private IEnumerable <string> GetValuesForKeyEntity(RegistryObject registryObject, IEnumerable <string> elements) { List <string> values = new List <string>(); foreach (string startElement in elements) { List <string> elementsOfKey = startElement.Split(new string[] { "\\" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList <string>(); string key = ""; if (elementsOfKey.Count() > 1) { elementsOfKey.Remove(elementsOfKey.First()); key = this.ConvertAStringWithSeparator(elementsOfKey, "\\"); } IEnumerable <string> valuesToMatch = this.getSubKeys(registryObject.Hive, key); if (valuesToMatch == null) { values.Add(startElement); } else { IEnumerable <string> valuesConcatenated = this.ConcatTheValuesOfKey(valuesToMatch, startElement); values.AddRange(this.GetValuesForKeyEntity(registryObject, valuesConcatenated)); } } return(values); }
private RegistryObject GetRegistryObject() { registry_object ovalRegistryObject = (registry_object)ProbeHelper.GetOvalComponentByOvalID(definitions, "oval:org.mitre.oval:obj:3000"); RegistryObject registry = RegistryObjectFactory.CreateRegistryObject(ovalRegistryObject); return(registry); }
private IEnumerable <ItemType> processOperationInRegistryObject(RegistryObject registryObject) { List <string> hives = new List <string>() { registryObject.Hive }; RegistryItemTypeFactory itemTypeFactory = new RegistryItemTypeFactory(); List <ItemType> items = new List <ItemType>(); List <string> keys = new List <string>(); List <string> names = new List <string>(); try { var registryNameValue = registryObject.GetValueOfEntity("name"); keys.AddRange(this.processOperationInEntity(registry_object_ItemsChoices.key, registryObject)); var derivedRegistryObjects = RegistryObjectFactory.CreateRegistryObjectsByCombinationOfEntitiesFrom(hives, keys, new string[] { registryNameValue }, registryObject); if (registryObject.GetNameOperation() != OperationEnumeration.equals) { foreach (var newRegistryObject in derivedRegistryObjects) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(registryNameValue)) { names = this.processOperationInEntity(, newRegistryObject).ToList(); items.AddRange(itemTypeFactory.CreateRegistryItemTypesByCombinationOfEntitiesFrom(hives, new string[] { newRegistryObject.Key }, names, registryObject)); } } } else { names.AddRange(this.processOperationInEntity(, registryObject)); items.AddRange(itemTypeFactory.CreateRegistryItemTypesByCombinationOfEntitiesFrom(hives, keys, names, registryObject)); } } catch (RegistryKeyNotFoundException) { items = itemTypeFactory.CreateRegistryItemTypesByCombinationOfEntitiesFrom(hives, null, null, registryObject).ToList(); } catch (RegistryItemNotFoundException) { items = new List <ItemType>() { itemTypeFactory.CreateRegistryItem("", "", "", StatusEnumeration.doesnotexist) }; } catch (Exception ex) { registry_item registry = itemTypeFactory.CreateRegistryItem(registryObject.Hive, registryObject.Key, registryObject.Name, StatusEnumeration.error); registry.message = MessageType.FromErrorString(ex.Message); items = new List <ItemType>() { registry }; } return(items); }
public static RegistryObject RegistryKeyToRegistryObject(RegistryKey registryKey) { RegistryObject regObj = null; if (registryKey == null) { return(regObj); } try { regObj = new RegistryObject() { Key = registryKey.Name, }; regObj.AddSubKeys(new List <string>(registryKey.GetSubKeyNames())); foreach (RegistryAccessRule rule in registryKey.GetAccessControl().GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier))) { string name = GetName(rule); if (regObj.Permissions.ContainsKey(name)) { regObj.Permissions[name].Add(rule.RegistryRights.ToString()); } else { regObj.Permissions.Add(name, new List <string>() { rule.RegistryRights.ToString() }); } } foreach (string valueName in registryKey.GetValueNames()) { try { regObj.Values.Add(valueName, (registryKey.GetValue(valueName) == null) ? "" : (registryKey.GetValue(valueName).ToString())); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Debug(ex, "Found an exception processing registry values."); } } } catch (System.ArgumentException e) { Log.Debug(e, "Exception parsing {0}", registryKey.Name); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Debug(e, "Couldn't process reg key {0}", registryKey.Name); } return(regObj); }
