public async void RedirectToAction_Execute_PassesCorrectValuesToRedirect()
            // Arrange
            var expectedUrl = "SampleAction";
            var expectedPermanentFlag = false;
            var httpContext = new Mock<HttpContext>();
            var httpResponse = new Mock<HttpResponse>();
            httpContext.Setup(o => o.Response).Returns(httpResponse.Object);
            httpContext.Setup(o => o.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(ITempDataDictionary)))

            var actionContext = new ActionContext(httpContext.Object,
                                                  new RouteData(),
                                                  new ActionDescriptor());
            var urlHelper = GetMockUrlHelper(expectedUrl);
            var result = new RedirectToActionResult("SampleAction", null, null)
                UrlHelper = urlHelper,

            // Act
            await result.ExecuteResultAsync(actionContext);

            // Assert
            // Verifying if Redirect was called with the specific Url and parameter flag.
            // Thus we verify that the Url returned by UrlHelper is passed properly to
            // Redirect method and that the method is called exactly once.
            httpResponse.Verify(r => r.Redirect(expectedUrl, expectedPermanentFlag), Times.Exactly(1));
        public void Execute(ActionContext context, RedirectToActionResult result)
            var urlHelper = result.UrlHelper ?? _urlHelperFactory.GetUrlHelper(context);

            var destinationUrl = urlHelper.Action(result.ActionName, result.ControllerName, result.RouteValues);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(destinationUrl))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.NoRoutesMatched);

            context.HttpContext.Response.Redirect(destinationUrl, result.Permanent);
        public async void PostCreateParentBreedZero()
            using (var database = new TestDb())
                var controller = new BreedsController(database.Context);

                IActionResult result = await controller.Create(new Breed { Name = "Test Breed with Zero Parent Breed", BreedId = 0 });

                RedirectToActionResult redirect = Assert.IsType <RedirectToActionResult>(result);

                Assert.Equal("Index", redirect.ActionName);

                Breed breed = database.Context.Breeds.LastOrDefault();

                Assert.Equal("Test Breed with Zero Parent Breed", breed.Name);
        public void ShouldDeleteCorrectly()
            Mock <IGenericService <LearningLine> > learningLineServiceMock = new Mock <IGenericService <LearningLine> >();
            Mock <IObjectFinderService <Goal> >    goalFinderMock          = new Mock <IObjectFinderService <Goal> >();
            Mock <IGenericService <Goal> >         goalServiceMock         = new Mock <IGenericService <Goal> >();
            Mock <IManyToManyMapperService <LearningLine, LearningLineGoal, Goal> > mapperServiceMock = new Mock <IManyToManyMapperService <LearningLine, LearningLineGoal, Goal> >();

            LearningLine learningLine = new LearningLine()
                Id   = 100,
                Name = "Computernetwerken"

            ClaimsPrincipal identity = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new Claim[]
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, "123")

            goalFinderMock.Setup(m => m.GetObjects(It.IsAny <int[]>())).Returns((int[] ids) =>
                return(new List <Goal>());

            learningLineServiceMock.Setup(m => m.FindById(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <string[]>())).Returns(learningLine);

            learningLineServiceMock.Setup(m => m.Delete(It.IsAny <LearningLine>())).Returns((LearningLine model) =>

            LearningLineController controller = new LearningLineController(learningLineServiceMock.Object, goalServiceMock.Object, goalFinderMock.Object, mapperServiceMock.Object)
                ControllerContext = new ControllerContext()
                    HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext()
                        User = identity

            RedirectToActionResult result = controller.Delete(learningLine.Id) as RedirectToActionResult;

            Assert.Equal("Index", result?.ActionName);
        public async Task TestAdd()
            this.ReferenceServices.CreateSectionType(Arg.Any <CreateSectionTypeDto>()).Returns(new SectionTypeDto {
                Id = 50

            CreateSectionTypeViewModel lCreateSectionTypeViewModel = new CreateSectionTypeViewModel()
                Name = "England"
            IActionResult lResult = await this.sectionTypeController.Add(lCreateSectionTypeViewModel);

