Example #1
    public bool MergeItem(GameObject item)
        if (item == null)
        if (GetItem() != null)
            GameObject recipesObj = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Recipes");
            Recipes    recipes    = recipesObj.GetComponent <Recipes>();

            ItemType itemTypeA = GetItem().GetComponent <Item>().itemType;
            ItemType itemTypeB = item.GetComponent <Item>().itemType;

            Recipes.Recipe recipe = recipes.GetRecipe(itemTypeA, itemTypeB);
            if (recipe.output != null)
                GetItem().GetComponent <Item>().SetItemType(recipe.output);

Example #2
File: Pim.cs Project: mjukmara/Pim
    void HighlightInteractableTiles(Pim pim, Item item)
        List <GameObject>  gos          = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("PickupPoint").ToList <GameObject>();
        List <PickupPoint> pickupPoints = new List <PickupPoint>();

        foreach (var go in gos)
            PickupPoint pickupPoint = go.GetComponent <PickupPoint>();
            if (pickupPoint)

        foreach (PickupPoint pickupPoint in pickupPoints)
            //if (pickupPoint.CanDropHere()) {
            if (pickupPoint.IsOccupied())
                GameObject recipesObj = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Recipes");
                Recipes    recipes    = recipesObj.GetComponent <Recipes>();

                GameObject itemObject = pickupPoint.GetItem();
                if (itemObject != null)
                    Item anItem = itemObject.GetComponent <Item>();
                    if (anItem != null)
                        ItemType itemType       = anItem.itemType;
                        Item     currentItemObj = currentItem.GetComponent <Item>();
                        if (currentItem != null)
                            Recipes.Recipe foundRecipe = recipes.GetRecipe(itemType, currentItemObj.itemType);

                            if (foundRecipe.output != null)
                                GameObject go = Instantiate(mergableEffect, pickupPoint.gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
                if (pickupPoint.CanDropHere())
                    GameObject go = Instantiate(highlightEffect, pickupPoint.gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
Example #3
        // return shopping list/count given receipe list, list of current materials.

        static public List <Tuple <MaterialCommodities, int> > GetShoppingList(List <Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int> > wantedrecipes, List <MaterialCommodities> list)
            var shoppingList = new List <Tuple <MaterialCommodities, int> >();
            var totals       = TotalList(list);

            foreach (Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int> want in wantedrecipes)
                Recipes.Recipe r      = want.Item1;
                int            wanted = want.Item2;

                for (int i = 0; i < r.Ingredients.Length; i++)
                    string ingredient = r.Ingredients[i].Shortname;

                    int mi = list.FindIndex(x => x.Details.Shortname.Equals(ingredient));                                                       // see if we have any in list

                    MaterialCommodities matc = mi != -1 ? list[mi] : new MaterialCommodities(MaterialCommodityData.GetByShortName(ingredient)); // if not there, make one
                    if (mi == -1)                                                                                                               // if not there, make an empty total entry
                        totals[matc.Details.FDName] = 0;

                    int got  = totals[matc.Details.FDName];     // what we have left from totals
                    int need = r.Amount[i] * wanted;
                    int left = got - need;

                    if (left < 0)                                                                                                                                // if not enough
                        int shopentry = shoppingList.FindIndex(x => x.Item1.Details.Shortname.Equals(ingredient));                                               // have we already got it in the shopping list

                        if (shopentry >= 0)                                                                                                                      // found, update list with new wanted total
                            shoppingList[shopentry] = new Tuple <MaterialCommodities, int>(shoppingList[shopentry].Item1, shoppingList[shopentry].Item2 - left); // need this more
                            shoppingList.Add(new Tuple <MaterialCommodities, int>(matc, -left));  // a new shop entry with this many needed

                        totals[matc.Details.FDName] = 0;            // clear count
                        totals[matc.Details.FDName] -= need;        // decrement total

            shoppingList.Sort(delegate(Tuple <MaterialCommodities, int> left, Tuple <MaterialCommodities, int> right) { return(left.Item1.Details.Name.CompareTo(right.Item1.Details.Name)); });

Example #4
File: Pim.cs Project: mjukmara/Pim
    void OnPickupPointRecievedItemEvent(PickupPoint pickupPoint, Item item)
        List <GameObject> destroyTheseObjects = new List <GameObject>();

        bool isAlreadyCached = false;

        foreach (GameObject highlightedObject in highlightEffectCache)
            if (highlightedObject == null)
                if (highlightedObject.transform.parent)
                    if (highlightedObject.transform.parent.gameObject == item.gameObject)
                        isAlreadyCached = true;

        if (!isAlreadyCached)
            if (currentItem != null)
                GameObject     recipesObj     = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Recipes");
                Recipes        recipes        = recipesObj.GetComponent <Recipes>();
                Item           currentItemObj = currentItem.GetComponent <Item>();
                Recipes.Recipe foundRecipe    = recipes.GetRecipe(item.itemType, currentItemObj.itemType);

