Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            string _outputFolder = null;

            DA.GetData(0, ref _outputFolder);

            IEnumerable <string> directories = ReceptorOutput.GetAllReceptorDirectory(_outputFolder);

            DA.SetDataList(0, directories.ToList());
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            List <string> _buildingFiles = new List <string>();
            int           _val_          = 0;
            bool          runIt_         = false;

            DA.GetDataList(0, _buildingFiles);
            DA.GetData(1, ref _val_);
            DA.GetData(2, ref runIt_);

            // Unwrap variables
            var variables = BuildingOutputTypeMapping();

            if (runIt_)
                DataTree <string>             valueTree        = new DataTree <string>();
                DataTree <string>             dateTree         = new DataTree <string>();
                DataTree <string>             timeTree         = new DataTree <string>();
                DataTree <BuldingDatVariable> variableNameTree = new DataTree <BuldingDatVariable>();

                // Warning!
                if (_val_ >= variables.Count)
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Variable is out of range, check description of the input.");

                //TO DO: Generic class for csv method
                for (int i = 0; i < _buildingFiles.Count; i++)
                    GHD.GH_Path pth = new GHD.GH_Path(i);

                    valueTree.AddRange(ReceptorOutput.GetValueFromCsv(_buildingFiles[i], (int)variables[_val_]), pth);
                    dateTree.AddRange(ReceptorOutput.GetValueFromCsv(_buildingFiles[i], (int)BuldingDatVariable.Date), pth);
                    timeTree.AddRange(ReceptorOutput.GetValueFromCsv(_buildingFiles[i], (int)BuldingDatVariable.Time), pth);
                    variableNameTree.Add(variables[_val_], pth);

                DA.SetDataTree(0, variableNameTree);
                DA.SetDataTree(1, dateTree);
                DA.SetDataTree(2, timeTree);
                DA.SetDataTree(3, valueTree);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            List <string> _receptorPath         = new List <string>();
            int           _receptorHeightIndex_ = 0;
            int           _val_  = 0;
            bool          runIt_ = false;

            DA.GetDataList(0, _receptorPath);
            DA.GetData(1, ref _receptorHeightIndex_);
            DA.GetData(2, ref _val_);
            DA.GetData(3, ref runIt_);

            // Unwrap variables
            var variables = ReceptorOutputTypeMapping(_value);

            if (_value == ReceptorFileType.SOIL)
                Params.Input[1].Name        = "_receptorHeightIndex_";
                Params.Input[1].NickName    = "_receptorHeightIndex_";
                Params.Input[1].Description = "Use this index to a get value at different height. Value depends on your model.";
                Params.Input[2].Name        = "_soilVariable_";
                Params.Input[2].NickName    = "_soilVariable_";
                Params.Input[2].Description = "Connect a number:\n0 = Temperature °C\n1= VolumeWaterContent m3/m-3\n2 = TemperatureDiffusifity *10e6";

                Params.Output[0].Description = "Negative height (cm).";
            else if (_value == ReceptorFileType.FLUX)
                Params.Input[1].Name        = "-";
                Params.Input[1].NickName    = "-";
                Params.Input[1].Description = "-";
                _receptorHeightIndex_       = 0;

                Params.Output[0].Description = "Height of measure (m).";

                Params.Input[2].Name        = "_fluxVariable_";
                Params.Input[2].NickName    = "_fluxVariable_";
                Params.Input[2].Description = "Connect a number:\n0 = SurfaceTemperature °C\n" +
                                              "1 = ChangeSurfaceTemperature °C/h\n" +
                                              "2 = SurfaceHumidity g/kg\n" +
                                              "3 = HorizontalWindSpeedaboveSurface m/s\n" +
                                              "4 = VerticalComponentWindSpeedaboveSurfaceZ m/s\n" +
                                              "5 = AirTemperatureofGridPoint °C\n" +
                                              "6 = SensibleHeatFlux W/m²\n" +
                                              "7 = LatentHeatFlux W/m²\n" +
                                              "8 = SoilHeatFlux W/m²\n" +
                                              "9 = MasSExchangeCoefficient m²/s\n" +
                                              "10 = TurbulentExchangeCoefficient m²/s\n" +
                                              "11 = MaxDirectShortwaverRadiation W/m²\n" +
                                              "12 = MaxDiffuseShortwaveRadiation W/m²\n" +
                                              "13 = MaxReflectedShortwaveRadiation W/m²\n" +
                                              "14 = LongwaveRadiationBudgetSrf W/m²";
                Params.Input[1].Name        = "_receptorHeightIndex_";
                Params.Input[1].NickName    = "_receptorHeightIndex_";
                Params.Input[1].Description = "Use this index to a get value at different height. Value depends on your model..";
                Params.Input[2].Name        = "_atmosphereVariable_";
                Params.Input[2].NickName    = "_atmosphereVariable_";

