Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the dialog
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if the user presses OK else false</returns>
        public DialogResult ShowDialog(IntPtr hWndOwner)
            bool flag;

            if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6)            // if current OS is windows and version Vista or higher - then use extended dialogs
                var r = new Reflector("System.Windows.Forms");

                uint num             = 0;
                var  typeIFileDialog = r.GetType("FileDialogNative.IFileDialog");
                var  dialog          = r.Call(ofd, "CreateVistaDialog");
                r.Call(ofd, "OnBeforeVistaDialog", dialog);

                var options = (uint)r.CallAs(typeof(FileDialog), ofd, "GetOptions");
                options |= (uint)r.GetEnum("FileDialogNative.FOS", "FOS_PICKFOLDERS");
                r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "SetOptions", options);

                var pfde       = r.New("FileDialog.VistaDialogEvents", ofd);
                var parameters = new[] { pfde, num };
                r.CallAs2(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Advise", parameters);
                num = (uint)parameters[1];
                    var num2 = (int)r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Show", hWndOwner);
                    flag = 0 == num2;
                    r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Unadvise", num);
            else                        // in another case - use standart dialog
                using (var fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog {
                    Description = Title, SelectedPath = InitialDirectory, ShowNewFolderButton = false, RootFolder = RootFolder
                    if (fbd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                    ofd.FileName = fbd.SelectedPath;
                    flag         = true;

            return(flag ? DialogResult.OK : DialogResult.Cancel);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the dialog
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hWndOwner">Handle of the control to be parent</param>
        /// <returns>True if the user presses OK else false</returns>
        public bool ShowDialog(IntPtr hWndOwner)
            bool flag = false;

            if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6)
                var r = new Reflector("System.Windows.Forms");

                uint   num             = 0;
                Type   typeIFileDialog = r.GetType("FileDialogNative.IFileDialog");
                object dialog          = r.Call(ofd, "CreateVistaDialog");
                r.Call(ofd, "OnBeforeVistaDialog", dialog);

                uint options = (uint)r.CallAs(typeof(System.Windows.Forms.FileDialog), ofd, "GetOptions");
                options |= (uint)r.GetEnum("FileDialogNative.FOS", "FOS_PICKFOLDERS");
                r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "SetOptions", options);

                object   pfde       = r.New("FileDialog.VistaDialogEvents", ofd);
                object[] parameters = new object[] { pfde, num };
                r.CallAs2(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Advise", parameters);
                num = (uint)parameters[1];
                    int num2 = (int)r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Show", hWndOwner);
                    flag = 0 == num2;
                    r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Unadvise", num);
                using (var fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog())
                    fbd.Description         = this.Title;
                    fbd.SelectedPath        = this.InitialDirectory;
                    fbd.ShowNewFolderButton = false;
                    if (fbd.ShowDialog(new WindowWrapper(hWndOwner)) != DialogResult.OK)
                    ofd.FileName = fbd.SelectedPath;
                    flag         = true;

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the dialog</summary>
        /// <param name="owner">Control to be parent</param>
        /// <returns>True if the user presses OK else false</returns>
        public DialogResult ShowDialog(IWin32Window owner)
            DialogResult result;

            if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6)
                var r = new Reflector("System.Windows.Forms");

                uint   num             = 0;
                Type   typeIFileDialog = r.GetType("FileDialogNative.IFileDialog");
                object dialog          = r.Call(m_ofd, "CreateVistaDialog");
                r.Call(m_ofd, "OnBeforeVistaDialog", dialog);

                uint options = (uint)r.CallAs(typeof(FileDialog), m_ofd, "GetOptions");
                options |= (uint)r.GetEnum("FileDialogNative.FOS", "FOS_PICKFOLDERS");
                r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "SetOptions", options);

                object   pfde       = r.New("FileDialog.VistaDialogEvents", m_ofd);
                object[] parameters = new[] { pfde, num };
                r.CallAs2(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Advise", parameters);
                num = (uint)parameters[1];
                    int num2 = (int)r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Show", owner == null ? IntPtr.Zero : owner.Handle);
                    result = (0 == num2) ? DialogResult.OK : DialogResult.Cancel;
                    r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Unadvise", num);
                using (var fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog())
                    fbd.Description         = Description;
                    fbd.SelectedPath        = InitialDirectory;
                    fbd.ShowNewFolderButton = false;
                    result = fbd.ShowDialog(owner);
                    if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                        m_ofd.FileName = fbd.SelectedPath;