public bool RegisterObject(RegistryObject obj) { if (!gameObjects.Contains(obj)) { gameObjects.Add(obj); return(true); } return(false); }
public static string GetResourceType(string payload) { string ctdlType = ""; RegistryObject ro = new RegistryObject(payload); ctdlType = ro.CtdlType; //ctdlType = ctdlType.Replace( "ceterms:", "" ); return(ctdlType); }
public static RegistryObject?RegistryKeyToRegistryObject(RegistryKey registryKey, RegistryView registryView) { if (registryKey == null) { return(null); } RegistryObject regObj = new RegistryObject(registryKey.Name, registryView); try { regObj.AddSubKeys(registryKey.GetSubKeyNames()); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { Log.Debug("Invalid Handle (ArgumentException) {0}", registryKey.Name); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Debug(e, "Couldn't process reg key {0}", registryKey.Name); } try { foreach (RegistryAccessRule?rule in registryKey.GetAccessControl().GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(SecurityIdentifier))) { if (rule != null) { string name = AsaHelpers.SidToName(rule.IdentityReference); if (regObj.Permissions.ContainsKey(name)) { regObj.Permissions[name].Add(rule.RegistryRights.ToString()); } else { regObj.Permissions.Add(name, new List <string>() { rule.RegistryRights.ToString() }); } } } } catch (ArgumentException) { Log.Debug("Failed to get permissions (handle is invalid) for {0}", regObj.Key); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Debug(e, "Failed to get permissions for {0}", regObj.Key); } regObj.Values = RegistryObject.GetValues(registryKey); return(regObj); }
public RegistryObject CheckRegistryFromServer(string ProductKey, string CurrentCHash) { //non registered ise trial'a CHash'yu ekleyip trail object döner, daha önce trial ise tarihi kontrol edip trail ya da nonregistered döner, registered ise zaten registered object döner //client'de local regObj ile karşılaştırılıp update'ler yapılacaktır. KulCHashModel cHash = new KulCHashModel(); List <KulCHashModel> cHashList = new List <KulCHashModel>(); RegistryObject KulOnServer;// = new RegistryObject(); //ek. cHash daha önceden register oldu ise ama rg o ProductKey ile gelmediyse de registered bilgisini dönmek için if (ProductKey == "RRRR-RRRR") //mevcut lisansı Trial iken update Licance'e bastıysa bu cHash'nun lisanslı tanımı var mı diye bakılır. { string tmpProductKey = GetProductKeyByCHash(CurrentCHash) ?? ""; if (tmpProductKey != "") { ProductKey = tmpProductKey; } } // KulOnServer = GetKulByProductKey(ProductKey); if (KulOnServer == null) //ProductKey kullanıcılar tablosunda kayıtlı değilse { KulOnServer = new RegistryObject(); SetNonRegisteredOrTrial(ref KulOnServer, CurrentCHash); } else { if (KulOnServer.IsRegistrated == 2) //TRIAL { //CHash = GetCHashTrial(CurrentCHash); //if (CHash.AddedAt.AddMonths(1) < DateTime.Now) KulOnServer.IsRegistrated = 0; //trial için cHash yoksa sp tarafında yaratılıyor... SetNonRegisteredOrTrial(ref KulOnServer, CurrentCHash); } if (KulOnServer.IsRegistrated == 1) //Product key is Registered-CHash kontrolleri yapılacak { cHashList = GetCHashByProductKey(ProductKey); if (cHashList.Where(x => x.cHashKey == CurrentCHash).FirstOrDefault() == null) //clientin gönderdiği CHash bu product key için listede yok-not registered //gelen cHash registered olmadıysa=>product key'e bağlı cHash 5'den küçükse cHash ekle ve ret as registered değilse return not registered { if (cHashList.Count < 5) //5 CHash'ya kadar bu productKey ile kayıt yapılabilir. Bilgisayar değişikliği vs. gibi durumlar için. { AddThisCHash(CurrentCHash, ProductKey); KulOnServer.cHashKey = CurrentCHash; } else // { SetNonRegisteredOrTrial(ref KulOnServer, CurrentCHash); } } } } //else KulOnServer.cHashKey = CurrentCHash; return(KulOnServer); }
