protected virtual RecordList <TS> GetList <TS>(IQueryable <TS> query, int pageindex, int pagesize) { var records = new RecordList <TS> { PageIndex = pageindex, PageSize = pagesize, RecordCount = query.Count() }; IList <TS> data; if (records.RecordCount == 0) { data = new TS[0]; } else { do { data = records.StartIndex > 0 ? query.Skip(records.StartIndex).Take(pagesize).ToList() : query.Take(pagesize).ToList(); if (data.Count == 0 && records.PageIndex > 1) { records.PageIndex--; } } while (data.Count == 0 && records.PageIndex > 1); } records.Data = data; return(records); }
//添加新条目,如果没有相同网站和相同账号,添加之,并保存,并显示列表。 public async void AddData() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RecordItemToModify.WebSite)) { RecordItemToModify.WebSite = "错误!网站名称不能为空"; return; } int index = RecordList.FindIndex(r => r.WebSite == RecordItemToModify.WebSite && r.Account == RecordItemToModify.Account); if (index > -1) { RecordItemToModify.WebSite = "错误!已存在当前网站"; RecordItemToModify.Account = "错误!已存在当前账户"; } else { RecordItem r = new RecordItem(); CopyRecordItem(RecordItemToModify, r); RecordList.Add(r); string titleStr = await BackupAsync(SaveType.LocalState); if (titleStr.StartsWith("-")) { Title = titleStr.Substring(1); } else { Title = "收藏列表"; } IsUcItemDetailVisible = false; IsGrdPwdsListVisible = true; IsBackVisible = false; IsListVisible = true; } }
public static RecordList Postprocess(this DocumentDef doc) { var result = new RecordList(doc.Namespace); foreach (var rec in doc.Records) { var flags = new List <string>(); var attrs = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var inproc = ApplyAttibuteModifications(flags, attrs, doc.Defaults); var proto = doc.Prototypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == rec.PrototypeName); if (proto != null) { inproc = ApplyAttibuteModifications(inproc.Item1, inproc.Item2, proto.Attributes); } inproc = ApplyAttibuteModifications(inproc.Item1, inproc.Item2, rec.Attributes); var fields = rec.Fields.Select(x => new Field(x.Name, x.Type)).ToArray(); result.Records.Add(new Record(rec.Name, inproc.Item1.ToArray(), inproc.Item2, fields)); } return(result); }
//删除条目, public async void DeleteData(RecordItem recordItem) { int index = RecordList.FindIndex(r => r.WebSite == recordItem.WebSite && r.Account == recordItem.Account); RecordList.RemoveAt(index); await BackupAsync(SaveType.LocalState); }
/// <summary> /// This method searches for all the records that contain the string (searchString) and returns them as a RecordList object . /// /*This could easily be changed to it returns a List<Record> but I think returning a RecordList object is much helpful right now.*/ /// USE THIS METHOD TO PRINT THE NEW RECORD LIST AFTER SEARCHING!!! /// </summary> /// <param name="searchString"></param> /// <returns></returns> public RecordList searchRecord(string searchString) { List <Record> searchedList = recordList.filterList(searchString); RecordList cloneList = new RecordList(searchedList); return(cloneList); //Needs some things updated in list and form first. }
public IPacket ReadPacket(IMinecraftDataReader reader) { Coordinates = Coordinates2D.FromReaderInt(reader); RecordList = RecordList.FromReader(reader); return(this); }
//读出备份数据,同时将备份数据写入本地文件 public async Task ReadBackupAsync(SaveType st) { IsProgressRingVisible = true; SettingResult = "开始恢复..."; string strRecover = await FileManager.RecoverAsync(st); if (strRecover.StartsWith("-")) { SettingResult = strRecover.Substring(1); IsProgressRingVisible = false; return; } await FileManager.BackupAsync(strRecover, SaveType.LocalState); switch (strRecover.Substring(0, 3)) { case "02|": RightPwdMd5 = strRecover.Substring(3, 32); break; default: RightPwdMd5 = strRecover.Substring(0, 32); break; } SettingResult = "恢复成功!"; IsCheck = false; RecordList.Clear(); UserInputPwd = ""; IsLstMainSelected = true; IsProgressRingVisible = false; }