                if (foundRecipe.output != null)
                    GameObject go = Instantiate(mergableEffect, item.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

        foreach (GameObject go in destroyTheseObjects)
Example #5
 private bool FitsRecipe(Recipes.Recipe recipe)
     Recipes.eIngredients[] recipeIngr = new Recipes.eIngredients[3];
     recipeIngr[0] = recipe.ingredient1;
     recipeIngr[1] = recipe.ingredient2;
     recipeIngr[2] = recipe.ingredient3;
     foreach (Recipes.eIngredients ingr in inPot)
         if (CountIngredient(ingr, recipeIngr) != CountIngredient(ingr, inPot))
             return false;
     return true;
Example #6
 public static void ProduceConsume(int colonyid, Recipes.Recipe recipe, List <Recipes.RecipeResult> results)
     if (oldstockpileinfo.ContainsKey(colonyid) == false)
         oldstockpileinfo.Add(colonyid, new OldStockpiles());
     foreach (var item in recipe.Requirements)
         AddRemove(colonyid, item.Type, -item.Amount);
     foreach (var item in results)
         AddRemove(colonyid, item.Type, item.Amount);
Example #7
        static public List <MaterialCommodities> GetShoppingList(List <Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int> > target, List <MaterialCommodities> list)
            List <MaterialCommodities> shoppingList = new List <MaterialCommodities>();

            foreach (Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int> want in target)
                Recipes.Recipe r      = want.Item1;
                int            wanted = want.Item2;
                for (int i = 0; i < r.ingredients.Length; i++)
                    string ingredient = r.ingredients[i];
                    int    mi         = list.FindIndex(x => x.Details.Shortname.Equals(ingredient));
                    int    got        = (mi >= 0) ? list[mi].scratchpad : 0;
                    int    need       = r.count[i] * wanted;

                    if (got < need)
                        int shopentry = shoppingList.FindIndex(x => x.Details.Shortname.Equals(ingredient));
                        if (shopentry >= 0)
                            shoppingList[shopentry].scratchpad += (need - got);
                            MaterialCommodityData db = MaterialCommodityData.GetByShortName(ingredient);
                            if (db != null)                                           // MUST be there, its well know, but will check..
                                MaterialCommodities mc = new MaterialCommodities(db); // make a new entry
                                mc.scratchpad = (need - got);
                        if (mi >= 0)
                            list[mi].scratchpad = 0;
                        if (mi >= 0)
                            list[mi].scratchpad -= need;
Example #8
 private bool CheckRecipes()
     for (int recipeIdx = 0; recipeIdx < Game.GAME.GetFoodOrders().Length; recipeIdx++)
         Recipes.Recipe recipe = Game.GAME.GetFoodOrders()[recipeIdx];
         if (FitsRecipe(recipe))
             PointLabel.SpawnAt(pointLabelPrefab, transform.parent, transform.position, recipe.points);
             return true;
     return false;
Example #9
        private void RemoveRecipeFromList(Recipes.Recipe selected, int s_index)

            recipeList.DataSource = null;

            if (_state.Player.Loot.Wishlist.Contains(selected))

            var display = _state.Player.Loot.Recipes.FindAll(r => r.Result != null);

            if (display != null && display.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < rbuttons.Count; i++)
                    if (rbuttons[i].Checked)

                if (allButton.Checked)
                    recipeList.DataSource = display;

                if (wlistButton.Checked)
                    recipeList.DataSource = _state.Player.Loot.Wishlist;

                if (recipeList.Items.Count > 0)
                    _state.HandleSelectedIndex(recipeList, s_index);
Example #10
    public static string recipe()
        Func <string, Recipes.eIngredients> toIngr = str =>
            switch (str[0])
            case 'a':

            case 'c':

            case 'h':

            case 'o':

            case 't':


        string output = BuildOutput();

        if (argc < 3)
            return(output + "\nPlease specify a recipe with ingredient ids (see Recipes)!\n" +
                   "recipe <ingr1> <ingr2> (<ingr3>)");

        Recipes.Recipe recipe = new Recipes.Recipe();
        recipe.ingredient1 = toIngr(args[1]);
        recipe.ingredient2 = toIngr(args[2]);
        recipe.ingredient3 = Recipes.eIngredients.empty;
        if (argc >= 4)
            recipe.ingredient3 = toIngr(args[3]);