void solveByType(JToken json, string codePath, OrderedDictionary <string, string> searchReplace) { List <string> propertiesToRemove = new List <string>(); Dictionary <string, JToken> propertiesToAdd = new Dictionary <string, JToken>(); if (json is JObject) { foreach (var entry in (json as JObject)) { if (entry.Key.EndsWith("byType", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { foreach (var byTypeProperty in entry.Value.ToObject <OrderedDictionary <string, JToken> >()) { if (WildcardUtil.Match(byTypeProperty.Key, codePath)) { JToken typedToken = byTypeProperty.Value; solveByType(typedToken, codePath, searchReplace); propertiesToAdd.Add(entry.Key.Substring(0, entry.Key.Length - "byType".Length), typedToken); break; } } propertiesToRemove.Add(entry.Key); } } foreach (var property in propertiesToRemove) { (json as JObject).Remove(property); } foreach (var property in propertiesToAdd) { (json as JObject)[property.Key] = property.Value; } foreach (var entry in (json as JObject)) { solveByType(entry.Value, codePath, searchReplace); } } else if (json.Type == JTokenType.String) { string value = (string)(json as JValue).Value; if (value.Contains("{")) { (json as JValue).Value = RegistryObject.FillPlaceHolder(value, searchReplace); } } else if (json is JArray) { foreach (var child in (json as JArray)) { solveByType(child, codePath, searchReplace); } } }
public static RegistryObject RegistryKeyToRegistryObject(RegistryKey registryKey) { RegistryObject regObj = null; try { regObj = new RegistryObject() { Subkeys = new List <string>(registryKey.GetSubKeyNames()), Key = registryKey.Name, Values = new Dictionary <string, string>(), Permissions = new Dictionary <string, string>() }; foreach (RegistryAccessRule rule in registryKey.GetAccessControl().GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier))) { string name = rule.IdentityReference.Value; try { name = rule.IdentityReference.Translate(typeof(NTAccount)).Value; } catch (IdentityNotMappedException) { // This is fine. Some SIDs don't map to NT Accounts. } regObj.Permissions.Add(name, rule.RegistryRights.ToString()); } foreach (string valueName in registryKey.GetValueNames()) { try { if (registryKey.GetValue(valueName) == null) { } regObj.Values.Add(valueName, (registryKey.GetValue(valueName) == null) ? "" : (registryKey.GetValue(valueName).ToString())); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Debug(ex, "Found an exception processing registry values."); } } } catch (System.ArgumentException e) { Logger.VerboseException(e); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Debug(e, "Couldn't process reg key {0}", registryKey.Name); } return(regObj); }
private IEnumerable <RegistryObject> ProcessVariables(RegistryObject registry) { var hiveValues = this.ProcessEntityVariables(registry, registry_object_ItemsChoices.hive.ToString()).Distinct(); var keyValues = this.ProcessEntityVariables(registry, registry_object_ItemsChoices.key.ToString()).Distinct(); var nameValues = this.ProcessEntityVariables(registry,; return(RegistryObjectFactory .CreateRegistryObjectsByCombinationOfEntitiesFrom( hiveValues, keyValues, nameValues, registry)); }
private IEnumerable<RegistryObject> ProcessVariables(RegistryObject registry) { var hiveValues = this.ProcessEntityVariables(registry, registry_object_ItemsChoices.hive.ToString()).Distinct(); var keyValues = this.ProcessEntityVariables(registry, registry_object_ItemsChoices.key.ToString()).Distinct(); var nameValues = this.ProcessEntityVariables(registry,; return RegistryObjectFactory .CreateRegistryObjectsByCombinationOfEntitiesFrom( hiveValues, keyValues, nameValues,registry); }
private IEnumerable <string> getKeyValues(RegistryObject registryObject) { string hive = registryObject.Hive; string key = registryObject.Key; string name = registryObject.Name; Dictionary <string, object> searchEntityParameters = this.getEntityParamsForSearchValues(hive, key, name); return(this.systemDataSource.GetValues(searchEntityParameters)); }
private IEnumerable<ItemType> processOperationInRegistryObject(RegistryObject registryObject) { List<string> hives = new List<string>() { registryObject.Hive }; RegistryItemTypeFactory itemTypeFactory = new RegistryItemTypeFactory(); List<ItemType> items = new List<ItemType>(); List<string> keys = new List<string>(); List<string> names = new List<string>(); try { var registryNameValue = registryObject.GetValueOfEntity("name"); keys.AddRange(this.processOperationInEntity(registry_object_ItemsChoices.key, registryObject)); var derivedRegistryObjects = RegistryObjectFactory.CreateRegistryObjectsByCombinationOfEntitiesFrom(hives, keys, new string[] { registryNameValue }, registryObject); if (registryObject.GetNameOperation() != OperationEnumeration.equals) { foreach (var newRegistryObject in derivedRegistryObjects) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(registryNameValue)) { names = this.processOperationInEntity(, newRegistryObject).ToList(); items.AddRange(itemTypeFactory.CreateRegistryItemTypesByCombinationOfEntitiesFrom(hives, new string[] { newRegistryObject.Key }, names, registryObject)); } } } else { names.AddRange(this.processOperationInEntity(, registryObject)); items.AddRange(itemTypeFactory.CreateRegistryItemTypesByCombinationOfEntitiesFrom(hives, keys, names, registryObject)); } } catch (RegistryKeyNotFoundException) { items = itemTypeFactory.CreateRegistryItemTypesByCombinationOfEntitiesFrom(hives, null, null, registryObject).ToList(); } catch (RegistryItemNotFoundException) { items = new List<ItemType>() { itemTypeFactory.CreateRegistryItem("", "", "", StatusEnumeration.doesnotexist) }; } catch (Exception ex) { registry_item registry = itemTypeFactory.CreateRegistryItem(registryObject.Hive, registryObject.Key, registryObject.Name, StatusEnumeration.error); registry.message = MessageType.FromErrorString(ex.Message); items = new List<ItemType>() { registry }; } return items; }
public void Should_be_access_variable_information_from_the_registry_object_by_the_registry_wrapper() { oval_definitions definitions = ProbeHelper.GetFakeOvalDefinitions("definitionsWithConstantVariable.xml"); registry_object ovalRegistryObject = (registry_object)ProbeHelper.GetOvalComponentByOvalID(definitions, "oval:org.mitre.oval:obj:3000"); Assert.IsNotNull(ovalRegistryObject, "the oval registry object is not exists in the fakeDefinitions"); RegistryObject registry = RegistryObjectFactory.CreateRegistryObject(ovalRegistryObject); Assert.AreEqual(registry.Hive, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", "the hive value is not expected"); Assert.AreEqual(registry.Key, "", "the key value is not expected"); Assert.AreEqual(registry.Name, "CurrentVersion", "the hive value is not expected"); Assert.AreEqual("oval:org.mitre.oval:var:3000", registry.GetVariableId(registry_object_ItemsChoices.key.ToString()), "the variableId from key is not expected"); Assert.AreEqual("", registry.GetVariableId(, "the variableId from from name is not expected"); }
public void Should_be_access_information_from_the_registry_object_by_the_registry_wrapper() { oval_definitions definitions = ProbeHelper.GetFakeOvalDefinitions("definitionsSimple.xml"); registry_object ovalRegistryObject = (registry_object)ProbeHelper.GetOvalComponentByOvalID(definitions, "oval:org.mitre.oval:obj:4000"); Assert.IsNotNull(ovalRegistryObject, "the oval registry object is not exists in the fakeDefinitions"); RegistryObject registry = RegistryObjectFactory.CreateRegistryObject(ovalRegistryObject); Assert.AreEqual(registry.Hive, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", "the hive value is not expected"); Assert.AreEqual(registry.Key, @"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CSDBuild", "the key value is not expected"); Assert.AreEqual(registry.Name, "^D.*", "the hive value is not expected"); Assert.AreEqual(OperationEnumeration.patternmatch, registry.GetNameOperation(), "the operation from from name is not expected"); Assert.AreEqual(OperationEnumeration.equals, registry.GetKeyOperation(), "the operation from from key is not expected"); }
private IEnumerable<string> ProcessEntityVariables(RegistryObject registry,string entityName) { var values = new List<string>(); var variableId = registry.GetVariableId(entityName); var variableValues = variables.GetVariableValueForVariableId(variableId); if ((variableValues != null) && (variableValues.Count() > 0)) foreach (VariableValue variableValue in variableValues) values.AddRange(variableValue.values); else if ((registry.GetEntity(entityName) == null) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(registry.GetEntity(entityName).var_ref))) values.Add(registry.GetValueOfEntity(entityName)); return values; }
public HttpResponseMessage CheckRegistryFromServer() { try { string CurrentCHash = Request.Headers.GetValues("CurrentCHash").FirstOrDefault(); string ProductKey = Request.Headers.GetValues("ProductKey").FirstOrDefault(); Kuls kuls = new Kuls(); RegistryObject retRegistryObject = new RegistryObject(); retRegistryObject = kuls.CheckRegistryFromServer(ProductKey, CurrentCHash); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, retRegistryObject)); } catch (Exception Ex) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable, Ex.Message)); } }
