/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> public override Ref Peel(Ref @ref) { Ref leaf = @ref.GetLeaf(); if (leaf.IsPeeled() || leaf.GetObjectId() == null) { return(@ref); } ObjectIdRef newLeaf = DoPeel(leaf); // Try to remember this peeling in the cache, so we don't have to do // it again in the future, but only if the reference is unchanged. if (leaf.GetStorage().IsLoose()) { RefList <RefDirectory.LooseRef> curList = looseRefs.Get(); int idx = curList.Find(leaf.GetName()); if (0 <= idx && curList.Get(idx) == leaf) { RefDirectory.LooseRef asPeeled = ((RefDirectory.LooseRef)leaf).Peel(newLeaf); RefList <RefDirectory.LooseRef> newList = curList.Set(idx, asPeeled); looseRefs.CompareAndSet(curList, newList); } } return(Recreate(@ref, newLeaf)); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> private Ref ReadRef(string name, RefList <Ref> packed) { RefList <RefDirectory.LooseRef> curList = looseRefs.Get(); int idx = curList.Find(name); if (0 <= idx) { RefDirectory.LooseRef o = curList.Get(idx); RefDirectory.LooseRef n = ScanRef(o, name); if (n == null) { if (looseRefs.CompareAndSet(curList, curList.Remove(idx))) { modCnt.IncrementAndGet(); } return(packed.Get(name)); } if (o == n) { return(n); } if (looseRefs.CompareAndSet(curList, curList.Set(idx, n))) { modCnt.IncrementAndGet(); } return(n); } RefDirectory.LooseRef n_1 = ScanRef(null, name); if (n_1 == null) { return(packed.Get(name)); } // check whether the found new ref is the an additional ref. These refs // should not go into looseRefs for (int i = 0; i < additionalRefsNames.Length; i++) { if (name.Equals(additionalRefsNames[i])) { return(n_1); } } if (looseRefs.CompareAndSet(curList, curList.Add(idx, n_1))) { modCnt.IncrementAndGet(); } return(n_1); }