Example #1
 private void Init(string aColumnName, string aRegEx, string aTrailingRegex, RegexColumnType aColumnType)
     ColumnName    = aColumnName;
     RegEx         = aRegEx;
     TrailingRegEx = aTrailingRegex;
     ColumnType    = aColumnType;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Adds a column to the collection of columns from which
        ///     the regular expression will be created
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="columnName">name of the column</param>
        /// <param name="columnRegEx">regular expression for capturing the value of this column</param>
        /// <param name="columnType">RegexColumnType of this column</param>
        public void AddColumn(string columnName, string columnRegEx, RegexColumnType columnType = RegexColumnType.STRING)
            string precedingRegEx = columnName.StartsWith("\"") ? "\"" : String.Empty;
            string trailingRegEx  = columnName.EndsWith("\"") ? "\"" : String.Empty;

            columnName = columnName.Trim('\"');
            AddColumn(columnName, columnRegEx, trailingRegEx, precedingRegEx, columnType);
Example #3
 public RegexColumn(string columnName, string expression, RegexColumnType columnType = RegexColumnType.STRING)
     ColumnName    = columnName;
     Expression    = expression;
     ColumnType    = columnType;
     AutoIncrement = false;
     IsForeignKey  = false;
     IsUnique      = false;
Example #4
 private void Init(string columnName, string regEx, string trailingRegex, string precedingRegex, RegexColumnType columnType)
     ColumnName     = columnName;
     AutoIncrement  = false;
     Expression     = String.Empty;
     RegEx          = regEx;
     TrailingRegEx  = trailingRegex;
     PrecedingRegEx = precedingRegex;
     ColumnType     = columnType;
     IsForeignKey   = false;
     StartValue     = 1;
     Increment      = 1;
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 ///     Adds a column to the collection of columns from which
 ///     the regular expression will be created
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="columnName">name of the column</param>
 /// <param name="separator">column separator</param>
 public void AddColumn(string columnName, char separator, RegexColumnType columnType = RegexColumnType.STRING)
     if ((columnName.StartsWith("\"")) && (columnName.EndsWith("\"")))
         AddColumn(columnName, "[^\"]*", columnType);
         if (columnName.Contains(":"))
             string columnNameOnly = columnName.Substring(0, columnName.IndexOf(':'));
             int    columnLength   = Int16.Parse(columnName.Split(':')[1]);
             AddColumn(columnNameOnly, columnLength, columnType);
             AddColumn(columnName, "[^" + RegexFormattedOutput(separator) + "\n]*", columnType);
     Separator = separator.ToString();
Example #6
 public void AddColumn(string columnName, RegexColumnType columnType, string expression)
     Columns.Add(new RegexColumn(columnName, expression, columnType));
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 ///     Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="columnName">name of the column</param>
 /// <param name="regEx">regular expression for capturing the value of this column</param>
 /// <param name="trailingRegex">Trailing regular expression for any data not to be captured for this column</param>
 /// <param name="precedingRegex">Preceding regular expression for any data not to be captured for this column</param>
 /// <param name="columnType">Type of this column</param>
 public RegexColumn(string columnName, string regEx, string trailingRegex, string precedingRegex = "", RegexColumnType columnType = RegexColumnType.STRING)
     Init(columnName, regEx, trailingRegex, precedingRegex, columnType);
Example #8
 /// <summary>
 ///     Adds a column to the collection of columns from which
 ///     the regular expression will be created
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="columnName">name of the column</param>
 /// <param name="columnRegEx">regular expression for capturing the value of this column</param>
 /// <param name="trailingRegEx">Trailing regular expression for any data not to be captured for this column</param>
 /// <param name="precedingRegEx">Preceding regular expression for any data not to be captured for this column</param>
 /// <param name="columnType">RegexColumnType of this column</param>