        public bool ShowDialog(IntPtr hWndOwner)
            bool flag = false;

            if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6)
                var r = new Reflector("System.Windows.Forms");

                uint num = 0;
                Type typeIFileDialog = r.GetType("FileDialogNative.IFileDialog");
                object dialog = r.Call(ofd, "CreateVistaDialog");
                r.Call(ofd, "OnBeforeVistaDialog", dialog);

                uint options = (uint)r.CallAs(typeof(System.Windows.Forms.FileDialog), ofd, "GetOptions");
                options |= (uint)r.GetEnum("FileDialogNative.FOS", "FOS_PICKFOLDERS");
                r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "SetOptions", options);

                object pfde = r.New("FileDialog.VistaDialogEvents", ofd);
                object[] parameters = new object[] { pfde, num };
                r.CallAs2(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Advise", parameters);
                num = (uint)parameters[1];

                    int num2 = (int)r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Show", hWndOwner);
                    flag = 0 == num2;
                    r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Unadvise", num);
                using (var fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog())
                    fbd.Description = this.Title;
                    fbd.SelectedPath = this.InitialDirectory;
                    fbd.ShowNewFolderButton = false;
                    if (fbd.ShowDialog(new WindowWrapper(hWndOwner)) != DialogResult.OK) return false;
                    ofd.FileName = fbd.SelectedPath;
                    flag = true;

            return flag;
Example #5
 public bool ShowDialog(IntPtr hWndOwner)
     if ((Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6) && !this.UseOldDialog)
         Reflector reflector = new Reflector("System.Windows.Forms");
         uint num = 0;
         Type type = reflector.GetType("FileDialogNative.IFileDialog");
         object obj2 = reflector.Call(this.ofd, "CreateVistaDialog", new object[0]);
         reflector.Call(this.ofd, "OnBeforeVistaDialog", new object[] {obj2});
         uint num2 = (uint) reflector.CallAs(typeof (FileDialog), this.ofd, "GetOptions", new object[0]);
         num2 |= (uint) reflector.GetEnum("FileDialogNative.FOS", "FOS_PICKFOLDERS");
         reflector.CallAs(type, obj2, "SetOptions", new object[] {num2});
         object obj3 = reflector.New("FileDialog.VistaDialogEvents", new object[] {this.ofd});
         object[] parameters = new object[] {obj3, num};
         reflector.CallAs2(type, obj2, "Advise", parameters);
         num = (uint) parameters[1];
             int num3 = (int) reflector.CallAs(type, obj2, "Show", new object[] {hWndOwner});
             return (0 == num3);
             reflector.CallAs(type, obj2, "Unadvise", new object[] {num});
     FolderBrowserDialogEx ex = new FolderBrowserDialogEx();
     ex.Description = this.Title;
     ex.SelectedPath = this.InitialDirectory;
     ex.ShowNewFolderButton = true;
     ex.ShowEditBox = true;
     ex.ShowFullPathInEditBox = true;
     if (ex.ShowDialog(new WindowWrapper(hWndOwner)) != DialogResult.OK)
         return false;
     this.ofd.FileName = ex.SelectedPath;
     return true;
Example #6
    private bool ShowDialog(IntPtr hWndOwner)
        bool flag;

        if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6)
            var r = new Reflector("System.Windows.Forms");

            uint num             = 0;
            var  typeIFileDialog = r.GetType("FileDialogNative.IFileDialog");
            var  dialog          = Reflector.Call(_ofd, "CreateVistaDialog");
            Reflector.Call(_ofd, "OnBeforeVistaDialog", dialog);

            var options = (uint)Reflector.CallAs(typeof(FileDialog), _ofd, "GetOptions");
            options |= (uint)r.GetEnum("FileDialogNative.FOS", "FOS_PICKFOLDERS");
            Reflector.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "SetOptions", options);

