public static HazardCurve CreateHazardCurve(
     [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The reference entity for whom these hazard rates apply.")]
     ReferenceEntity referenceEntity,
     [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description =
                               "The anchor date.  Survival probabilities can only be calculated up to dates after this date.")]
     Date anchorDate,
     [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The dates on which the hazard rates apply.")]
     Date[] dates,
     [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The hazard rates.")]
     double[] hazardRates)
     if (dates[0] < anchorDate)
         throw new ArgumentException("dates must be on or after the anchor date.");
     for (var i = 0; i < dates.Length - 1; i++)
         if (dates[i] > dates[i + 1])
             throw new ArgumentException("dates must be increasing.");
     if (dates.Length != hazardRates.Length)
         throw new ArgumentException("dates and rates must have the same length.");
     return(new HazardCurve(referenceEntity, anchorDate, dates, hazardRates));
 public static object _CreateCDS(string objectName,
                                 object[,] refEntity,
                                 object[,] ccy,
                                 object[,] paymentDates,
                                 object[,] notionals,
                                 object[,] rates,
                                 object[,] accrualFractions,
                                 object[,] boughtProtection)
         ReferenceEntity _refEntity        = XU.GetReferenceEntity0D(refEntity, "refEntity");
         Currency        _ccy              = XU.GetCurrency0D(ccy, "ccy");
         Date[]          _paymentDates     = XU.GetDate1D(paymentDates, "paymentDates");
         Double[]        _notionals        = XU.GetDouble1D(notionals, "notionals");
         Double[]        _rates            = XU.GetDouble1D(rates, "rates");
         Double[]        _accrualFractions = XU.GetDouble1D(accrualFractions, "accrualFractions");
         Boolean         _boughtProtection = XU.GetBoolean0D(boughtProtection, "boughtProtection");
         CDS             _result           = XLCredit.CreateCDS(_refEntity, _ccy, _paymentDates, _notionals, _rates, _accrualFractions, _boughtProtection);
         return(XU.AddObject(objectName, _result));
     catch (Exception e)
Example #3
 public static HazardCurve CreateHazardCurve(
     [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The reference entity for whom these hazard rates apply.")] ReferenceEntity referenceEntity,
     [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The anchor date.  Survival probabilites can only be calculated up to dates after this date.")] Date anchorDate,
     [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The dates on which the hazard rates apply.")] Date[] dates,
     [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The hazard rates.")] double[] hazardRates)
     return(new HazardCurve(referenceEntity, anchorDate, dates, hazardRates));
Example #4
 public static CDS CreateCDS([QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The reference entity whose default is covered by this CDS.")] ReferenceEntity refEntity,
                             [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The currency of the cashflows of the premium and default legs.")] Currency ccy,
                             [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The payment dates on which the premium is paid.")] Date[] paymentDates,
                             [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The notionals that define the protection amount in the period until each payment date and the basis on which the premiums are calculated.")] double[] notionals,
                             [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The simple rates that apply until the default time.  Used to calculate the premium flows.")] double[] rates,
                             [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "The accrual fractions used to calculate the premiums paid on the paymentDates.")] double[] accrualFractions,
                             [QuantSAExcelArgument(Description = "If set to TRUE then protection has been bought and the premium will be paid.")] bool boughtProtection)
     return(new CDS(refEntity, ccy, paymentDates, notionals, rates, accrualFractions, boughtProtection));
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CDS"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="refEntity">The reference entity whose default is covered by this CDS.</param>
 /// <param name="ccy">The currency of the cashflows of the premium and default legs.</param>
 /// <param name="paymentDates">The payment dates on which the premium is paid.</param>
 /// <param name="notionals">The notionals that define the protection amount in the period until each payment date and the basis on which the premiums are calculated.</param>
 /// <param name="rates">The simple rates that apply until the default time.  Used to calculate the premium flows.</param>
 /// <param name="accrualFractions">The accrual fractions used to calculate the premiums paid on the <paramref name="paymentDates"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="boughtProtection">If set to <c>true</c> then protection has been bought and the premium will be paid.</param>
 public CDS(ReferenceEntity refEntity, Currency ccy, Date[] paymentDates, double[] notionals,
            double[] rates, double[] accrualFractions, bool boughtProtection)
     _defaultRecovery  = new DefaultRecovery(refEntity);
     _defaultTime      = new DefaultTime(refEntity);
     _ccy              = ccy;
     _paymentDates     = paymentDates;
     _notionals        = notionals;
     _rates            = rates;
     _accrualFractions = accrualFractions;
     _cfMultiplier     = boughtProtection ? -1.0 : 1.0;
Example #6
        public void TestQuantoCDS()
            var spot = 1.00;
            var relJumpSizeInDefault = -0.2;
            var cdsSpread            = 0.025;
            // Trades
            var anchorDate = new Date(2016, 11, 25);
            var refEntity  = new ReferenceEntity("ABC");