private void SetNonRegisteredOrTrial(ref RegistryObject KulOnServer, string CurrentCHash) { //ProductKey = "RRRR-RRRR" ve IsRegistrated = 0 ise trial versiyon expire olmuş demektir. KulCHashModel kc = new KulCHashModel(); kc = GetCHashTrial(CurrentCHash); //trial'de de yoksa cHash'yu ekleyip trial data dönecek KulOnServer.IsRegistrated = 2; if (kc.AddedAt.AddMonths(1) < DateTime.Now) { KulOnServer.IsRegistrated = 0; // } KulOnServer.DataRegistrationDurationInMonth = 1; //KulOnServer.HaveDropAuth = 1; //KulOnServer.HaveTrends = 1; KulOnServer.ProductKey = "RRRR-RRRR"; KulOnServer.RegistratedDate = kc.AddedAt;//yeni eklediyse şimdiki zaman Trial expire olduysa olmuştur, olmadıysa da olmamış tarihi döner KulOnServer.DataRegistratedDate = kc.AddedAt; }
public bool IsSuitableFor(Entity entity) { NeolithicContentConfig config = nltConfig.FirstOrDefault(); if (config == null) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < config.Foodfor.Length; i++) { if (RegistryObject.WildCardMatch(config.Foodfor[i], entity.Code)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
// Token: 0x0600143D RID: 5181 RVA: 0x00074C88 File Offset: 0x00072E88 internal static void CheckAndLogInvalidConfigurationSetting(RegistryObject instance) { if (instance == null) { return; } if (!instance.IsValid) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (ValidationError validationError in instance.Validate()) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.Description)); } string text = (instance.Identity != null) ? instance.Identity.ToString() : string.Empty; PushNotificationsCrimsonEvents.InvalidConfiguration.Log <string, StringBuilder>(text, stringBuilder); ExTraceGlobals.PushNotificationAssistantTracer.TraceWarning <string, StringBuilder>(0L, "Invalid configuration settings were detected for '{0}':\n{1}", text, stringBuilder); } }
private string processEqualsOperations(registry_object_ItemsChoices entity, RegistryObject registryObject, bool isKey) { string hive = registryObject.Hive; string key = registryObject.Key; Dictionary <string, string> parameters = RegistryHelper.GetInputParametersForWmiEnumValuesMethod(hive, key); if (isKey) { Dictionary <string, object> result = this.wmiDataProvider.InvokeMethod("EnumKey", parameters); if ((uint)result["ReturnValue"] == 2) { throw new RegistryKeyNotFoundException(String.Format("The key {0} does not exist", key)); } return(key); } else { return(registryObject.GetValueOfEntity(entity.ToString())); } }
public string AddElement(RegistryObject Element, string Id = null) { if (Id == null) { Id = GetId(); } Element.my_id = Id; if (!this.Data.Contains(Id)) { this.Data.Add(Id, Element); } if (Element.parent_object_id != null) { if (this.Data.Contains(Element.parent_object_id)) { (GetElement(Element.parent_object_id)).inner_objects.Add(Id); } } return(Id); }
public static string[] GetCreativeTabs(AssetLocation code, Dictionary <string, string[]> CreativeInventory, OrderedDictionary <string, string> searchReplace) { List <string> tabs = new List <string>(); foreach (var val in CreativeInventory) { for (int i = 0; i < val.Value.Length; i++) { string blockCode = RegistryObject.FillPlaceHolder(val.Value[i], searchReplace); if (WildcardUtil.Match(blockCode, code.Path)) //if (WildCardMatch(blockCode, code.Path)) { string tabCode = val.Key; tabs.Add(tabCode); } } } return(tabs.ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// Fills in placeholders in the composite texture (called by the VSGameContent mod during item loading) /// </summary> /// <param name="searchReplace"></param> public void FillPlaceHolders(Dictionary <string, string> searchReplace) { foreach (CompositeTexture tex in Client.Textures.Values) { tex.FillPlaceHolders(searchReplace); } Client.Shape?.FillPlaceHolders(searchReplace); foreach (var val in searchReplace) { Attributes?.FillPlaceHolder(val.Key, val.Value); } if (Drops != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Drops.Length; i++) { Drops[i].Code = RegistryObject.FillPlaceHolder(Drops[i].Code, searchReplace); } } }