            RedirectToActionResult lViewResult = lResult as RedirectToActionResult;

            Assert.AreEqual("SectionType successfully created", lViewResult.RouteValues["successMessage"]);

            await this.ReferenceServices.Received(1).CreateSectionType(Arg.Is <CreateSectionTypeDto>(dto => dto.Name == "England"));
        public void Can_Checkout_And_Submit_Order()
            Mock <IOrderRepository> mock = new Mock <IOrderRepository>();

            Cart cart = new Cart();

            cart.AddItem(new Product(), 1);

            OrderController target = new OrderController(mock.Object, cart);

            RedirectToActionResult result = target.Checkout(new Order()) as RedirectToActionResult;

            mock.Verify(m => m.SaveOrder(It.IsAny <Order>()), Times.Once);

            Assert.Equal("Completed", result.ActionName);
Example #7
        public void SearchTest()
            // Arrange
            var BookServiceMoq   = new Mock <IBookService>();
            var AuthorServiceMoq = new Mock <IAuthorService>();
            var RateServiceMoq   = new Mock <IRateService>();

            BookServiceMoq.Setup(service => service.GetAll()).Returns(_books.AsQueryable);
            AuthorServiceMoq.Setup(service => service.GetAll()).Returns(_authors.AsQueryable);
            RateServiceMoq.Setup(service => service.GetAll()).Returns(_rates.AsQueryable);

            HomeController controller = new HomeController(BookServiceMoq.Object, AuthorServiceMoq.Object, RateServiceMoq.Object);

            // Act
            RedirectToActionResult result = (RedirectToActionResult)controller.Index();
            var viewResult = Assert.IsType <RedirectToActionResult>(result);
        public void Can_Checkout_And_Submit_Order()
            // Arrange
            Mock <IOrderRepository> mock = new Mock <IOrderRepository>();
            // Arrange
            Cart cart = new Cart();

            cart.Additem(new Product(), 1);
            // Arrange
            OrderController target = new OrderController(mock.Object, cart);

            // Act
            RedirectToActionResult result =
                target.Checkout(new Order()) as RedirectToActionResult;

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("Completed", result.ActionName);
        public void RedirectToActionResult_ThrowsEqualException_WhenRouteValuesNotEqual()
            // Arrange
            var redirectToActionResult = new RedirectToActionResult("Index", "Home", new { ReturnUrl = "ReturnUrl" });

            // Act & Assert
            Assert.Throws <EqualException>(
                () => MvcAssert.RedirectToActionResult(
                    new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >
                new KeyValuePair <string, object>("ReturnUrl", "NotReturnUrl")
Example #10
        public virtual async Task <IActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model)
            RedirectToActionResult RedirectNextPage = RedirectToAction("Register", "Individual");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                model.UserRole = "Individual";
                UserRegistrationResult Result = _userRegistrationService.RegisterUser(model);

                if (Result.Success)
                    await _signInManager.SignInAsync(Result.NewlyRegistredUser, isPersistent : false);

                    RedirectNextPage = RedirectToUserPortalByRole(model.UserRole);
Example #11
        public void NewEntryTest()
            MenuController controller = new MenuController(mockLogger.Object, mockService.Object)
                TempData = tempData,

            // NewEntryメソッドのテスト
            IActionResult result = controller.NewEntry();

            // 遷移先の確認
            RedirectToActionResult actionResult = Assert.IsType <RedirectToActionResult>(result);

            Assert.Equal("index", actionResult.ActionName);
            Assert.Equal("Create", actionResult.ControllerName);

        public async void PostEditWithParentBreedSuccess()
            using (var database = new TestDb())
                var controller = new BreedsController(database.Context);

                IActionResult result = await controller.Edit(7, new Breed { Id = 7, Name = "Test Modified Breed with Parent Breed", BreedId = 2 });

                RedirectToActionResult redirect = Assert.IsType <RedirectToActionResult>(result);