//更改数据,找到与记忆条目相同的,更改之,然后返回去 public async void ModifyData() { if ((RecordItemMemory.WebSite == RecordItemToModify.WebSite && RecordItemMemory.Account == RecordItemToModify.Account) || (RecordList.FindIndex(r => r.WebSite == RecordItemToModify.WebSite && r.Account == RecordItemToModify.Account) < 0)) { int index = RecordList.FindIndex(r => r.WebSite == RecordItemMemory.WebSite && r.Account == RecordItemMemory.Account); CopyRecordItem(RecordItemToModify, RecordList[index]); string str = await BackupAsync(SaveType.LocalState); if (str.StartsWith("-")) { Title = str.Substring(1); } else { Title = "收藏列表"; } IsUcItemDetailVisible = false; IsGrdPwdsListVisible = true; IsBackVisible = false; } else { RecordItemToModify.WebSite = "错误!已有此网站与账号!"; } }
private void CheckExpectedListItemsClassInSync() { int beExpectedListItemsClass = m_browseViewer.BulkEditBar.ExpectedListItemsClassId; int clerkExpectedListItemsClass = Clerk.SortItemProvider.ListItemsClass; RecordList.CheckExpectedListItemsClassInSync(beExpectedListItemsClass, clerkExpectedListItemsClass); }
/// <summary> /// Метод генерации записей в отдельном потоке /// </summary> public void StartGeneration() { if (generationProcess) { generationProcess = false; } else { buttonText = "Остановить"; status = "Идет генерация записей"; generationProcess = true; if (RecordList != null) { RecordList.Clear(); } cg.DoGenerationAsync(recordsCount); RecordList = cg.localRecordList; generationProcess = false; status = "Ожидание начала работы"; buttonText = "Генерировать"; count = "Всего: " + RecordList.Count; GC.Collect(); } }
public override void OpenRecord(BaseTask task) { task.RecordIndex = RecordList.Count; SpatialRecord prevRecord = (RecordList.Count == 0) ? null : RecordList[RecordList.Count - 1] as SpatialRecord; RecordList.Add(new SpatialRecord(prevRecord, task as SpatialTask)); }
public SAV_Trainer7() { Loading = true; InitializeComponent(); if (Main.unicode) { try { TB_OTName.Font = FontUtil.getPKXFont(11); } catch (Exception e) { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Font loading failed...", e.ToString()); } } WinFormsUtil.TranslateInterface(this, Main.curlanguage); B_MaxCash.Click += (sender, e) => MT_Money.Text = "9,999,999"; CB_Gender.Items.Clear(); CB_Gender.Items.AddRange(Main.gendersymbols.Take(2).ToArray()); // m/f depending on unicode selection getComboBoxes(); getTextBoxes(); CB_Stats.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { string name; if (!RecordList.TryGetValue(i, out name)) { name = i.ToString("D3"); } CB_Stats.Items.Add(name); } CB_Stats.SelectedIndex = RecordList.First().Key; CB_Fashion.SelectedIndex = 1; Loading = false; }
private void updateTip(int index, bool updateStats) { switch (index) { case 2: // Storyline Completed Time int seconds = (int)(CAL_AdventureStartDate.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; seconds -= seconds % 86400; seconds += (int)(CAL_AdventureStartTime.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; Tip3.SetToolTip(NUD_Stat, dateval2str(SAV.getRecord(index), seconds)); break; default: Tip3.RemoveAll(); break; } if (!updateStats) { return; } string tip; if (RecordList.TryGetValue(index, out tip)) { Tip3.SetToolTip(CB_Stats, tip); } }
static public void Choice(out bool cont) { cont = true; int choiceNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (choiceNumber) { case 1: RecordList.AddNewRecord(); break; case 2: RecordList.ChangeRecord(); break; case 3: RecordList.DeleteRecord(); break; case 4: RecordList.ShowOneRecord(); break; case 5: RecordList.ShowWholeDictionary(); break; case 6: cont = false; break; default: break; } }