public static RegistryObject RegistryKeyToRegistryObject(RegistryKey registryKey) { RegistryObject regObj = null; try { regObj = new RegistryObject() { Subkeys = new List <string>(registryKey.GetSubKeyNames()), Key = registryKey.Name, Permissions = registryKey.GetAccessControl().GetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm(System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections.All), Values = new Dictionary <string, string>() }; foreach (string valueName in registryKey.GetValueNames()) { try { if (registryKey.GetValue(valueName) == null) { } regObj.Values.Add(valueName, (registryKey.GetValue(valueName) == null) ? "" : (registryKey.GetValue(valueName).ToString())); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Debug(ex, "Found an exception processing registry values."); } } } catch (System.ArgumentException e) { Logger.VerboseException(e); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Debug(e, "Couldn't process reg key {0}", registryKey.Name); } return(regObj); }
private IEnumerable <string> ProcessEntityVariables(RegistryObject registry, string entityName) { var values = new List <string>(); var variableId = registry.GetVariableId(entityName); var variableValues = variables.GetVariableValueForVariableId(variableId); if ((variableValues != null) && (variableValues.Count() > 0)) { foreach (VariableValue variableValue in variableValues) { values.AddRange(variableValue.values); } } else if ((registry.GetEntity(entityName) == null) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(registry.GetEntity(entityName).var_ref))) { values.Add(registry.GetValueOfEntity(entityName)); } return(values); }
private static float SafetyCalculation(PlanetEconomy PE, EconomyRegistry ER) { string planet_economy_id = PE.my_id; float res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ER.Fractions_Num; ++i) { if (ER.AttackRewards[i].Contains(planet_economy_id)) { res += (float)ER.AttackRewards[i][planet_economy_id]; } } string system_id = (string)ER.SystemOfPlanet[planet_economy_id]; for (int i = 0; i < ER.Fractions_Num; ++i) { if (ER.DefenceRewards[i].Contains(system_id)) { if (ER.Relationships[i][PE.fraction_id] == (int)EconomyRegistry.Relation.Alliance) { res += (float)ER.DefenceRewards[i][system_id]; } else if (ER.Relationships[i][PE.fraction_id] == (int)EconomyRegistry.Relation.Enemy) { res -= (float)ER.DefenceRewards[i][system_id]; } } } Registry R = Registry.getInstance(); List <string> innerobjects = R.GetElement(system_id).inner_objects; foreach (string s in innerobjects) { RegistryObject RO = R.GetElement(s); //if (RO is Ship) res += SpaceshipInfluence(RO, PE.fraction_id, ER); } return(res); }
public void Write(RegistryObject obj) { try { string hashSeed = String.Format("{0}{1}", obj.Key, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj)); using (var cmd = new SqliteCommand(SQL_INSERT, DatabaseManager.Connection, DatabaseManager.Transaction)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@run_id", this.runId); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@row_key", CryptoHelpers.CreateHash(hashSeed)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", obj.Key); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@value", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj.Values)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@subkeys", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj.Subkeys)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@permissions", obj.Permissions); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@serialized", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj)); try { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Debug(e.GetType() + "thrown in registry collector"); Telemetry.TrackTrace(Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts.SeverityLevel.Error, e); } } } catch (Exception) { Log.Debug("Had trouble writing {0}", obj.Key); } customCrawlHandler?.Invoke(obj); }
private IEnumerable<string> getKeyValues(RegistryObject registryObject) { string hive = registryObject.Hive; string key = registryObject.Key; string name = registryObject.Name; Dictionary<string, object> searchEntityParameters = this.getEntityParamsForSearchValues(hive, key, name); return this.systemDataSource.GetValues(searchEntityParameters); }
