private RegulatorType regulatorType; //type of regulator that should be used

    private BacteriaFactory()            //sets the default values
        v  = 1.4f;
        dT = 0.1f;
        smartnessFactor  = .75f;
        iterations       = 0;
        deathAndDivision = true;

        regulatorType = RegulatorType.ODE;
 public PressureRegulator(RegulatorType regulatorType = RegulatorType.Upstream, float sonicConductance = 4e-4f,
                          Atmosphere inputAtmosphere  = null, Atmosphere outputAtmosphere = null) : base(inputAtmosphere, outputAtmosphere, sonicConductance)
     RegulatorType = regulatorType;
 public void SetRegulatorType(RegulatorType regulatorType)
     this.regulatorType = regulatorType;
 public static void SetCellRegulatorType(RegulatorType regulatorType)