if (!InputManager.Get().LeftMouseButtonDown || (this.m_touchedSlot < 0)) { this.m_touchedSlot = -1; if (slotMousedOver < 0) { this.UpdateLayout(-1); } else { this.UpdateLayout(slotMousedOver); } } else { float num2 = UniversalInputManager.Get().GetMousePosition().x - InputManager.Get().LastMouseDownPosition.x; float num3 = Mathf.Max((float)0f, (float)(UniversalInputManager.Get().GetMousePosition().y - InputManager.Get().LastMouseDownPosition.y)); float cardWidth = this.GetCardWidth(base.m_cards.Count); float a = (this.lastMousedOver - this.m_touchedSlot) * cardWidth; float num6 = 10f + (num3 * this.m_TouchDragResistanceFactorY); if (num2 < a) { num2 = Mathf.Min(a, num2 + num6); } else { num2 = Mathf.Max(a, num2 - num6); } int num7 = this.m_touchedSlot + ((int)Mathf.Round(num2 / cardWidth)); this.UpdateLayout(num7); } } else { RaycastHit hit; CardStandIn @in = null; int num8 = -1; if (!UniversalInputManager.Get().InputHitAnyObject(Camera.main, GameLayer.InvisibleHitBox1) || !UniversalInputManager.Get().GetInputHitInfo(Camera.main, GameLayer.CardRaycast, out hit)) { if (slotMousedOver < 0) { this.UpdateLayout(-1); return; } } else { @in = SceneUtils.FindComponentInParents <CardStandIn>(hit.transform); } if (@in == null) { if (slotMousedOver < 0) { this.UpdateLayout(-1); return; } } else { num8 = @in.slot - 1; } if (num8 != this.lastMousedOver) { bool flag = num8 != -1; if (flag || (slotMousedOver < 0)) { this.UpdateLayout(num8); } else if (!flag && (slotMousedOver >= 0)) { this.UpdateLayout(slotMousedOver); } } } }
private bool CheckCriticalAssetLoads() { if (!this.m_criticalAssetsLoaded) { if (Board.Get() == null) { return(false); } if (BoardCameras.Get() == null) { return(false); } if (BoardStandardGame.Get() == null) { return(false); } if (GameMgr.Get().IsTutorial() && (BoardTutorial.Get() == null)) { return(false); } if (MulliganManager.Get() == null) { return(false); } if (TurnStartManager.Get() == null) { return(false); } if (TargetReticleManager.Get() == null) { return(false); } if (GameplayErrorManager.Get() == null) { return(false); } if (EndTurnButton.Get() == null) { return(false); } if (BigCard.Get() == null) { return(false); } if (CardTypeBanner.Get() == null) { return(false); } if (TurnTimer.Get() == null) { return(false); } if (CardColorSwitcher.Get() == null) { return(false); } if (RemoteActionHandler.Get() == null) { return(false); } if (ChoiceCardMgr.Get() == null) { return(false); } if (InputManager.Get() == null) { return(false); } this.m_criticalAssetsLoaded = true; this.ProcessQueuedPowerHistory(); } return(true); }