            Date[]   paymentDates;
            double[] accrualFractions;
            DateGenerators.CreateDatesNoHolidays(Tenor.Months(3), anchorDate, 20, out paymentDates,
                                                 out accrualFractions);
            var zarNotionals     = Vector.Ones(paymentDates.Length).Multiply(1000000.0);
            var usdNotionals     = zarNotionals.Divide(spot);
            var zarSpreads       = Vector.Ones(paymentDates.Length).Multiply(cdsSpread);
            var usdSpreads       = zarSpreads.Multiply(1 + relJumpSizeInDefault); // Adjusted for the FX jump size.
            var boughtProtection = true;

            var cdsZAR = new CDS(refEntity, Currency.ZAR, paymentDates, zarNotionals, zarSpreads, accrualFractions,
            var cdsUSD = new CDS(refEntity, Currency.USD, paymentDates, zarNotionals, usdSpreads, accrualFractions,

            // Model
            var curveDates       = new[] { anchorDate, anchorDate.AddTenor(Tenor.Years(10)) };
            var expectedRecovery = 0.4;
            var hazardRates      = new[] { cdsSpread / (1 - expectedRecovery), cdsSpread / (1 - expectedRecovery) };
            var usdRates         = new[] { 0.01, 0.02 };
            var zarRates         = new[] { 0.07, 0.08 };
            IDiscountingSource         usdDiscountCurve = new DatesAndRates(Currency.USD, anchorDate, curveDates, usdRates);
            IDiscountingSource         zarDiscountCurve = new DatesAndRates(Currency.ZAR, anchorDate, curveDates, zarRates);
            ISurvivalProbabilitySource abcHazardCurve   = new HazardCurve(refEntity, anchorDate, curveDates, hazardRates);
            var otherCurrency = Currency.USD;

            var fxSource             = new FXForecastCurve(otherCurrency, Currency.ZAR, spot, usdDiscountCurve, zarDiscountCurve);
            var fxVol                = 0.15;
            NumeraireSimulator model = new DeterministicCreditWithFXJump(abcHazardCurve, otherCurrency, fxSource,
                                                                         zarDiscountCurve, fxVol, relJumpSizeInDefault, expectedRecovery);

            // Valuation
            var N        = 5000;
            var coord    = new Coordinator(model, new List <Simulator>(), N);
            var zarValue = coord.Value(new Product[] { cdsZAR }, anchorDate);
            var usdValue = coord.Value(new Product[] { cdsUSD }, anchorDate);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, zarValue, 800.0); // about 2bp
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, usdValue, 800.0); // about 2bp
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DeterministicCreditWithFXJump"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="survivalProbSource">A curve that provides survival probabilities.  Usually a hazard curve.</param>
        /// <param name="otherCurrency">The other currency required in the simulation.  The valuation currency will
        /// be inferred from the <paramref name="valueCurrencyDiscount"/>.  This value needs to be explicitly set
        /// since <paramref name="fxSource"/> may provide multiple pairs.</param>
        /// <param name="fxSource">The source FX spot and forwards.</param>
        /// <param name="valueCurrencyDiscount">The value currency discount curve.</param>
        /// <param name="fxVol">The fx volatility.</param>
        /// <param name="relJumpSizeInDefault">The relative jump size in default.  For example if the value currency is ZAR and the
        /// other currency is USD then the fx is modelled as ZAR per USD and in default the fx rate will change to:
        /// rate before default * (1 + relJumpSizeInDefault).</param>
        /// <param name="expectedRecoveryRate">The constant recovery rate that will be assumed to apply in default.</param>
        public DeterministicCreditWithFXJump(ISurvivalProbabilitySource survivalProbSource,
                                             Currency otherCurrency, IFXSource fxSource, IDiscountingSource valueCurrencyDiscount,
                                             double fxVol, double relJumpSizeInDefault, double expectedRecoveryRate)
            this.survivalProbSource    = survivalProbSource;
            valueCurrency              = valueCurrencyDiscount.GetCurrency();
            this.fxSource              = fxSource;
            this.valueCurrencyDiscount = valueCurrencyDiscount;
            this.fxVol = fxVol;
            this.relJumpSizeInDefault = relJumpSizeInDefault;
            ReferenceEntity refEntity = survivalProbSource.GetReferenceEntity();

