protected void btnEditar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnEditar.Visible = false; btnGrabar.Visible = true; CiudadDTO theCiudadDTO = new CiudadDTO(); theCiudadDTO.IdCiudad = decimal.Parse(this.hdnIdCiudad.Value); theCiudadDTO.NombreCiudad = this.txtNombre.Text.ToUpper(); theCiudadDTO.DescripcionCiudad = this.txtNombre.Text.ToUpper(); RegionDTO myRegionDTO = new RegionDTO(); myRegionDTO.IdRegion = decimal.Parse(this.ddlRegion.SelectedValue); theCiudadDTO.TheRegionDTO = myRegionDTO; theCiudadDTO.UsuarioModificacion = myUsuario.Rut; bool respuesta = YouCom.bll.CiudadBLL.Update(theCiudadDTO); if (respuesta) { cargarCiudad(); this.txtNombre.Text = string.Empty; this.ddlRegion.ClearSelection(); if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("SET")) { string script = "alert('Ciudad editada correctamente.');"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "SET", script, true); } } else { } }
public void EditRegionAsync_ReturnsCorrect() { // Arrange Region reg = new Region() { ID = 2 }; RegionDTO region = new RegionDTO() { ID = 3, City = "Lviv" }; _repoWrapper .Setup(x => x.Region.GetFirstAsync(It.IsAny <Expression <Func <Region, bool> > >(), It.IsAny <Func <IQueryable <Region>, IIncludableQueryable <Region, object> > >())) .ReturnsAsync(reg); _repoWrapper .Setup(x => x.Region.Update(reg)); _repoWrapper .Setup(x => x.SaveAsync()); // Act var result = _regionService.EditRegionAsync(It.IsAny <int>(), region); // Assert _repoWrapper.Verify(); Assert.NotNull(result); }
public bool Update(RegionDTO oRegionData) { string sProcName; DatabaseManager oDB; try { oDB = new DatabaseManager(); sProcName = "up_Upd_RegionMaster"; oDB.DbCmd = oDB.GetStoredProcCommand(sProcName); oDB.DbDatabase.AddInParameter(oDB.DbCmd, "@iRegionId", DbType.Int32, oRegionData.RegionId); oDB.DbDatabase.AddInParameter(oDB.DbCmd, "@sRegionName", DbType.String, oRegionData.RegionName); oDB.ExecuteNonQuery(oDB.DbCmd); } catch (Exception exp) { oDB = null; oRegionData = null; GF.LogError("clsRegionMaster.Update", exp.Message); return(false); } finally { oDB = null; } return(true); }
public bool Insert(RegionDTO oRegionData) { string sProcName; DatabaseManager oDB; try { oDB = new DatabaseManager(); sProcName = "up_Ins_RegionMaster"; oDB.DbCmd = oDB.GetStoredProcCommand(sProcName); oDB.DbDatabase.AddInParameter(oDB.DbCmd, "@sRegionName", DbType.String, oRegionData.RegionName); oDB.ExecuteNonQuery(oDB.DbCmd); //oDB.ExecuteNonQuery(oDB.DbCmd); } catch (Exception exp) { oDB = null; oRegionData = null; throw exp; } finally { oDB = null; } return(true); }
private RegionDTO[] PopulateDataObject(string Query) { RegionDTO[] oRegionData; DataSet ds; try { oRegionData = null; ds = GetDataFromDB(Query); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { oRegionData = new RegionDTO[ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { oRegionData[i] = new RegionDTO(); oRegionData[i].RegionId = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][0]); oRegionData[i].RegionName = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][1]); } } } catch (Exception exp) { throw exp; } finally { ds = null; } return(oRegionData); }
private async Task<ImportValidationResultInfo> MapAndValidate(RegionDTO dto, int index) { return await Task.Run(() => { if (dto == null) return null; var entity = _mappingService.Map(dto); var exist = _ctx.tblRegion.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name.ToLower() == dto.Name.ToLower()); entity.Id = exist == null ? Guid.NewGuid() :; var res = _repository.Validate(entity); var vResult = new ImportValidationResultInfo() { Results = res.Results, Description = string.Format("Row-{0} name or code=>{1}", index, entity.Name ?? entity.Description), Entity = entity }; return vResult; }); }
public void UpdateRegion(RegionDTO region) { var regionEF = regionRepository.GetBy(region.IdRegion); region.MappingRegion(regionEF); regionRepository.Update(regionEF); }
private void Save() { if (!base.ValidateIfCommandAllowed(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, ENums.PageCommand.Add)) { return; } bool bActionCompleted = false; RegionDTO oRegionData = new RegionDTO(); oRegionData.RegionName = txtRegionName.Text.ToString(); RegionMaster oRegionMaster = new RegionMaster(); bActionCompleted = oRegionMaster.Insert(oRegionData); if (bActionCompleted == true) { base.DisplayAlert("The record has been inserted successfully"); txtRegionName.Text = ""; lblStatus.Text = "Saved"; } else { lblStatus.Text = "Error Occured while insertion: Please refer to the error log."; } oRegionData = null; oRegionMaster = null; }
