private bool CanBeJoinCondition(Expression expression, HashSet <TableAlias> left, HashSet <TableAlias> right, HashSet <TableAlias> all) { // an expression is good if it has at least one reference to an alias from both left & right sets and does // not have any additional references that are not in both left & right sets var referenced = ReferencedAliasGatherer.Gather(expression); var leftOkay = referenced.Intersect(left).Any(); var rightOkay = referenced.Intersect(right).Any(); var subset = referenced.IsSubsetOf(all); return(leftOkay && rightOkay && subset); }
protected override Expression VisitJoin(JoinExpression join) { join = (JoinExpression)base.VisitJoin(join); if (join.Join == JoinType.CrossApply || join.Join == JoinType.OuterApply) { if (join.Right is TableExpression) { return(new JoinExpression(JoinType.CrossJoin, join.Left, join.Right, null)); } else { SelectExpression select = join.Right as SelectExpression; // Only consider rewriting cross apply if // 1) right side is a select // 2) other than in the where clause in the right-side select, no left-side declared aliases are referenced // 3) and has no behavior that would change semantics if the where clause is removed (like groups, aggregates, take, skip, etc). // Note: it is best to attempt this after redundant subqueries have been removed. if (select != null && select.Take == null && select.Skip == null && !AggregateChecker.HasAggregates(select) && (select.GroupBy == null || select.GroupBy.Count == 0)) { SelectExpression selectWithoutWhere = select.SetWhere(null); HashSet <TableAlias> referencedAliases = ReferencedAliasGatherer.Gather(selectWithoutWhere); HashSet <TableAlias> declaredAliases = DeclaredAliasGatherer.Gather(join.Left); referencedAliases.IntersectWith(declaredAliases); if (referencedAliases.Count == 0) { Expression where = select.Where; select = selectWithoutWhere; var pc = ColumnProjector.ProjectColumns(this.language, where, select.Columns, select.Alias, DeclaredAliasGatherer.Gather(select.From)); select = select.SetColumns(pc.Columns); where = pc.Projector; JoinType jt = (where == null) ? JoinType.CrossJoin : (join.Join == JoinType.CrossApply ? JoinType.InnerJoin : JoinType.LeftOuter); return(new JoinExpression(jt, join.Left, select, where)); } } } } return(join); }