            var pfde       = r.New("FileDialog.VistaDialogEvents", _ofd);
            var parameters = new[] { pfde, num };
            Reflector.CallAs2(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Advise", parameters);
            num = (uint)parameters[1];
                var num2 = (int)Reflector.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Show", hWndOwner);
                flag = 0 == num2;
                Reflector.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Unadvise", num);
            var fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog
                Description  = Title,
                SelectedPath = InitialDirectory
            if (fbd.ShowDialog(new WindowWrapper(hWndOwner)) != DialogResult.OK)
            _ofd.FileName = fbd.SelectedPath;

        internal static void ExportRollup(TextWriter writer, IDictionary action, Hashtable opt, SPWeb web, Hashtable fht, string [] listColumns, string locale, Action <string, string> csvWrite, string sep)
            string tmp, fieldName, colVal, mulSep = ProductPage.Config(ProductPage.GetContext(), "MultiSep");
            object val, ds;
            int    pos;
            bool   filt = ((action ["filter"] is bool) && (bool)action ["filter"]);

            if (refl == null)
                refl = new Reflector(Assembly.Load("roxority_PeopleZen, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=68349fdcd3484f01"));
            foreach (string k in new ArrayList(opt.Keys))
                if (opt [k] is string)
                    opt [k] = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(opt [k] + string.Empty);
            if (filt && (fht == null) && opt.ContainsKey("f"))
                fht       = new Hashtable();
                fht ["f"] = JSON.JsonDecode(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(opt ["f"] + string.Empty));
                if (opt.ContainsKey("fa"))
                    fht ["fa"] = JSON.JsonDecode(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(opt ["fa"] + string.Empty));
            using (IDisposable consumer = refl.New("roxority.Data.DataSourceConsumer", JsonSchemaManager.Bool(action ["nopg"], false) ? 0 : (int)opt ["ps"], (int)opt ["p"], "1".Equals(opt ["dty"]), "1".Equals(opt ["did"]), opt ["pr"] + string.Empty, (object)(tmp = (opt ["spn"] + string.Empty)), string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp) ? null : (object)"1".Equals(opt ["sd"]), JsonSchemaManager.Bool(action ["notb"], false) ? string.Empty : (opt ["tpn"] + string.Empty), JsonSchemaManager.Bool(action ["notb"], false) ? string.Empty : opt ["tv"], (object)(tmp = (opt ["gpn"] + string.Empty)), string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp) ? null : (object)"1".Equals(opt ["gd"]), "1".Equals(opt ["gb"]), "1".Equals(opt ["gs"]), web, opt ["dsid"] + string.Empty, null, filt ? fht : null, null, new List <Exception> ()) as IDisposable) {
                ds = refl.Get(consumer, "DataSource");
                foreach (object crec in refl.Get(consumer, "List") as IEnumerable)
                    for (int i = 0; i < listColumns.Length; i++)
                        fieldName = ((pos = listColumns [i].IndexOf(':')) <= 0) ? (listColumns [i]) : (listColumns [i].Substring(0, pos));
                        val       = refl.Call(crec, "Get", new Type [] { typeof(string), typeof(string), ds.GetType().BaseType }, new object [] { fieldName, string.Empty, ds });
                        colVal    = GetExportValue(web, val, null, locale, ((fieldName.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("birthday") || fieldName.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("xxxhiredate")) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(val + string.Empty)), mulSep);
                        csvWrite(colVal, ((i == listColumns.Length - 1) ? "\r\n" : sep));
		/// <summary>
		/// Shows the dialog
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hWndOwner">Handle of the control to be parent</param>
		/// <returns>True if the user presses OK else false</returns>
		public bool ShowDialog(IntPtr hWndOwner)
			bool flag = false;

            if (PlatformHelper.GetPlatform() == Platform.OsX ||
                PlatformHelper.GetPlatform() == Platform.Linux ||
		        Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major < 6)
                flag = FallBackToFolderBrowserDialog(hWndOwner);
				var r = new Reflector("System.Windows.Forms");

				uint num = 0;
				Type typeIFileDialog = r.GetType("FileDialogNative.IFileDialog");
			    if (typeIFileDialog == null)
                    flag = FallBackToFolderBrowserDialog(hWndOwner);
                    object dialog = r.Call(ofd, "CreateVistaDialog");
				    r.Call(ofd, "OnBeforeVistaDialog", dialog);

