Example #1
        internal static ComReferenceNode AddComReference(ProjectNode project, VSCOMPONENTSELECTORDATA selectorData)
            // Get the ReferenceContainerNode for this project.
            IReferenceContainer container = project.GetReferenceContainer();


            // Now find the refererence added.
            ReferenceContainerNode containerNode = container as ReferenceContainerNode;

            for (HierarchyNode n = containerNode.FirstChild; n != null; n = n.NextSibling)
                if (n is ComReferenceNode)
                    ComReferenceNode refererenceNode = n as ComReferenceNode;

                    // We check if the name is the same and the type guid is the same
                    if (refererenceNode.TypeGuid == selectorData.guidTypeLibrary && String.Compare(refererenceNode.Caption, selectorData.bstrTitle, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)

            throw new InvalidOperationException("The Com Refererence added cannot be found");
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a reference is already added. The method parses all references and compares the filename.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the extension reference has already been added.</returns>
        protected override bool IsAlreadyAdded(out ReferenceNode existingNode)
            ReferenceContainerNode referencesFolder = this.ProjectMgr.FindChild(ReferenceContainerNode.ReferencesNodeVirtualName) as ReferenceContainerNode;

            Debug.Assert(referencesFolder != null, "Could not find the References node");

            string thisName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this.ItemNode.Item.Xml.Include);

            for (HierarchyNode n = referencesFolder.FirstChild; n != null; n = n.NextSibling)
                WixExtensionReferenceNode otherReference = n as WixExtensionReferenceNode;
                if (otherReference != null)
                    string otherName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(otherReference.Url);
                    if (String.Equals(thisName, otherName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        existingNode = otherReference;

            existingNode = null;
Example #3
 public OAReferences(ReferenceContainerNode containerNode)
     container = containerNode;
     AddEventSource <_dispReferencesEvents>(this as IEventSource <_dispReferencesEvents>);
     container.OnChildAdded   += new EventHandler <HierarchyNodeEventArgs>(OnReferenceAdded);
     container.OnChildRemoved += new EventHandler <HierarchyNodeEventArgs>(OnReferenceRemoved);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if an assembly is already added. The method parses all references and compares the full assemblynames, or the location of the assemblies to decide whether two assemblies are the same.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the assembly has already been added.</returns>
        protected override bool IsAlreadyAdded()
            ReferenceContainerNode referencesFolder = ProjectMgr.GetReferenceContainer() as ReferenceContainerNode;

            Debug.Assert(referencesFolder != null, "Could not find the References node");
            if (referencesFolder == null)
                // Return true so that our caller does not try and add us.

            for (HierarchyNode n = referencesFolder.FirstChild; n != null; n = n.NextSibling)
                var extensionRefNode = n as WebPiReferenceNode;
                if (null != extensionRefNode)
                    // We will check if Url of the assemblies is the same.
                    // TODO: Check full assembly name?
                    if (CommonUtils.IsSamePath(extensionRefNode.Url, Url))

        /// <summary>
        /// Links a reference node to the project and hierarchy.
        /// </summary>
        public override void AddReference()

            ReferenceContainerNode referencesFolder = (ReferenceContainerNode)((NemerleProjectNode)this.ProjectMgr).GetMacroReferenceContainer();

            Debug.Assert(referencesFolder != null, "Could not find the References node");

            CannotAddReferenceErrorMessage referenceErrorMessageHandler = null;

            if (!this.CanAddReference(out referenceErrorMessageHandler))
                if (referenceErrorMessageHandler != null)
                    referenceErrorMessageHandler.DynamicInvoke(new object[] { });


            // Link the node to the project file.

