Example #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var    classCode = Request.QueryString["ClassCode"].ToString();
            string fileDate  = Request.QueryString["Date"].ToString();

            string term = Request.QueryString["t"].ToString();

            RecordsBusiness   recBusiness = new RecordsBusiness();
            List <RecordsDTO> recDTO      = new List <RecordsDTO>();

            recDTO = recBusiness.LinkOfClassWithLessonCodeByCodeClassAndTime(classCode, fileDate, term);
            //  recDTO = recBusiness.MakeOffLineClassWithLessonCodeByCodeClassAndTime(classCode, fileDate);

            lstView.DataSource = recDTO;

            //string mId = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString();
            //string[] id = mId.ToString().Split(new char[] { '@' });
            //string menuId = "";
            //for (int i = 0; i < id[1].Length; i++)
            //    string s = id[1].Substring(i + 1, 1);
            //    if (s != "-")
            //        menuId += s;
            //    else
            //        break;
            //AccessControl1.MenuId = menuId;
            //AccessControl1.UserId = Session[sessionNames.userID_Karbar].ToString();
Example #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lbl_User.Text = Session[sessionNames.userID_StudentOstad].ToString();
            var    classCode = (Request.QueryString["ClassCode"].ToString());
            string fileDate  = Request.QueryString["Date"].ToString();
            string assetId   = Request.QueryString["Ast"].ToString();
            string term      = Request.QueryString["t"].ToString();

            if (term != ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Term"].ToString())
                btn_Select.Visible = false;
            ClassName.InnerText   = classCode.ToString();
            SessionName.InnerText = fileDate.ToString();
            txt_AssetTxt.Text     = assetId.ToString();
            RecordsBusiness   recBusiness = new RecordsBusiness();
            List <RecordsDTO> recDTO      = new List <RecordsDTO>();

            recDTO = recBusiness.LinkOfClassWithLessonCodeByCodeClassAndTime(classCode, fileDate, term);
            //  recDTO = recBusiness.MakeOffLineClassWithLessonCodeByCodeClassAndTime(classCode, fileDate);
            if (recDTO.Count == 0)
                btn_Select.Visible = false;
            lstView.DataSource = recDTO;
            DownloadRequestBusiness dnlreq = new DownloadRequestBusiness();
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt = dnlreq.Check_PayedAsset(Session[sessionNames.userID_StudentOstad].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(txt_AssetTxt.Text));
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                btn_Select.Enabled = false;
            string fd = fileDate.ToString().Replace('/', '-');

            // string pathmp3 = Server.MapPath("../content/" + term + "/" + classCode.ToString() + "/" + fd );
            string pathflv = Server.MapPath("../content/" + term + "/" + classCode.ToString() + "/" + fd);
            bool   viewmp3 = false, viewFlv = false, viewavi = false;

            if (Directory.Exists(pathflv) == false)
                btn_Select.Visible = false;
                DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("../content/" + term + "/" + classCode.ToString() + "/" + fd + "/"));
                // Get a reference to each file in that directory.
                FileInfo[] fiArr = di.GetFiles("mp3.zip");
                foreach (FileInfo f in fiArr)
                    if (f.Length > 5000000)
                        viewmp3 = true;

                // Get a reference to each file in that directory.
                FileInfo[] fiArrflv = di.GetFiles("flv.zip");
                foreach (FileInfo f in fiArrflv)
                    if (f.Length > 10000000)
                        viewFlv = true;
                FileInfo[] fiArravi = di.GetFiles("avi.zip");
                foreach (FileInfo f in fiArravi)
                    if (f.Length > 5000000)
                        viewavi = true;
                if (viewFlv == false && viewmp3 == false && viewavi == false)
                    btn_Select.Visible = false;
            Session[sessionNames.userID_StudentOstad] = lbl_User.Text;