				    uint options = (uint)r.CallAs(typeof(System.Windows.Forms.FileDialog), ofd, "GetOptions");
				    options |= (uint)r.GetEnum("FileDialogNative.FOS", "FOS_PICKFOLDERS");
				    r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "SetOptions", options);

				    object pfde = r.New("FileDialog.VistaDialogEvents", ofd);
				    object[] parameters = new object[] { pfde, num };
				    r.CallAs2(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Advise", parameters);
				    num = (uint)parameters[1];
					    int num2 = (int)r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Show", hWndOwner);
					    flag = 0 == num2;
					    r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Unadvise", num);

			return flag;
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the dialog
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if the user presses OK else false</returns>
        public DialogResult ShowDialog(IntPtr hWndOwner)
            bool flag;

            if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6)            // if current OS is windows and version Vista or higher - then use extended dialogs
                var r = new Reflector("System.Windows.Forms");

                uint num = 0;
                var typeIFileDialog = r.GetType("FileDialogNative.IFileDialog");
                var dialog = r.Call(ofd, "CreateVistaDialog");
                r.Call(ofd, "OnBeforeVistaDialog", dialog);

                var options = (uint)r.CallAs(typeof(FileDialog), ofd, "GetOptions");
                options |= (uint)r.GetEnum("FileDialogNative.FOS", "FOS_PICKFOLDERS");
                r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "SetOptions", options);

                var pfde = r.New("FileDialog.VistaDialogEvents", ofd);
                var parameters = new[] { pfde, num };
                r.CallAs2(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Advise", parameters);
                num = (uint)parameters[1];
                    var num2 = (int)r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Show", hWndOwner);
                    flag = 0 == num2;
                    r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Unadvise", num);
            else                        // in another case - use standart dialog
                using (var fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog { Description = Title, SelectedPath = InitialDirectory, ShowNewFolderButton = false, RootFolder = RootFolder })
                    if (fbd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                        return DialogResult.Cancel;
                    ofd.FileName = fbd.SelectedPath;
                    flag = true;

            return flag ? DialogResult.OK : DialogResult.Cancel;
        public static IDictionary GetControls(HttpContext context, Page page, string ownerID, string check, string siteUrl, Control parent)
            string thisID, clickScript, fj = string.Empty;
            bool   isSep1, isSep2, hasSep1, hasSep2, includeFilters = false, isPeop, origPage, doZones;
            int    zoneCount;
            List <KeyValuePair <string, KeyValuePair <List <KeyValuePair <string, CamlOperator> >, bool> > > effectiveFilters = null;

            Type []           types = new Type [] { typeof(WebPartVerb) }, rollTypes = new Type [] { typeof(IDictionary) };
            Type              wpType;
            OrderedDictionary dict = new OrderedDictionary(), ctl, items = null, actionItem, actionItems = null;
            KeyValuePair <JsonSchemaManager, JsonSchemaManager> jsonMans;

            JsonSchemaManager.Schema ctlSchema, actSchema;
            WebPartManager           wpMan = WebPartManager.GetCurrentWebPartManager(page);
            Reflector                   refl;
            SPList                      list;
            List <SystemWebPart>        parts;
            IEnumerable <SystemWebPart> partsEnum;
            WebPartVerb                 wpVerb;

