Example #1
        public static void Main()
            var        smallRectPoints = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
            RectPoints recOne          = new RectPoints
                Left   = smallRectPoints[0],
                Top    = smallRectPoints[1],
                Width  = smallRectPoints[2],
                Height = smallRectPoints[3]

            var        largeRectPoints = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
            RectPoints recTwo          = new RectPoints
                Left   = largeRectPoints[0],
                Top    = largeRectPoints[1],
                Width  = largeRectPoints[2],
                Height = largeRectPoints[3],

            if (IsInside(recOne, recTwo))
                Console.WriteLine("Not Inside");
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Индексатор для четырехугольника
 /// </summary>
 public DrawToolDot this[RectPoints pt]
    private static RectPoints TilePoints(RectPoints worldPoints)
        RectPoints TilePoints = new RectPoints();

        TilePoints.topLeft  = GetTileForPoint(TilePoints.topLeft);
        TilePoints.topRight = GetTileForPoint(TilePoints.topRight);
        TilePoints.botLeft  = GetTileForPoint(TilePoints.botLeft);
        TilePoints.botRight = GetTileForPoint(TilePoints.botRight);
Example #4
        public Test()
            RectPoints rect = new RectPoints();

            CvMat src;

            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            ArrayList boxExamples = new ArrayList() /*"test.png", */ 1
Example #5
        private static bool IsInside(RectPoints smallRec, RectPoints largeRec)
            bool location = false;

            if (smallRec.Left >= largeRec.Left &&
                smallRec.Right <= largeRec.Right &&
                smallRec.Top >= largeRec.Top &&
                smallRec.Bottom <= largeRec.Bottom)
                location = true;
    public static bool facingEdge(Vector3 curPosm, BoxCollider2D boxCollider, int facingDir)
        const float leadAmount = 0.2f;
        // RectPoints boxColliderPoints = BoxColliderPoints(curPosm, boxCollider);
        // float bottomY = boxColliderPoints.bottom;
        //float leadingX = boxColliderPoints.bottom;

        Vector2    checkPos    = new Vector2(curPosm.x + facingDir * leadAmount, curPosm.y);
        RectPoints checkPoints = BoxColliderPointsNoComp(checkPos, boxCollider.size.x, boxCollider.size.y, boxCollider.offset.x, boxCollider.offset.y);
        GameObject plat        = null;

        return(!OnGroundCor(checkPos, checkPoints, ref plat));
    public static bool ColliderOnCamera(GameObject obj)
        BoxCollider2D boxCollider = obj.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
        Vector3       position    = obj.GetComponent <Transform>().position;
        Vector2       curPosm     = new Vector2(position.x, position.y);

        RectPoints RP        = BoxColliderPoints(curPosm, boxCollider);
        Bounds     camBounds = OrthographicBounds(GameObject.Find(mainCameraName).GetComponent <Camera>());

        return(BoundIntersect2D(camBounds, boxCollider.bounds));
        //float worldScreenLeft = 1.0f;
        //float worldScreenRight = 1.0f;
        //if ((RP.left < worldScreenRight && RP.right > worldScreenLeft) ||
        //    (RP.left < worldScreenRight && RP.right > worldScreenLeft))
        //    return true;
        //return false;
    private static RectPoints BoxColliderPointsNoComp(Vector2 transformPos, float width, float height, float offsetX = 0.0f, float offsetY = 0.0f)
        RectPoints point        = new RectPoints();
        Vector2    colCenterPos = new Vector2(transformPos.x + offsetX, transformPos.y + offsetY);
        float      halfWidth    = (width / 2);
        float      halfHeight   = (height / 2);
        float      leftX        = colCenterPos.x - halfWidth;
        float      rightX       = colCenterPos.x + halfWidth;
        float      topY         = colCenterPos.y + halfHeight;
        float      bottomY      = colCenterPos.y - halfHeight;

        point.topLeft  = new Vector2(leftX, topY);
        point.topRight = new Vector2(rightX, topY);
        point.botLeft  = new Vector2(leftX, bottomY);
        point.botRight = new Vector2(rightX, bottomY);
        point.top      = topY;
        point.bottom   = bottomY;
        point.left     = leftX;
        point.right    = rightX;
        point.width    = width;
        point.height   = height;
Example #9
        private void pictureBox1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (RectPoints.Count != 2)
                RectPoints.Add(new Point(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y));
                LinesPoints.Add(new Point(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y));