        Game.GAME.SetRecipe(0, recipe);
Example #11
 public void ShowRecipe(Recipes.Recipe recipe, int idx)
     // Hide plus-icons when necessary
     if (recipe.ingredient1 != Recipes.eIngredients.empty)
         iconSlots[Game.RECIPE_MAX_SIZE * idx].sprite  = iconTextures[(int)recipe.ingredient1 - 1];
         iconSlots[Game.RECIPE_MAX_SIZE * idx].enabled = true;
     if (recipe.ingredient2 != Recipes.eIngredients.empty)
         iconSlots[Game.RECIPE_MAX_SIZE * idx + 1].sprite    = iconTextures[(int)recipe.ingredient2 - 1];
         iconSlots[Game.RECIPE_MAX_SIZE * idx + 1].enabled   = true;
         plusSigns[(Game.RECIPE_MAX_SIZE - 1) * idx].enabled = true;
     if (recipe.ingredient3 != Recipes.eIngredients.empty)
         iconSlots[Game.RECIPE_MAX_SIZE * idx + 2].sprite        = iconTextures[(int)recipe.ingredient3 - 1];
         iconSlots[Game.RECIPE_MAX_SIZE * idx + 2].enabled       = true;
         plusSigns[(Game.RECIPE_MAX_SIZE - 1) * idx + 1].enabled = true;
Example #12
    private void UpdateHighlighting()
        if(mainMesh == null)

        for (int recipeIdx = 0; recipeIdx < Game.GAME.GetFoodOrders().Length; recipeIdx++)
            Recipes.Recipe recipe = Game.GAME.GetFoodOrders()[recipeIdx];
            if (FitsRecipe(recipe)) {
                blinkTimer += Time.deltaTime;
                if (blinkTimer > 0.5f)
                    blinkTimer = 0.0f;
                    int marked = mainMesh.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.GetInt("_Marked");
                    mainMesh.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.SetInt("_Marked", (marked + 1) % 2);

        mainMesh.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.SetInt("_Marked", 0);
Example #13
        private void Display()
            //DONT turn on sorting in the future, thats not how it works.  You click and drag to sort manually since it gives you
            // the order of recipies.
            List <Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int> > wantedList = null;

            if (last_he != null)
                List <MaterialCommodities> mcl = last_he.MaterialCommodity.Sort(false);
                int fdrow = dataGridViewSynthesis.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex;      // remember where we were displaying

                var totals = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.TotalList(mcl);                  // start with totals present

                wantedList = new List <Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int> >();

                string   recep       = EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.GetSettingString(DbRecipeFilterSave, "All");
                string[] recipeArray = recep.Split(';');
                string   levels      = EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.GetSettingString(DbLevelFilterSave, "All");
                string[] lvlArray    = (levels == "All" || levels == "None") ? new string[0] : levels.Split(';');
                string   materials   = EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.GetSettingString(DbMaterialFilterSave, "All");
                var      matList     = materials.Split(';'); // list of materials to show

                for (int i = 0; i < Recipes.SynthesisRecipes.Count; i++)
                    int rno = (int)dataGridViewSynthesis.Rows[i].Tag;
                    dataGridViewSynthesis.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.HowManyLeft(mcl, totals, Recipes.SynthesisRecipes[rno]).Item1.ToString();
                    bool visible = true;

                    if (recep != "All" || levels != "All" || materials != "All")
                        if (recep != "All")
                            visible &= recipeArray.Contains(Recipes.SynthesisRecipes[rno].Name);

                        if (levels != "All")
                            visible &= lvlArray.Contains(Recipes.SynthesisRecipes[rno].level);

                        if (materials != "All")
                            var inglongname = Recipes.SynthesisRecipes[rno].Ingredients.Select(x => x.Name);
                            var included    = matList.Intersect <string>(inglongname);
                            visible &= included.Count() > 0;

                    dataGridViewSynthesis.Rows[i].Visible = visible;

                for (int i = 0; i < Recipes.SynthesisRecipes.Count; i++)
                    int rno = (int)dataGridViewSynthesis.Rows[i].Tag;

                    if (dataGridViewSynthesis.Rows[i].Visible)
                        Recipes.Recipe r = Recipes.SynthesisRecipes[rno];
                        Tuple <int, int, string, string> res = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.HowManyLeft(mcl, totals, r, Wanted[rno]);
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} Recipe {1} executed {2} {3} ", i, rno, Wanted[rno], res.Item2);

                        using (DataGridViewRow row = dataGridViewSynthesis.Rows[i])
                            row.Cells[3].Value       = Wanted[rno].ToString();
                            row.Cells[4].Value       = res.Item2.ToString();
                            row.Cells[5].Value       = res.Item3;
                            row.Cells[5].ToolTipText = res.Item4;
                            row.Cells[6].Value       = r.IngredientsStringvsCurrent(last_he.MaterialCommodity);
                            row.Cells[6].ToolTipText = r.IngredientsStringLong;
                    if (Wanted[rno] > 0 && (dataGridViewSynthesis.Rows[i].Visible || isEmbedded))
                        wantedList.Add(new Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int>(Recipes.SynthesisRecipes[rno], Wanted[rno]));

                dataGridViewSynthesis.RowCount = Recipes.SynthesisRecipes.Count;         // truncate previous shopping list..