            using (ProductPage ppage = new ProductPage()) {
                jsonMans = JsonSchemaManager.TryGet(ppage, null, true, true, null);
                foreach (JsonSchemaManager jman in new JsonSchemaManager [] { jsonMans.Key, jsonMans.Value })
                    if (jman != null)
                        if (((ctlSchema = jman.AllSchemas ["PrintControls"]) != null) && ((actSchema = jman.AllSchemas ["PrintActions"]) != null))
                            foreach (IDictionary launcher in ctlSchema.Instances)
                                if (launcher != null)
                                    if (JsonSchemaManager.Bool(launcher [check], true))
                                        ctl = MakeSubControl(ownerID + "_" + launcher ["id"], JsonSchemaManager.GetDisplayName(launcher, ctlSchema.Name, false), ctlSchema.GetInstanceDescription(launcher), string.Empty, siteUrl + "/_layouts/images/roxority_PrintZen/printer32.png", items = new OrderedDictionary());
                                        foreach (IDictionary action in actSchema.Instances)
                                            if (action != null)
                                                items [thisID = (ctl ["id"] + "_" + action ["id"])] = actionItem = MakeSubControl(thisID, JsonSchemaManager.GetDisplayName(action, "PrintActions", false), ctlSchema.GetInstanceDescription(action), string.Empty, siteUrl + "/_layouts/images/lg_icxps.gif", actionItems = new OrderedDictionary());
                                                hasSep1   = hasSep2 = isSep1 = isSep2 = false;
                                                zoneCount = -1;
                                                if (wpMan != null)
                                                    if (hasSep2 = hasSep1 = (JsonSchemaManager.Bool(launcher ["pp"], true) && !"n".Equals(action ["mpp"])))
                                                        actionItems [thisID + "_pp"] = MakeSubControl(thisID + "_pp", ProductPage.GetProductResource("PrintPageContent"), ProductPage.GetProductResource("PrintPageContentDesc"), clickScript = PrintZenMenuItem.GetClickScript(context, ownerID, siteUrl, string.Empty, action, SPContext.Current.Web, false, false, null, null, true, false, null, null, Guid.Empty, null, page, false), siteUrl + "/_layouts/images/lg_icgen.gif", null);
                                                    if (JsonSchemaManager.Bool(launcher ["pw"], true) && ((partsEnum = ProductPage.TryEach <SystemWebPart> (wpMan.WebParts)) != null))
                                                        parts = new List <SystemWebPart> (partsEnum);
                                                        parts.Sort((wp1, wp2) => {
                                                            WebPartZoneBase zone1, zone2;
                                                            if ((wp1 == null) && (wp2 == null))
                                                            if (wp1 == null)
                                                            if (wp2 == null)
                                                            if (((zone1 = wp1.Zone) == null) || ((zone2 = wp2.Zone) == null))
                                                                return((wp1.ZoneIndex == wp2.ZoneIndex) ? wp1.TabIndex.CompareTo(wp2.TabIndex) : wp1.ZoneIndex.CompareTo(wp2.ZoneIndex));
                                                            return((zone1.TabIndex == zone2.TabIndex) ? wp1.ZoneIndex.CompareTo(wp2.ZoneIndex) : zone1.TabIndex.CompareTo(zone2.TabIndex));
                                                        foreach (SystemWebPart wp in parts)
                                                            refl   = new Reflector((wpType = wp.GetType()).Assembly);
                                                            list   = (("Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.XsltListViewWebPart".Equals(wpType.FullName) || (wp is ListViewWebPart)) ? ((wp is ListViewWebPart) ? (refl.Get(wp, "List") as SPList) : ((SPView)refl.Get(wp, "ContextView")).ParentList) : null);
                                                            isPeop = ((wpType.FullName == "roxority_RollupZen.RollupWebPart") || (wpType.FullName == "roxority_PeopleZen.roxority_UserListWebPart"));
                                                            if (IsPartSupported(action, wp, isPeop, list, out origPage))
                                                                if (hasSep1 && !isSep1)
                                                                    isSep1 = true;
                                                                    actionItems [thisID + "_sep1"] = null;
                                                                hasSep2 = true;
                                                                if (isPeop && (!origPage) && ((wpVerb = refl.Call(wp, "GetPrintVerb", rollTypes, new object [] { action }) as WebPartVerb) != null))