public override void PopulateRecordBar(RecordList recList) { CheckDisposed(); // The ListBar has a problem in that when it is populated for the first time the horizonal // scroll scrolls over a little ways over hiding the left most + or -. I (Rand) sent some // time searching this out and found that it is a bug in the ListView control. It is not // our bug. The scrolling happens when EnsureVisible() is called on the listview. I found // a way around it. By calling this method twice the bug goes away, it looks like the list // must be populated, cleared, then repopulated before the bug is bypassed. There are also // other things that have an effect on it, such as ClearListBar() must be before // BeginUpdate(). Also selection must be made before ExpandAll() or CollapseAll() is called. // JohnT: no, the problem is when we EnsureVisible of a node that is wider than the window. // EnsureVisble tries to show as much as possible of the label; since it won't fit, it scrolls // horizontally and hides the plus/minus. // To avoid this if it is desired to EnsureVisible, use the EnsureSelectedNodeVisible routine // (which temporarily makes the label short while calling EnsureVisible). // (I'm not sure why Rand's comment is in this exact location, so I'm not deleting it.) if (this.IsShowing) { m_fOutOfDate = false; } else { m_fOutOfDate = true; return; } XWindow window = (XWindow)m_mediator.PropertyTable.GetValue("window"); window.TreeBarControl.IsFlatList = true; window.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; ListView list = (ListView)window.ListStyleRecordList; list.BeginUpdate(); window.ClearRecordBarList(); //don't want to directly clear the nodes, because that causes an event to be fired as every single note is removed! m_hvoToListViewItemTable.Clear(); AddListViewItems(recList.SortedObjects, list); try { list.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(recList.FontName, recList.TypeSize); } catch (Exception error) { ErrorReporter.ReportException(error, null, false); } UpdateSelection(recList.CurrentObject); list.EndUpdate(); if (list.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { } //list.s .EnsureVisible(); window.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
public override void OpenRecord(BaseTask task) { task.RecordIndex = RecordList.Count; CollectRecord prevRecord = (RecordList.Count == 0) ? null : RecordList[RecordList.Count - 1] as CollectRecord; RecordList.Add(new CollectRecord(prevRecord, task as CollectTask)); }
private void ReadCart() { int ProductBuyCount = 0; decimal ProductTotalPrice = 0M; this.cartList = CartBLL.ReadCartList(userID); string strProductID = string.Empty; foreach (CartInfo info in this.cartList) { if (strProductID == string.Empty) { strProductID = info.ProductID.ToString(); } else { strProductID = strProductID + "," + info.ProductID.ToString(); } } //List<MemberPriceInfo> memberPriceList = MemberPriceBLL.ReadMemberPriceByProductGrade(strProductID, base.GradeID); foreach (CartInfo info in this.cartList) { ProductInfo product = ProductBLL.ReadProduct(info.ProductID); info.ProductPrice = product.MarketPrice;//MemberPriceBLL.ReadCurrentMemberPrice(memberPriceList, base.GradeID, TestCateModel); ProductBuyCount += 1; ProductTotalPrice += info.ProductPrice; } RecordList.DataSource = cartList; RecordList.DataBind(); Sessions.ProductBuyCount = ProductBuyCount; Sessions.ProductTotalPrice = ProductTotalPrice; }
public void recordScore() { Record newRecord = new Record(); = nameInput.text; newRecord.score = floor; newRecord.single = single; if (single) { singleRecords.Add(newRecord); //排序 for (int i = 0; i < singleRecords.Count; i++) { for (int j = i; j < singleRecords.Count; j++) { if (singleRecords[j].score > singleRecords[i].score) { Record tmp = singleRecords[j]; singleRecords[j] = singleRecords[i]; singleRecords[i] = tmp; } } } if (singleRecords.Count > 10) { singleRecords.RemoveAt(10); } } else { mutiRecords.Add(newRecord); //排序 for (int i = 0; i < mutiRecords.Count; i++) { for (int j = i; j < mutiRecords.Count; j++) { if (mutiRecords[j].score > mutiRecords[i].score) { Record tmp = mutiRecords[j]; mutiRecords[j] = mutiRecords[i]; mutiRecords[i] = tmp; } } } if (mutiRecords.Count > 10) { mutiRecords.RemoveAt(10); } } StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(Application.dataPath + "/Record.json", false); RecordList tmpRec = new RecordList(); tmpRec.records = new List <Record>(); tmpRec.records.AddRange(singleRecords); tmpRec.records.AddRange(mutiRecords); file.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tmpRec)); file.Close(); //跳記錄選單 goRecordMenu(); }
