private void cmbDeviceType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Recordset objRt = null; try { if (cmbDeviceType.SelectedItem == null) { return; } ResourceTypeData data = cmbDeviceType.SelectedItem as ResourceTypeData; if (!m_Application.Workspace.Datasources["Resource"].Datasets.Contains(data.DatasetName)) { return; } dg_Data.Rows.Clear(); objRt = (m_Application.Workspace.Datasources["Resource"].Datasets[data.DatasetName] as DatasetVector).GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Static); objRt.MoveFirst(); while (!objRt.IsEOF) { DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); DataGridViewTextBoxCell cell1 = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = Convert.ToString(objRt.GetFieldValue(data.FieldID)) }; row.Cells.Add(cell1); int isSet = 0; if (objRt.GetFieldValue("Heading") == null && objRt.GetFieldValue("Altitude") == null) { isSet = 0; } else { isSet = 1; } DataGridViewCheckBoxCell cell2 = new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell { Value = isSet }; row.Cells.Add(cell2); row.Tag = objRt.GetID(); dg_Data.Rows.Add(row); objRt.MoveNext(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.OutputBox(ex); } finally { if (objRt != null) { objRt.Close(); objRt.Dispose(); } } }
//private void mSceneControlQuery6(object sender, ObjectSelectedEventArgs e) //{ // // 无对象被选中 // if (e.Count == 0 && mIndex == 7) // { // MessageBox.Show("未选择对象!"); // } // //有对象选中 // else if (e.Count > 0 && mIndex == 7) // { // AppendQuery(); // } //} public void AppendQuery() { mSceneControl.Action = Action3D.Select; Selection3D[] selection = mSceneControl.Scene.FindSelection(true); //判断选择集是否为空 if (selection == null || selection.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("请选择要查询附属物的空间对象"); return; } //将选择集转换为记录 Recordset recordset = selection[0].ToRecordset(); string str1 = ""; string PipeType = recordset.GetFieldValue("PipeType").ToString(); if (PipeType == "附属物") { object obj1 = recordset.GetFieldValue("Name"); str1 = "该附属物为" + ":" + obj1.ToString() + "\n"; MessageBox.Show(str1, "附属物查询结果"); } else { MessageBox.Show("该对象不是附属物!"); } recordset.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// 飞向管线ID /// </summary> /// <param name="flag">判断是第几个管线或管点对象</param> /// <param name="ID">获取该ID值</param> public void FlyToConnectID(int flag, int ID) { try { Recordset selected = null; DatasetVector network = mConNetWorkName; mSceneControl.Bubbles.Clear(); Bubble bubble = new Bubble(); mInformationBubble.Visible = true; //定义经纬度,为方便飞行定位 Double mFlylongitude = 0; Double mFlylatitude = 0; //区分类型 按点飞 还是 按线飞 if (recordsetTypeConId1 == GeometryType.GeoLine3D) { String expression = "SmID = " + ID; selected = network.Query(expression, CursorType.Static); Geometry3D geometry = selected.GetGeometry() as Geometry3D; mInformationBubble.Description.Text = "管线ID-" + flag + ":" + ID + "的位置如下";; bubble.Pointer = new Point3D(geometry.InnerPoint3D.X, geometry.InnerPoint3D.Y, mPipeAltitude); bubble.ClientWidth = mInformationBubble.Width; bubble.ClientHeight = mInformationBubble.Height; mInformationBubble.Location = new Point(bubble.ClientLeft, bubble.ClientTop); mSceneControl.Bubbles.Add(bubble); mFlylongitude = geometry.InnerPoint3D.X; mFlylatitude = geometry.InnerPoint3D.Y; } else if (recordsetTypeConId1 == GeometryType.GeoPoint3D) { String expression = "SmID = " + ID; selected = network.ChildDataset.Query(expression, CursorType.Static); object mAnalongitude = selected.GetFieldValue("SmX"); object mAnalatitude = selected.GetFieldValue("SmY"); mInformationBubble.Description.Text = "管点ID-" + flag + ":" + ID + "的位置如下"; bubble.Pointer = new Point3D(Convert.ToDouble(mAnalongitude), Convert.ToDouble(mAnalatitude), mPipeAltitude); bubble.ClientWidth = mInformationBubble.Width; bubble.ClientHeight = mInformationBubble.Height; mInformationBubble.Location = new Point(bubble.ClientLeft, bubble.ClientTop); mSceneControl.Bubbles.Add(bubble); mFlylongitude = Convert.ToDouble(mAnalongitude); mFlylatitude = Convert.ToDouble(mAnalatitude); } Camera camera = new Camera(); camera.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(mFlylongitude); camera.Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(mFlylatitude); camera.AltitudeMode = AltitudeMode.RelativeToGround; camera.Tilt = 0; camera.Altitude = 25; mSceneControl.Scene.Fly(camera, 10); mSceneControl.Scene.Refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 进行网络分析分析 /// </summary> public void BeginNetworkAnalyst() { try { mAnalystResult = mAnalyst.FindTSPPath(mAnalystParameter, false); if (mAnalystResult != null) { int[][] EdgeId = new int[mAnalystResult.Edges.Length][]; //拿到交错数组中第一行元素ID int[] IDedge = new int[mAnalystResult.Edges[0].Length]; for (int i = 0; i < IDedge.Length; i++) { IDedge[i] = mAnalystResult.Edges[0][i]; } //拿到弧段ID后查询路名 string[] RodeName = new string[IDedge.Length]; Recordset recordset = null; for (int i = 0; i < IDedge.Length; i++) { recordset = mRodeNetWork.Query("SmID =" + IDedge[i], CursorType.Static); RodeName[i] = recordset.GetFieldValue("RodeName").ToString().Trim(); mRodeTotalLength += Convert.ToInt32(recordset.GetFieldValue("SmLength")); } //编辑路名显示形式 string mStartRode = "起点→"; string mNewRode = null; for (int i = 0; i < RodeName.