protected void btnEditar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnEditar.Visible = false; btnGrabar.Visible = true; RegionDTO theRegionDTO = new RegionDTO(); theRegionDTO.IdRegion = decimal.Parse(HidIdRegion.Value); PaisDTO myPaisDTO = new PaisDTO(); myPaisDTO.IdPais = decimal.Parse(ddlPais.SelectedValue); theRegionDTO.ThePaisDTO = myPaisDTO; theRegionDTO.DescripcionRegion = txtRegion.Text.ToUpper(); theRegionDTO.UsuarioIngreso = myUsuario.Rut; bool respuesta = YouCom.bll.RegionBLL.Update(theRegionDTO); if (respuesta) { cargarRegiones(); txtRegion.Text = string.Empty; if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("SET")) { string script = "alert('Region editado correctamente.');"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "SET", script, true); } } else { } }
public void Update(RegionDTO region) { //var regions = _unitOfWork.Regiones.Get(x => x.Id == region.Id).FirstOrDefault(); //regions.Email = region.Email; _unitOfWork.Regiones.Update(Mapper.Map <Region>(region)); _unitOfWork.Complete(); }
public void Update(RegionDTO regionDTO) { Region region = _mapper.Map <Region>(regionDTO); _unitOfWork.Regions.Update(region); _unitOfWork.Complete(); }
protected void rptRegionInactivo_OnItemCommand(object sender, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Activar") { HiddenField hdnTipoSistema = new HiddenField(); hdnTipoSistema = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("HdnTipoSistema"); HiddenField hdnDescripcion = new HiddenField(); hdnDescripcion = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("hdnDescripcion"); RegionDTO theRegionDTO = new RegionDTO(); theRegionDTO.IdRegion = decimal.Parse(hdnTipoSistema.Value); theRegionDTO.UsuarioIngreso = myUsuario.Rut; bool respuesta = YouCom.bll.RegionBLL.ActivaRegion(theRegionDTO); if (respuesta) { cargarRegionInactivo(); if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("SET")) { string script = "alert('Region Activado correctamente.');"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "SET", script, true); } } else { } } }
public static bool DeleteRegion(RegionDTO theRegionDTO) { bool retorno = false; YouCom.Service.BD.SQLHelper wobjSQLHelper = new YouCom.Service.BD.SQLHelper(); wobjSQLHelper.SetParametro("@usuarioIngreso", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, theRegionDTO.UsuarioIngreso); wobjSQLHelper.SetParametro("@IdRegion", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, theRegionDTO.IdRegion); try { //==================================================================================== switch (wobjSQLHelper.EjecutarNQ("Delete_Region", "YouCom")) { case 0: throw new Exception("No se pudo grabar."); case -1: throw new Exception("Hubo un error."); case -2: throw new Exception("Hubo un error."); } //==================================================================================== retorno = true; } catch (Exception eobjException) { throw eobjException; } return(retorno); }
public static List <YouCom.DTO.RegionDTO> ListadoRegiones() { DataTable pobjDataTable = new DataTable(); YouCom.DTO.RegionDTO theRegionDTO; List <YouCom.DTO.RegionDTO> collRegion = new List <RegionDTO>(); if (YouCom.Comun.DAL.Accesos.Region.ListadoRegiones(ref pobjDataTable)) { foreach (DataRow wobjDataRow in pobjDataTable.Rows) { theRegionDTO = new RegionDTO(); theRegionDTO.IdRegion = wobjDataRow["id_reg"] != null ? wobjDataRow["id_reg"].ToString() : string.Empty; theRegionDTO.Descripcion = wobjDataRow["dsc_reg"] != null ? wobjDataRow["dsc_reg"].ToString() : string.Empty; theRegionDTO.IdPais = wobjDataRow["idPais"] != null ? wobjDataRow["idPais"].ToString() : string.Empty; theRegionDTO.UsuarioIngreso = wobjDataRow["usuario_ingreso"] != null ? wobjDataRow["usuario_ingreso"].ToString() : string.Empty; theRegionDTO.FechaIngreso = wobjDataRow["fecha_ingreso"] != null ? wobjDataRow["fecha_ingreso"].ToString() : string.Empty; theRegionDTO.UsuarioModificacion = wobjDataRow["usuario_modificacion"] != null ? wobjDataRow["usuario_modificacion"].ToString() : string.Empty; theRegionDTO.FechaModificacion = wobjDataRow["fecha_modificacion"] != null ? wobjDataRow["fecha_modificacion"].ToString() : string.Empty; theRegionDTO.IdCondominio = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(wobjDataRow["empresa"].ToString()) ? decimal.Parse(wobjDataRow["empresa"].ToString()) : 0; theRegionDTO.Estado = wobjDataRow["estado"] != null ? wobjDataRow["estado"].ToString() : string.Empty; collRegion.Add(theRegionDTO); } } return(collRegion); }