            // At this point force the item to be refreshed


Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if an assembly is already added. The method parses all references and compares the full assemblynames, or the location of the assemblies to decide whether two assemblies are the same.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the assembly has already been added.</returns>
        protected override bool IsAlreadyAdded()
            ReferenceContainerNode referencesFolder = this.ProjectMgr.GetReferenceContainer() as ReferenceContainerNode;

            Debug.Assert(referencesFolder != null, "Could not find the References node");
            if (referencesFolder == null)
                // Return true so that our caller does not try and add us.

            bool shouldCheckPath = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Url);

            for (HierarchyNode n = referencesFolder.FirstChild; n != null; n = n.NextSibling)
                AssemblyReferenceNode assemblyRefererenceNode = n as AssemblyReferenceNode;
                if (null != assemblyRefererenceNode)
                    // We will check if the full assemblynames are the same or if the Url of the assemblies is the same.
                    if (String.Compare(assemblyRefererenceNode.AssemblyName.FullName, this.assemblyName.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 ||
                        (shouldCheckPath && CommonUtils.IsSamePath(assemblyRefererenceNode.Url, this.Url)))

Example #7
 public VSMDBooCodeProvider(ReferenceContainerNode refs, IFileNode file)
     _provider            = new VSBooCodeProvider(GetReferences(refs).ToArray(), file);
     _references          = refs;
     _file                = file;
     refs.OnChildAdded   += RefsOnOnChildListChanged;
     refs.OnChildRemoved += RefsOnOnChildListChanged;
Example #8
        private IEnumerable <string> GetReferences(ReferenceContainerNode refs)
            var node = refs.FirstChild;

            while (node != null)
                yield return(node.Caption);

                node = node.NextSibling;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new automation references object.  If the project type doesn't
        /// support references containerNode is null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="containerNode"></param>
        /// <param name="project"></param>
        internal OAReferences(ReferenceContainerNode containerNode, ProjectNode project)
            _container = containerNode;
            _project   = project;

            AddEventSource <_dispReferencesEvents>(this as IEventSource <_dispReferencesEvents>);
            if (_container != null)
                _container.OnChildAdded   += new EventHandler <HierarchyNodeEventArgs>(OnReferenceAdded);
                _container.OnChildRemoved += new EventHandler <HierarchyNodeEventArgs>(OnReferenceRemoved);
Example #10
        protected override bool IsAlreadyAdded()
            ReferenceContainerNode referencesFolder = ProjectMgr.FindChild(ReferenceContainerNode.ReferencesNodeVirtualName) as ReferenceContainerNode;

            for (HierarchyNode node = referencesFolder.FirstChild; node != null; node = node.NextSibling)
                if (node is ConfigReferenceNode)
                    ConfigReferenceNode referenceNode = node as ConfigReferenceNode;

                    // Check if the name is the same.

                    if (string.Compare(referenceNode.Caption, Caption, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)

Example #11
        public override bool IsAlreadyAdded(out ReferenceNode existingEquivalentNode)
            string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(InstalledFilePath).Replace('\\', '/');

            ReferenceContainerNode referencesFolder = this.ProjectManager.FindChild(ReferenceContainerNode.ReferencesNodeVirtualName) as ReferenceContainerNode;

            for (HierarchyNode node = referencesFolder.FirstChild; node != null; node = node.NextSibling)
                JarReferenceNode referenceNode = node as JarReferenceNode;
                if (referenceNode != null)
                    string otherFullPath = Path.GetFullPath(referenceNode.InstalledFilePath).Replace('\\', '/');
                    if (string.Equals(fullPath, otherFullPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        existingEquivalentNode = referenceNode;

            existingEquivalentNode = null;
Example #12
        public void TestAutomationOnProjectItem()
            UIThreadInvoker.Invoke((ThreadInvoker) delegate()
                //Get the global service provider and the dte
                IServiceProvider sp = VsIdeTestHostContext.ServiceProvider;
                DTE dte             = (DTE)sp.GetService(typeof(DTE));

                string destination = Path.Combine(TestContext.TestDir, TestContext.TestName);
                Utilities.CreateMyNestedProject(sp, dte, TestContext.TestName, destination, true);

                OAProject automation = Utilities.FindExtObject(sp, Utilities.NestedProjectGuid, TestContext.TestName) as OAProject;
                Assert.IsNotNull(automation, "Failed to create a project using automation");

                ProjectNode project = automation.Project;

                // Get the AssemblyInfo.cs, try to open it and then ask using automation that it is opened.
                EnvDTE.ProjectItem item = automation.ProjectItems.Item("AssemblyInfo.cs");
                Assert.IsNotNull(item, "Could not retrieve AssemblyInfo.cs");

