Example #1
        // Static Constructor
        static SecurityHub()
            CategorizedSettingsElementCollection systemSettings = ConfigurationFile.Current.Settings["systemSettings"];

            // Retrieve default NodeID
            DefaultNodeID = Guid.Parse(systemSettings["NodeID"].Value.ToNonNullString(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));

            // Determine whether the node exists in the database and create it if it doesn't
            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("securityProvider"))
                const string NodeCountFormat  = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Node";
                const string NodeInsertFormat = "INSERT INTO Node(Name, Description, Enabled) VALUES('Default', 'Default node', 1)";
                const string NodeUpdateFormat = "UPDATE Node SET ID = {0}";

                int nodeCount = connection.ExecuteScalar <int?>(NodeCountFormat) ?? 0;

                if (nodeCount == 0)
                    connection.ExecuteNonQuery(NodeUpdateFormat, connection.Guid(DefaultNodeID));

            // Analyze and cache record operations of security hub
            s_recordOperationsCache = new RecordOperationsCache(typeof(SecurityHub));
Example #2
 // Static Constructor
 static DataHub()
     // Analyze and cache record operations of security hub
     s_recordOperationsCache = new RecordOperationsCache(typeof(DataHub));