private static void changeQtyToConfirmedAmount(ITable table, RejectionsSapLineProperty rejection, int sapLineNumber)
     if (table.getCellValue(sapLineNumber, "Un") == "MUN")
         table.setCellValue(sapLineNumber, "Un", "MCS");
         table.setCellValue(sapLineNumber, "Order Quantity", rejection.confirmedQty);
         table.setCellValue(sapLineNumber, "Un", "MUN");
         table.setCellValue(sapLineNumber, "Order Quantity", rejection.confirmedQty);
        private static bool isForChange(ITable table, RejectionsSapLineProperty rejection, int sapLineNumber)
            if (!(table.getCell(sapLineNumber, VA02.rejectionCodeColumnIndex) as dynamic).Changeable)
                rejection.reason = "RRC is not changeable.";

            if (int.Parse(table.getCellValue(sapLineNumber, "Material")) != rejection.sku)
                rejection.reason = "RRC cannot be applied as the sku was changed.";

 private void endLog(RejectionsSapOrderProperty rejObj, string id, string tableName, RejectionsSapLineProperty rejection, bool shouldChange, bool isRelease)
         tableName: tableName,
         columnNames: new[] { "status", "reason" },
         values: new[] { shouldChange ? "success" : "fail", rejection.reason.Replace("'", "") },
         conditionName: isRelease ? new[] { "[orderNumber]", "[id]", "[isDuringRelease]" } : new[] { "[orderNumber]", "[isDuringRelease]" },
         conditionValue: isRelease ? new[] { rejObj.orderNumber.ToString(), id, "1" } : new[] { rejObj.orderNumber.ToString(), "0" },
         customCondition: isRelease ? "" : "([status] IS NULL OR [status] = 'Fail: blocked by batch job' OR [status] = 'Fail: blocked by user')"
 private static ReplacePartialCutProperty getRPCProperty(string tableUnitsOfMeasure, RejectionsSapLineProperty rejection)
     return(new ReplacePartialCutProperty()
         sku = rejection.sku,
         unitsOfMeasure = tableUnitsOfMeasure,
         rejCode = rejection.rejectionCode,
         cutQty = (rejection.orderedQty - rejection.confirmedQty)