public static List <YouCom.DTO.RegionDTO> getListadoRegion() { DataTable pobjDataTable = new DataTable(); YouCom.DTO.RegionDTO theRegionDTO; List <YouCom.DTO.RegionDTO> collRegion = new List <RegionDTO>(); if (YouCom.DAL.RegionDAL.getListadoRegion(ref pobjDataTable)) { foreach (DataRow wobjDataRow in pobjDataTable.Rows) { theRegionDTO = new RegionDTO(); theRegionDTO.IdRegion = wobjDataRow["idRegion"] != null?decimal.Parse(wobjDataRow["idRegion"].ToString()) : 0; theRegionDTO.NombreRegion = wobjDataRow["nombreRegion"] != null ? wobjDataRow["nombreRegion"].ToString() : string.Empty; theRegionDTO.DescripcionRegion = wobjDataRow["descripcionRegion"] != null ? wobjDataRow["descripcionRegion"].ToString() : string.Empty; PaisDTO myPaisDTO = new PaisDTO(); myPaisDTO.IdPais = wobjDataRow["idPais"] != null?decimal.Parse(wobjDataRow["idPais"].ToString()) : 0; myPaisDTO.NombrePais = wobjDataRow["nombrePais"] != null ? wobjDataRow["nombrePais"].ToString() : string.Empty; theRegionDTO.ThePaisDTO = myPaisDTO; theRegionDTO.UsuarioIngreso = wobjDataRow["usuario_ingreso"] != null ? wobjDataRow["usuario_ingreso"].ToString() : string.Empty; theRegionDTO.FechaIngreso = wobjDataRow["fecha_ingreso"] != null ? wobjDataRow["fecha_ingreso"].ToString() : string.Empty; theRegionDTO.UsuarioModificacion = wobjDataRow["usuario_modificacion"] != null ? wobjDataRow["usuario_modificacion"].ToString() : string.Empty; theRegionDTO.FechaModificacion = wobjDataRow["fecha_modificacion"] != null ? wobjDataRow["fecha_modificacion"].ToString() : string.Empty; theRegionDTO.Estado = wobjDataRow["estado"] != null ? wobjDataRow["estado"].ToString() : string.Empty; collRegion.Add(theRegionDTO); } } return(collRegion); }
private void AddEditProperty_BasePost(Connector connector, PropertyDTO property) { RegionBLL regionBLL = new RegionBLL(connector); ProvinceBLL provinceBLL = new ProvinceBLL(connector); DistrictBLL districtBLL = new DistrictBLL(connector); CountryDTO country = property.Country; RegionDTO region = property.Region; ProvinceDTO province = property.Province; DistrictDTO district = property.District; if (country != null) { country.Regions = regionBLL.ReadByCountry(country.Id); if (region != null) { region.Country = country; } if (province != null) { province.Country = country; } if (district != null) { district.Country = country; } } if (region != null) { region.Provinces = provinceBLL.ReadByCountryAndRegion(country.Id, region.Code); } if (province != null) { province.Districts = districtBLL.ReadByCountryAndRegionAndProvince(country.Id, region.Code, province.Code); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a single country dimension /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public RegionDTO GetRegionDimension(int ID) { SQLAzure.DbConnection dbConn = new SQLAzure.DbConnection(_connectionString); RegionDTO region = new RegionDTO(); try { dbConn.Open(); SQLAzure.RetryLogic.DbCommand dbComm = new SQLAzure.RetryLogic.DbCommand(dbConn); dbComm.CommandText = "SELECT ID, Region FROM DimRegion WHERE ID = @ID"; dbComm.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("ID", ID)); System.Data.IDataReader rdr = dbComm.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandType.Text); while (rdr.Read()) { region.ID = Convert.ToInt32(rdr["ID"]); region.Region = rdr["Region"].ToString(); } } catch (SqlException) { throw; } finally { dbConn.Close(); } return(region); }