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { mNewRode = mStartRode.Insert(mStartRode.Length, RodeName[i] + "→"); } else { mNewRode = mNewRode.Insert(mNewRode.Length, RodeName[i] + "→"); } } mTextBoxRodeName = mNewRode + "终点"; } GeoLine line = mAnalystResult.Routes[0].ConvertToLine(); if (mLine3D == null) { mLine3D = new GeoLine3D(); } for (Int32 i = 0; i < line.PartCount; i++) { mLine3D.AddPart(line[i].ToPoint3Ds()); } mLine3D[0].Insert(0, new Point3D(mStartPoint.X, mStartPoint.Y, 0)); mLine3D[0].Add(new Point3D(mEndPoint.X, mEndPoint.Y, 0)); DisplayFlyRoute(); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
private void DangerResourceLocationControl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_Application.MainForm.FormManager.ActiveForm is IFormScene formScene) { m_SceneControl = formScene.SceneControl; } Recordset objRt = null; try { dg_Data.Rows.Clear(); objRt = (m_Application.Workspace.Datasources["Resource"].Datasets["DangerResource"] as DatasetVector).GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Static); objRt.MoveFirst(); while (!objRt.IsEOF) { DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); DataGridViewTextBoxCell cell1 = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = Convert.ToString(objRt.GetFieldValue("ResourceID")) }; row.Cells.Add(cell1); int isSet = 0; if (objRt.GetFieldValue("Heading") == null && objRt.GetFieldValue("Altitude") == null) { isSet = 0; } else { isSet = 1; } DataGridViewCheckBoxCell cell2 = new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell { Value = isSet }; row.Cells.Add(cell2); row.Tag = objRt.GetID(); dg_Data.Rows.Add(row); objRt.MoveNext(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.OutputBox(ex); } finally { if (objRt != null) { objRt.Close(); objRt.Dispose(); } } }
public int PickNodeToLine(int nID) { m_SelectedGeoNetwork.Clear(); DatasetVector DvLine = m_workspace.Datasources["Pipeline3D"].Datasets["PipeLine3D"] as DatasetVector; DatasetVector DvNode = m_workspace.Datasources["Pipeline3D"].Datasets["PipePoint3D"] as DatasetVector; int[] id = { nID }; Recordset recordset = DvNode.Query(id, CursorType.Static); Geometry pGeoNode = recordset.GetGeometry(); string strNodeID = "PtID"; int nNodeID = Convert.ToInt32(recordset.GetFieldValue(strNodeID)); string strFNode = "FNode"; string strTNode = "ENode"; QueryParameter queryparameter = new QueryParameter(); queryparameter.CursorType = CursorType.Static; queryparameter.AttributeFilter = String.Format("{0}={1} or {2}={3}", strFNode, nNodeID, strTNode, nNodeID); Recordset Rs = DvLine.Query(queryparameter); int nCount = Rs.RecordCount;; Rs.MoveFirst(); while (!Rs.IsEOF) { GeoLine3D geoline3D = Rs.GetGeometry() as GeoLine3D; NetworkGeometry NetWorkGeometry = new NetworkGeometry(); NetWorkGeometry.nID = geoline3D.ID; NetWorkGeometry.nFNode = Convert.ToInt32(Rs.GetFieldValue(strFNode)); NetWorkGeometry.nTNode = Convert.ToInt32(Rs.GetFieldValue(strTNode)); if (!m_SelectedGeoNetwork.Contains(NetWorkGeometry)) { if (NetWorkGeometry.nTNode == nNodeID) { NetWorkGeometry.geometry = geoline3D; m_SelectedGeoNetwork.Add(NetWorkGeometry);//流入对象在第一位 } else { NetWorkGeometry.bIsIn = false; NetWorkGeometry.geometry = geoline3D; m_SelectedGeoNetwork.Add(NetWorkGeometry);//线对象 } } Rs.MoveNext(); } Rs.Dispose(); return(nCount); }
private void DeviceTypeManagerControl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Recordset objRt = null; try { if (m_Application.MainForm.FormManager.ActiveForm is IFormScene formScene) { m_SceneControl = formScene.SceneControl; } if (m_lstType == null) { m_lstType = new List <ResourceTypeData>(); } if (m_lstTypeData == null) { m_lstTypeData = new List <Label>(); } objRt = (m_Application.Workspace.Datasources["Resource"].Datasets["ResourceTable"] as DatasetVector).GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Static); objRt.MoveFirst(); while (!objRt.IsEOF) { ResourceTypeData data = new ResourceTypeData { Caption = Convert.ToString(objRt.GetFieldValue("SourceName")), Name = Convert.ToString(objRt.GetFieldValue("SourceID")), FieldID = Convert.ToString(objRt.GetFieldValue("TableField"))?.Split(',')[0], FieldName = Convert.ToString(objRt.GetFieldValue("TableField"))?.Split(',')[1], DatasetName = Convert.ToString(objRt.GetFieldValue("TableName")), }; m_lstType.Add(data); objRt.MoveNext(); } GetData(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.OutputBox(ex); } finally { if (objRt != null) { objRt.Close(); objRt.Dispose(); } } }