            if (RectPoints.Count == 2)
                Xmin = RectPoints[0].X;
                Ymin = RectPoints[0].Y;
                Xmax = RectPoints[1].X;
                Ymax = RectPoints[1].Y;
            graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y, 10, 10);
            pictureBox1.Image = bitmap;
Example #10
    private static float GetNewY(Vector2 curPosm, BoxCollider2D boxCollider, Vector2 velocity, ref bool hitTile, bool wasOnGround = false)
        LevelMap   levelMap          = LevelMap.GetLevelMapObject();
        RectPoints boxColliderPoints = BoxColliderPoints(curPosm, boxCollider);
        bool       onGround          = OnGround(curPosm, boxCollider);
        int        yDir = (velocity.y > 0) ? 1 : -1;

        if (velocity.y == 0)
            yDir = -1;
        float boxLeadingY = (yDir == -1) ? boxColliderPoints.bottom : boxColliderPoints.top;
        float boxDesiredY = boxLeadingY + velocity.y; //pos of leading edge if move full vel

        if (wasOnGround)
            boxDesiredY -= 0.2f;
        float boxRightX = boxColliderPoints.right;
        float boxLeftX = boxColliderPoints.left;
        int   ystartY = RoundFloat(curPosm.y); //used to be leading
        int   yendY = RoundFloat(boxDesiredY);
        int   ystartX = RoundFloat(boxRightX);
        int   yendX = RoundFloat(boxLeftX);
        int?  curXIt, curYIt;

        curYIt = null;
        curXIt = null;
        int   curX, curY;
        float slopeHeightToUse    = 0;
        float nonSlopeHeightToUse = 0;
        float halfPlayerHeight    = (boxCollider.size.y / 2.0f);
        bool  hitBlock            = false;
        float blockBottomY        = 0;

        while (true)
            //   Debug.Log("search tiles for ydir = " + yDir + "  y= " + ystartY + "," + yendY + ", and x" + ystartX + "," + yendX);
            NextTileToCheck(ref curYIt, ref curXIt, ystartY, yendY, ystartX, yendX);
            if (curYIt == null)
            curX = (int)curXIt;
            curY = (int)curYIt;

            if (levelMap.TileIsSolid(curX, curY))
                if (yDir == 1)
                    //when going up, ignore slopes completely
                    //assume that every slope will have a solid block below it
                    //assume that when moving in -y direction, will only intersect non-slopes of the same y
                    //should be fine unless moving very fast
                    if (levelMap.TileSlopeDir(curX, curY) == 0)
                        //blockBottomY = (float)curY - (tileSize / 2) - 0.02f;
                        blockBottomY = (float)curY - 0.02f;
                        hitBlock     = true;
                        hitTile      = true;
                else // 0 or -1
                    float playerBotMidY = curPosm.y - (halfPlayerHeight) + velocity.y - 0.01f;  //was .03
                    if (wasOnGround)
                        playerBotMidY -= 0.2f;
                    float slopeHeightAtPlayerMid = levelMap.getTileTop(curX, curY, curPosm.x);
                    // Debug.Log("ydir= " + yDir + "  col with " + curX + "," + curY + " slopeHeightAtPlayerMid=" + slopeHeightAtPlayerMid + " playerBotMidY= " + playerBotMidY + " playerX=" + curPosm.x);
                    if (levelMap.TileIsBelowSlope(curX, curY))
                        //completely ignore tiles that are below slopes

                    if (playerBotMidY > slopeHeightAtPlayerMid)
                        //inside a slope tile, but bottom of player box doesn't touch slope height

                    int slopeDir = levelMap.TileSlopeDir(curX, curY);
                    // Debug.Log("ydir= " + yDir + "  col with " + curX + "," + curY + " slopeHeightAtPlayerMid=" + slopeHeightAtPlayerMid + " playerBotMidY= " + playerBotMidY + " playerX=" + curPosm.x + "  hitblock");
                    if (RoundFloat(curPosm.x) == curX && slopeDir != 0)
                        //assume there will be only one slope that matches x and can collide with player
                        //should be safe since it wouldn't make sense to stack multiple slopes in same x
                        //assume that every slope will have a solid block below it, otherwise could fall through sometimes
                        hitBlock         = true;
                        hitTile          = true;
                        slopeHeightToUse = slopeHeightAtPlayerMid;
                    else if (slopeDir == 0)
                        //assume that when moving in -y direction, will only intersect non-slopes of the same y
                        //should be fine unless moving very fast
                        hitBlock            = true;
                        hitTile             = true;
                        nonSlopeHeightToUse = slopeHeightAtPlayerMid;
        float realY            = 0;
        float realLeadingEdgeY = 0;
        float extraSpace       = 0.01f;