                Params.Output[0].Description = "Height of measure (m).";

                Params.Input[2].Description = "Connect a number:\n0 = WindSpeed m/s\n" +
                                              "1 = WindDirection °\n" +
                                              "2 = AirTemperature °C\n" +
                                              "3 = DiffTemperature °C/h\n" +
                                              "4 = SpecificHumidity g/kg\n" +
                                              "5 = RelativeHumidity %\n" +
                                              "6 = VerticalExchangeCoefficient m²/s\n" +
                                              "7 = VerticalKmNormed -\n" +
                                              "8 = HorizontalExchangeCoefficient m²/s\n" +
                                              "9 = TurbulentKineticEnergy m²/s²\n" +
                                              "10 = DissipationTKE m³/s²\n" +
                                              "11 = MeanRadiantTemperature °C\n" +
                                              "12 = LeafAreaDensity m²/m³\n" +
                                              "13 = LeafFoliageTemperature °C\n" +
                                              "14 = SensibleHeatFluxFromLeaf W/m²2\n" +
                                              "15 = LatentHeatFluxFromLeaf W/m²2\n" +
                                              "16 = StomataResistance m/s\n" +
                                              "17 = CO2 mg/m³\n" +
                                              "18 = CO2Flux mg/(kg*s)\n" +
                                              "19 = ShortwaveDirectRadiation W/m²\n" +
                                              "20 = ShortwaveDiffuseRadiation W/m²\n" +
                                              "21 = PressurePerturbation Pa\n" +
                                              "22 = MassConcentration mg/m³\n" +
                                              "23 = MechanicalProductionTKE -\n" +
                                              "24 = AirTemperatureChangeLongwave K/h\n" +
                                              "25 = SkyViewFactorBuilding\n -" +
                                              "26 = SkyViewFactorBuildingLeaf -";

            if (runIt_)
                DataTree <string> valueTree = new DataTree <string>();
                DataTree <string> dateTree  = new DataTree <string>();
                DataTree <string> timeTree  = new DataTree <string>();

                // Warning!
                if (_val_ >= variables.Count)
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Variable is out of range, check description of the input.");

                double receptorHeight = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < _receptorPath.Count; i++)
                    IEnumerable <string> files          = ReceptorOutput.GetAllReceptorFiles(_receptorPath[i], _value);
                    List <string>        selectedValues = new List <string>();

                    GHD.GH_Path pth = new GHD.GH_Path(i);

                    if (_value != ReceptorFileType.FLUX)
                        foreach (string f in files)
                            // Warning
                            if (_receptorHeightIndex_ >= ReceptorOutput.GetValueFromCsv(f, (int)ReceptorAtmosphereVariable.Z).Count)
                                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Z Index does not exist.");

                            string val = ReceptorOutput.GetValueFromCsv(f, variables[_val_])[_receptorHeightIndex_];

                            if (val == SOIL_NULL)
                                val = ZERO;
                            dateTree.Add(ReceptorOutput.GetValueFromCsv(f, (int)ReceptorAtmosphereVariable.Date)[_receptorHeightIndex_], pth);
                            timeTree.Add(ReceptorOutput.GetValueFromCsv(f, (int)ReceptorAtmosphereVariable.Time)[_receptorHeightIndex_], pth);

                            receptorHeight = Convert.ToDouble(ReceptorOutput.GetValueFromCsv(f, (int)ReceptorAtmosphereVariable.Z)[_receptorHeightIndex_]);

                        valueTree.AddRange(selectedValues, pth);
                        foreach (string f in files)
                            valueTree.AddRange(ReceptorOutput.GetValueFromCsv(f, variables[_val_]), pth);
                            dateTree.AddRange(ReceptorOutput.GetValueFromCsv(f, (int)ReceptorAtmosphereVariable.Date), pth);
                            timeTree.AddRange(ReceptorOutput.GetValueFromCsv(f, (int)ReceptorAtmosphereVariable.Time), pth);

                DA.SetData(0, receptorHeight);
                DA.SetDataTree(1, dateTree);
                DA.SetDataTree(2, timeTree);
                DA.SetDataTree(3, valueTree);