private void recordset_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Form1 form1 = new Form1(); Dataset dataset = nowdata.getDataset(); DatasetVector datasetvector = (DatasetVector)dataset as DatasetVector; Recordset recordset = datasetvector.GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Dynamic); Object value = recordset.GetValues();//获取字段 //设置属性 listView1.GridLines = true; //显示网格线 listView1.FullRowSelect = true; //显示全行 listView1.MultiSelect = false; //设置只能单选 listView1.View = View.Details; //设置显示模式为详细 listView1.HoverSelection = true; //当鼠标停留数秒后自动选择 //填充表头 int minlength = 60; listView1.Columns.Add("序号", minlength); for (int i = 0; i < datasetvector.FieldCount; i++) { listView1.Columns.Add(datasetvector.FieldInfos[i].Name, minlength); //相当于上面的添加列名的步骤 } //填充数据 recordset.MoveFirst(); this.listView1.BeginUpdate(); //数据更新,UI暂时挂起,直到EndUpdate绘制控件,可以有效避免闪烁并大大提高加载速度 for (int i = 0; i < recordset.RecordCount; i++) { ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(); lvi.Text = i.ToString(); for (int j = 0; j < datasetvector.FieldCount; j++) { String info; if (recordset.GetFieldValue(j) != null) { info = recordset.GetFieldValue(j).ToString(); } else { info = "null"; } lvi.SubItems.Add(info); } this.listView1.Items.Add(lvi); recordset.MoveNext(); } this.listView1.EndUpdate(); //结束数据处理,UI界面一次性绘制。 }
private void 查询记录表_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.skinDataGridView1.Columns.Clear(); this.skinDataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); this.Text = recordset.Dataset.Name; for (int i = 0; i < recordset.FieldCount; i++) { String fieldName = recordset.GetFieldInfos()[i].Name; this.skinDataGridView1.Columns.Add(fieldName, fieldName); } DataGridViewRow row = null; while (!recordset.IsEOF) { row = new DataGridViewRow(); for (int i = 0; i < recordset.FieldCount; i++) { Object fieldValue = recordset.GetFieldValue(i); DataGridViewTextBoxCell cell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); if (fieldValue != null) { cell.ValueType = fieldValue.GetType(); cell.Value = fieldValue; } row.Cells.Add(cell); } this.skinDataGridView1.Rows.Add(row); recordset.MoveNext(); } this.skinDataGridView1.Update(); }
private void button4_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string strDatasourceName = "行政区划"; string strDatasetName = "省会城市"; string strTableName = "T_GIS_REGION"; try { Datasource dtSource = m_wrkSpace.Datasources[0]; foreach (Dataset dtSet in dtSource.Datasets) { if (dtSet.Name.Equals(strDatasetName)) { DatasetVector dtVector = dtSet as DatasetVector; Recordset recdst = dtVector.GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Static); while (!recdst.IsEOF) { string strName = string.Format("{0}", recdst.GetFieldValue("PROVINCE")); GeoPoint geoPt = recdst.GetGeometry() as GeoPoint; csCenter c = new csCenter(); = geoPt.InnerPoint; string strCenter = JSONHelper.ObjectToJSON(; string strSQL = string.Format("update {0} t set t.centerpoint = '{1}' where t.regionname = '{2}' and rlevel=1", strTableName, strCenter, strName); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql(DbHelperOra.connectionString_172, strSQL); recdst.MoveNext(); } } } } catch { } }
private void toolStripQueryProperty_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //获取选择集 Selection[] selection = mapControl1.Map.FindSelection(true); //判断选择集是否为空 if (selection == null || selection.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("请选择要查询属性的空间对象"); return; } //将选择集转换为记录 Recordset recordset = selection[0].ToRecordset(); this.dataGridView1.Columns.Clear(); this.dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < recordset.FieldCount; i++) { //定义并获得字段名称 String fieldName = recordset.GetFieldInfos()[i].Name; //将得到的字段名称添加到dataGridView列中 this.dataGridView1.Columns.Add(fieldName, fieldName); } //初始化row DataGridViewRow row = null; //根据选中记录的个数,将选中对象的信息添加到dataGridView中显示 while (!recordset.IsEOF) { row = new DataGridViewRow(); for (int i = 0; i < recordset.FieldCount; i++) { //定义并获得字段值 Object fieldValue = recordset.GetFieldValue(i); //将字段值添加到dataGridView中对应的位置 DataGridViewTextBoxCell cell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); if (fieldValue != null) { cell.ValueType = fieldValue.GetType(); cell.Value = fieldValue; } row.Cells.Add(cell); } this.dataGridView1.Rows.Add(row); recordset.MoveNext(); } this.dataGridView1.Update(); recordset.Dispose(); }
public bool layerExist(Recordset tempRecordset) { bool flag = false; //项目地块是否存在标记 bool isExit = false; if (formatRecordset == null) { return(flag); } //地块编号 string strDkbh = ""; if (formatRecordset.RecordCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= formatRecordset.RecordCount; i++) { formatRecordset.MoveTo(i); //判断该图斑是否已经由临时图层导入正式图层 if (formatRecordset.GetGeometry().Bounds.Equals(tempRecordset.GetGeometry().Bounds)) { //取得地块编号 strDkbh = formatRecordset.GetFieldValue("DKBH").ToString(); flag = true; break; } } } //补耕地块录入时同一个旗县可能存在多个复垦项目的情况,该种情况下,判断该项目下是否存在上面处理中取得的地块编号 //获取项目名称值 if (textBox2.Text == "补耕") { sqlQuery.Clear(); sqlQuery.Append("SELECT DKBH AS 地块编号, "); sqlQuery.Append(" FKXMMC AS 所属复垦项目名称, "); sqlQuery.Append(" XMSZXM AS 项目所在县名称 "); sqlQuery.Append(", BZ AS 备注 "); sqlQuery.Append(" FROM " + "BG" + gkfqd.Common.DbUse.GetTownCode(textBox3.Text)); sqlQuery.Append(" WHERE FKXMMC='" + textBox1.Text + "'AND DKBH='" + strDkbh + "'"); gkfqd.Common.DbUse.GetOleDbconnection().Close(); gkfqd.Common.DbUse.GetOleDbconnection().Open(); dataSet6.Clear(); OleDbDataAdapter MyAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(sqlQuery.ToString(), gkfqd.Common.DbUse.GetOleDbconnection()); MyAdapter.Fill(dataSet6); gkfqd.Common.DbUse.GetOleDbconnection().Close(); if (dataSet6.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { isExit = true; } //当地块存在,并且该项目名称下有该地块的情况 return(flag && isExit); } return(flag); }