                EnvDTE.Window window = item.Open(VSConstants.LOGVIEWID_Primary.ToString());
                Assert.IsNotNull(window, "Could not open the AssemblyInfo.cs");

                bool isOpen = item.get_IsOpen(VSConstants.LOGVIEWID_Primary.ToString());
                Assert.IsTrue(isOpen, "The AssemblyInfo.cs file should have been opened");

                // Now save it

                Assert.IsTrue(item.Saved, "The renamed AssemblyInfo.cs has not been saved");

                // Get the Document
                EnvDTE.Document document = item.Document;
                Assert.IsNotNull(document, "Could not retrieve the document object");
                Assert.IsTrue(document.Name == "AssemblyInfo.cs", "The document for the file item is incorrect. It's name should be AssemblyInfo.cs");

                // Try the properties on a nested item
                EnvDTE.ProjectItem nestedProject     = automation.ProjectItems.Item("ANestedProject");
                EnvDTE.ProjectItem nestedProjectItem = nestedProject.ProjectItems.Item("Program.cs");
                EnvDTE.Properties nesteditemsProps   = nestedProjectItem.Properties;
                EnvDTE.Property nestedItemProperty   = nesteditemsProps.Item("BuildAction");
                Assert.IsNotNull(nestedItemProperty, "Could not retrieve the BuildAction property from the nested project item");
                nestedItemProperty.Value = BuildAction.Content;
                Assert.AreEqual((BuildAction)nestedItemProperty.Value, BuildAction.Content);

                // Now try the properties on the top project item
                EnvDTE.Properties props = item.Properties;
                Assert.IsNotNull(props, "Could not retrieve the BuildAction property from the nested project item");

                EnvDTE.Property itemProperty = props.Item("BuildAction");
                Assert.IsNotNull(itemProperty, "Could not retrieve the BuildAction property from the nested project item");
                Assert.IsFalse(itemProperty is OANullProperty, "Could not retrieve the BuildAction property from the nested project item");
                itemProperty.Value = BuildAction.Content;
                Assert.AreEqual(itemProperty.Value, BuildAction.Content);

                // Now save as
                Assert.IsTrue(item.SaveAs("AssemblyInfo1.cs"), "The file AssemblyInfo.cs could not be reanmed to AssemblyInfo1.cs");
                Assert.IsTrue(item.Name == "AssemblyInfo1.cs", "File item has been renamed to AssemblyInfo1.cs but the Name property has not");

                // Now try the Program.cs. That should not be opened
                EnvDTE.ProjectItem item1 = automation.ProjectItems.Item("Program.cs");

                Assert.IsNotNull(item1, "Could not retrieve AssemblyInfo.cs");

                isOpen = item1.get_IsOpen(VSConstants.LOGVIEWID_Primary.ToString());

                Assert.IsFalse(isOpen, "The Program.cs should not have been opened");

                // Now get the Reference folder as a project item and expand it.
                EnvDTE.ProjectItem references = automation.ProjectItems.Item("References");

                // Check that actually it was expanded.
                IVsUIHierarchyWindow uiHierarchy     = VsShellUtilities.GetUIHierarchyWindow(project.Site, HierarchyNode.SolutionExplorer);
                System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi      = typeof(ProjectNode).GetMethod("FindChild", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                ReferenceContainerNode containerNode = (ReferenceContainerNode)mi.Invoke(project, new object[] { "References" });

                __VSHIERARCHYITEMSTATE state;
                uint stateAsInt;
                uiHierarchy.GetItemState(project, (uint)containerNode.ID, (uint)__VSHIERARCHYITEMSTATE.HIS_Expanded, out stateAsInt);
                state = (__VSHIERARCHYITEMSTATE)stateAsInt;
                Assert.IsTrue(state == __VSHIERARCHYITEMSTATE.HIS_Expanded, "The References folder has not been expanded");
Example #13
 internal OAReferenceFolderItem(OAProject project, ReferenceContainerNode node)
     : base(project, node)
 internal OAReferenceFolderItem(OAProject project, ReferenceContainerNode node)
     : base(project, node) {
 public NemerleOAReferenceFolderItem(OAProject project, ReferenceContainerNode node)
     : base(project, node)