                Assert.Equal("Index", redirect.ActionName);

                Breed breed = database.Context.Breeds.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Name == "Test Modified Breed with Parent Breed");

                Assert.Equal(7, breed.Id);
                Assert.Equal(2, breed.BreedId);
        public async void PostCreateWithParentBreedSuccess()
            using (var database = new TestDb())
                var controller = new BreedsController(database.Context);

                IActionResult result = await controller.Create(new Breed { Name = "Test Breed with Parent Breed", BreedId = 1 });

                RedirectToActionResult redirect = Assert.IsType <RedirectToActionResult>(result);

                Assert.Equal("Index", redirect.ActionName);

                Breed breed = database.Context.Breeds.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Name == "Test Breed with Parent Breed");

                Assert.Equal("Test Breed with Parent Breed", breed.Name);
                Assert.Equal(1, breed.ParentBreed.Id);
Example #14
        public void Can_Checkout_And_Submit_Order()
            Mock <IOrderRepository> mock = new Mock <IOrderRepository>();

            Cart cart = new Cart();

            cart.AddItem(new Product(), 1);

            OrderController target = new OrderController(cart, mock.Object);

            RedirectToActionResult result = target.Checkout(new Order()) as RedirectToActionResult;

            // не вызывается(never) метод сохранить заказ
            mock.Verify(m => m.SaveOrder(It.IsAny <Order>()), Times.Once);

            // возвращается стандарное представление
            Assert.Equal("Completed", result.ActionName);
Example #15
        public void Can_Checkout_And_Submit_Order()
            Mock <IOrderRepository> mock = new Mock <IOrderRepository>();
            Cart cart = new Cart();

            cart.AddItem(new Product(), 1);
            OrderController target = new OrderController(mock.Object, cart);

            RedirectToActionResult result =
                target.Checkout(new Order()) as RedirectToActionResult;

            // проверка сохранения
            mock.Verify(m => m.SaveOrder(It.IsAny <Order>()), Times.Once);

            // проверка, что редирект сработал (на действие Completed в том же
            // классе-контроллере)
            Assert.Equal("Completed", result.ActionName);
Example #16
        public void CanCheckoutAndSubmitOrder()
            Mock <IOrderRepository> mock = new Mock <IOrderRepository>();

            Cart cart = new Cart();

            cart.AddItem(new Product(), 1);

            OrderController target = new OrderController(mock.Object, cart);

            RedirectToActionResult result = target.Checkout(new Order()) as RedirectToActionResult;

            mock.Verify(m => m.SaveOrder(It.IsAny <Order>()), Times.Once);
            Assert.Equal("Completed", result.ActionName);
Example #17
        public void Can_Checkout_And_Sumbit_Order()
            //Организация - создание иммитированного хранилища заказов
            Mock <IOrderRepository> mock = new Mock <IOrderRepository>();
            //Организация - создание корзины с 1 элементом
            Cart cart = new Cart();

            cart.AddItem(new Product(), 1);
            //Орзанизация - создание экзмепляра контроллера
            OrderController target = new OrderController(mock.Object, cart);
            //Действие - попытка перехода к оплате
            RedirectToActionResult result = target.Checkout(new Order()) as RedirectToActionResult;

            //Утверждение - проверка, что заказ был сохранен
            mock.Verify(m => m.SaveOrder(It.IsAny <Order>()), Times.Once);
            //Утверждение - проверка, что метод перенаправляется на действие Compiled
            Assert.Equal("Completed", result.ActionName);
Example #18
        public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
            var authFailed = new RedirectToActionResult("Index", "Auth", null);

            if (!context.HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("token", out string token))
                context.Result = authFailed;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
                    context.Result = authFailed;

                // verify token
        public void Can_Checkout_And_Submit_Order()
            //Arrange - create a mock order repository
            Mock <IOrderRepository> mock = new Mock <IOrderRepository>();
            //Arrange - create a cart with one item
            Cart cart = new Cart();

            cart.AddItem(new Product(), 1);
            //Arrange - create an instance of the controller
            OrderController target = new OrderController(mock.Object, cart);
            //Act - try to checkout
            RedirectToActionResult result = target.Checkout(new Order()) as RedirectToActionResult;