private void GetData() { Recordset objRt = null; try { dg_Data.Rows.Clear(); dg_Data.Columns.Clear(); if (chkTheme.SelectedItem == null) { m_Application.MessageBox.Show(Message); return; } Layer3DDataset layer3DDataset = (chkTheme.SelectedItem as Label).Tag as Layer3DDataset; objRt = (layer3DDataset.Dataset as DatasetVector).GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Static); for (int i = 0; i < objRt.FieldCount; i++) { FieldInfo fieldInfo = objRt.GetFieldInfos()[i]; if (fieldInfo.Caption.ToLower().Contains("sm")) { continue; } dg_Data.Columns.Add(fieldInfo.Name, fieldInfo.Caption); } objRt.MoveFirst(); while (!objRt.IsEOF) { DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.HeaderCell.Value = objRt.GetID().ToString(); for (int j = 0; j < dg_Data.ColumnCount; j++) { DataGridViewTextBoxCell textBoxCell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = Convert.ToString(objRt.GetFieldValue(dg_Data.Columns[j].Name)) }; row.Cells.Add(textBoxCell); } dg_Data.Rows.Add(row); objRt.MoveNext(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.OutputBox(ex); } finally { if (objRt != null) { objRt.Close(); objRt.Dispose(); } } }
private void ShowAllRecordInfoTolistview() { //设置属性 listView1.GridLines = true; //显示网格线 listView1.FullRowSelect = true; //显示全行 listView1.MultiSelect = false; //设置只能单选 listView1.View = View.Details; //设置显示模式为详细 listView1.HoverSelection = true; //当鼠标停留数秒后自动选择 //填充表头 int minlength = 60; listView1.Columns.Add("序号", minlength); for (int i = 0; i < dataset.FieldCount; i++) { listView1.Columns.Add(dataset.FieldInfos[i].Name, minlength); //相当于上面的添加列名的步骤 } //填充数据 recordset.MoveFirst(); this.listView1.BeginUpdate(); //数据更新,UI暂时挂起,直到EndUpdate绘制控件,可以有效避免闪烁并大大提高加载速度 for (int i = 0; i < recordset.RecordCount; i++) { ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(); lvi.Text = i.ToString(); for (int j = 0; j < dataset.FieldCount; j++) { String info; if (recordset.GetFieldValue(j) != null) { info = recordset.GetFieldValue(j).ToString(); } else { info = "null"; } lvi.SubItems.Add(info); } this.listView1.Items.Add(lvi); recordset.MoveNext(); } this.listView1.EndUpdate(); //结束数据处理,UI界面一次性绘制。 }
private void dg_Data_RowHeaderMouseDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) { Recordset objRt = null; try { DataGridViewRow row = dg_Data.Rows[e.RowIndex]; ResourceTypeData data = cmbDeviceType.SelectedItem as ResourceTypeData; objRt = (m_Application.Workspace.Datasources["Resource"].Datasets[data.DatasetName] as DatasetVector).GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Static); if (objRt.SeekID(Convert.ToInt32(row.Tag))) { double lon = Convert.ToDouble(objRt.GetFieldValue("Longitude")); double lat = Convert.ToDouble(objRt.GetFieldValue("Latitude")); double alt = Convert.ToDouble(objRt.GetFieldValue("Altitude")); double heading = Convert.ToDouble(objRt.GetFieldValue("Heading")); double tilt = Convert.ToDouble(objRt.GetFieldValue("Tilt")); Camera camera = new Camera { Longitude = lon, Latitude = lat, Altitude = alt, Heading = heading, Tilt = tilt, AltitudeMode = AltitudeMode.Absolute }; m_SceneControl.Scene.Fly(camera); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.OutputBox(ex); } finally { if (objRt != null) { objRt.Close(); objRt.Dispose(); } } }
private DatasetVector DatasetConvertRegionToLine(DatasetVector dtVector2) { DatasetVector dtVector = null; if (dtVector2 != null) { DatasetVectorInfo dvi = new DatasetVectorInfo(); dvi.Name = m_selLayer.Dataset.Datasource.Datasets.GetAvailableDatasetName("C_geoLine"); dvi.Type = DatasetType.Line; //DatasetVector dtVector = m_selLayer.Dataset.Datasource.Datasets.Create(dvi); foreach (FieldInfo fi in dtVector2.FieldInfos) { if (dtVector.FieldInfos.IndexOf(fi.Name) < 0 && !fi.IsSystemField) { dtVector.FieldInfos.Add(fi.Clone()); } } Recordset recdst = dtVector.GetRecordset(true, CursorType.Dynamic); recdst.Batch.Begin(); try { Recordset recdst2 = dtVector2.GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Static); while (!recdst2.IsEOF) { GeoRegion geoR = recdst2.GetGeometry() as GeoRegion; if (geoR != null) { GeoLine geoLine = geoR.ConvertToLine(); recdst.AddNew(geoLine); foreach (FieldInfo fi in dtVector2.FieldInfos) { if (dtVector.FieldInfos.IndexOf(fi.Name) > -1 && !fi.IsSystemField) { recdst.SetFieldValue(fi.Name, recdst2.GetFieldValue(fi.Name)); } } geoR.Dispose(); } recdst2.MoveNext(); } recdst2.Dispose(); } catch { } recdst.Batch.Update(); recdst.Dispose(); } return(dtVector); }