public async Task <RecordList> GetRecordsAsync() { HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "/action/recordListGet"); RecordList responseBody = await SendRequest <RecordList>(request); return(responseBody); }
/// <summary> /// RecordController constructor, generates a unique ID for the list. (Good for accounts later). /// </summary> public RecordController() { if (recInvoker == null) { recInvoker = new RecordInvoker(); } recordList = new RecordList(); generateUniqueID(); }
public void PopulateRecordBarIfNeeded(RecordList list) { CheckDisposed(); if (m_fOutOfDate) { PopulateRecordBar(list); } }
public void TestRecordList() { var head = MyLinkList.BuildListNodeFromArray(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }); RecordList.Record(head); Assert.AreEqual(head.Next.Next.Val, 7); Assert.AreEqual(head.Next.Next.Next.Next.Val, 6); Assert.AreEqual(head.Next.Next.Next.Next.Next.Next.Val, 5); Assert.AreEqual(head.Next.Next.Next.Next.Next.Next.Next.Val, 4); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CenterTitle.Text = "¶©µ¥ÏêÇé"; userID = base.UserID; int queryString = RequestHelper.GetQueryString <int>("ID"); this.order = OrderBLL.ReadOrder(queryString, userID); RecordList.DataSource = OrderDetailBLL.ReadOrderDetailByOrder(queryString); RecordList.DataBind(); }
public HabitMonthlyRecordTestData(DateTime dtBegin, List <UserHabitRecord> habitRecords, int firstMonthRecordCount, int secondMonthRecordCount) : this() { BeginDate = dtBegin; if (habitRecords.Count > 0) { RecordList.AddRange(habitRecords); } ExpectedFirstMonthRecordCount = firstMonthRecordCount; ExpectedSecondMonthRecordCount = secondMonthRecordCount; }
public HabitWeeklyRecordTestData(DateTime bgndate, List <UserHabitRecord> listRecord, int firstWeek, int secondWeek) : this() { BeginDate = bgndate; if (listRecord.Count > 0) { RecordList.AddRange(listRecord); } ExpectedFirstWeekCount = firstWeek; ExpectedSecondWeekCount = secondWeek; }
private void Load() { try { RecordList = (FileHandler.FileExists(RecordListPathName) ? FileHandler.Deserialize <RecordList>(RecordListPathName) : new RecordList()); } catch (Exception ex) { RaiseLogEntryEvent("Failed to load record list", ex); } }
private RecordList CreateRecordList() { RecordList obj = new RecordList(); obj.CheckStatus = CheckStatus.Deleted; obj.Description = "Description"; obj.Files = 2; obj.Guid = Guid.Parse("4f3283e6-9501-4a8e-b3bb-bc60d3ed3cea"); obj.Name = "AisleList"; obj.Record = "Record-AisleWF-{a36b49e1-27bb-4c37-8bc9-7f83f34a9984}.EasyBpart"; return(obj); }
protected virtual RecordList <TS> GetList <TS>(IQueryable <TS> query, int?pageindex, int?pagesize) { if (pageindex.HasValue && pagesize.HasValue) { return(GetList(query, pageindex.Value, pagesize.Value)); } var list = new RecordList <TS>(query.ToList()); list.RecordCount = list.Count; return(list); }
private void PublishSensor(RecordList recordList, Sensor sensor) { _logger.LogDebug("Handling sensor of type {sensorType}", sensor.TypeId); IList <Logrow> sensorLogRows = recordList.Logrows.Where(r => r.Sid.Equals(sensor.SensorId)).ToArray(); IList <IStateProvider> devices = _conversionService.GetStateProviders(sensor, sensorLogRows); _logger.LogDebug("Received {countDevices} devices", devices.Count); foreach (var device in devices) { TryCall(device, PublishStateToMqtt); } }
public IActionResult ShoppingCart() { List <Record> records = new List <Record>() { new Record() { Name = "Record 1", Price = 13.5M }, new Record() { Name = "Record 2", Price = 13.5M }, new Record() { Name = "Record 3", Price = 13.5M }, new Record() { Name = "Record 4", Price = 13.5M }, new Record() { Name = "Record 5", Price = 13.5M }, new Record() { Name = "Record 6", Price = 13.5M }, new Record() { Name = "Record 7", Price = 13.5M }, new Record() { Name = "Record 8", Price = 13.5M }, new Record() { Name = "Record 9", Price = 13.5M }, new Record() { Name = "Record 10", Price = 13.5M }, }; var viewModel = new RecordList() { Records = records }; return(View()); }
