private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Check if Boo is right of Kevin
            var theRightStuff = RelativePanel.GetRightOf(Stuart);

            // We'll check for Boo, not Kevin
            // The first call this returns the string "Kevin", only later it returns the Image "Kevin".

            // Historic C#
            // if (theRightStuff is Image && ((String)((Image)theRightStuff).Tag) == "Boo") //

            // New C#
            if ((theRightStuff as Image)?.Tag?.ToString() == "Boo")
                // Remove Boo
                RelativePanel.SetRightOf(Stuart, Kevin);
            {   // Insert Boo
                var boo = new Image()
                    Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:/Assets/Boo.png")),
                    Width  = 300,
                    Tag    = "Boo"

                // Prepare Boo
                RelativePanel.SetRightOf(boo, Kevin);
                RelativePanel.SetAlignBottomWith(boo, Kevin);

                // Add Boo

                // Link to Stuart
                // Don't do this - it does not draw Boo (Stuart still has RightOf Kevin):
                // RelativePanel.SetLeftOf(boo, Stuart);

                // Override the graph edge:
                RelativePanel.SetRightOf(Stuart, boo);