                                                                    clickScript = wpVerb.ClientClickHandler + string.Empty;
                                                                else if ((list != null) && !origPage)
                                                                    clickScript = string.Empty;
                                                                    PrintZenMenuItem.GetFilterInfo(action, "PrintActions", ref clickScript, wp, page, ref includeFilters, ref fj, ref effectiveFilters);
                                                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clickScript))
                                                                        clickScript = PrintZenMenuItem.GetClickScript(context, ownerID, siteUrl, string.Empty, action, SPContext.Current.Web, JsonSchemaManager.Bool(action ["view"], true), includeFilters, effectiveFilters, fj, true, false, list, null, ProductPage.GetGuid(refl.Get(wp, "ViewGuid") + string.Empty), PrintZenMenuItem.GetAllPageParams(context, true, null), parent, origPage);
                                                                    clickScript = PrintZenMenuItem.GetClickScript(context, ownerID, siteUrl, string.Empty, action, SPContext.Current.Web, false, false, null, null, true, false, null, null, ProductPage.GetGuid(wp.ID.Substring(2).Replace('_', '-')), PrintZenMenuItem.GetAllPageParams(context, true, null), parent, origPage);
                                                                actionItems [thisID + "_" + wp.ID] = MakeSubControl(thisID + "_" + wp.ID, wp.DisplayTitle, GetPartDesc(wp, refl), clickScript, siteUrl + "/_layouts/roxority_PrintZen/mash.tl.aspx?op=imgoverlay&backimg=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("/_layouts/images/roxority_PrintZen/printer32.png") + "&overlay=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(string.IsNullOrEmpty(wp.TitleIconImageUrl) ? (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wp.CatalogIconImageUrl) ? "/_layouts/images/itobject.gif" : wp.CatalogIconImageUrl) : wp.TitleIconImageUrl) + "&r=" + ppage.Rnd.Next(), null);
                                                    if (doZones = (JsonSchemaManager.Bool(launcher ["pz"], true) && (!"n".Equals(action ["mwz"])) && ((!JsonSchemaManager.Bool(launcher ["pp"], true)) || (((zoneCount = wpMan.Zones.Count) > 1)))))
                                                        if (zoneCount > 0)
                                                            zoneCount = 0;
                                                            foreach (WebPartZoneBase zone in ProductPage.TryEach <WebPartZoneBase> (wpMan.Zones))
                                                                if (zone.WebParts.Count > (JsonSchemaManager.Bool(launcher ["pw"], true) ? 1 : 0))
                                                    if (doZones && ((zoneCount < 0) || (zoneCount > 1)))
                                                        foreach (WebPartZoneBase zone in ProductPage.TryEach <WebPartZoneBase> (wpMan.Zones))
                                                            if (zone.WebParts.Count > (JsonSchemaManager.Bool(launcher ["pw"], true) ? 1 : 0))
                                                                if (hasSep2 && !isSep2)
                                                                    isSep2 = true;
                                                                    actionItems [thisID + "_sep2"] = null;
                                                                clickScript = PrintZenMenuItem.GetClickScript(context, ownerID, siteUrl, string.Empty, action, SPContext.Current.Web, false, false, null, null, true, false, null, null, Guid.Empty, null, zone, false);
                                                                actionItems [thisID + "_" + zone.ID] = MakeSubControl(thisID + "_" + zone.ID, ProductPage.GetProductResource("WebPartZone", zone.DisplayTitle), GetZoneDesc(zone), clickScript, siteUrl + "/_layouts/images/lg_icgen.gif", null);
                                                if (actionItems.Count == 0)
                                        if (items.Count > 0)
                                            dict [launcher ["id"]] = ctl;
                                    if ((items != null) && (items.Count == 1))
                                        foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in actionItems)
                                            items [entry.Key] = entry.Value;
Example #11
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            string wpPageUrl, otherPartID = Request.QueryString ["wpid"], viewRawID, tmpCssClass = "c" + ProductPage.GuidLower(Guid.NewGuid(), false), propVal, nuPropVal, srcPageUrl = string.Empty;