 public void AddColumn(string columnName, string columnRegEx, string trailingRegEx, string precedingRegEx,
                       RegexColumnType columnType = RegexColumnType.STRING)
     Columns.Add(new RegexColumn(columnName, columnRegEx, trailingRegEx, precedingRegEx, columnType));
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 ///     Adds a column to the collection of columns from which
 ///     the regular expression will be created
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="columnName">name of the column</param>
 /// <param name="length">amount of characters this column has</param>
 /// <param name="columnType">RegexColumnType of this column</param>
 public void AddColumn(string columnName, int length, RegexColumnType columnType = RegexColumnType.STRING)
     AddColumn(columnName, ".{" + length + "}", columnType);
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a column to the collection of columns from which
 /// the regular expression will be created
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aColumnName">name of the column</param>
 /// <param name="aColumnRegEx">regular expression for capturing the value of this column</param>
 /// <param name="aColumnType">RegexColumnType of this column</param>
 public void AddColumn(string aColumnName, string aColumnRegEx, RegexColumnType aColumnType)
     AddColumn(aColumnName, aColumnRegEx, string.Empty, aColumnType);
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a column to the collection of columns from which
 /// the regular expression will be created
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aColumnName">name of the column</param>
 /// <param name="aLength">amount of characters this column has</param>
 /// <param name="aColumnType">RegexColumnType of this column</param>
 public void AddColumn(string aColumnName, int aLength, RegexColumnType aColumnType)
     AddColumn(aColumnName, ".{" + aLength.ToString() + "}", string.Empty, aColumnType);
Example #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a column to the collection of columns from which
 /// the regular expression will be created
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aColumnName">name of the column</param>
 /// <param name="aSeparator">column separator</param>
 /// <param name="aColumnType">RegexColumnType of this column</param>
 public void AddColumn(string aColumnName, char aSeparator, RegexColumnType aColumnType)
     AddColumn(aColumnName, string.Format("[^{0}]+", aSeparator), string.Empty, aColumnType);
     Separator = aSeparator.ToString();
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aColumnName">name of the column</param>
 /// <param name="aRegEx">regular expression for capturing the value of this column</param>
 /// <param name="aTrailingRegex">regular expression for any data not te be captured for this column</param>
 /// <param name="aColumnType">Type of this column</param>
 public RegexColumn(string aColumnName, string aRegEx, string aTrailingRegex, RegexColumnType aColumnType)
     Init(aColumnName, aRegEx, aTrailingRegex, aColumnType);
Example #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a column to the collection of columns from which
 /// the regular expression will be created
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aColumnName">name of the column</param>
 /// <param name="aColumnRegEx">regular expression for capturing the value of this column</param>
 /// <param name="aTrailingRegEx">regular expression for any data not te be captured for this column</param>
 /// <param name="aColumnType">RegexColumnType of this column</param>
 public void AddColumn(string aColumnName, string aColumnRegEx, string aTrailingRegEx, RegexColumnType aColumnType)
     Columns.Add(new RegexColumn(aColumnName, aColumnRegEx, aTrailingRegEx, aColumnType));
Example #15
        private void ParseColumnOrParser(RegexColumnBuilder columnBuilder, XmlNode childNode, string separator = "")
            if (childNode.Name.ToUpper() == "IF")
                string strCondition          = String.Empty;
                string strTableName          = TableName;
                string strTableStructureType = String.Empty;
                //Conditional Table level attributes...
                foreach (XmlAttribute xAttr in childNode.Attributes)
                    switch (xAttr.Name.ToUpper())
                    case "SEPARATOR":
                        separator = xAttr.Value;