                if (!isEmbedded)
                    var shoppinglist = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.GetShoppingList(wantedList, mcl);

                    foreach (var c in shoppinglist)                                        // and add new..
                        var      cur    = last_he.MaterialCommodity.Find(c.Item1.Details); // may be null
                        Object[] values = { c.Item1.Details.Name, c.Item1.Details.TranslatedCategory, (cur?.Count ?? 0).ToString(), c.Item2.ToString(), "", "", c.Item1.Details.Shortname };
                        int      rn     = dataGridViewSynthesis.Rows.Add(values);
                        dataGridViewSynthesis.Rows[rn].ReadOnly = true;     // disable editing wanted..

                if (fdrow >= 0 && dataGridViewSynthesis.Rows[fdrow].Visible)        // better check visible, may have changed..

            if (OnDisplayComplete != null)
Example #14
        private void Display()
            //DONT turn on sorting in the future, thats not how it works.  You click and drag to sort manually since it gives you
            // the order of recipies.

            List <Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int> > wantedList = null;

            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap(this, true) + " EN " + displaynumber + " Begin Display");

            if (last_he != null)
                List <MaterialCommodities> mcl = last_he.MaterialCommodity.Sort(false);

                int fdrow = dataGridViewEngineering.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex;      // remember where we were displaying


                wantedList = new List <Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int> >();

                string        engineers = EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.GetSettingString(DbEngFilterSave, "All");
                List <string> engList   = engineers.Split(';').ToList <string>();
                string        modules   = EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.GetSettingString(DbModFilterSave, "All");
                List <string> modList   = modules.Split(';').ToList <string>();
                string        levels    = EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.GetSettingString(DbLevelFilterSave, "All");
                string[]      lvlArray  = (levels == "All" || levels == "None") ? new string[0] : levels.Split(';');
                string        upgrades  = EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.GetSettingString(DbUpgradeFilterSave, "All");
                string[]      upgArray  = upgrades.Split(';');
                string        materials = EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.GetSettingString(DbMaterialFilterSave, "All");
                var           matList   = materials.Split(';'); // list of materials to show

                for (int i = 0; i < Recipes.EngineeringRecipes.Count; i++)
                    int rno = (int)dataGridViewEngineering.Rows[i].Tag;
                    dataGridViewEngineering[MaxCol.Index, i].Value = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.HowManyLeft(mcl, Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno]).Item1.ToString();
                    bool visible = true;

                    if (!(engineers == "All" && modules == "All" && levels == "All" && upgrades == "All" && materials == "All"))
                        if (engineers != "All")
                            var included = engList.Intersect <string>(Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno].engineers.ToList <string>());
                            visible &= included.Count() > 0;

                        if (modules != "All")
                            var included = modList.Intersect <string>(Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno].modules.ToList <string>());
                            visible &= included.Count() > 0;

                        if (levels != "All")
                            visible &= lvlArray.Contains(Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno].level);

                        if (upgrades != "All")
                            visible &= upgArray.Contains(Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno].Name);

                        if (materials != "All")
                            var inglongname = Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno].Ingredients.Select(x => x.Name);
                            var included    = matList.Intersect <string>(inglongname);
                            visible &= included.Count() > 0;

                    dataGridViewEngineering.Rows[i].Visible = visible;

                    if (visible)
                        Recipes.Recipe r = Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[i];

                        Tuple <int, int, string, string> res = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.HowManyLeft(mcl, Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno], Wanted[rno]);
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} Recipe {1} executed {2} {3} ", i, rno, Wanted[rno], res.Item2);

                        dataGridViewEngineering[WantedCol.Index, i].Value       = Wanted[rno].ToString();
                        dataGridViewEngineering[AvailableCol.Index, i].Value    = res.Item2.ToString();
                        dataGridViewEngineering[NotesCol.Index, i].Value        = res.Item3;
                        dataGridViewEngineering[NotesCol.Index, i].ToolTipText  = res.Item4;
                        dataGridViewEngineering[RecipeCol.Index, i].Value       = r.IngredientsStringvsCurrent(last_he.MaterialCommodity);
                        dataGridViewEngineering[RecipeCol.Index, i].ToolTipText = r.IngredientsStringLong;
                    if (Wanted[rno] > 0 && (visible || isEmbedded))      // embedded, need to
                        wantedList.Add(new Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int>(Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno], Wanted[rno]));

                if (!isEmbedded)
                    List <MaterialCommodities> shoppinglist = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.GetShoppingList(wantedList, mcl);

                    dataGridViewEngineering.RowCount = Recipes.EngineeringRecipes.Count;             // truncate previous shopping list..

                    foreach (MaterialCommodities c in shoppinglist.OrderBy(mat => mat.Details.Name)) // and add new..
                        var cur = last_he.MaterialCommodity.Find(c.Details);                         // may be null

                        int rn = dataGridViewEngineering.Rows.Add();