private List<RecordList> CreateEntityDefaultRecordLists(Entity entity) { List<RecordList> recordLists = new List<RecordList>(); var create = new RecordList(); create.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); create.Name = "general"; create.Label = "General"; create.Default = true; create.System = true; create.Type = "general"; create.Weight = 10; create.PageSize = 10; create.VisibleColumnsCount = 5; recordLists.Add(create); var lookup = new RecordList(); lookup.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); lookup.Name = "lookup"; lookup.Label = "Lookup"; lookup.Default = true; lookup.System = true; lookup.Type = "lookup"; lookup.Weight = 10; lookup.PageSize = 10; lookup.VisibleColumnsCount = 5; recordLists.Add(lookup); return recordLists; }
private QueryObject CreateSearchQuery(string search, RecordList list, Entity entity) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search)) return null; if (list == null) return null; search = search.Trim(); var listFields = list.Columns.Where(c => c is RecordListFieldItem).Select(c => c as RecordListFieldItem).ToList(); var firstSearchableField = listFields.FirstOrDefault(x => entity.Fields.Single(f => f.Id == x.FieldId).Searchable); if (firstSearchableField == null) throw new Exception("The list has no searchable fields."); var field = entity.Fields.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Id == firstSearchableField.FieldId); if (field is AutoNumberField || field is CurrencyField || field is NumberField || field is PercentField) { decimal value; if (!decimal.TryParse(search, out value)) throw new Exception("Invalid search value. It should be a number."); return EntityQuery.QueryEQ(field.Name, value); } else if (field is GuidField) { Guid value; if (!Guid.TryParse(search, out value)) throw new Exception("Invalid search value. It should be an unique identifier formated text."); return EntityQuery.QueryEQ(field.Name, value); } else if (field is DateTimeField || field is DateField) { DateTime value; if (!DateTime.TryParse(search, out value)) throw new Exception("Invalid search value. Cannot be recognized as date."); value = DateTime.SpecifyKind(value, DateTimeKind.Utc); return EntityQuery.QueryEQ(field.Name, value); } else if (field is MultiSelectField) { var option = (field as MultiSelectField).Options.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Value == search); if (option == null) return EntityQuery.QueryEQ(field.Name, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); //this will always be not found else return EntityQuery.QueryEQ(field.Name, option.Key); //search in the keys } else return EntityQuery.QueryContains(field.Name, search); }
private RecordListResponse ReadRecordList(Entity entity, RecordList recordList) { RecordListResponse response = new RecordListResponse { Success = true, Message = "The list was successfully returned!", }; try { response.Object = recordList; } catch (Exception e) { response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; response.Success = false; #if DEBUG response.Message = e.Message + e.StackTrace; #else response.Message = "An internal error occurred!"; #endif return response; } response.Timestamp = DateTime.Now; return response; }
private List<RecordList> CreateEntityDefaultRecordLists(Entity entity) { List<RecordList> recordLists = new List<RecordList>(); var create = new RecordList(); create.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); create.Name = "general"; create.Label = "General"; create.Title = "General"; create.Default = true; create.System = false; create.Type = "general"; create.IconName = "list"; create.PageSize = 10; create.Weight = 10; create.VisibleColumnsCount = 5; create.ServiceCode = null; create.DynamicHtmlTemplate = null; create.DataSourceUrl = null; create.ActionItems = new List<ActionItem>(); create.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_create_record")); create.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_import_records")); create.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_export_records")); create.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_record_details")); create.