                    case "CONDITION":
                        strCondition = xAttr.Value;

                    case "TABLENAME":
                        strTableName = xAttr.Value;

                    case "TABLESTRUCTURETYPE":
                        strTableStructureType = xAttr.Value;
                RegexColumnBuilder conditionalRCB = new RegexColumnBuilder(separator);

                XmlNode tableNode = childNode;
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strTableStructureType))
                    tableNode = Configuration.GetDataTableNode(strTableStructureType);

                foreach (XmlNode subNode in tableNode.ChildNodes)
                    ParseColumnOrParser(conditionalRCB, subNode, separator);
                ConditionalRegexParser crp = new ConditionalRegexParser()
                    ConditionRegex = new Regex(strCondition), TableName = strTableName, parseRegex = conditionalRCB.CreateRegularExpression(), RegexColumns = conditionalRCB.Columns
                string          prefix          = "";
                string          suffix          = "";
                string          strCondition    = String.Empty;
                bool            hasDoubleQuotes = false;
                bool            bAutoIncrement  = false;
                Int32           intStartValue   = 1;
                Int32           intIncrement    = 1;
                bool            bForeignKey     = false;
                bool            bPrimaryKey     = false;
                string          strExpression   = String.Empty;
                string          strDisplayName  = childNode.Name;
                string          strDescription  = String.Empty;
                string          strDefault      = String.Empty;
                int             columnLength    = 0;
                RegexColumnType rct             = RegexColumnType.STRING;
                //Column level attributes...
                foreach (XmlAttribute xAttr in childNode.Attributes)
                    switch (xAttr.Name.ToUpper())
                    case "SEPARATOR":
                        separator = xAttr.Value;

                    case "PREFIX":
                        prefix = xAttr.Value;

                    case "SUFFIX":
                        suffix = xAttr.Value;

                    case "QUOTES":
                        hasDoubleQuotes = Boolean.Parse(xAttr.Value);

                    case "LENGTH":
                        columnLength = Int16.Parse(xAttr.Value);

                    case "TYPE":
                        rct = (RegexColumnType)Enum.Parse(typeof(RegexColumnType), xAttr.Value);

                    case "CONDITION":
                        strCondition = xAttr.Value;

                    case "AUTOINCREMENT":
                        bAutoIncrement = Boolean.Parse(xAttr.Value);

                    case "STARTVALUE":
                    case "START":
                    case "SEED":
                        intStartValue = Int32.Parse(xAttr.Value);

                    case "INCREMENT":
                        intIncrement = Int32.Parse(xAttr.Value);

                    case "EXPRESSION":
                        strExpression = xAttr.Value;

                    case "FOREIGNKEY":
                        bForeignKey = Boolean.Parse(xAttr.Value);

                    case "UNIQUE":
                    case "PRIMARYKEY":
                    case "PRIMARY":
                        bPrimaryKey = Boolean.Parse(xAttr.Value);

                    case "DISPLAYNAME":
                    case "CAPTION":
                        strDisplayName = xAttr.Value;

                    case "DESCRIPTION":
                        strDescription = xAttr.Value;

                    case "DEFAULT":
                        strDefault = xAttr.Value;
                bool   bColumnAdded  = false;
                string strColumnName = childNode.Name;
                if (strColumnName.Trim('_') == String.Empty)
                    strColumnName = String.Empty;
                if (bAutoIncrement)
                    columnBuilder.AddColumn(strColumnName, bAutoIncrement, intStartValue, intIncrement);
                    bColumnAdded = true;
                if (!bColumnAdded && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(strExpression))
                    columnBuilder.AddColumn(strColumnName, rct, strExpression);
                    bColumnAdded = true;

                if ((!bColumnAdded) && (bForeignKey))
                    columnBuilder.AddColumn(strColumnName, bForeignKey);
                    bColumnAdded = true;

                if (!bColumnAdded) //This is a regular column with regex... let us add this to the column builder...
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(separator))
                        if (hasDoubleQuotes)
                            columnBuilder.AddColumn('\"' + strColumnName + '\"', separator[0], rct);
                            if (childNode.NextSibling == null)
                                columnBuilder.AddColumn(strColumnName, ".*", rct);
                                columnBuilder.AddColumn(strColumnName, "[^" + columnBuilder.RegexFormattedOutput(separator[0]) + "\\n]*", prefix, suffix, rct);
                        if (columnLength > 0)
                            columnBuilder.AddColumn(strColumnName, columnLength, rct);
                            columnBuilder.AddColumn(strColumnName, ".*", rct);

                    RegexColumn addedColumn = columnBuilder.Columns[columnBuilder.Columns.Count - 1];

                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strCondition))
                        //There is a condition to be matched with the value... let us set it to the last column added...
                        addedColumn.ValueMatchingCondition = strCondition;

                    if (bPrimaryKey)
                        addedColumn.IsUnique = bPrimaryKey;

                    if (strDisplayName != strColumnName)
                        addedColumn.DisplayName = strDisplayName;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strDescription))
                        addedColumn.Description = strDescription;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strDefault))
                        addedColumn.Default = strDefault;