            defaultTime     = new DefaultTime(refEntity);
            defaultRecovery = new DefaultRecovery(refEntity);
            currencyPair    = new CurrencyPair(otherCurrency, valueCurrency);
            anchorDate      = valueCurrencyDiscount.GetAnchorDate();
            spot            = fxSource.GetRate(anchorDate);
            simRecoveryRate = expectedRecoveryRate;
 public static object _CreateHazardCurve(string objectName,
                                         object[,] referenceEntity,
                                         object[,] anchorDate,
                                         object[,] dates,
                                         object[,] hazardRates)
         ReferenceEntity _referenceEntity = XU.GetReferenceEntity0D(referenceEntity, "referenceEntity");
         Date            _anchorDate      = XU.GetDate0D(anchorDate, "anchorDate");
         Date[]          _dates           = XU.GetDate1D(dates, "dates");
         Double[]        _hazardRates     = XU.GetDouble1D(hazardRates, "hazardRates");
         HazardCurve     _result          = XLCredit.CreateHazardCurve(_referenceEntity, _anchorDate, _dates, _hazardRates);
         return(XU.AddObject(objectName, _result));
     catch (Exception e)
Example #9
        public static async Task <ReferenceEntity> ToData(CdmReferencedEntityDeclarationDefinition instance, ResolveOptions resOpt, CopyOptions options)
            var sourceIndex = instance.EntityPath.LastIndexOf("/");

            if (sourceIndex == -1)
                Logger.Error(instance.Ctx, Tag, nameof(ToData), instance.AtCorpusPath, CdmLogCode.ErrPersistModelJsonEntityRefConversionError, instance.EntityName);


            var referenceEntity = new ReferenceEntity
                Type                    = "ReferenceEntity",
                Name                    = instance.EntityName,
                Source                  = instance.EntityPath.Slice(sourceIndex + 1),
                Description             = instance.Explanation,
                LastFileModifiedTime    = instance.LastFileModifiedTime,
                LastFileStatusCheckTime = instance.LastFileStatusCheckTime

            Utils.ProcessTraitsAndAnnotationsToData(instance.Ctx, referenceEntity, instance.ExhibitsTraits);

            var t2pm = new TraitToPropertyMap(instance);

            var isHiddenTrait = t2pm.FetchTraitReference("is.hidden");

            if (isHiddenTrait != null)
                referenceEntity.IsHidden = true;

            var propertiesTrait = t2pm.FetchTraitReference("is.propertyContent.multiTrait");

            if (propertiesTrait != null)
                referenceEntity.ModelId = propertiesTrait.Arguments.AllItems[0].Value as string;

Example #10
        public ActionResult Edit(int id, int referenceId, ReferenceEntity reference, HttpPostedFileBase documentation, string documentationType, string link)
            //reference.Title = ""; //title is no longer needed TODO: Update Service Layer to take out title field
            bool isUrl = false;
            string path = "";
            RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None;
            Regex regex = new Regex(@"[ ]{2,}", options);
            reference.ShortName = regex.Replace(reference.ShortName, @" ");
            if (reference.ReferenceId > 0)
                ReferenceEntity oldReference = Service.ReferenceGet(reference.ReportId, reference.ReferenceId); // get the actual reference because there's no "path" or "isUrl" in the form
                isUrl = oldReference.isUrl;
                path = (oldReference.Path != null) ? oldReference.Path : "";
            if (documentationType == "link") //documentationType = 0 unless the user purposefully want to upload something
                isUrl = true;
                path =  new UriBuilder(link).Uri.AbsoluteUri;