            ProductPage.LicInfo li = ProductPage.LicInfo.Get(null);
            bool       hasInvalidParams = false, isInvalidParam, isB = ProductPage.LicEdition(ctx, li, 2);
            int        itemID = 0;
            object     sm;
            XmlElement elem;
            Panel      panel                    = HeaderWebParts;
            ArrayList  filters                  = null;
            Hashtable  fht                      = null;
            Guid       viewID                   = Guid.Empty;
            SPLimitedWebPartManager wpMan       = null;
            List <SystemWebPart>    parts       = new List <SystemWebPart> ();
            List <string>           queryString = new List <string> ();
            TitleBarWebPart         tbwp;
            SystemWebPart           pwp;

            ctx = ProductPage.GetContext();
            foreach (string k in Request.QueryString.AllKeys)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(k))
                    if (!(isInvalidParam = (k.StartsWith("FilterField", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || k.StartsWith("FilterValue", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))))
                        if (!isB)
                            foreach (string [] arr in new string [] [] { PrintZenMenuItem.CalendarParams, PrintZenMenuItem.FolderParams, PrintZenMenuItem.PageParams, PrintZenMenuItem.SortParams })
                                if (isInvalidParam = (Array.IndexOf <string> (arr, k) >= 0))
                    if (isInvalidParam)
                        hasInvalidParams = true;
                        queryString.Add(k + "=" + Server.UrlEncode(Request.QueryString [k]));
                        if ((!"rpzopt".Equals(k, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) && !"r".Equals(k, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            PhVals ["QueryString_" + k] = Request.QueryString [k];
            if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString ["t"])) && (Title != Request.QueryString ["t"]))
                Title = Request.QueryString ["t"];
            if (hasInvalidParams)
                Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl.Substring(0, Request.RawUrl.IndexOf('?')) + "?" + string.Join("&", queryString.ToArray()), true);
            else if (!ProductPage.isEnabled)
                MainWebPart.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(ProductPage.GetResource("NotEnabled", "", ProductPage.GetTitle())));
                if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewRawID = Request.QueryString ["View"])) && !int.TryParse(viewRawID, out itemID))
                    viewID = ProductPage.GetGuid(viewRawID);
                if (ProductPage.LicEdition(ctx, li, 4))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString ["fs"]))
                        filters = JSON.JsonDecode(Request.QueryString ["fs"]) as ArrayList;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString ["fj"]))
                        fht = JSON.JsonDecode(Request.QueryString ["fj"]) as Hashtable;
                foreach (IDictionary action in Actions)
                    if (Request.QueryString ["a"].Equals(action ["id"]))
                        try {
                            if ((action ["sm"] is bool) && (bool)action ["sm"])
                                if (!exAsmTried)
                                    exAsmTried = true;
                                    try {
                                        exRefl = new Reflector(exAsm = Assembly.Load("System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"));
                                        exType = exAsm.GetType("System.Web.UI.ScriptManager", false, true);
                                    } catch {
                                if ((exRefl != null) && (exType != null) && (Form != null) && ((sm = exRefl.Call(exType, "GetCurrent", this)) == null))
                                    theLit.Controls.AddAt(0, (sm = exRefl.New(exType.FullName)) as Control);
                            PhVals ["List_Title"]    = string.Empty;
                            PhVals ["Item_Title"]    = string.Empty;
                            PhVals ["View_Title"]    = string.Empty;
                            PhVals ["Context_Title"] = string.Empty;
                            foreach (DictionaryEntry prop in action)
                                if (prop.Value is string)
                                    PhVals ["PrintAction_" + prop.Key] = prop.Value + string.Empty;
                            AutoPrint        = PrintZenMenuItem.GetBool(action, "dp");
                            ShowPlaceholders = PrintZenMenuItem.GetBool(action, "sp");
                            ShowToolbar      = PrintZenMenuItem.GetBool(action, "tb");
                            site             = new SPSite(ctx.Site.ID);
                            web = site.OpenWeb(ctx.Web.ID);
                            if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wpPageUrl = (action ["wp"] + string.Empty))) && ProductPage.LicEdition(ctx, li, 4))
                                try {
                                    if ((wpPageUrl.StartsWith("http:", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || wpPageUrl.StartsWith("https:", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) && !wpPageUrl.StartsWith(web.Url.TrimEnd() + '/', StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                        site2 = new SPSite(wpPageUrl);
                                        web2  = site2.OpenWeb();
                                    if ((wpMan = ((web2 == null) ? web : web2).GetLimitedWebPartManager(wpPageUrl, PersonalizationScope.Shared)) == null)
                                        throw new Exception("xyz");
                                } catch (Exception ex) {
                                    Errors.Add(new Exception(ProductPage.GetProductResource("WebPartPageNotFound", wpPageUrl.ToUpperInvariant()), "xyz".Equals(ex.Message) ? null : ex));
                            if (!isB)