public void Query() { try { mDataVec = mData as DatasetVector; Recordset rec = mDataVec.GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Dynamic); this.dataGridView1.Columns.Clear(); this.dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < rec.FieldCount; i++) { //定义并获得字段名称 String fieldName = rec.GetFieldInfos()[i].Name; //将得到的字段名称添加到dataGridView列中 this.dataGridView1.Columns.Add(fieldName, fieldName); } //初始化row DataGridViewRow row = null; //根据选中记录的个数,将选中对象的信息添加到dataGridView中显示 while (!rec.IsEOF) { row = new DataGridViewRow(); for (int i = 0; i < rec.FieldCount; i++) { //定义并获得字段值 Object fieldValue = rec.GetFieldValue(i); //将字段值添加到dataGridView中对应的位置 DataGridViewTextBoxCell cell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); if (fieldValue != null) { cell.ValueType = fieldValue.GetType(); cell.Value = fieldValue; } row.Cells.Add(cell); } this.dataGridView1.Rows.Add(row); rec.MoveNext(); } this.dataGridView1.Update(); rec.Dispose(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 没有选择对象的时候表格清空 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> //private void m_mapControl_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) //{ // try // { // if (mapControl1.Map.Layers[0].Selection.Count < 1) // { // dataGridView1.Columns.Clear(); // dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); // } //} /// <summary> /// 使用记录集填充DataGridView /// </summary> /// <param name="recordset">获取的记录集</param> private void FillDataGridView(Recordset recordset) { try { dataGridView1.Columns.Clear(); dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < recordset.FieldCount; i++) { String fieldName = recordset.GetFieldInfos()[i].Name; dataGridView1.Columns.Add(fieldName, fieldName); } DataGridViewRow row = null; //根据选中记录的个数,将选中对象的信息添加到dataGridView中显示 while (!recordset.IsEOF) { row = new DataGridViewRow(); for (int i = 0; i < recordset.FieldCount; i++) { //定义并获得字段值 Object fieldValue = recordset.GetFieldValue(i); //将字段值添加到dataGridView中对应的位置 DataGridViewTextBoxCell cell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); if (fieldValue != null) { cell.ValueType = fieldValue.GetType(); cell.Value = fieldValue; } row.Cells.Add(cell); } this.dataGridView1.Rows.Add(row); recordset.MoveNext(); } this.dataGridView1.Update(); recordset.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
private void 图查属性_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { dataGridView1.AllowUserToAddRows = false; dataGridView1.ReadOnly = true; this.dataGridView1.Columns.Clear(); this.dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); Recordset recordset =; for (int i = 0; i < recordset.FieldCount; i++) { //定义并获得字段名称 String fieldName = recordset.GetFieldInfos()[i].Name; //将得到的字段名称添加到dataGridView列中 this.dataGridView1.Columns.Add(fieldName, fieldName); } //初始化row DataGridViewRow row = null; //根据选中记录的个数,将选中对象的信息添加到dataGridView中显示 while (!recordset.IsEOF) { row = new DataGridViewRow(); for (int i = 0; i < recordset.FieldCount; i++) { //定义并获得字段值 Object fieldValue = recordset.GetFieldValue(i); //将字段值添加到dataGridView中对应的位置 DataGridViewTextBoxCell cell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); if (fieldValue != null) { cell.ValueType = fieldValue.GetType(); cell.Value = fieldValue; } row.Cells.Add(cell); } this.dataGridView1.Rows.Add(row); recordset.MoveNext(); } this.dataGridView1.Update(); recordset.Dispose(); }
private void Button_allval_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (LV_fieldinfo.SelectedItems.Count == 1) { LB_allval.Items.Clear(); string selFieldname = LV_fieldinfo.SelectedItems[0].Text; if (selFieldname == "*") { return; } Recordset recordset = mData.GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Dynamic); recordset.MoveFirst(); while (!recordset.IsEOF) { object allvalue = recordset.GetFieldValue(selFieldname); if (allvalue == null) { return; } if (LB_allval.Items.Contains("\'" + allvalue + "\'")) { recordset.MoveNext(); continue; } else { LB_allval.Items.Add("\'" + allvalue + "\'"); } recordset.MoveNext(); } recordset.Dispose(); } if (LV_fieldinfo.SelectedItems.Count > 1) { MessageBox.Show("只能选择一个字段"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("error:" + ex.Message); } }
public static DataTable RecordsetToDataTable(Recordset rs,LayerInfo layerInfo) { var dt = CreateDataTableByLayerInfo(layerInfo); if (rs.IsEmpty) return dt; while (!rs.IsEOF) { var row = dt.NewRow(); foreach (var fieldInfo in layerInfo.FieldInfos) { var value = rs.GetFieldValue(fieldInfo.FieldName); row[fieldInfo.FieldName] = value; } dt.Rows.Add(row); rs.MoveNext(); } return dt; }
// public static string GetQHBMByPoint(Point2D pt2D) { string strQHBM = ""; try { if (m_ChinaXZQH != null) { GeoPoint geoPt = new GeoPoint(pt2D); Recordset recdst = m_ChinaXZQH.Query(geoPt, 0.0001, CursorType.Static); if (recdst.RecordCount > 0) { string strCode = string.Format("{0}", recdst.GetFieldValue("code")); strQHBM = strCode; } } } catch { } return(strQHBM); }
private void mapControl1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Selection[] selection = mapControl1.Map.FindSelection(true); Recordset recordset = selection[0].ToRecordset(); FieldInfo objFieldinfo = null; if (recordset.RecordCount > 0) { string str = " "; for (int i = 0; i < recordset.FieldCount; i++) { objFieldinfo = recordset.GetFieldInfos()[i]; //String fieldName = recordset.GetFieldInfos()[i].Name; str += objFieldinfo.Name; str += ":" + recordset.GetFieldValue(i).ToString() + "\n"; } MessageBox.Show(str, "属性"); } recordset.Close(); }