            if (documentationType == "document") path = Helpers.SaveFile(documentation, Server, "references/"+id.ToString()+"/");

            bool shortNameIsValid = true;
            int updatedReferenceId = 0;

            if (reference.ReferenceId > 0)
                shortNameIsValid = Service.ReferenceUpdate(id, reference.ReferenceId, reference.ShortName, reference.Bibliography, reference.Authors, reference.Year, path, isUrl); //TODO GenEx
                updatedReferenceId = Service.ReferenceAdd(id, reference.ShortName, reference.Bibliography, reference.Authors, reference.Year, path, isUrl); //TODO GenEx

            if (!shortNameIsValid || updatedReferenceId == -1)
                TempData["error"] = "An existing reference already exists with the same shortname.";
                return RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = id, referenceId = referenceId });

            return RedirectToAction("Index");
Example #11
        public static async Task <CdmReferencedEntityDeclarationDefinition> FromData(CdmCorpusContext ctx, ReferenceEntity obj, string location)
            var referencedEntity = ctx.Corpus.MakeObject <CdmReferencedEntityDeclarationDefinition>(CdmObjectType.ReferencedEntityDeclarationDef, obj.Name);

            referencedEntity.EntityName = obj.Name;

            var corpusPath = ctx.Corpus.Storage.AdapterPathToCorpusPath(location);

            if (corpusPath == null)
                Logger.Error((ResolveContext)ctx, Tag, nameof(FromData), null, CdmLogCode.ErrPersistModelJsonRefEntityInvalidLocation, location, referencedEntity.EntityName);

            referencedEntity.EntityPath              = $"{corpusPath}/{obj.Source}";
            referencedEntity.Explanation             = obj.Description;
            referencedEntity.LastFileModifiedTime    = obj.LastFileModifiedTime;
            referencedEntity.LastFileStatusCheckTime = obj.LastFileStatusCheckTime;

            await Utils.ProcessAnnotationsFromData(ctx, obj, referencedEntity.ExhibitsTraits);

            if (obj.IsHidden == true)
                var isHiddenTrait = ctx.Corpus.MakeRef <CdmTraitReference>(CdmObjectType.TraitRef, "is.hidden", true);
                isHiddenTrait.IsFromProperty = true;

            var trait = ctx.Corpus.MakeRef <CdmTraitReference>(CdmObjectType.TraitRef, "is.propertyContent.multiTrait", false);

            trait.IsFromProperty = true;
            var argument = ctx.Corpus.MakeObject <CdmArgumentDefinition>(CdmObjectType.ArgumentDef, "modelId");

            argument.Value = obj.ModelId;

            var extensionTraitDefList = new List <CdmTraitDefinition>();
            var extensionTraits       = new CdmTraitCollection(ctx, referencedEntity);

            ExtensionHelper.ProcessExtensionFromJson(ctx, obj, extensionTraits, extensionTraitDefList);

            if (extensionTraitDefList.Count > 0)
                Logger.Warning(ctx, Tag, nameof(FromData), null, CdmLogCode.WarnPersistCustomExtNotSupported, referencedEntity.EntityName);

Example #12
 public override void establish_context()
     entity     = new ReferenceEntity();
     referenced = new[] { new OtherEntity(), new OtherEntity() };
Example #13
 public ReferenceEntity GetReferenceByShortName(int reportid, string shortName)
     ReferenceEntity Reference = new ReferenceEntity();
     DataTable dt = DB.GetDataTable(new SQLBuilder("Select * from Reference where ReportId = @0 AND ShortName = @1", reportid.ToString(), shortName.ToString()));
     if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
         Framework.EntityPopulate(Reference, dt.Rows[0]);
         Reference.ReferenceId = dt.Rows[0].Field<int>("Id");
         Reference.isUrl = dt.Rows[0].Field<bool>("isUrl");
     return Reference;
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportId"></param>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        /// <param name="recordsPerPage">eg: 10, 25</param>
        /// <param name="page">1 to x</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList<ReferenceEntity> ReferenceList(int reportId, string filter)
            /*DataTable dt = DB.GetDataTable(new SQLBuilder(@"WITH result_set AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ShortName) AS [row_number],
            Id as ReferenceId, ShortName, Bibliography from Reference where ReportId = @0 and (@1='%%' or (ReferenceKey like @1 or ShortName like @1 or Bibliography like @1)))
            SELECT  * FROM result_set WHERE [row_number] BETWEEN @2 AND @3", reportId.ToString(), "%" + filter + "%",startRecord.ToString(), endRecord.ToString()));*/