                                panel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div class=\"" + tmpCssClass + "\">Powered by <b>SharePoint-Tools.net/PrintZen</b></div><style type=\"text/css\"> ." + tmpCssClass + " { text-align: center; font-size: " + new Random().Next(24, 37) + "px; display: none; padding-bottom: 12px; } @media print { div." + tmpCssClass + " { display: block !important; } } </style>"));
                            if (wpMan == null)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(otherPartID))
                                    AddOtherWebPart(Request.QueryString ["l"], otherPartID);
                                else if (itemID > 0)
                                    AddListFormWebPart(action, itemID);
                                else if (Guid.Empty.Equals(viewID) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewRawID))
                                    if (isB)
                                        AddPeopleWebPart(action, viewRawID, filters, fht);
                                    AddListViewWebPart(action, viewID, filters, fht);
                                Placeholders = true;
                                foreach (SystemWebPart wp in ProductPage.TryEach <SystemWebPart> (wpMan.WebParts, false, delegate(Exception ex) {
                                }, true))
                                    if ((tbwp = wp as TitleBarWebPart) == null)
                                        PhVals ["TitleBar_Caption"]     = tbwp.HeaderCaption;
                                        PhVals ["TitleBar_Description"] = tbwp.HeaderDescription;
                                        PhVals ["TitleBar_Image"]       = tbwp.Image;
                                        PhVals ["TitleBar_Title"]       = tbwp.HeaderTitle;
                                        if (PrintZenMenuItem.GetBool(action, "st"))
                                parts.Sort((wp1, wp2) => {
                                foreach (SystemWebPart wp in parts)
                                    if (("PRINTZEN_LIST_VIEW".Equals(wp.Title.Trim(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) || ("PRINTZEN_TARGET".Equals(wp.Title.Trim(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(otherPartID))
                                            AddOtherWebPart(Request.QueryString ["l"], otherPartID);
                                        else if (itemID > 0)
                                            AddListFormWebPart(action, itemID);
                                        else if (Guid.Empty.Equals(viewID) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewRawID))
                                            if (isB)
                                                AddPeopleWebPart(action, viewRawID, filters, fht);
                                            AddListViewWebPart(action, viewID, filters, fht);
                                        panel = FooterWebParts;
                                        try {
                                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                                foreach (Panel p in new Panel [] { HeaderWebParts, MainWebPart, FooterWebParts })
                                    foreach (Control ctl in p.Controls)
                                        if ((pwp = ctl as SystemWebPart) != null)
                                            foreach (PropertyInfo propInfo in pwp.GetType().GetProperties())
                                                if (propInfo.CanRead && propInfo.CanWrite)
                                                    if (propInfo.PropertyType == typeof(string))
                                                        try {
                                                            propVal = propInfo.GetValue(pwp, null) as string;
                                                        } catch {
                                                            propVal = null;
                                                        if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propVal)) && (propVal != (nuPropVal = Replace(propVal))))
                                                            propInfo.SetValue(pwp, nuPropVal, null);
                                                    else if (propInfo.PropertyType == typeof(XmlElement))
                                                        try {
                                                            elem = propInfo.GetValue(pwp, null) as XmlElement;
                                                        } catch {
                                                            elem = null;
                                                        if ((elem != null) && Replace(elem))
                                                            try {
                                                                propInfo.SetValue(pwp, elem, null);
                                                            } catch {
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the dialog
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hWndOwner">Handle of the control to be parent</param>
        /// <returns>True if the user presses OK else false</returns>
        public bool ShowDialog(IntPtr hWndOwner)
            bool flag;

            // TODO: Find way to use Microsoft.Win32
            Reflector r = new Reflector("System.Windows.Forms");

            uint num = 0;
            Type typeIFileDialog = r.GetType("FileDialogNative.IFileDialog");
            object dialog = r.Call(ofd, "CreateVistaDialog");
            r.Call(ofd, "OnBeforeVistaDialog", dialog);

            uint options = (uint)r.CallAs(typeof(FileDialog), ofd, "GetOptions");
            options |= (uint)r.GetEnum("FileDialogNative.FOS", "FOS_PICKFOLDERS");
            r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "SetOptions", options);

            object pfde = r.New("FileDialog.VistaDialogEvents", ofd);
            object[] parameters = new object[] { pfde, num };
            r.CallAs2(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Advise", parameters);
            num = (uint)parameters[1];
                int num2 = (int)r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Show", hWndOwner);
                flag = 0 == num2;
                r.CallAs(typeIFileDialog, dialog, "Unadvise", num);

            return flag;