        //If  hit a level tile, set realLeadingEdgeY
        if (hitBlock)
            if (yDir == 1)
                realLeadingEdgeY = blockBottomY - extraSpace;
            else //yDir 0 or 1
                //if hitting a slope and a non-slope, use slope height
                if (slopeHeightToUse != 0)
                    realLeadingEdgeY = (slopeHeightToUse) + extraSpace;
                    realLeadingEdgeY = (nonSlopeHeightToUse) + extraSpace;

        //If didn't hit a level tile, set realLeadingEdgeY if hit a non-level block
        if (!hitBlock)
            foreach (GameObject block in GetBlocks())
                BoxCollider2D blockCollider       = block.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
                RectPoints    blockPoints         = BoxColliderPoints(block.transform.position, blockCollider);
                bool          aboveBlock          = curPosm.y > block.transform.position.y;
                bool          belowBlock          = curPosm.y < block.transform.position.y;
                bool          horizontalWithBlock = (boxColliderPoints.left < blockPoints.right) && (boxColliderPoints.right > blockPoints.left);
                if (horizontalWithBlock)
                    if (yDir == -1 && aboveBlock)
                        bool willBePastTopSide = boxDesiredY < blockPoints.top;
                        if (willBePastTopSide)
                            realLeadingEdgeY = blockPoints.top + (extraSpace);
                            hitBlock         = true;
                            hitTile          = true;
                    else if (yDir == 1 && belowBlock)
                        bool willBePastBotSide = boxDesiredY > blockPoints.bottom;
                        if (willBePastBotSide)
                            realLeadingEdgeY = blockPoints.bottom - (extraSpace);
                            hitBlock         = true;
                            hitTile          = true;

        if (hitBlock)
            realY = realLeadingEdgeY + (yDir * -1) * halfPlayerHeight;
            realY = curPosm.y + velocity.y;
Example #11
    private static float GetNewX(Vector2 curPosm, BoxCollider2D boxCollider, Vector2 velocity, ref bool hitTile)
        LevelMap   levelMap          = LevelMap.GetLevelMapObject();
        RectPoints boxColliderPoints = BoxColliderPoints(curPosm, boxCollider);
        float      halfPlayerWidth   = boxColliderPoints.width / 2.0f;
        float      realX             = curPosm.x;
        float      realLeadingEdgeX  = 0;
        int        xDir = (velocity.x > 0) ? 1 : -1;
        int?       curY = null, curX = null;
        List <int> yValsToSkip = new List <int>();

        if (velocity.x == 0)
            xDir = 0;
            float boxLeadingX = (xDir == -1) ? boxColliderPoints.topLeft.x : boxColliderPoints.topRight.x;
            float boxDesiredX = boxLeadingX + velocity.x; //pos of leading edge if move full vel
            float boxTopY     = boxColliderPoints.topLeft.y;
            float boxBotY     = boxColliderPoints.botLeft.y;
            // if (xDir == -1) boxDesiredX += 0.5f;
            int     startX  = RoundFloat(curPosm.x);
            int     endX    = RoundFloat(boxDesiredX);
            int     startY  = RoundFloat(boxTopY);
            int     endY    = RoundFloat(boxBotY);
            Vector2?colTile = null;
            while (true)
                NextTileToCheck(ref curX, ref curY, startX, endX, startY, endY);
                if (curX == null)
                    if (!yValsToSkip.Contains((int)curY) && levelMap.TileIsSolid(curX, curY))
                        if (levelMap.TileSlopeDir((int)curX, (int)curY) == 0)
                            //tile is flat
                            colTile = new Vector2((float)curX, (float)curY);
                            hitTile = true;
                            //is slope, ignore this tile and every other tile we find in this row
            float extraSpace = 0.01f;
            if (hitTile)
                if (xDir == 1)
                    realLeadingEdgeX  = colTile.Value.x;
                    realLeadingEdgeX -= extraSpace;
                else if (xDir == -1)
                    realLeadingEdgeX  = colTile.Value.x + 1.0f;
                    realLeadingEdgeX += extraSpace;