                        foreach (var cell in dataGridViewEngineering.Rows[rn].Cells.OfType <DataGridViewCell>())
                            if (cell.OwningColumn == UpgradeCol)
                                cell.Value = c.Details.Name;
                            else if (cell.OwningColumn == MaxCol)
                                cell.Value = (cur?.Count ?? 0).ToString();
                            else if (cell.OwningColumn == WantedCol)
                                cell.Value = c.scratchpad.ToString();
                            else if (cell.OwningColumn == RecipeCol)
                                cell.Value = c.Details.Shortname;
                            else if (cell.ValueType == null || cell.ValueType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(string)))
                                cell.Value = string.Empty;
                        dataGridViewEngineering.Rows[rn].ReadOnly = true;   // disable editing wanted..

                if (fdrow >= 0 && dataGridViewEngineering.Rows[fdrow].Visible)        // better check visible, may have changed..
                    dataGridViewEngineering.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = fdrow;

            if (OnDisplayComplete != null)

            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap(this) + " EN " + displaynumber + " Load Finished");
Example #15
        //return maximum can make, how many made, needed string.
        static public Tuple <int, int, string, string> HowManyLeft(List <MaterialCommodities> list, Recipes.Recipe r, int tomake = 0)
            int max = int.MaxValue;

            System.Text.StringBuilder needed     = new System.Text.StringBuilder(64);
            System.Text.StringBuilder neededlong = new System.Text.StringBuilder(64);

            for (int i = 0; i < r.ingredients.Length; i++)
                string ingredient = r.ingredients[i];

                int mi   = list.FindIndex(x => x.Details.Shortname.Equals(ingredient));
                int got  = (mi >= 0) ? list[mi].scratchpad : 0;
                int sets = got / r.count[i];

                max = Math.Min(max, sets);

                int need = r.count[i] * tomake;

                if (got < need)
                    string dispshort;
                    string displong;
                    if (mi > 0)     // if got one..
                        dispshort = (list[mi].Details.IsEncodedOrManufactured) ? " " + list[mi].Details.Name : list[mi].Details.Shortname;
                        displong  = " " + list[mi].Details.Name;
                        MaterialCommodityData db = MaterialCommodityData.GetByShortName(ingredient);
                        dispshort = (db.Category == MaterialCommodityData.MaterialEncodedCategory || db.Category == MaterialCommodityData.MaterialManufacturedCategory) ? " " + db.Name : db.Shortname;
                        displong  = " " + db.Name;

                    string sshort = (need - got).ToStringInvariant() + dispshort;
                    string slong  = (need - got).ToStringInvariant() + " x " + displong + Environment.NewLine;

                    if (needed.Length == 0)
                        needed.Append("Need:" + sshort);
                        neededlong.Append("Need:" + Environment.NewLine + slong);
                        needed.Append("," + sshort);

            int made = 0;

            if (max > 0 && tomake > 0)             // if we have a set, and use it up
                made = Math.Min(max, tomake);      // can only make this much
                System.Text.StringBuilder usedstrshort = new System.Text.StringBuilder(64);
                System.Text.StringBuilder usedstrlong  = new System.Text.StringBuilder(64);

                for (int i = 0; i < r.ingredients.Length; i++)
                    int mi = list.FindIndex(x => x.Details.Shortname.Equals(r.ingredients[i]));
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mi != -1);
                    int used = r.count[i] * made;
                    list[mi].scratchpad -= used;

                    string dispshort = (list[mi].Details.IsEncodedOrManufactured) ? " " + list[mi].Details.Name : list[mi].Details.Shortname;
                    string displong  = " " + list[mi].Details.Name;

                    usedstrshort.AppendPrePad(used.ToStringInvariant() + dispshort, ",");
                    usedstrlong.AppendPrePad(used.ToStringInvariant() + " x " + displong, Environment.NewLine);

                needed.AppendPrePad("Used: " + usedstrshort.ToString(), ", ");
                neededlong.Append("Used: " + Environment.NewLine + usedstrlong.ToString());

            return(new Tuple <int, int, string, string>(max, made, needed.ToNullSafeString(), neededlong.ToNullSafeString()));
Example #16
        private void Display()
            //DONT turn on sorting in the future, thats not how it works.  You click and drag to sort manually since it gives you
            // the order of recipies.