            DataTable dt = DB.GetDataTable(new SQLBuilder(@"Select Id as ReferenceId, ShortName, Bibliography, Path, IsURL, Year, Authors from Reference where ReportId = @0 and (@1='%%' or (Authors like @1) or (Bibliography like @1)) Order by ShortName", reportId.ToString(), "%" + filter.Trim() + "%"));

            List<ReferenceEntity> References = new List<ReferenceEntity>();
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                ReferenceEntity Reference = new ReferenceEntity();
                Framework.EntityPopulate(Reference, dr);
                // SQ1 nm: using old entity-less dev dB, must end-run Framework.EntityPopulate(). to restore:
                //  - uncomment first commented line
                //  - remove lines below to last commented line "//-----------------"
                //Reference.Bibliography = dr.Field<string>("Bibliography");
                //Reference.ShortName = dr.Field<string>("ShortName");
                //Reference.ReferenceId = dr.Field<int>("ReferenceId");
                Reference.isUrl = dr.Field<bool>("isUrl");
            return References;
Example #15
        public static DataViewConfig Get(Guid DataViewTypeID)
            if (DataViewConfigTypes == null)
                DataViewConfigTypes = new Dictionary <Guid, DataViewConfig>();
            if (DataViewConfigTypes.Keys.Contains(DataViewTypeID))

            string p = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath;

            p = p + "Micajah.Common.config";
            DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet();


            DataTable DataViewTable = ds.Tables["DataView"];

            DataRow [] rr = DataViewTable.Select("DataViewTypeID='" + DataViewTypeID + "'");
            if (rr == null || rr.Length < 1)

            string Name         = (string)rr[0]["Name"];
            Guid   BaseEntityID = new Guid((string)rr[0]["BaseEntityID"]);
            int    DataView_Id  = (int)rr[0]["DataView_Id"];

            DataTable ReferenceEntitiesTable = ds.Tables["ReferenceEntities"];

            rr = ReferenceEntitiesTable.Select("DataView_Id=" + DataView_Id);
            if (rr == null || rr.Length < 1)
            int ReferenceEntities_Id = (int)rr[0]["ReferenceEntities_Id"];

            DataTable ReferenceEntityTable = ds.Tables["ReferenceEntity"];

            rr = ReferenceEntityTable.Select("ReferenceEntities_Id=" + ReferenceEntities_Id);
            if (rr == null || rr.Length < 1)

            List <ReferenceEntity> rel = new List <ReferenceEntity>();

            foreach (DataRow r in rr)
                ReferenceEntity re = new ReferenceEntity();
                re.EntityID       = new Guid((string)r["EntityID"]);
                re.OneToMany      = ReferenceEntityTable.Columns.Contains("ReferenceType") && (r["ReferenceType"] is string) && (string)r["ReferenceType"] == "OneToMany";
                re.ReferenceTable = ReferenceEntityTable.Columns.Contains("ReferenceTable") && (r["ReferenceTable"] is string)?(string)r["ReferenceTable"]:null;
                re.Alias          = r["Alias"] as string;

                DataRow[] RR = ds.Tables["entity"].Select("id='" + re.EntityID + "'");
                if (RR == null || RR.Length < 1)
                DataRow EntityRow = RR[0];
                re.ReadableName = (string)EntityRow["name"];
                re.SqlName      = (string)EntityRow["tableName"];
                //re.SqlNameFieldName = (string)EntityRow[];

                int entity_Id = (int)EntityRow["entity_Id"];
                RR = ds.Tables["fields"].Select("entity_Id=" + entity_Id);
                if (RR == null || RR.Length < 1)
                int fields_Id = (int)RR[0]["fields_Id"];