public static bool WildCardMatch(this RegistryObject obj, string a) => obj.WildCardMatch(new AssetLocation(a));
public static RegistryObject RegistryKeyToRegistryObject(RegistryKey registryKey) { RegistryObject regObj = null; if (registryKey == null) { return(regObj); } regObj = new RegistryObject() { Key = registryKey.Name, }; try { regObj.AddSubKeys(registryKey.GetSubKeyNames()); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { Log.Debug("Invalid Handle (ArgumentException) {0}", registryKey.Name); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Debug(e, "Couldn't process reg key {0}", registryKey.Name); } try { foreach (RegistryAccessRule rule in registryKey.GetAccessControl().GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier))) { string name = rule.IdentityReference.Value; try { name = rule.IdentityReference.Translate(typeof(NTAccount)).Value; } catch (IdentityNotMappedException) { // This is fine. Some SIDs don't map to NT Accounts. } if (regObj.Permissions.ContainsKey(name)) { regObj.Permissions[name].Add(rule.RegistryRights.ToString()); } else { regObj.Permissions.Add(name, new List <string>() { rule.RegistryRights.ToString() }); } } } catch (ArgumentException) { Log.Debug("Failed to get permissions (handle is invalid) for {0}", regObj.Key); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Debug(e, "Failed to get permissions for {0}", regObj.Key); } foreach (string valueName in registryKey.GetValueNames()) { try { regObj.Values.Add(valueName, (registryKey.GetValue(valueName) == null) ? "" : (registryKey.GetValue(valueName).ToString())); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Debug(ex, "Found an exception processing registry values of {0}.", registryKey.Name); } } return(regObj); }
public static IEnumerable <RegistryObject> WalkHive(RegistryHive Hive) { // Data structure to hold names of subfolders to be // examined for files. Stack <RegistryKey> keys = new Stack <RegistryKey>(); //if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(root)) //{ // throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find [" + root + "]"); //} RegistryKey BaseKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(Hive, RegistryView.Default); keys.Push(BaseKey); while (keys.Count > 0) { RegistryKey currentKey = keys.Pop(); if (currentKey == null) { continue; } if (Filter.IsFiltered(Helpers.RuntimeString(), "Scan", "Registry", "Key", currentKey.Name)) { continue; } // First push all the new subkeys onto our stack. foreach (string key in currentKey.GetSubKeyNames()) { try { var next = currentKey.OpenSubKey(key, false); keys.Push(next); } // These are expected as we are running as administrator, not System. catch (System.Security.SecurityException e) { Log.Debug(e.GetType() + " " + e.Message + " " + currentKey.Name); } // There seem to be some keys which are listed as existing by the APIs but don't actually exist. // Unclear if these are just super transient keys or what the other cause might be. // Since this isn't use actionable, also just supress these to the debug stream. catch (System.IO.IOException e) { Log.Debug(e.GetType() + " " + e.Message + " " + currentKey.Name); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Information(e.GetType() + " " + e.Message + " " + currentKey.Name); Telemetry.TrackTrace(Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts.SeverityLevel.Error, e); } } RegistryObject regObj = null; try { regObj = new RegistryObject(currentKey); } catch (Exception) { Log.Debug("I'm blue"); } if (regObj != null) { yield return(regObj); } } }
private IEnumerable<string> GetValuesForKeyEntity(RegistryObject registryObject, IEnumerable<string> elements) { List<string> values = new List<string>(); foreach (string startElement in elements) { List<string> elementsOfKey = startElement.Split(new string[] { "\\" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList<string>(); string key = ""; if (elementsOfKey.Count() > 1) { elementsOfKey.Remove(elementsOfKey.First()); key = this.ConvertAStringWithSeparator(elementsOfKey, "\\"); } IEnumerable<string> valuesToMatch = this.getSubKeys(registryObject.Hive, key); if (valuesToMatch == null) { values.Add(startElement); } else { IEnumerable<string> valuesConcatenated = this.ConcatTheValuesOfKey(valuesToMatch, startElement); values.AddRange(this.GetValuesForKeyEntity(registryObject, valuesConcatenated)); } } return values; }