            List <Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int> > wantedList = null;

            if (last_he != null)
                List <MaterialCommodities> mcl = last_he.MaterialCommodity.Sort(false);

                int fdrow = dataGridViewEngineering.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex;    // remember where we were displaying

                var totals = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.TotalList(mcl);                  // start with totals present

                wantedList = new List <Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int> >();

                string        engineers = EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.GetSettingString(DbEngFilterSave, "All");
                List <string> engList   = engineers.Split(';').ToList <string>();
                string        modules   = EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.GetSettingString(DbModFilterSave, "All");
                List <string> modList   = modules.Split(';').ToList <string>();
                string        levels    = EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.GetSettingString(DbLevelFilterSave, "All");
                string[]      lvlArray  = (levels == "All" || levels == "None") ? new string[0] : levels.Split(';');
                string        upgrades  = EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.GetSettingString(DbUpgradeFilterSave, "All");
                string[]      upgArray  = upgrades.Split(';');
                string        materials = EliteDangerousCore.DB.UserDatabase.Instance.GetSettingString(DbMaterialFilterSave, "All");
                var           matList   = materials.Split(';'); // list of materials to show

                for (int i = 0; i < Recipes.EngineeringRecipes.Count; i++)
                    int rno = (int)dataGridViewEngineering.Rows[i].Tag;
                    dataGridViewEngineering[MaxCol.Index, i].Value = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.HowManyLeft(mcl, totals, Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno]).Item1.ToString();
                    bool visible = true;

                    if (!(engineers == "All" && modules == "All" && levels == "All" && upgrades == "All" && materials == "All"))
                        if (engineers != "All")
                            var included = engList.Intersect <string>(Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno].engineers.ToList <string>());
                            visible &= included.Count() > 0;

                        if (modules != "All")
                            var included = modList.Intersect <string>(Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno].modules.ToList <string>());
                            visible &= included.Count() > 0;

                        if (levels != "All")
                            visible &= lvlArray.Contains(Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno].level);

                        if (upgrades != "All")
                            visible &= upgArray.Contains(Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno].Name);

                        if (materials != "All")
                            var inglongname = Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno].Ingredients.Select(x => x.Name);
                            var included    = matList.Intersect <string>(inglongname);
                            visible &= included.Count() > 0;

                    dataGridViewEngineering.Rows[i].Visible = visible;

                    if (visible)
                        Recipes.Recipe r = Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[i];

                        Tuple <int, int, string, string> res = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.HowManyLeft(mcl, totals, Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno], Wanted[rno]);
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} Recipe {1} executed {2} {3} ", i, rno, Wanted[rno], res.Item2);

                        dataGridViewEngineering[WantedCol.Index, i].Value       = Wanted[rno].ToString();
                        dataGridViewEngineering[AvailableCol.Index, i].Value    = res.Item2.ToString();
                        dataGridViewEngineering[NotesCol.Index, i].Value        = res.Item3;
                        dataGridViewEngineering[NotesCol.Index, i].ToolTipText  = res.Item4;
                        dataGridViewEngineering[RecipeCol.Index, i].Value       = r.IngredientsStringvsCurrent(last_he.MaterialCommodity);
                        dataGridViewEngineering[RecipeCol.Index, i].ToolTipText = r.IngredientsStringLong;
                    if (Wanted[rno] > 0 && (visible || isEmbedded))      // embedded, need to
                        wantedList.Add(new Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int>(Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno], Wanted[rno]));

                if (!isEmbedded)
                    var shoppinglist = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.GetShoppingList(wantedList, mcl);

                    dataGridViewEngineering.RowCount = Recipes.EngineeringRecipes.Count; // truncate previous shopping list..

                    foreach (var c in shoppinglist)                                      // and add new..
                        var cur = last_he.MaterialCommodity.Find(c.Item1.Details);       // may be null

                        DataGridViewRow r = dataGridViewEngineering.RowTemplate.Clone() as DataGridViewRow;
                        r.CreateCells(dataGridViewEngineering, c.Item1.Details.Name, "", "", "", c.Item2.ToString(), (cur?.Count ?? 0).ToString(), "", c.Item1.Details.Shortname, "");
                        r.ReadOnly = true;

                if (fdrow >= 0 && dataGridViewEngineering.Rows[fdrow].Visible)        // better check visible, may have changed..
                    dataGridViewEngineering.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = fdrow;

            if (OnDisplayComplete != null)
Example #17
 public void SetRecipe(int recipeIdx, Recipes.Recipe recipe)
     recipeOrderUI.ShowRecipe(recipe, recipeIdx);
     foodOrders[recipeIdx] = recipe;
        private void Display()
            //DONT turn on sorting in the future, thats not how it works.  You click and drag to sort manually since it gives you
            // the order of recipies.