            //check with blocks
            if (!hitTile)
                foreach (GameObject block in GetBlocks())
                    BoxCollider2D blockCollider     = block.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
                    RectPoints    blockPoints       = BoxColliderPoints(block.transform.position, blockCollider);
                    bool          rightOfBlock      = curPosm.x > block.transform.position.x;
                    bool          leftOfBlock       = curPosm.x < block.transform.position.x;
                    bool          verticalWithBlock = (boxColliderPoints.top > blockPoints.bottom) && (boxColliderPoints.bottom < blockPoints.top);
                    if (verticalWithBlock)
                        if (xDir == -1 && rightOfBlock)
                            bool willBePastRightSide = boxDesiredX < blockPoints.right;
                            if (willBePastRightSide)
                                realLeadingEdgeX = blockPoints.right + extraSpace;
                                hitTile          = true;
                        else if (xDir == 1 && leftOfBlock)
                            bool willBePastLeftSide = boxDesiredX > blockPoints.left;
                            if (willBePastLeftSide)
                                realLeadingEdgeX = blockPoints.left - extraSpace;
                                hitTile          = true;
        if (hitTile)
            realX = realLeadingEdgeX + -xDir * halfPlayerWidth;
            realX = curPosm.x + velocity.x;
Example #12
    private static bool OnGroundCor(Vector2 curPosm, RectPoints boxColliderPoints, ref GameObject touchedPlat)
        int   yDir           = -1;
        float searchDistance = 0.03f;
        float boxLeadingY    = (yDir == -1) ? boxColliderPoints.botLeft.y : boxColliderPoints.topLeft.y;
        float boxDesiredY    = boxLeadingY - searchDistance; //pos of leading edge if move full vel was .03
        float boxRightX      = boxColliderPoints.botRight.x;
        float boxLeftX       = boxColliderPoints.botLeft.x;
        int   startY         = RoundFloat(boxLeadingY);
        int   endY           = RoundFloat(boxDesiredY);
        int   startX         = RoundFloat(boxRightX);
        int   endX           = RoundFloat(boxLeftX);

        Vector2?colTileY = null;
        int?    curX, curY;

        curY = null;
        curX = null;
        LevelMap levelMap = LevelMap.GetLevelMapObject();

        //check level tiles
        while (true)
            NextTileToCheck(ref curY, ref curX, startY, endY, startX, endX);
            if (curY == null)
            if (levelMap.TileIsSolid(curX, curY))
                int slopeDir = levelMap.TileSlopeDir((int)curX, (int)curY);
                if (RoundFloat(curPosm.x) != curX && slopeDir != 0)
                    //ignore slopes if x is not inside
                colTileY = new Vector2((float)curX, (float)curY);
                float slopeHeightAtPlayerMid = levelMap.getTileTop((int)colTileY.Value.x, (int)colTileY.Value.y, curPosm.x);

                if (boxDesiredY <= slopeHeightAtPlayerMid)

        //check other blocks

        if (true)
            foreach (GameObject block in GetBlocks())
                BoxCollider2D blockCollider       = block.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
                RectPoints    blockPoints         = BoxColliderPoints(block.transform.position, blockCollider);
                bool          aboveBlock          = curPosm.y > block.transform.position.y;
                bool          belowBlock          = curPosm.y < block.transform.position.y;
                bool          horizontalWithBlock = (boxColliderPoints.left < blockPoints.right) && (boxColliderPoints.right > blockPoints.left);
                if (horizontalWithBlock)
                    bool willBePastTopSide = boxDesiredY < blockPoints.top;
                    if (willBePastTopSide && aboveBlock)
                        touchedPlat = block;

Example #13
    public static bool OnGround(Vector2 curPosm, BoxCollider2D boxCollider, ref GameObject touchedPlat)
        RectPoints boxColliderPoints = BoxColliderPoints(curPosm, boxCollider);

        return(OnGroundCor(curPosm, boxColliderPoints, ref touchedPlat));