//private void mSceneControlQuery5(object sender, ObjectSelectedEventArgs e) //{ // // 无对象被选中 // if (e.Count == 0&& mIndex==6) // { // MessageBox.Show("未选择对象!"); // } // //有对象选中 // else if (e.Count > 0 && mIndex == 6) // { // DiametQuery(); // } //} public void DiametQuery() { mSceneControl.Action = Action3D.Select; Selection3D[] selection = mSceneControl.Scene.FindSelection(true); //判断选择集是否为空 if (selection == null || selection.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("请选择要查询管径的空间对象"); return; } //将选择集转换为记录 Recordset recordset = selection[0].ToRecordset(); string str = ""; string str1 = ""; object obj; bool bol = false; for (int i = 0; i < recordset.FieldCount; i++) { str = recordset.GetFieldInfos()[i].Name; if (str == "PipeDiameter") { bol = true; obj = recordset.GetFieldValue(i); str1 = "管径" + ":" + obj.ToString() + "mm" + "\n"; MessageBox.Show(str1, "管径查询结果"); break; } else { continue; } } if (bol == false) { MessageBox.Show("该对象没有管径属性!"); } recordset.Dispose(); }
private void M_SceneControl_ObjectAdded(object sender, ObjectAddedEventArgs e) { Recordset objRt = null; try { if (chkTheme.SelectedItem == null) { m_Application.MessageBox.Show(Message); return; } dg_Data.Rows.Clear(); Layer3DDataset layer3DDataset = (chkTheme.SelectedItem as Label).Tag as Layer3DDataset; objRt = (layer3DDataset.Dataset as DatasetVector).GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Static); if (objRt.SeekID(e.ID)) { DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.HeaderCell.Value = objRt.GetID().ToString(); for (int j = 0; j < dg_Data.ColumnCount; j++) { DataGridViewTextBoxCell textBoxCell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); textBoxCell.Value = Convert.ToString(objRt.GetFieldValue(dg_Data.Columns[j].Name)); row.Cells.Add(textBoxCell); } dg_Data.Rows.Add(row); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.OutputBox(ex); } finally { if (objRt != null) { objRt.Close(); objRt.Dispose(); } } }
public static DataTable RecordsetToDataTable(Recordset rs, LayerInfo layerInfo) { var dt = CreateDataTableByLayerInfo(layerInfo); if (rs.IsEmpty) { return(dt); } while (!rs.IsEOF) { var row = dt.NewRow(); foreach (var fieldInfo in layerInfo.FieldInfos) { var value = rs.GetFieldValue(fieldInfo.FieldName); row[fieldInfo.FieldName] = value; } dt.Rows.Add(row); rs.MoveNext(); } return(dt); }
//复制某记录到另外记录中 private void CopyRecordset(Recordset sour_recdst, Recordset dest_recdst) { try { FieldInfos dest_fis = dest_recdst.GetFieldInfos(); FieldInfos sour_fis = sour_recdst.GetFieldInfos(); dest_recdst.Batch.Begin(); while (!sour_recdst.IsEOF) { if (dest_recdst.AddNew(sour_recdst.GetGeometry())) { Dictionary <string, object> arrValues = new Dictionary <string, object>(); foreach (FieldInfo item in dest_fis) { if (!item.IsSystemField) { int iDex = GetIndexByCaption(sour_fis, item.Name); if (iDex > -1) { object obj = sour_recdst.GetFieldValue(iDex); arrValues.Add(item.Name, obj); } } } //增加主体类型 { arrValues.Add("ZTLX", m_strZTLX); } bool bRes = dest_recdst.SetValues(arrValues); } sour_recdst.MoveNext(); } dest_recdst.Batch.Update(); } catch { } }
public void AttQuery(DataGridView bd_DataGridAttit) { try { DataGridView mDataGridAttit = bd_DataGridAttit; mDataGridAttit.Columns.Clear(); mDataGridAttit.Rows.Clear(); Selection3D[] selection = mSceneControl.Scene.FindSelection(true); // 判断选择集是否为空 if (selection == null || selection.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("请选择要查询属性的空间对象"); return; } //将选择集转换为记录 Recordset recordset = selection[0].ToRecordset(); DatasetVector dataset = recordset.Dataset; mDataGridAttit.Columns.Add("", "字段"); mDataGridAttit.Columns.Add("", "字段值"); mDataGridAttit.Columns.Add("", "类型"); mDataGridAttit.Columns.Add("", "长度"); mDataGridAttit.Columns.Add("", "缺省值"); string str = ""; string str_1 = ""; string str1 = ""; string str2 = ""; object obj; string str3 = ""; string str4 = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dataset.FieldCount; i++) { if (!recordset.GetFieldInfos()[i].IsSystemField) { if (recordset.GetFieldInfos()[i].Name == "SmPPoint" || recordset.GetFieldInfos()[i].Name == "SmNPoint") { continue; } str = recordset.GetFieldInfos()[i].Name; str_1 = recordset.GetFieldInfos()[i].Caption; obj = recordset.GetFieldValue(i); if (obj != null) { str1 = obj.ToString(); } else { str1 = null; } str2 = recordset.GetFieldInfos()[i].Type.ToString(); str3 = recordset.GetFieldInfos()[i].MaxLength.ToString(); str4 = recordset.GetFieldInfos()[i].DefaultValue; mDataGridAttit.Rows.Add(new[] { str_1, str1, str2, str3, str4 }); } } mDataGridAttit.Update(); recordset.Dispose(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 捕捉公交站点 /// Snap the bus stops /// </summary> public void SnapPoint() { try { if (m_selection != null) { // 获取被选中的站点对象 // Get the selected stop object Recordset recordset = m_selection.ToRecordset(); GeoPoint snapPoint = recordset.GetGeometry() as GeoPoint; // 构造文本对象,用于在跟踪层上显示站点的名称 // Construct the text object, which is used