            //Assert - check that the order has been stored
            mock.Verify(m => m.SaveOrder(It.IsAny <Order>()), Times.Once);
            //Assert - check that the method is redirecting to the completed action
            Assert.Equal("Completed", result.ActionName);
Example #20
            public static IActionResult View(IActionResult value, params string[] RolList)
                CurrentView = value;
                IActionResult view = null;

                    if (LogUser == null || !
                        view = new RedirectResult("/Login");

                    else if (SessionActiva())
                        view = new RedirectResult("/Login/LockScreen");
                        UserRoles = UserRoles ?? new List <Roles>();
                        if (RolList.Count() > 0)
                            if (UserRoles.Where(x => RolList.Contains( <= 0)
                                //view = new ViewResult() {  ViewName = "Home", ViewData = new ViewDataDictionary() { { "error", "No tiene permisos suficientes" } } };
                                view = new RedirectToActionResult("Acceso", "Generales", new { Mensaje = "No tiene permisos suficientes" });
                                //throw new Exception("No tiene permisos suficientes");
                                LastMove = DateTime.Now;
                    if (view == null)
                        view = value;
                catch (Exception e)
                    view = new RedirectToActionResult("Index", "Generales", new { Mensaje = e.Message });
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(string id, OfferEditBindingModel model)
            if (id != model.Id)

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var offer         = this.mapper.Map <OfferEditServiceModel>(model);
            var isOfferEdited = await this.offerServices.EditOfferAsync(offer);

            RedirectToActionResult redirectResult = new RedirectToActionResult("Edit", "Image", new { @Id = $"{id}" });

Example #22
        internal static RedirectToActionResult OnSignIn(ControllerBase controller, string authToken)
            RedirectToActionResult redirectAction = null;
            string requestError = controller.Request.Form["error_description"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestError) && requestError.Contains(Constant.Message.UserPasswordForgotten))
                redirectAction = controller.RedirectToAction("passwordReset", "account");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authToken))
                using (MediaClient mediaClient = new MediaClient(authToken))
        public void Can_Checkout_And_Submit_Order()
            // Przygotowanie — tworzenie imitacji repozytorium.
            Mock <IOrderRepository> mock = new Mock <IOrderRepository>();
            // Przygotowanie — tworzenie koszyka z produktem.
            Cart cart = new Cart();

            cart.AddItem(new Product(), 1);
            // Przygotowanie — tworzenie egzemplarza kontrolera.
            OrderController target = new OrderController(mock.Object, cart);
            // Działanie — próba zakończenia zamówienia.
            RedirectToActionResult result =
                target.Checkout(new Order()) as RedirectToActionResult;

            // Asercje — sprawdzenie, czy zamówienie nie zostało przekazane do repozytorium.
            mock.Verify(m => m.SaveOrder(It.IsAny <Order>()), Times.Once);
            // Asercje — sprawdzenie, czy metoda przekierowuje do metody akcji Completed().
            Assert.Equal("Completed", result.ActionName);
Example #24
        public void CreatePost_WithSuccessfullyCreatedTelescope_ShouldReturnRedirectResult()
            // Arrange
            Mock <ITelescopeService> telescopeService = new Mock <ITelescopeService>();

            const int telescopeId = 1;

            .Setup(s => s.Exists(It.IsAny <string>()))

            .Setup(s => s.Create(
                       It.IsAny <string>(),
                       It.IsAny <string>(),
                       It.IsAny <string>(),
                       It.IsAny <double>(),
                       It.IsAny <string>()))

            Mock <ITempDataDictionary> tempData = new Mock <ITempDataDictionary>();

            string successmessage = null;

            .SetupSet(t => t[WebConstants.TempDataSuccessMessage]    = It.IsAny <string>())
            .Callback((string key, object message) => successmessage = message as string);

