public async Task Static_index_should_produce_multiple_outputs(int numberOfUsers, string[] locations)
            using (var database = CreateDocumentDatabase())
                var index = MapReduceIndex.CreateNew(new IndexDefinition()
                    Name   = "Users_ByCount_GroupByLocation",
                    Maps   = { "from user in docs.Users select new { user.Location, Count = 1 }" },
                    Reduce =
                        "from result in results group result by result.Location into g select new { Location = g.Key, Count = g.Sum(x => x.Count) }",
                    Type   = IndexType.MapReduce,
                    Fields =
                        { "Location", new IndexFieldOptions {
                              Storage = FieldStorage.Yes
                          } },
                        { "Count",    new IndexFieldOptions {
                              Storage = FieldStorage.Yes
                          } }
                }, database);

                var mapReduceContext = new MapReduceIndexingContext();
                using (var contextPool = new TransactionContextPool(database.DocumentsStorage.Environment))
                    var indexStorage = new IndexStorage(index, contextPool, database);
                    var reducer      = new ReduceMapResultsOfStaticIndex(index, index._compiled.Reduce, index.Definition, indexStorage, new MetricCounters(), mapReduceContext);

                    await ActualTest(numberOfUsers, locations, index, mapReduceContext, reducer, database);
Example #2
        public void PageModificationInAnyTreeMustRemoveItFromListOfFreedPagesInAllStores()
            using (var database = CreateDocumentDatabase())
                using (var index = MapReduceIndex.CreateNew(new IndexDefinition()
                    Name = "Users_ByCount_GroupByLocation",
                    Maps = { "from user in docs.Users select new { user.Location, Count = 1 }" },
                    Reduce =
                        "from result in results group result by result.Location into g select new { Location = g.Key, Count = g.Sum(x => x.Count) }",
                    Type = IndexType.MapReduce,
                    Fields =
                        { "Location", new IndexFieldOptions {
                              Storage = FieldStorage.Yes
                          } },
                        { "Count",    new IndexFieldOptions {
                              Storage = FieldStorage.Yes
                          } }
                }, database))
                    index._threadAllocations = NativeMemory.CurrentThreadStats;

                    var mapReduceContext = new MapReduceIndexingContext();
                    using (var contextPool = new TransactionContextPool(database.DocumentsStorage.Environment))
                        var indexStorage = new IndexStorage(index, contextPool, database);
                        var reducer      = new ReduceMapResultsOfStaticIndex(index, index._compiled.Reduce, index.Definition, indexStorage, new MetricCounters(), mapReduceContext);

                        using (index._contextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out TransactionOperationContext indexContext))
                            using (var tx = indexContext.OpenWriteTransaction())
                                mapReduceContext.MapPhaseTree    = tx.InnerTransaction.CreateTree(MapReduceIndexBase <MapIndexDefinition, IndexField> .MapPhaseTreeName);
                                mapReduceContext.ReducePhaseTree = tx.InnerTransaction.CreateTree(MapReduceIndexBase <MapIndexDefinition, IndexField> .ReducePhaseTreeName);

                                var store1 = new MapReduceResultsStore(1, MapResultsStorageType.Tree, indexContext, mapReduceContext, true);
                                var store2 = new MapReduceResultsStore(2, MapResultsStorageType.Tree, indexContext, mapReduceContext, true);

                                mapReduceContext.StoreByReduceKeyHash.Add(1, store1);
                                mapReduceContext.StoreByReduceKeyHash.Add(2, store2);

                                // we're cheating here a bit as the originally this issue was reproduced on very large amount of data
                                // we choose page 541 because it's going to be used when calling store1.Add() below
                                // let's pretend this page that was freed as the result of deletion in store2
                                // the important thing is that store1 will be processed before processing store2 and we'll store the aggregation result for page 541 in PageNumberToReduceResult table
                                // the issue was that modification of page 541 in the tree of store1 didn't remove it from FreedPages of store2
                                // in result the processing of store2 removed page 541 from the table

                                long pageNumber = 541;


                                for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                                    using (var mappedResult = indexContext.ReadObject(new DynamicJsonValue
                                        ["Count"] = 1,
                                        ["Location"] = new string('c', 1024)
                                    }, $"users/{i}"))
                                        store1.Add(i, mappedResult);

                                var writeOperation =
                                    new Lazy <IndexWriteOperation>(() => index.IndexPersistence.OpenIndexWriter(tx.InnerTransaction, null));

                                var stats = new IndexingStatsScope(new IndexingRunStats());
                                reducer.Execute(null, indexContext,
                                                stats, CancellationToken.None);

                                Assert.DoesNotContain(pageNumber, store2.FreedPages);

                                var table = indexContext.Transaction.InnerTransaction.OpenTable(ReduceMapResultsBase <MapReduceIndexDefinition> .ReduceResultsSchema,
                                                                                                ReduceMapResultsBase <MapReduceIndexDefinition> .PageNumberToReduceResultTableName);

                                var page = Bits.SwapBytes(pageNumber);

                                    using (Slice.External(indexContext.Allocator, (byte *)&page, sizeof(long), out Slice pageSlice))
                                        Assert.True(table.ReadByKey(pageSlice, out TableValueReader tvr));