public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { var rootView = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.ztranslation, container, false); //Find view to apply Z-translation to floatingShape = rootView.FindViewById(; //Create the outlines mOutline = new Outline(); circleProvider = new CircleOutlineProvider(); circleProvider.GetOutline(floatingShape, mOutline); rectProvider = new RectOutlineProvider(); rectProvider.GetOutline(floatingShape, mOutline); /* * //Define the view's shape * floatingShape.OutlineProvider = circleProvider; * //Clip view to outline * floatingShape.ClipToOutline = true; */ var dragLayout = rootView.FindViewById <DragFrameLayout> (Resource.Id.main_layout); dragLayout.mDragFrameLayoutController = new DragFrameLayoutController((bool captured) => { floatingShape.Animate() .TranslationZ(captured ? 50 : 0) .SetDuration(100); Log.Debug(TAG, captured ? "drag" : "drop"); }); dragLayout.AddDragView(floatingShape); rootView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.raise_bt).Click += delegate { mElevation += ELEVATION_STEP; Log.Debug(TAG, string.Format("Elevation: {0:0.#}", mElevation)); floatingShape.Elevation = mElevation; }; rootView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.lower_bt).Click += delegate { mElevation = Math.Max(mElevation - ELEVATION_STEP, 0); Log.Debug(TAG, string.Format("Elevation: {0:0.#}", mElevation)); floatingShape.Elevation = mElevation; }; /* Create a spinner with options to change the shape of the object. */ var spinner = rootView.FindViewById <Spinner> (Resource.Id.shapes_spinner); spinner.Adapter = new ArrayAdapter <string> ( this.Activity, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerDropDownItem, this.Resources.GetStringArray(Resource.Array.shapes)); spinner.OnItemSelectedListener = this; return(rootView); }
public override View OnCreateView (LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { var rootView = inflater.Inflate (Resource.Layout.ztranslation, container, false); //Find view to apply Z-translation to floatingShape = rootView.FindViewById (; //Create the outlines mOutline = new Outline (); circleProvider = new CircleOutlineProvider (); circleProvider.GetOutline (floatingShape, mOutline); rectProvider = new RectOutlineProvider (); rectProvider.GetOutline (floatingShape, mOutline); /* //Define the view's shape floatingShape.OutlineProvider = circleProvider; //Clip view to outline floatingShape.ClipToOutline = true; */ var dragLayout = rootView.FindViewById<DragFrameLayout> (Resource.Id.main_layout); dragLayout.mDragFrameLayoutController = new DragFrameLayoutController ((bool captured) => { floatingShape.Animate () .TranslationZ (captured ? 50 : 0) .SetDuration (100); Log.Debug (TAG, captured ? "drag" : "drop"); }); dragLayout.AddDragView (floatingShape); rootView.FindViewById (Resource.Id.raise_bt).Click += delegate { mElevation += ELEVATION_STEP; Log.Debug (TAG, string.Format ("Elevation: {0:0.#}", mElevation)); floatingShape.Elevation = mElevation; }; rootView.FindViewById (Resource.Id.lower_bt).Click += delegate { mElevation = Math.Max (mElevation - ELEVATION_STEP, 0); Log.Debug (TAG, string.Format ("Elevation: {0:0.#}", mElevation)); floatingShape.Elevation = mElevation; }; /* Create a spinner with options to change the shape of the object. */ var spinner = rootView.FindViewById<Spinner> (Resource.Id.shapes_spinner); spinner.Adapter = new ArrayAdapter<string> ( this.Activity, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerDropDownItem, this.Resources.GetStringArray (Resource.Array.shapes)); spinner.OnItemSelectedListener = this; return rootView; }