            TelescopeFormServiceModel formModel            = this.GetTelescopeFormModel();
            TelescopesController      telescopesController = new TelescopesController(telescopeService.Object);

            telescopesController.TempData = tempData.Object;

            // Act
            IActionResult result = telescopesController.Create(formModel);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsType <RedirectToActionResult>(result);
            RedirectToActionResult redirectResult = result as RedirectToActionResult;

            this.AssertRedirect(telescopeId, redirectResult);
            Assert.Equal(string.Format(WebConstants.SuccessfullEntityOperation, Telescope, WebConstants.Added), successmessage);
        public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
            var user         = context.HttpContext.User;
            var isUserInRole = false;

            // Checking if user in role and Authorize permission
            foreach (var role in _roleList)
                if (user.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                    if (user.IsInRole(role) && _permission == AuthorizePermission.Allow)
                        isUserInRole = true;

                    if (!user.IsInRole(role) && _permission == AuthorizePermission.Disallow)
                        isUserInRole = true;

            // Check if User is not authenticated and permission
            if (_roleList.Contains("Guest") && _permission == AuthorizePermission.Allow && !user.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                isUserInRole = true;
            else if (_permission == AuthorizePermission.Disallow && !user.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                isUserInRole = true;

            // Allow or disallow access source in order to below algorithm
            if (isUserInRole)

            var returnUrl  = context.HttpContext.Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString();
            var viewResult = new RedirectToActionResult("AccessDenied", "Account", new { returnUrl = returnUrl });

            context.Result = viewResult;
        public void Can_Checkout_And_Submit_Order()
            // Arrange - define imitation of the repository
            Mock <IOrderRepository> mock = new Mock <IOrderRepository>();
            // Arrange - define cart with the product
            Cart cart = new Cart();

            cart.AddItem(new Product(), 1);
            // Arrange - creating a copy of the  Controller
            OrderController target = new OrderController(mock.Object, cart);

            // Act - try end of the order
            RedirectToActionResult result = target.Checkout(new Order()) as RedirectToActionResult;

            // Assert - checking if order is not been placed in the repository
            mock.Verify(m => m.SaveOrder(It.IsAny <Order>()), Times.Once);
            // Assert - checking if method redirects to the action method Completed()
            Assert.Equal("Completed", result.ActionName);
Example #27
        public IActionResult UpdateProfile(UserDto dto)
            string messages = "";

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var errors = ModelState.Where(x => x.Value.ValidationState == ModelValidationState.Invalid).SelectMany(x => x.Key + ": " + String.Join(", ", x.Value.Errors));
                messages = String.Join("; ", errors);

            // success or fail, we go back to the original page
            RedirectToActionResult redirectResult = new RedirectToActionResult("Profile", "Home", new { message = messages });

Example #28
        public void DeleteTruck_Ok()
            var controller = new TruckController(repo);

            var            truck = repo.List().FirstOrDefault();
            TruckViewModel tvm   = new TruckViewModel
                Chassis      = truck.Chassis,
                ModelYear    = truck.ModelYear,
                BuildingYear = truck.BuildingYear

            var data = controller.Delete(tvm);
            RedirectToActionResult result = data as RedirectToActionResult;

            Assert.AreEqual("Index", result.ActionName);

Example #29
        public async Task Commit_WhenCalledWithInvalidDashboardSettingsViewModel_ReturnsRedirectToActionResult()
            OSDevGrp.MyDashboard.Web.Controllers.HomeController sut = CreateSut(false);

            DashboardSettingsViewModel dashboardSettingsViewModel = BuildDashboardSettingsViewModel(_random);

            IActionResult result = await sut.Commit(dashboardSettingsViewModel);

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(RedirectToActionResult));

            RedirectToActionResult redirectToActionResult = (RedirectToActionResult)result;

