private void Configuration_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.MaximizeBox = false; this.MinimizeBox = false; this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; int x = GetScreen().Width - (this.Width + 20); int y = GetScreen().Height - (this.Height + 80); this.Location = this.PointToScreen(new Point(x, y)); this.KeyPreview = true; try { RegistryHandle reg = new RegistryHandle(); RegistryHandle.Configuration config = reg.ReadConfig(); txtEventName.Text = config.EventName; txtInstallation.Text = config.Installation; txtQueueType.Text = config.QueueOptions; txtQueueNumber.Text = config.QueueNumber.ToString(); txtExecution.Text = config.Execution; txtLocation.Text = config.Location; txtOtherEvent.Text = config.OtherEvent; txtUseReader.Text = config.UseReader.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
private static object ReadValue(string key, string value) { object obj2; try { using (RegistryHandle handle = RegistryHandle.GetNativeHKLMSubkey(key, false)) { if (handle == null) { return(null); } obj2 = handle.GetValue(value); } } catch (SecurityException exception) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new TransactionManagerConfigurationException(System.ServiceModel.SR.GetString("WsatRegistryValueReadError", new object[] { value }), exception)); } catch (IOException exception2) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new TransactionManagerConfigurationException(System.ServiceModel.SR.GetString("WsatRegistryValueReadError", new object[] { value }), exception2)); } return(obj2); }
// SDK location: /registry/pspreg.h:68 // SDK declaration: int sceRegOpenRegistry(struct RegParam *reg, int mode, REGHANDLE *h); public int sceRegOpenRegistry(int reg, int mode, int h) { //unsigned int regtype //char name [256] //Seemingly never used, set to "/system". //unsigned int namelen //Length of the name. //unsigned int unk2 //Unknown, set to 1. //unsigned int unk3 //Unknown, set to 1. // mode = 1 string name = _kernel.ReadString(( uint )reg + 4); RegistryHandle handle = new RegistryHandle(); handle.Type = RegistryHandleType.Registry; handle.ID = _lastId++; handle.Key = _system; _handles.Add(handle); if (h != 0) { int *ph = ( int * )_memorySystem.TranslateMainMemory(h); * ph = handle.ID; } return(0); }
static object ReadValue(string key, string value) { try { using (RegistryHandle regKey = RegistryHandle.GetNativeHKLMSubkey(key, false)) { if (regKey == null) { return(null); } return(regKey.GetValue(value)); } } catch (SecurityException e) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError( new TransactionManagerConfigurationException(SR.GetString(SR.WsatRegistryValueReadError, value), e)); } catch (IOException e) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError( new TransactionManagerConfigurationException(SR.GetString(SR.WsatRegistryValueReadError, value), e)); } }
// SDK location: /registry/pspreg.h:117 // SDK declaration: int sceRegCloseCategory(REGHANDLE hd); public int sceRegCloseCategory(int hd) { RegistryHandle handle = this.GetHandle(hd); if (handle == null) { return(-1); } else { _handles.Remove(handle); return(0); } }
private void Configuration_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { try { RegistryHandle reg = new RegistryHandle(); RegistryHandle.Configuration config = null; int QueueNum; bool UseReader; config = new RegistryHandle.Configuration(txtEventName.Text, txtInstallation.Text, txtQueueType.Text, txtExecution.Text, int.TryParse(txtQueueNumber.Text, out QueueNum) ? QueueNum : 1, txtLocation.Text, txtOtherEvent.Text, Boolean.TryParse(txtUseReader.Text, out UseReader) ? UseReader : false); reg.WriteConfig(config); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