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_recursive_list_add_existing")); create.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_recursive_list_add_new")); create.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_recursive_list_view")); create.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_recursive_list_edit")); create.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_recursive_list_unrelate")); recordLists.Add(create); var lookup = new RecordList(); lookup.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); lookup.Name = "lookup"; lookup.Label = "Lookup"; lookup.Title = "Lookup"; lookup.Default = true; lookup.System = false; lookup.Type = "lookup"; lookup.IconName = "list"; lookup.PageSize = 10; lookup.Weight = 10; lookup.VisibleColumnsCount = 5; lookup.ServiceCode = null; lookup.DynamicHtmlTemplate = null; lookup.DataSourceUrl = null; lookup.ActionItems = new List<ActionItem>(); lookup.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_create_record")); lookup.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_import_records")); lookup.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_export_records")); lookup.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_record_details")); lookup.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_recursive_list_add_existing")); lookup.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_recursive_list_add_new")); lookup.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_recursive_list_view")); lookup.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_recursive_list_edit")); lookup.ActionItems.Add(GenerateListActionItem("wv_recursive_list_unrelate")); recordLists.Add(lookup); return recordLists; }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of queue records. /// </summary> /// <param name="applicationName">The name of the application to get the queue list for.</param> /// <param name="search">The search query to filter the collection with.</param> /// <param name="limit">The paging limit to use.</param> /// <param name="offset">The paging offset to use.</param> /// <param name="transaction">The transaction to use, if applicable.</param> /// <returns>A collection of queue records.</returns> public RecordList<QueueListRecord> GetQueuedList(string applicationName, string search, int limit, int offset, IDbTransaction transaction) { StringBuilder cb = new StringBuilder( @"SELECT CAST(COUNT(q.[Id]) AS bigint) FROM [BlueCollarQueue] q LEFT OUTER JOIN [BlueCollarSchedule] s ON q.[ScheduleId] = s.[Id] WHERE q.[ApplicationName] = @ApplicationName"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( @"SELECT * FROM ( SELECT q.[Id], q.[QueueName], q.[JobName], q.[JobType], q.[QueuedOn], q.[TryNumber], s.[Name] AS [ScheduleName], ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY q.[QueuedOn] ASC, q.[JobName] ASC) AS [RowNumber] FROM [BlueCollarQueue] q LEFT OUTER JOIN [BlueCollarSchedule] s ON q.[ScheduleId] = s.[Id] WHERE q.[ApplicationName] = @ApplicationName"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search)) { const string Search = @" AND ( q.[QueueName] LIKE @Search OR q.[JobName] LIKE @Search OR q.[JobType] LIKE @Search OR s.[Name] LIKE @Search )"; cb.Append(Search); sb.Append(Search); } cb.Append(";\n\n"); sb.Append("\n"); sb.Append( @") t WHERE t.[RowNumber] BETWEEN @Offset + 1 AND @Offset + @Limit;"); sb.Append("\n"); sb.Append(CountsSql); var p = new { ApplicationName = applicationName, Search = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(search) ? string.Concat("%", search, "%") : null, Limit = limit, Offset = offset }; var list = new RecordList<QueueListRecord>(); using (var multi = this.connection.QueryMultiple(cb.ToString() + sb.ToString(), p, transaction, null, null)) { list.SetPaging(multi.Read<long>().First(), limit, offset); foreach (var record in multi.Read<QueueListRecord>()) { list.Records.Add(record); } list.Counts = CreateCounts(multi); } return list; }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of worker records. /// </summary> /// <param name="applicationName">The application name to get records for.