            Assert.AreEqual("Index", redirectToActionResult.ActionName);
            Assert.AreEqual("HomeController", redirectToActionResult.ControllerName);
        public void Can_Checkout_And_Submit_Order()
            //Assign - create imitation of the repository
            Mock <IOrderRepository> mock = new Mock <IOrderRepository>();
            //Assign - create cart with a product
            Cart cart = new Cart();

            cart.AddItem(new Product(), 1);
            //Assign - create controller
            OrderController target = new OrderController(mock.Object, cart);

            //Act - attemp to finish an order
            RedirectToActionResult result = target.CheckOut(new Order()) as RedirectToActionResult;

            //Assert - check if an order wasn't handed to the repository
            mock.Verify(m => m.SaveOrder(It.IsAny <Order>()), Times.Once); //???? Once?
            //Assert - check if a method redirects to an action method Colpeted()
            Assert.Equal("Completed", result.ActionName);
Example #31
        public void Register_Successfully()
            _accountLogic.Setup(x => x.EncryptPassword(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns("parolaencryptata").Verifiable();
            _accountControllerHelper.Setup(x => x.BuildDTO(It.IsAny <RegisterViewModel>())).Returns(new CinemaUserDTO()).Verifiable();
            _userLogic.Setup(x => x.AddUser(It.IsAny <CinemaUserDTO>(), It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(new Response {
                IsCompletedSuccesfuly = true

            RedirectToActionResult result = _accountController.Register(new RegisterViewModel {
                Password = "******", RePassword = "******"
            }) as RedirectToActionResult;

            Assert.That(result.ControllerName, Is.EqualTo("Home"));
            Assert.That(result.ActionName, Is.EqualTo("Index"));

            _accountLogic.Verify(x => x.EncryptPassword(It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Exactly(2));
            _accountControllerHelper.Verify(x => x.BuildDTO(It.IsAny <RegisterViewModel>()), Times.Exactly(1));
            _userLogic.Verify(x => x.AddUser(It.IsAny <CinemaUserDTO>(), It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Exactly(1));
Example #32
        public async Task UpdateUserOptionsPost_ResetUserOptions_ReturnsARedirectResult()
            System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            Mock <ISilveRRepository> mock = new Mock <ISilveRRepository>();

            mock.Setup(x => x.GetUserOptions()).ReturnsAsync(It.IsAny <UserOption>());

            UserOptionsController sut = new UserOptionsController(mock.Object);

            IActionResult result = await sut.UpdateUserOptions(new UserOption(), "reset");

            RedirectToActionResult viewResult = Assert.IsType <RedirectToActionResult>(result);

            //Assert.Equal("UserOptions", viewResult.ControllerName);?
            Assert.Equal("Index", viewResult.ActionName);
Example #33
        public void RedirectToAction_Execute_ThrowsOnNullUrl()
            // Arrange
            var httpContext = new Mock<HttpContext>();
            httpContext.Setup(o => o.Response).Returns(new Mock<HttpResponse>().Object);
            var actionContext = new ActionContext(httpContext.Object,
                                                  new RouteData(),
                                                  new ActionDescriptor());

            IUrlHelper urlHelper = GetMockUrlHelper(returnValue: null);
            RedirectToActionResult result = new RedirectToActionResult(urlHelper, null, null, null);

            // Act & Assert
                async () =>
                    await result.ExecuteResultAsync(actionContext);
                "No route matches the supplied values.");
        public void RedirectToAction_Execute_Calls_TempDataKeep()
            // Arrange
            var tempData = new Mock<ITempDataDictionary>();
            tempData.Setup(t => t.Keep()).Verifiable();

            var httpContext = new Mock<HttpContext>();
            httpContext.Setup(o => o.Response).Returns(new Mock<HttpResponse>().Object);
            httpContext.Setup(o => o.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(ITempDataDictionary))).Returns(tempData.Object);
            var actionContext = new ActionContext(httpContext.Object,
                                                  new RouteData(),
                                                  new ActionDescriptor());

            var result = new RedirectToActionResult("SampleAction", null, null)
                UrlHelper = GetMockUrlHelper("SampleAction")

            // Act

            // Assert
            tempData.Verify(t => t.Keep(), Times.Once());