                int ReferenceEntity_Id = (int)r["ReferenceEntity_Id"];
                RR = ds.Tables["UseField"].Select("ReferenceEntity_Id=" + ReferenceEntity_Id);
                if (RR == null || RR.Length < 1)
                bool SelectControlExist = ds.Tables["UseField"].Columns.Contains("SelectControl");

                re.UseFieldList = new List <ReferenceEntity.UseField>();
                DataRow[] FieldsRows;
                FieldsRows = ds.Tables["field"].Select("fields_Id=" + fields_Id + " AND name='Name'");
                if (FieldsRows != null && FieldsRows.Length > 0)
                    re.SqlNameFieldName = FieldsRows[0]["columnName"].ToString();

                foreach (DataRow R in RR)
                    ReferenceEntity.UseField uf = new ReferenceEntity.UseField();
                    uf.Entity       = re;
                    uf.ReadableName = (string)R["Name"];
                    FieldsRows      = ds.Tables["field"].Select("fields_Id=" + fields_Id + " AND name='" + uf.ReadableName + "'");
                    if (FieldsRows == null || FieldsRows.Length < 1)
                    uf.SqlName        = (string)FieldsRows[0]["columnName"];
                    uf.FullColumnName = re.SqlName + "." + uf.SqlName;
                    if (R.Table.Columns.Contains("NODecPlaces") && R["NODecPlaces"] is string)
                        uf.NODecPlaces = (string)R["NODecPlaces"];
                    if (SelectControlExist)
                        uf.SelectControl = R["SelectControl"] as string;


            DataViewConfig ret = new DataViewConfig(Name, BaseEntityID, DataViewTypeID);

            ret.ReferenceEntityList = rel;

            DataViewConfigTypes[DataViewTypeID] = ret;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DefaultTime"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="refEntity">The reference entity for whom the default time will be monitored.</param>
 public DefaultRecovery(ReferenceEntity refEntity)
     RefEntity = refEntity;
Example #17
 public SurvivalProbabilitySource(ReferenceEntity referenceEntity, Date anchorDate)
     this.referenceEntity = referenceEntity;
     this.anchorDate      = anchorDate;
Example #18
        private static List <QuestionEntity> GetQuestions(string path, int startOrder = 0)
            string allText = File.ReadAllText(path);

            allText = allText.Replace(char.ConvertFromUtf32(8203), string.Empty);

            var quesions = allText.Split("###", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();;

            List <QuestionEntity> qeList = new List <QuestionEntity>();

            foreach (string question in quesions)
                string[] questionsGroups = question.Split($"---", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                List <string> questionContent = questionsGroups[0].Split(Environment.NewLine, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
                if (questionContent.Count == 0)
                List <string> questionAnswers = questionsGroups[1].Split(Environment.NewLine, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
                if (questionAnswers.Any(s => s == "Off and On"))
                questionAnswers = questionAnswers.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Trim())).ToList();
                List <string> questionExplanations = questionsGroups[2].Split(Environment.NewLine, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
                questionExplanations = questionExplanations.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Trim())).ToList();
                List <string> questionReferences = questionsGroups[3].Split(Environment.NewLine, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
                questionReferences = questionReferences.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Trim())).ToList();

                QuestionEntity qe = new QuestionEntity();
                qe.Order = startOrder + 1 + quesions.IndexOf(question);
                if (questionContent.FirstOrDefault()?.Equals("C") == true)
                    qe.QuestionType = QuestionType.CheckBox;
                    questionContent = questionContent.Skip(1).ToList();
                else if (questionContent.FirstOrDefault()?.Equals("D") == true)
                    qe.QuestionType = QuestionType.DropDown;
                    questionContent = questionContent.Skip(1).ToList();

                foreach (string content in questionContent)
                    ContentEntity contentEntity = new ContentEntity()
                        Text  = content,
                        Order = questionContent.IndexOf(content),

                foreach (string answer in questionAnswers)
                    AnswerEntity answerEntity = new AnswerEntity()
                        Text  = answer,
                        Order = questionAnswers.IndexOf(answer),
                    if (answer.EndsWith("*"))
                        answerEntity.IsCorrect = true;
                        answerEntity.Text      = answer.TrimEnd('*').Trim();

                foreach (string explanation in questionExplanations)
                    ExplanationEntity explanationEntity = new ExplanationEntity()
                        Text  = explanation,
                        Order = questionExplanations.IndexOf(explanation),