</param> /// <param name="search">The search query to filter the collection with.</param> /// <param name="limit">The paging limit to use.</param> /// <param name="offset">The paging offset to use.</param> /// <param name="transaction">The transaction to use, if applicable.</param> /// <returns>A collection of worker records.</returns> public RecordList<WorkerRecord> GetWorkerList(string applicationName, string search, int limit, int offset, IDbTransaction transaction) { StringBuilder cb = new StringBuilder( @"SELECT CAST(COUNT([Id]) AS bigint) FROM [BlueCollarWorker] WHERE [ApplicationName] = @ApplicationName"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( @"SELECT * FROM ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [Name] ASC) AS [RowNumber] FROM [BlueCollarWorker] WHERE [ApplicationName] = @ApplicationName"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search)) { const string Search = @" AND ( [Name] LIKE @Search OR [MachineName] LIKE @Search OR [MachineAddress] LIKE @Search OR [QueueNames] LIKE @Search OR [Status] LIKE @Search OR [Signal] LIKE @Search OR [Startup] LIKE @Search )"; cb.Append(Search); sb.Append(Search); } cb.Append(";\n\n"); sb.Append("\n"); sb.Append( @") t WHERE t.[RowNumber] BETWEEN @Offset + 1 AND @Offset + @Limit;"); sb.Append("\n"); sb.Append(CountsSql); var p = new { ApplicationName = applicationName, Search = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(search) ? string.Concat("%", search, "%") : null, Limit = limit, Offset = offset }; var list = new RecordList<WorkerRecord>(); using (var multi = this.connection.QueryMultiple(cb.ToString() + sb.ToString(), p, transaction, null, null)) { list.SetPaging(multi.Read<long>().First(), limit, offset); foreach (var record in multi.Read<WorkerRecord>()) { list.Records.Add(record); } list.Counts = CreateCounts(multi); } return list; }
public void SaveToDb(string name) { Console.WriteLine ("Saving to db"); Map map = new Map () { Height = this.h, Width = this.w }; GameState game = new GameState () { Name = name, Map = map, }; string[] deleteTables = new string[] { "gamestate", "map", "hex", "hexresource", "map_cities", "map_rivers", "map_hexes", "hex_edges", "hex_effects", "kingdom" }; foreach (string deleteTable in deleteTables) MySqlProvider.Provider.ExecuteNonQuery ("truncate " + deleteTable + ";"); map.Game = game; map.Save (); game.Save (); RecordList<Hex> hexes = new RecordList<Hex> (); for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { Hex hex = new Hex (); hex.EnsureId (); hex.X = x; hex.Y = y; Color c = b.GetPixel (x, y); if (c == blue) hex.Terrain = TerrainType.Sea; else if (c == white) hex.Terrain = TerrainType.Mountains; else if (c == darkGreen) hex.Terrain = TerrainType.Forest; else if (c == town) { hex.Terrain = TerrainType.Plains; } else hex.Terrain = TerrainType.Plains; hexes.Add (hex); hexMap[x,y] = hex; } } //cities have to be done in a separate pass to account for growth. map.Hexes = hexes; map.EnsureMapIsBuilt (true); //check coastals foreach (Hex h in hexes) if (h.Terrain == TerrainType.Sea) CheckCoastal (h); hexes.Save (); foreach (var kvp in riverPaths) { River r = new River(); int z = 0; foreach(Point p in kvp.Value) { r.Path.Add (new Triple<int> () { X = p.X, Y = p.Y, Z = z++ }); } r.Save (); r.Path.Save (); r.SaveRelations("Path"); map.Rivers.Add (r); } map.SaveRelations ("Rivers"); map.SaveRelations ("Hexes"); }