private IEnumerable<string> GetValuesToMatchForOperationsDifferentsOfPatternMatch(bool isKeyEntity, RegistryObject registryObject) { if (isKeyEntity) { return GetValuesForKeyEntity(registryObject, new List<string>() { registryObject.Hive }); } else { return this.getKeyValues(registryObject); } }
private string processEqualsOperations(registry_object_ItemsChoices entity, RegistryObject registryObject, bool isKey) { string hive = registryObject.Hive; string key = registryObject.Key; Dictionary<string, string> parameters = RegistryHelper.GetInputParametersForWmiEnumValuesMethod(hive, key); if (isKey) { Dictionary<string, object> result = this.wmiDataProvider.InvokeMethod("EnumKey", parameters); if ((uint)result["ReturnValue"] == 2) throw new RegistryKeyNotFoundException(String.Format("The key {0} does not exist", key)); return key; } else { return registryObject.GetValueOfEntity(entity.ToString()); } }
private IEnumerable<string> processOperationInEntity(registry_object_ItemsChoices entity, RegistryObject registryObject) { string entityValue = registryObject.GetValueOfEntity(entity.ToString()); OperationEnumeration entityOperation = registryObject.GetOperationOfEntity(entity.ToString()); bool isKeyEntity = (entity == registry_object_ItemsChoices.key); if (operatorHelper.IsEqualsOperation(entityOperation)) { return new List<string>() { this.processEqualsOperations(entity, registryObject, isKeyEntity) }; } else { return this.EvaluateOperation(entityOperation, entityValue, registryObject, isKeyEntity); } }
protected static void solveByType(JToken json, string codePath, OrderedDictionary <string, string> searchReplace) { if (json is JObject jsonObj) { List <string> propertiesToRemove = null; Dictionary <string, JToken> propertiesToAdd = null; foreach (var entry in jsonObj) { if (entry.Key.EndsWith("byType", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { string trueKey = entry.Key.Substring(0, entry.Key.Length - 6); // 6 is the length of "byType" var jobj = entry.Value as JObject; foreach (var byTypeProperty in jobj) { if (WildcardUtil.Match(byTypeProperty.Key, codePath)) { JToken typedToken = byTypeProperty.Value; // Unnecessary to solveByType specifically on this new token's contents as we will be doing a solveByType on all the tokens in the jsonObj anyhow, after adding the propertiesToAdd if (propertiesToAdd == null) { propertiesToAdd = new Dictionary <string, JToken>(); } propertiesToAdd.Add(trueKey, typedToken); break; // Replaces for first matched key only } } if (propertiesToRemove == null) { propertiesToRemove = new List <string>(); } propertiesToRemove.Add(entry.Key); } } if (propertiesToRemove != null) { foreach (var property in propertiesToRemove) { jsonObj.Remove(property); } if (propertiesToAdd != null) { foreach (var property in propertiesToAdd) { if (jsonObj[property.Key] is JObject jobject) { jobject.Merge(property.Value); } else { jsonObj[property.Key] = property.Value; } } } } foreach (var entry in jsonObj) { solveByType(entry.Value, codePath, searchReplace); } } else if (json.Type == JTokenType.String) { string value = (string)(json as JValue).Value; if (value.Contains("{")) { (json as JValue).Value = RegistryObject.FillPlaceHolder(value, searchReplace); } } else if (json is JArray jarray) { foreach (var child in jarray) { solveByType(child, codePath, searchReplace); } } }
private IEnumerable<string> EvaluateOperation(OperationEnumeration operation, string entityValue, RegistryObject registryObject, bool isKeyEntity) { IEnumerable<string> valuesToMatch = null; if (operatorHelper.IsRegularExpression(operation)) { if (isKeyEntity) valuesToMatch = this.getSubKeysRecursive(registryObject.Hive, registryObject.Key); else { registryObject.ClearNameEntity(); valuesToMatch = this.getKeyValues(registryObject); } return new MultiLevelPatternMatchOperation(, valuesToMatch); } else { valuesToMatch = this.GetValuesToMatchForOperationsDifferentsOfPatternMatch(isKeyEntity, registryObject); return NonPatternMatchOperationEvaluator. EvaluateOperationsDifferentsOfPatternMatch(operation, entityValue, valuesToMatch); } }