to display the stop name on the tracking name GeoText stopText = new GeoText(); // 站点名称 // Stop name String stopName = ""; if (SuperMap.Data.Environment.CurrentCulture != "zh-CN") { stopName = recordset.GetFieldValue("Name_en").ToString(); } else { stopName = recordset.GetFieldValue("Name").ToString(); } TextPart textPart = new TextPart(stopName, new Point2D(snapPoint.X, snapPoint.Y)); stopText.AddPart(textPart); if (m_isStartPoint) { // 绘制之前先清空跟踪层上的点和文字 // Clear all points and words on the tracking layer before drawing Int32 indexStartStop = m_trackingLayer.IndexOf("StartStop"); if (indexStartStop != -1) { m_trackingLayer.Remove(indexStartStop); } Int32 indexStartText = m_trackingLayer.IndexOf("StartStopName"); if (indexStartText != -1) { m_trackingLayer.Remove(indexStartText); } // 分别设置站点及其名称文本的风格,并添加到跟踪层上 // Set the stop and name style and add them to the tracking layer snapPoint.Style = GetStopStyle(new Size2D(8, 8), Color.FromArgb(236, 118, 0)); m_trackingLayer.Add(snapPoint, "StartStop"); stopText.TextStyle = GetStopTextStyle(6.0, Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0)); m_trackingLayer.Add(stopText, "StartStopName"); // 设置为起始站点ID // Set the strat stop ID m_startStopID = recordset.GetInt64("STOPID"); } else { // 绘制之前先清空跟踪层上的点和文字 // Clear all points and words on the tracking layer before drawing Int32 indexEndStop = m_trackingLayer.IndexOf("EndStop"); if (indexEndStop != -1) { m_trackingLayer.Remove(indexEndStop); } Int32 indexEndText = m_trackingLayer.IndexOf("EndStopName"); if (indexEndText != -1) { m_trackingLayer.Remove(indexEndText); } // 分别设置站点及其名称文本的风格,并添加到跟踪层上 // Set the stop and name style and add them to the tracking layer snapPoint.Style = GetStopStyle(new Size2D(8, 8), Color.FromArgb(22, 255, 0)); m_trackingLayer.Add(snapPoint, "EndStop"); stopText.TextStyle = GetStopTextStyle(6.0, Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0)); m_trackingLayer.Add(stopText, "EndStopName"); // 设置为起始站点ID // Set the strat stop ID m_endStopID = recordset.GetInt64("STOPID"); } recordset.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
//private void CreatePointDataset(string tableName) //{ // Workspace workspace = new Workspace(); // DatasourceConnectionInfo info = new DatasourceConnectionInfo(); // Datasource datasource = GetDbDatasource(workspace, info); // var datasetVector = (DatasetVector)datasource.Datasets[tableName]; // if (datasetVector == null) // { // CreateDataset(datasource, DatasetType.Point, tableName); // } // //只取了数据结构,没有取数据 // var recordset = datasetVector.GetRecordset(true, SuperMap.Data.CursorType.Dynamic); // recordset.Edit(); // //} private void InsertRecordSetToDb(string shapeFieldName, string tableName) { Workspace workspace = new Workspace(); DatasourceConnectionInfo info = new DatasourceConnectionInfo(); var filePath = $"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}\\{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}"; var files = new List <string> { $"{filePath}.udb", $"{filePath}.udd" }; Datasource datasource = GetDbDatasource(workspace, info); if (datasource != null) { //临时数据源 DatasourceConnectionInfo tempInfo = new DatasourceConnectionInfo(); //设置数据源连接的引擎类型 tempInfo.EngineType = EngineType.UDB; tempInfo.Alias = tableName; tempInfo.Server = filePath; // 创建/打开数据库数据源 Datasource tempDatasource = workspace.Datasources.Create(tempInfo); Recordset recordset = null, tempRecordset = null; if (tempDatasource != null) { ImportResult result = ImportShpToTemp(shapeFieldName, tempDatasource, tableName); if (result.FailedSettings.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"导入{shapeFieldName}成功!"); try { for (int index = 0; index < tempDatasource.Datasets.Count; index++) { DatasetVector tempDatasetVector = (DatasetVector)tempDatasource.Datasets[index]; tempRecordset = tempDatasetVector.GetRecordset(false, SuperMap.Data.CursorType.Dynamic); //没有数据 if (tempRecordset.RecordCount == 0) { continue; } var tempFieldInfos = tempDatasetVector.FieldInfos; //注意:数据集是手工录入的,不是超图sdk生成的,所以不能删除数据集 //如果更新数据集中的记录,则应该操纵记录集(删除、修改、新增) var datasetVector = (DatasetVector)datasource.Datasets[tableName]; if (datasetVector == null) { CreateDataset(datasource, DatasetType.Point, tableName); //throw new Exception($"不存在数据集名称为{tableName}的数据集!"); } //删去之前的所有记录 //datasetVector.GetRecordset(false, SuperMap.Data.CursorType.Dynamic).DeleteAll(); //只取了数据结构,没有取数据 recordset = datasetVector.GetRecordset(true, SuperMap.Data.CursorType.Dynamic); //设置批量提交 // 设置批量更新的限度为5000,注意一定要在开始批量更新前设置MaxRecordCount! recordset.Batch.MaxRecordCount = 500; // 开始批量更新,当添加到设置的MaxRecordCount的下一条记录时,将会将MaxRecordCount条记录自动提交到数据库中。 recordset.Batch.Begin(); tempRecordset.MoveFirst(); //遍历临时记录集 for (Int32 i = 0; i < tempRecordset.RecordCount; i++) { //往mysql新增记录 SuperMap.Data.Geometry geoPoint = tempRecordset.GetGeometry(); recordset.AddNew(geoPoint); //SeekID:在记录中搜索指定 ID 号的记录,并定位该记录为当前记录。 recordset.MoveLast(); foreach (SuperMap.Data.FieldInfo fileInfo in tempFieldInfos) { if (!fileInfo.IsSystemField && IsHaveField(datasetVector.FieldInfos, fileInfo.Name)) { recordset.Edit(); recordset.SetFieldValue(fileInfo.Name, tempRecordset.GetFieldValue(fileInfo.Name)); Object valueID = recordset.GetFieldValue(fileInfo.Name); } } //处理业务数据 tempRecordset.MoveNext(); //recordset.Update(); } // 使用批量更新的Update,提交没有自动提交的记录 recordset.Batch.Update(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { //示例程序BatchAdd说明要释放记录集 if (recordset != null) { recordset.Dispose(); } if (tempRecordset != null) { tempRecordset.Dispose(); } } } else { throw new Exception($"导入{shapeFieldName}失败!"); } } else { throw new Exception($"创建临时数据源{filePath}失败!"); } } // 释放工作空间资源 info.Dispose(); workspace.Dispose(); foreach (var file in files) { if (File.Exists(file)) { File.Delete(file); } } MessageBox.Show("成功!"); }