            List <Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int> > wantedList = null;

            if (last_he != null)
                var mcllist     = discoveryform.history.MaterialCommoditiesMicroResources.Get(last_he.MaterialCommodity);  // mcl at this point
                var lastengprog = discoveryform.history.GetLastHistoryEntry(x => x.EntryType == JournalTypeEnum.EngineerProgress, last_he);

                int fdrow = dataGridViewEngineering.SafeFirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex();  // remember where we were displaying

                var totals = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.TotalList(mcllist);                  // start with totals present

                wantedList = new List <Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int> >();

                string        engineers = GetSetting(dbEngFilterSave, "All");
                List <string> engList   = engineers.Split(';').ToList <string>();
                string        modules   = GetSetting(dbModFilterSave, "All");
                List <string> modList   = modules.Split(';').ToList <string>();
                string        levels    = GetSetting(dbLevelFilterSave, "All");
                string[]      lvlArray  = (levels == "All" || levels == "None") ? new string[0] : levels.Split(';');
                string        upgrades  = GetSetting(dbUpgradeFilterSave, "All");
                string[]      upgArray  = upgrades.Split(';');
                string        materials = GetSetting(dbMaterialFilterSave, "All");
                var           matList   = materials.Split(';'); // list of materials to show

                for (int i = 0; i < Recipes.EngineeringRecipes.Count; i++)
                    int rno = (int)dataGridViewEngineering.Rows[i].Tag;

                    // maximum we can make, not taking any, so not changing totals

                    dataGridViewEngineering[MaxCol.Index, i].Value = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.HowManyLeft(mcllist, totals, Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno]).Item1.ToString();
                    bool visible = true;

                    if (!(engineers == "All" && modules == "All" && levels == "All" && upgrades == "All" && materials == "All"))
                        if (engineers != "All")
                            var included = engList.Intersect <string>(Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno].engineers.ToList <string>());
                            visible &= included.Count() > 0;

                        if (modules != "All")
                            var included = modList.Intersect <string>(Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno].modules.ToList <string>());
                            visible &= included.Count() > 0;

                        if (levels != "All")
                            visible &= lvlArray.Contains(Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno].level);

                        if (upgrades != "All")
                            visible &= upgArray.Contains(Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno].Name);

                        if (materials != "All")
                            var inglongname = Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno].Ingredients.Select(x => x.Name);
                            var included    = matList.Intersect <string>(inglongname);
                            visible &= included.Count() > 0;

                    dataGridViewEngineering.Rows[i].Visible = visible;

                    if (visible)
                        Recipes.Recipe r = Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[i];

                        var res = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.HowManyLeft(mcllist, totals, Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno], WantedPerRecipe[rno]);
                        //  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{i} Recipe {rno} executed {WantedPerRecipe[rno]}; {res.Item2}, {res.Item3} ");

                        dataGridViewEngineering[WantedCol.Index, i].Value          = WantedPerRecipe[rno].ToString();
                        dataGridViewEngineering[AvailableCol.Index, i].Value       = res.Item2.ToString();
                        dataGridViewEngineering[PercentageCol.Index, i].Value      = res.Item5.ToString("N0");
                        dataGridViewEngineering[NotesCol.Index, i].Value           = res.Item3;
                        dataGridViewEngineering[NotesCol.Index, i].ToolTipText     = res.Item4;
                        dataGridViewEngineering[RecipeCol.Index, i].Value          = r.IngredientsStringvsCurrent(mcllist);
                        dataGridViewEngineering[RecipeCol.Index, i].ToolTipText    = r.IngredientsStringLong;
                        dataGridViewEngineering.Rows[i].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = (res.Item5 >= 100.0) ? ExtendedControls.Theme.Current.GridHighlightBack : ExtendedControls.Theme.Current.GridCellBack;
                    if (WantedPerRecipe[rno] > 0 && (visible || isEmbedded))      // embedded, need to
                        wantedList.Add(new Tuple <Recipes.Recipe, int>(Recipes.EngineeringRecipes[rno], WantedPerRecipe[rno]));

                    if (lastengprog != null)
                        string[] list  = dataGridViewEngineering[EngineersCol.Index, i].Tag as string[];
                        string[] state = ((EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalEngineerProgress)lastengprog.journalEntry).ApplyProgress(list);
                        dataGridViewEngineering[EngineersCol.Index, i].Value = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, state);

                if (!isEmbedded)
                    var shoppinglist = MaterialCommoditiesRecipe.GetShoppingList(wantedList, mcllist);

                    dataGridViewEngineering.RowCount = Recipes.EngineeringRecipes.Count; // truncate previous shopping list..

                    foreach (var c in shoppinglist)                                      // and add new..
                        var cur = mcllist.Find((x) => x.Details == c.Item1.Details);     // may be null

                        DataGridViewRow r = dataGridViewEngineering.RowTemplate.Clone() as DataGridViewRow;
                        r.CreateCells(dataGridViewEngineering, c.Item1.Details.Name, "", "", "", c.Item2.ToString(), (cur?.Count ?? 0).ToString(), "", c.Item1.Details.Shortname, "");
                        r.ReadOnly = true;

                if (fdrow >= 0 && dataGridViewEngineering.Rows[fdrow].Visible)        // better check visible, may have changed..