                foreach (string reference in questionReferences)
                    if (reference.Length > 10)
                        ReferenceEntity referenceEntity = null;
                        if (reference.Contains(";"))
                            List <string> parts = reference.Split(";").ToList();
                            referenceEntity = new ReferenceEntity()
                                Text  = parts[0],
                                Url   = parts[1],
                                Order = questionReferences.IndexOf(reference),
                            referenceEntity = new ReferenceEntity()
                                Text  = reference,
                                Url   = reference,
                                Order = questionReferences.IndexOf(reference),


        public static async Task <CdmReferencedEntityDeclarationDefinition> FromData(CdmCorpusContext ctx, ReferenceEntity obj, string location, CdmCollection <CdmTraitDefinition> extensionTraitDefList)
            var referencedEntity = ctx.Corpus.MakeObject <CdmReferencedEntityDeclarationDefinition>(CdmObjectType.ReferencedEntityDeclarationDef, obj.Name);

            var corpusPath = ctx.Corpus.Storage.AdapterPathToCorpusPath(location);

            referencedEntity.EntityName              = obj.Name;
            referencedEntity.EntityPath              = $"{corpusPath}/{obj.Source}";
            referencedEntity.Explanation             = obj.Description;
            referencedEntity.LastFileModifiedTime    = obj.LastFileModifiedTime;
            referencedEntity.LastFileStatusCheckTime = obj.LastFileStatusCheckTime;

            await Utils.ProcessAnnotationsFromData(ctx, obj, referencedEntity.ExhibitsTraits);

            if (obj.IsHidden == true)
                var isHiddenTrait = ctx.Corpus.MakeRef <CdmTraitReference>(CdmObjectType.TraitRef, "is.hidden", true);
                isHiddenTrait.IsFromProperty = true;

            var trait = ctx.Corpus.MakeRef <CdmTraitReference>(CdmObjectType.TraitRef, "is.propertyContent.multiTrait", true);

            trait.SimpleNamedReference = false;
            trait.IsFromProperty       = true;
            var argument = ctx.Corpus.MakeObject <CdmArgumentDefinition>(CdmObjectType.ArgumentDef, "modelId");

            argument.Value = obj.ModelId;

            ExtensionHelper.ProcessExtensionFromJson(ctx, obj, referencedEntity.ExhibitsTraits, extensionTraitDefList);
 public void Add(ReferenceEntity referenceItem)
Example #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DefaultTime"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="refEntity">The reference entity for whom the default time will be monitored.</param>
 public DefaultTime(ReferenceEntity refEntity)
     RefEntity = refEntity;
Example #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HazardCurve"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="referenceEntity">The reference entity for whom these hazard rates apply.</param>
 /// <param name="anchorDate">The anchor date.  Survival probabilities can only be calculated up to dates after this date.</param>
 /// <param name="dates">The dates on which the hazard rates apply.</param>
 /// <param name="hazardRates">The hazard rates.</param>
 /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
 /// dates must be on or after the anchor date.
 /// dates must be increasing
 /// dates and rates must have the same length.
 /// </exception>
 public HazardCurve(ReferenceEntity referenceEntity, Date anchorDate, Date[] dates, double[] hazardRates) :
     base(referenceEntity, anchorDate)
     _dates       = dates;
     _hazardRates = hazardRates;
Example #23
        public async static Task <Model> ToData(CdmManifestDefinition instance, ResolveOptions resOpt, CopyOptions options)
            var result = new Model()
                Name         = instance.ManifestName,
                Description  = instance.Explanation,
                ModifiedTime = instance.LastFileModifiedTime,
                LastChildFileModifiedTime = instance.LastChildFileModifiedTime,
                LastFileStatusCheckTime   = instance.LastFileStatusCheckTime

            TraitToPropertyMap t2pm = new TraitToPropertyMap(instance);

            CdmTraitReference isHiddenTrait = t2pm.FetchTraitReference("is.hidden");

            if (isHiddenTrait != null)
                result.IsHidden = true;

            CdmTraitReference applicationTrait = t2pm.FetchTraitReference("is.managedBy");

            if (applicationTrait != null)
                result.Application = applicationTrait.Arguments.AllItems[0].Value as string;