public string TransFile(byte[] fileBt, double width, string fileName, bool ifCreate) { // 0长度文件返回 0 string rst = "0"; if (fileBt.Length == 0) { return(rst); } string filePath = Server.MapPath(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CSVPath"].ToString()); //存储文件路径 //创建系统日期文件夹,避免同一文件夹下文件太多问题,避免同一地图应文档重名 filePath = filePath + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(filePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); } FileStream fstream; //是否创建新文件 if (ifCreate) { fstream = new FileStream(filePath + fileName, FileMode.Create); } else { fstream = new FileStream(filePath + fileName, FileMode.Append); } try { fstream.Write(fileBt, 0, fileBt.Length); //二进制转换成文件 //上传成功返回 1 fstream.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { //上传失败返回 1 rst = "error"; } finally { fstream.Close(); } //读取坐标文件转换面积 //设置为实际值 string imgPath = filePath + fileName; //坐标点导入处理 StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(imgPath); string sLine = ""; ArrayList LineList = new ArrayList(); while (sLine != null) { sLine = objReader.ReadLine(); if (sLine != null && !sLine.Equals("")) { LineList.Add(sLine); } } objReader.Close(); bool isrewrite = true; string sourcePath = Server.MapPath(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sourcePath"].ToString()); //存储文件路径 string targetPath = Server.MapPath(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["targetPath"].ToString()); //存储文件路径 String targetPath = str + "\\tempFolder\\temp_gkfqd.shp"; string temp = GenerateRandomCode(10); targetPath = targetPath + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(targetPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(targetPath); } targetPath = targetPath + temp + "\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(targetPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(targetPath); } System.IO.File.Copy(sourcePath + "testG.smwu", targetPath + "testG.smwu", isrewrite); System.IO.File.Copy(sourcePath + "test.udd", targetPath + "test.udd", isrewrite); System.IO.File.Copy(sourcePath + "test.udb", targetPath + "test.udb", isrewrite); this.fileWorkspace = new SuperMap.Data.Workspace(); string workSpaceFilePath = Server.MapPath(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BinPath"].ToString()); //存储文件路径 try { //打开工作空间及地图文件类型 WorkspaceConnectionInfo conInfo = new WorkspaceConnectionInfo(targetPath + "testG.smwu"); fileWorkspace.Open(conInfo); fileDatasource = fileWorkspace.Datasources["test"]; sourceDatasetVector = fileDatasource.Datasets["dataT"] as DatasetVector; Recordset recordset = (sourceDatasetVector as DatasetVector).GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Dynamic); // 获得记录集对应的批量更新对象 Recordset.BatchEditor editor = recordset.Batch; // 开始批量添加,将 example 数据集每条记录对应的几何对象添加到数据集中 editor.Begin(); //删除所有记录 recordset.DeleteAll(); Point2Ds points = new Point2Ds(); for (int i = 1; i < LineList.Count - 1; i++) { string[] fieldInfoListZ = LineList[i].ToString().Split(','); Point2D point2D = new Point2D(); point2D.X = double.Parse(fieldInfoListZ[0].ToString()); point2D.Y = double.Parse(fieldInfoListZ[1].ToString()); points.Add(point2D); } GeoLine geolineE = new GeoLine(); geolineE.AddPart(points); recordset.AddNew(geolineE); editor.Update(); //调用创建矢量数据集缓冲区方法 //设置缓冲区分析参数 BufferAnalystParameter bufferAnalystParam = new BufferAnalystParameter(); //FLAT:平头缓冲。ROUND:圆头缓冲。 bufferAnalystParam.EndType = BufferEndType.Flat; //左侧缓冲距离,单位:米。 bufferAnalystParam.LeftDistance = width / 2; //右侧缓冲距离,单位:米。 bufferAnalystParam.RightDistance = width / 2; String bufferName = "bufferRegionDt"; bufferName = fileDatasource.Datasets.GetAvailableDatasetName(bufferName); m_bufferDataset = fileDatasource.Datasets.Create(new DatasetVectorInfo(bufferName, DatasetType.Region)); //设置投影信息 不设置 报投影不一致错误 m_bufferDataset.Datasource.Datasets["bufferRegionDt"].PrjCoordSys = (fileDatasource.Datasets["dataT"] as DatasetVector).PrjCoordSys; Boolean isTrue = SuperMap.Analyst.SpatialAnalyst.BufferAnalyst.CreateBuffer(recordset, m_bufferDataset, bufferAnalystParam, false, true); Recordset recordsetS = m_bufferDataset.Query("SmID=1", CursorType.Static); pfm = double.Parse(recordsetS.GetFieldValue("SMAREA").ToString()); mu = pfm * 0.0015; double gongqing = 0.0666667 * mu; } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); } rst = String.Format("{0:F2}", mu); fileWorkspace.Close(); return(rst); }