            if (OnDisplayComplete != null)
Example #19
        private static List <IItem> RecipeLines(NetworkMenu menu, Players.Player player, Recipes.Recipe recipe, JSONNode item)
            List <IItem> menuItems = new List <IItem>();

            menuItems.Add(new Label(new LabelData(recipe.Name, UnityEngine.Color.black, UnityEngine.TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 30, LabelData.ELocalizationType.Type)).ApplyPosition(item));
            menuItems.Add(new Label(new LabelData(_localizationHelper.GetLocalizationKey("Requirements"), UnityEngine.Color.black, UnityEngine.TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 24)).ApplyPosition(item));

            List <ValueTuple <IItem, int> > headerItems = new List <ValueTuple <IItem, int> >();

            headerItems.Add(ValueTuple.Create <IItem, int>(new Label(new LabelData("", UnityEngine.Color.black)), 70));
            headerItems.Add(ValueTuple.Create <IItem, int>(new Label(new LabelData(_localizationHelper.GetLocalizationKey("Item"), UnityEngine.Color.black)), 150));
            headerItems.Add(ValueTuple.Create <IItem, int>(new Label(new LabelData(_localizationHelper.GetLocalizationKey("Amount"), UnityEngine.Color.black)), 100));

            menuItems.Add(new HorizontalRow(headerItems).ApplyPosition(item));

            foreach (var req in recipe.Requirements)
                if (req == null)

                string reqName = ItemTypes.IndexLookup.GetName(req.Type);

                ItemIcon icon = new ItemIcon(reqName);
                if (Localization.TryGetType(player.LastKnownLocale, req.Type, out string localeReqName))
                    reqName = localeReqName;

                Label labelName   = new Label(new LabelData(reqName, UnityEngine.Color.black));
                Label labelAmount = new Label(new LabelData(req.Amount.ToString(), UnityEngine.Color.black));

                List <ValueTuple <IItem, int> > items = new List <ValueTuple <IItem, int> >();
                items.Add(ValueTuple.Create <IItem, int>(icon, 70));
                items.Add(ValueTuple.Create <IItem, int>(labelName, 150));
                items.Add(ValueTuple.Create <IItem, int>(labelAmount, 100));

                menuItems.Add(new HorizontalRow(items).ApplyPosition(item));

            menuItems.Add(new Label(new LabelData(_localizationHelper.GetLocalizationKey("Results"), UnityEngine.Color.black, UnityEngine.TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 24)).ApplyPosition(item));

            headerItems = new List <ValueTuple <IItem, int> >();
            headerItems.Add(ValueTuple.Create <IItem, int>(new Label(new LabelData("", UnityEngine.Color.black)), 70));
            headerItems.Add(ValueTuple.Create <IItem, int>(new Label(new LabelData(_localizationHelper.GetLocalizationKey("Item"), UnityEngine.Color.black)), 150));
            headerItems.Add(ValueTuple.Create <IItem, int>(new Label(new LabelData(_localizationHelper.GetLocalizationKey("Amount"), UnityEngine.Color.black)), 100));
            headerItems.Add(ValueTuple.Create <IItem, int>(new Label(new LabelData(_localizationHelper.GetLocalizationKey("Chance"), UnityEngine.Color.black)), 100));

            menuItems.Add(new HorizontalRow(headerItems).ApplyPosition(item));

            foreach (var req in recipe.Results)
                string reqName = ItemTypes.IndexLookup.GetName(req.Type);

                ItemIcon icon = new ItemIcon(reqName);
                if (Localization.TryGetType(player.LastKnownLocale, req.Type, out string localeReqName))
                    reqName = localeReqName;

                Label labelName   = new Label(new LabelData(reqName, UnityEngine.Color.black));
                Label labelAmount = new Label(new LabelData(req.Amount.ToString(), UnityEngine.Color.black));
                Label chance      = new Label(new LabelData(req.Chance * 100 + "%", UnityEngine.Color.black));
                List <ValueTuple <IItem, int> > items = new List <ValueTuple <IItem, int> >();
                items.Add(ValueTuple.Create <IItem, int>(icon, 70));
                items.Add(ValueTuple.Create <IItem, int>(labelName, 150));
                items.Add(ValueTuple.Create <IItem, int>(labelAmount, 100));
                items.Add(ValueTuple.Create <IItem, int>(chance, 100));

                menuItems.Add(new HorizontalRow(items).ApplyPosition(item));

                if (Localization.TryGetTypeUse(player.LastKnownLocale, req.Type, out var description))
                    menuItems.Add(new Label(new LabelData(description, UnityEngine.Color.black)).ApplyPosition(item));

                if (Localization.TryGetSentence(player.LastKnownLocale, _localizationHelper.GetLocalizationKey("ItemDetails." + ItemId.GetItemId(req.Type).Name), out var extendedDetail))
                    menuItems.Add(new Label(new LabelData(extendedDetail, UnityEngine.Color.black)).ApplyPosition(item));

            menuItems.Add(new Line(UnityEngine.Color.black, 1));

Example #20
 private void RemoveRecipeFromList(Recipes.Recipe selected)