// SDK location: /registry/pspreg.h:98 // SDK declaration: int sceRegOpenCategory(REGHANDLE h, const char *name, int mode, REGHANDLE *hd); public int sceRegOpenCategory(int h, int name, int mode, int hd) { RegistryHandle registryHandle = this.GetHandle(h); if (registryHandle == null) { return(-1); } RegistryKey key = registryHandle.Key; // This is probably wrong string categoryPath = _kernel.ReadString(( uint )name); string[] path = categoryPath.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string pathElement in path) { foreach (RegistryKey child in key.Children) { if (child.Name == pathElement) { key = child; break; } } } RegistryHandle handle = new RegistryHandle(); handle.Type = RegistryHandleType.Category; handle.ID = _lastId++; handle.Key = key; _handles.Add(handle); Log.WriteLine(Verbosity.Verbose, Feature.Bios, "sceRegOpenCategory( {0}::{1} )", registryHandle.Key.Name, categoryPath); if (hd != 0) { int *phd = ( int * )_memorySystem.TranslateMainMemory(hd); * phd = handle.ID; } return(0); }
//Process button private void ViewOptions(string ID) { string message = string.Empty; RegistryHandle reg = new RegistryHandle(); RegistryHandle.Configuration config = reg.ReadConfig(); if (config.EventName == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("No configuration setup"); this.Close(); return; } /* * if (!CheckRouting(config.Installation, config.EventName)) * { * MessageBox.Show("Routing is incorrect."); * this.Close(); * return; * } */ message = string.Format("<Message><CUMS_AuthorityRFID><SEL_ID>{0}</SEL_ID><STATION_NAME>{1}</STATION_NAME>" + "<LOCAL_USER>{2}</LOCAL_USER><TIME_STAMP>{3}</TIME_STAMP><LOCATION>{4}</LOCATION>" + "<OTHER_EVENT>{5}</OTHER_EVENT></CUMS_AuthorityRFID></Message>", ID, Environment.MachineName, Environment.UserName, DateTime.Now, config.Location, config.OtherEvent); if (clsClarifi.CheckAgentStatus() != clsClarifi.AgentStatus.Started && message != String.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Clarif-i Agent Stopped"); this.Close(); return; } else { clsClarifi.TriggerAgent(config.EventName, config.Installation, message, config.Execution, config.QueueOptions, config.QueueNumber); this.Close(); return; } }
// SDK location: /registry/pspreg.h:163 // SDK declaration: int sceRegGetKeyValue(REGHANDLE hd, REGHANDLE hk, void *buf, SceSize size); public int sceRegGetKeyValue(int hd, int hk, int buf, int size) { RegistryHandle categoryHandle = this.GetHandle(hd); if (categoryHandle == null) { return(-1); } RegistryHandle keyHandle = categoryHandle.GetHandle(hk); if (keyHandle == null) { return(-1); } byte *pbuf = _memorySystem.TranslateMainMemory(buf); switch (keyHandle.Key.Type) { case RegistryKeyType.Integer: *(( int * )pbuf) = keyHandle.Key.ValueI; break; case RegistryKeyType.String: _kernel.WriteString(( uint )buf, keyHandle.Key.ValueS); break; case RegistryKeyType.Binary: { byte[] value = keyHandle.Key.ValueB; fixed(byte *pvalue = &value[0]) MemorySystem.CopyMemory(pvalue, pbuf, ( uint )value.Length); } break; } return(0); }