public List <RegionDTO> GetAllRegiones() { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); SqlDataReader reader; cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM REGION"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = con; reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); List <RegionDTO> retorno = new List <RegionDTO>(); while (reader.Read()) { RegionDTO item = new RegionDTO(); item.IdRegion = (reader["IdRegion"] != DBNull.Value) ? Convert.ToInt32(reader["IdRegion"]) : 0; item.Descripcion = (reader["Descripcion"] != DBNull.Value) ? reader["Descripcion"].ToString() : string.Empty; item.Estado = (reader["Estado"] != DBNull.Value) ? Convert.ToInt32(reader["Estado"]) : 0; retorno.Add(item); } reader.Close(); con.Close(); return(retorno); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a region within the dimension table /// </summary> /// <param name="region"></param> public bool CreateRegionDimension(RegionDTO region) { bool Success = false; SQLAzure.DbConnection dbConn = new SQLAzure.DbConnection(_connectionString); try { string query = @"IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT Region from DimRegion WHERE Region = @Region) INSERT INTO DimRegion (Region) VALUES (@Region)"; dbConn.Open(); SQLAzure.RetryLogic.DbCommand dbComm = new SQLAzure.RetryLogic.DbCommand(dbConn); dbComm.CommandText = query; dbComm.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("Region", region.Region)); dbComm.ExecuteNonQuery(System.Data.CommandType.Text); Success = true; } catch (SqlException) { throw; } finally { dbConn.Close(); } return(Success); }
/// <summary> /// Updates a region record within the dimension table /// </summary> /// <param name="region"></param> public bool UpdateRegionDimension(RegionDTO region) { bool Success = true; SQLAzure.DbConnection dbConn = new SQLAzure.DbConnection(_connectionString); try { string query = @"UPDATE DimRegion SET Region = @Region WHERE ID = @ID"; dbConn.Open(); SQLAzure.RetryLogic.DbCommand dbComm = new SQLAzure.RetryLogic.DbCommand(dbConn); dbComm.CommandText = query; dbComm.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("ID", region.ID)); dbComm.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("Region", region.Region)); dbComm.ExecuteNonQuery(System.Data.CommandType.Text); Success = true; } catch (SqlException) { throw; } finally { dbConn.Close(); } return(Success); }
public async Task <OutputResponse> Update(RegionDTO region) { var regionToUpdate = await _context.Regions.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.RegionId.Equals(region.RegionId)); if (regionToUpdate == null) { return(new OutputResponse { IsErrorOccured = true, Message = "Region specified does not exist, update cancelled" }); } //update region details regionToUpdate.RegionName = region.RegionName; regionToUpdate.Longitude = region.Longitude; regionToUpdate.Latitude = region.Latitude; regionToUpdate.RowAction = "U"; regionToUpdate.ModifiedBy = region.CreatedBy; regionToUpdate.DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(2); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(new OutputResponse { IsErrorOccured = false, Message = MessageHelper.UpdateSuccess }); }
public async Task <OutputResponse> Add(RegionDTO region) { var isFound = await _context.Regions.AnyAsync(x => x.RegionName.ToLower() == region.RegionName.ToLower()); if (isFound) { return(new OutputResponse { IsErrorOccured = true, Message = "Region name already exist, duplicates not allowed" }); } var mappedRegion = new AutoMapperHelper <RegionDTO, Regions>().MapToObject(region); mappedRegion.RowAction = "I"; mappedRegion.DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(2); await _context.Regions.AddAsync(mappedRegion); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(new OutputResponse { IsErrorOccured = false, Message = MessageHelper.AddNewSuccess }); }
public static bool ValidaEliminacionRegion(RegionDTO theRegionDTO, ref DataTable pobjDatable) { bool retorno = false; YouCom.Service.BD.SQLHelper wobjSQLHelper = new YouCom.Service.BD.SQLHelper(); wobjSQLHelper.SetParametro("@IdRegion", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, theRegionDTO.IdRegion); try { //==================================================================================== if (wobjSQLHelper.Ejecutar("validaEliminacionRegion", "YouCom", pobjDatable) <= 0) { retorno = true; } else { retorno = false; } //==================================================================================== } catch (Exception eobjException) { throw eobjException; } return(retorno); }