            CdmTraitReference versionTrait = t2pm.FetchTraitReference("is.modelConversion.modelVersion");

            if (versionTrait != null)
                result.Version = versionTrait.Arguments.AllItems[0].Value;
                // version property is required. If it doesn't exist set default.
                result.Version = "1.0";

            CdmTraitReference cultureTrait = t2pm.FetchTraitReference("is.partition.culture");

            if (cultureTrait != null)
                result.Culture = cultureTrait.Arguments.AllItems[0].Value as string;

            Dictionary <string, string> referenceEntityLocations = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            Dictionary <string, string> referenceModels          = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            CdmTraitReference referenceModelsTrait = t2pm.FetchTraitReference("is.modelConversion.referenceModelMap");

            if (referenceModelsTrait != null)
                JArray refModels = referenceModelsTrait.Arguments[0].Value as JArray;

                foreach (JObject referenceModel in refModels)
                    var referenceModelId               = referenceModel["id"];
                    var referenceModelIdAsString       = referenceModelId.ToString();
                    var referenceModelLocation         = referenceModel["location"];
                    var referenceModelLocationAsString = referenceModelLocation.ToString();
                    referenceModels.Add(referenceModelIdAsString, referenceModelLocationAsString);
                    referenceEntityLocations.Add(referenceModelLocationAsString, referenceModelIdAsString);

            await Utils.ProcessAnnotationsToData(instance.Ctx, result, instance.ExhibitsTraits);

            if (instance.Entities != null && instance.Entities.Count > 0)
                List <Task> promises         = new List <Task>();
                var         obtainedEntities = new ConcurrentBag <JToken>();
                foreach (var entity in instance.Entities)
                    Task createdPromise = Task.Run(async() =>
                        dynamic element = null;
                        if (entity.ObjectType == CdmObjectType.LocalEntityDeclarationDef)
                            element = await LocalEntityDeclarationPersistence.ToData(
                                entity as CdmLocalEntityDeclarationDefinition,
                        else if (entity.ObjectType == CdmObjectType.ReferencedEntityDeclarationDef)
                            element = await ReferencedEntityDeclarationPersistence.ToData(
                                entity as CdmReferencedEntityDeclarationDefinition,

                            ReferenceEntity referenceEntity = element as ReferenceEntity;
                            string location = instance.Ctx.Corpus.Storage.CorpusPathToAdapterPath(

                            if (referenceEntity.ModelId != null)
                                if (referenceModels[referenceEntity.ModelId] == null)
                                    referenceModels[referenceEntity.ModelId] = location;
                            else if (referenceEntityLocations[location] != null)
                                referenceEntity.ModelId = referenceEntityLocations[location];
                                referenceEntity.ModelId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                                referenceModels[referenceEntity.ModelId] = location;
                                referenceEntityLocations[location]       = referenceEntity.ModelId;

                        if (element != null)
                            Logger.Error(nameof(ManifestPersistence), instance.Ctx, "There was an error while trying to convert entity declaration to model json format.");
                    // TODO: Currently function is synchronous. Remove next line to turn it asynchronous.
                    // Currently some functions called are not thread safe.
                    await createdPromise;
                await Task.WhenAll(promises);

                result.Entities = obtainedEntities.ToList();

            if (referenceModels.Count > 0)
                result.ReferenceModels = new List <ReferenceModel>();
                foreach (var referenceModel in referenceModels)
                    result.ReferenceModels.Add(new ReferenceModel()
                        Id       = referenceModel.Key,
                        Location = referenceModel.Value

            if (instance.Relationships != null && instance.Relationships.Count > 0)
                result.Relationships = new List <SingleKeyRelationship>();

                foreach (var cdmRelationship in instance.Relationships)
                    var relationship = await RelationshipPersistence.ToData(cdmRelationship, resOpt, options);

                    if (relationship != null)
                        Logger.Error(nameof(ManifestPersistence), instance.Ctx, "There was an error while trying to convert cdm relationship to model.json relationship.");

            if (instance.Imports != null && instance.Imports.Count > 0)
                result.Imports = new List <Import>();
                foreach (var element in instance.Imports)
                    result.Imports.Add(CdmFolder.ImportPersistence.ToData(element, resOpt, options));