protected IStorageRecordList CreateEmptyRecordListObject(RecordList list) { var storageService = service.StorageService; return storageService.GetObjectFactory().CreateEmptyRecordListObject(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of schedule records. /// </summary> /// <param name="applicationName">The name of the application to get the schedule list for.</param> /// <param name="search">The search query to filter the collection with.</param> /// <param name="limit">The paging limit to use.</param> /// <param name="offset">The paging offset to use.</param> /// <param name="transaction">The transaction to use, if applicable.</param> /// <returns>A collection of schedules.</returns> public RecordList<ScheduleListRecord> GetScheduleList(string applicationName, string search, int limit, int offset, IDbTransaction transaction) { StringBuilder cb = new StringBuilder( @"SELECT CAST(COUNT(DISTINCT s.[Id]) AS bigint) FROM [BlueCollarSchedule] s LEFT OUTER JOIN [BlueCollarScheduledJob] j ON s.[Id] = j.[ScheduleId] WHERE s.[ApplicationName] = @ApplicationName"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( @"SELECT DISTINCT s.*, ( SELECT CAST(COUNT(sj.[Id]) AS bigint) FROM [BlueCollarScheduledJob] sj WHERE sj.[ScheduleId] = s.[Id] ) AS [JobCount] FROM [BlueCollarSchedule] s LEFT OUTER JOIN [BlueCollarScheduledJob] j ON s.[Id] = j.[ScheduleId] WHERE s.[ApplicationName] = @ApplicationName"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search)) { const string Search = @" AND ( s.[QueueName] LIKE @Search OR s.[Name] LIKE @Search OR s.[RepeatType] LIKE @Search OR j.[JobType] LIKE @Search )"; cb.Append(Search); sb.Append(Search); } cb.Append(";\n\n"); sb.Append("\n"); sb.Append( @"ORDER BY s.[Name] ASC LIMIT @Limit OFFSET @Offset;"); sb.Append("\n"); sb.Append(CountsSql); var p = new { ApplicationName = applicationName, Search = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(search) ? string.Concat("%", search, "%") : null, Limit = limit, Offset = offset }; var list = new RecordList<ScheduleListRecord>(); using (var multi = this.connection.QueryMultiple(cb.ToString() + sb.ToString(), p, transaction, null, null)) { list.SetPaging(multi.Read<long>().First(), limit, offset); foreach (var record in multi.Read<ScheduleListRecord>()) { list.Records.Add(record); } list.Counts = CreateCounts(multi); } return list; }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of history records. /// </summary> /// <param name="applicationName">The name of the application to get the history list for.</param> /// <param name="search">The search query to filter the collection with.</param> /// <param name="limit">The paging limit to use.</param> /// <param name="offset">The paging offset to use.</param> /// <param name="transaction">The transaction to use, if applicable.</param> /// <returns>A list of history records.</returns> public RecordList<HistoryListRecord> GetHistoryList(string applicationName, string search, int limit, int offset, IDbTransaction transaction) { StringBuilder cb = new StringBuilder( @"SELECT CAST(COUNT(h.[Id]) AS bigint) FROM [BlueCollarHistory] h LEFT OUTER JOIN [BlueCollarSchedule] s ON h.[ScheduleId] = s.[Id] WHERE h.[ApplicationName] = @ApplicationName"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( @"SELECT h.[Id], h.[QueueName], h.[JobName], h.[JobType], h.[QueuedOn], h.[TryNumber], h.[StartedOn], h.[Status], h.[FinishedOn], s.[Name] AS [ScheduleName] FROM [BlueCollarHistory] h LEFT OUTER JOIN [BlueCollarSchedule] s ON h.[ScheduleId] = s.[Id] WHERE h.[ApplicationName] = @ApplicationName"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search)) { const string Search = @" AND ( h.[QueueName] LIKE @Search OR h.[JobName] LIKE @Search OR h.[JobType] LIKE @Search OR h.[Status] LIKE @Search OR s.[Name] LIKE @Search )"; cb.Append(Search); sb.Append(Search); } cb.Append(";\n\n"); sb.Append("\n"); sb.Append( @"ORDER BY h.[QueuedOn] DESC, h.[JobName] ASC, h.[TryNumber] DESC LIMIT @Limit OFFSET @Offset;"); sb.Append("\n"); sb.Append(CountsSql); var p = new { ApplicationName = applicationName, Search = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(search) ? string.Concat("%", search, "%") : null, Limit = limit, Offset = offset }; var list = new RecordList<HistoryListRecord>(); using (var multi = this.connection.QueryMultiple(cb.ToString() + sb.ToString(), p, transaction, null, null)) { list.SetPaging(multi.Read<long>().First(), limit, offset); foreach (var record in multi.Read<HistoryListRecord>()) { list.Records.Add(record); } list.Counts = CreateCounts(multi); } return list; }