private void Delete() { if (!base.ValidateIfCommandAllowed(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, ENums.PageCommand.Delete)) { return; } if (ValidateValues() == false) { return; } bool bActionCompleted = false; int Id = 0; int.TryParse(hfId.Value, out Id); if (Id == 0) { lblStatus.Text = "Please click on edit button again."; return; } RegionDTO oRegionData = new RegionDTO(); oRegionData.RegionId = Id; RegionMaster oRegionMaster = new RegionMaster(); /* * ADDED BY VIJAY * CHECK IF THE REGION WHICH IS TO BE DELETED HAS ANY ASSOCIATED RECORDS...IF YES, MOVE OUT OF THE FUNCTION ELSE PROCEED * IF THE OUTPUT OF sMessage IS "", THEN RECORD CAN BE DELETED, ELSE NOT * */ string sMessage = ""; GF.HasRecords(Convert.ToString(Id), "region", out sMessage); if (sMessage != "") { base.DisplayAlert(sMessage); btnDelete.Enabled = true; } else { bActionCompleted = oRegionMaster.Delete(oRegionData); if (bActionCompleted == true) { base.DisplayAlert("The record has been deleted successfully"); txtRegionName.Text = ""; //lblStatus.Text = "Deleted"; RefreshGrid(); } else { base.DisplayAlert("Error Occured while deletion: Please refer to the error log."); } } oRegionData = null; oRegionMaster = null; }
public void MapFromDomainEntity_NullContent_ReturnNull() { //Act var response = RegionDTO.MapFromDatabaseEntity(null); //Assert Assert.IsNull(response); }
public async Task <IServiceResponse <bool> > AddRegion(RegionDTO region) { return(await HandleApiOperationAsync(async() => { await _regionService.AddRegion(region); return new ServiceResponse <bool>(true); })); }
public async Task AddRegionAsync(RegionDTO region) { var newRegion = _mapper.Map <RegionDTO, DataAccessCity.Region>(region); await _repoWrapper.Region.CreateAsync(newRegion); await _repoWrapper.SaveAsync(); }
public async Task <IServiceResponse <bool> > UpdateRegion(int id, RegionDTO region) { return(await HandleApiOperationAsync(async() => { await _regionService.UpdateRegion(id, region); return new ServiceResponse <bool>(true); })); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the corresponding DTO object /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public RegionDTO GetDTO() { RegionDTO ad = new RegionDTO(); ad.Region = Region; ad.ID = ID; return(ad); }
public IActionResult Create([Bind("Name,Id")] RegionDTO regionDTO) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _regionApp.Insert(regionDTO); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(regionDTO)); }
protected void rptRegion_OnItemCommand(object sender, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Editar") { HiddenField hdnTipoSistema = new HiddenField(); hdnTipoSistema = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("HdnTipoSistema"); HiddenField hdnDescripcion = new HiddenField(); hdnDescripcion = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("hdnDescripcion"); HiddenField hdnPais = new HiddenField(); hdnPais = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("hdnIdPais"); ddlPais.SelectedValue = hdnPais.Value; HidIdRegion.Value = hdnTipoSistema.Value; txtRegion.Text = hdnDescripcion.Value; btnGrabar.Visible = false; btnEditar.Visible = true; } if (e.CommandName == "Eliminar") { HiddenField hdnTipoSistema = new HiddenField(); hdnTipoSistema = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("HdnTipoSistema"); HiddenField hdnDescripcion = new HiddenField(); hdnDescripcion = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("hdnDescripcion"); RegionDTO theRegionDTO = new RegionDTO(); theRegionDTO.IdRegion = decimal.Parse(hdnTipoSistema.Value); theRegionDTO.UsuarioModificacion = myUsuario.Rut; bool validacionIntegridad = YouCom.bll.RegionBLL.ValidaEliminacionRegion(theRegionDTO); if (validacionIntegridad) { string script = "alert(' No es posible eliminar una Region con Localidad Asociadas.');"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "SET", script, true); return; } else { bool respuesta = YouCom.bll.RegionBLL.Delete(theRegionDTO); if (respuesta) { cargarRegiones(); if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("SET")) { string script = "alert('Region Eliminado correctamente.');"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "SET", script, true); } } else { } } } }
private RegionDTO Map(tblRegion tbl) { var dto = new RegionDTO { MasterId =, DateCreated = tbl.IM_DateCreated, DateLastUpdated = tbl.IM_DateLastUpdated, StatusId = tbl.IM_Status, Name = tbl.Name, Description = tbl.Description, CountryMasterId = tbl.Country }; return dto; }
public Region Map(RegionDTO dto) { if (dto == null) return null; var region = Mapper.Map<RegionDTO, Region>(dto); region.Country = _countryRepository.GetById(dto.CountryMasterId); return region; }