// SDK location: /registry/pspreg.h:139 // SDK declaration: int sceRegGetKeyInfo(REGHANDLE hd, const char *name, REGHANDLE *hk, unsigned int *type, SceSize *size); public int sceRegGetKeyInfo(int hd, int name, int hk, int type, int size) { RegistryHandle categoryHandle = this.GetHandle(hd); if (categoryHandle == null) { return(-1); } string keyName = _kernel.ReadString(( uint )name); Log.WriteLine(Verbosity.Verbose, Feature.Bios, "sceRegGetKeyInfo( {0}/{1} )", categoryHandle.Key.Name, keyName); RegistryKey key = null; foreach (RegistryKey child in categoryHandle.Key.Children) { if (child.Name == keyName) { key = child; break; } } Debug.Assert(key != null); if (key == null) { return(-1); } RegistryHandle handle = new RegistryHandle(); handle.Type = RegistryHandleType.Key; handle.ID = _lastId++; handle.Key = key; categoryHandle.Handles.Add(handle); int typev = ( int )key.Type; int sizev = 0; switch (key.Type) { case RegistryKeyType.Integer: sizev = 4; break; case RegistryKeyType.String: sizev = key.ValueS.Length + 1; break; case RegistryKeyType.Binary: sizev = key.ValueB.Length; break; } if (hk != 0) { int *phk = ( int * )_memorySystem.TranslateMainMemory(hk); * phk = handle.ID; } if (type != 0) { int *ptype = ( int * )_memorySystem.TranslateMainMemory(type); * ptype = typev; } if (size != 0) { int *psize = ( int * )_memorySystem.TranslateMainMemory(size); * psize = sizev; } return(0); }
public int sceRegOpenRegistry( int reg, int mode, int h ) { //unsigned int regtype //char name [256] //Seemingly never used, set to "/system". //unsigned int namelen //Length of the name. //unsigned int unk2 //Unknown, set to 1. //unsigned int unk3 //Unknown, set to 1. // mode = 1 string name = _kernel.ReadString( ( uint )reg + 4 ); RegistryHandle handle = new RegistryHandle(); handle.Type = RegistryHandleType.Registry; handle.ID = _lastId++; handle.Key = _system; _handles.Add( handle ); if( h != 0 ) { int* ph = ( int* )_memorySystem.TranslateMainMemory( h ); *ph = handle.ID; } return 0; }
public int sceRegOpenCategory( int h, int name, int mode, int hd ) { RegistryHandle registryHandle = this.GetHandle( h ); if( registryHandle == null ) return -1; RegistryKey key = registryHandle.Key; // This is probably wrong string categoryPath = _kernel.ReadString( ( uint )name ); string[] path = categoryPath.Split( new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ); foreach( string pathElement in path ) { foreach( RegistryKey child in key.Children ) { if( child.Name == pathElement ) { key = child; break; } } } RegistryHandle handle = new RegistryHandle(); handle.Type = RegistryHandleType.Category; handle.ID = _lastId++; handle.Key = key; _handles.Add( handle ); Log.WriteLine( Verbosity.Verbose, Feature.Bios, "sceRegOpenCategory( {0}::{1} )", registryHandle.Key.Name, categoryPath ); if( hd != 0 ) { int* phd = ( int* )_memorySystem.TranslateMainMemory( hd ); *phd = handle.ID; } return 0; }
public int sceRegGetKeyInfo( int hd, int name, int hk, int type, int size ) { RegistryHandle categoryHandle = this.GetHandle( hd ); if( categoryHandle == null ) return -1; string keyName = _kernel.ReadString( ( uint )name ); Log.WriteLine( Verbosity.Verbose, Feature.Bios, "sceRegGetKeyInfo( {0}/{1} )", categoryHandle.Key.Name, keyName ); RegistryKey key = null; foreach( RegistryKey child in categoryHandle.Key.Children ) { if( child.Name == keyName ) { key = child; break; } } Debug.Assert( key != null ); if( key == null ) return -1; RegistryHandle handle = new RegistryHandle(); handle.Type = RegistryHandleType.Key; handle.ID = _lastId++; handle.Key = key; categoryHandle.Handles.Add( handle ); int typev = ( int )key.Type; int sizev = 0; switch( key.Type ) { case RegistryKeyType.Integer: sizev = 4; break; case RegistryKeyType.String: sizev = key.ValueS.Length + 1; break; case RegistryKeyType.Binary: sizev = key.ValueB.Length; break; } if( hk != 0 ) { int* phk = ( int* )_memorySystem.TranslateMainMemory( hk ); *phk = handle.ID; } if( type != 0 ) { int* ptype = ( int* )_memorySystem.TranslateMainMemory( type ); *ptype = typev; } if( size != 0 ) { int* psize = ( int* )_memorySystem.TranslateMainMemory( size ); *psize = sizev; } return 0; }