public NewConnectionWindow(ClientHandle handle, RecentWorld recentWorld, bool isDebug) { this._recentWorld = recentWorld; this._isDebug = isDebug; this.InitializeComponent(); this._handle = handle; this._handle.ReceiveClose += this._handle_ReceiveClose; this.Closed += this.NewConnectionWindow_Closed; foreach (Profile profile in SettingsManager.Settings.Profiles.OrderBy(v => v.Id)) { var item = new TextBlock(new Run(profile.Name.GetVisualName())) {Tag = profile}; this.ProfileComboBox.Items.Add(item); if (recentWorld.Profile == profile.Id) this.ProfileComboBox.SelectedItem = item; } foreach (Account account in SettingsManager.Settings.Accounts.OrderBy(v => v.Id)) { var item = new TextBlock(new Run((account.Name ?? account.Email).GetVisualName())) {Tag = account}; this.AccountComboBox.Items.Add(item); if (recentWorld.Account == account.Id) this.AccountComboBox.SelectedItem = item; } this.WorldIdTextBox.Text = recentWorld.WorldId; }
private void ShowRename(RecentWorld recent) { var rename = new RenameWindow {Owner = this, NameTextBox = {Text = recent.Name}}; if (rename.ShowDialog() == true) { recent.Name = rename.NameTextBox.Text; } SettingsManager.Save(); this.RefreshRecent(); }
private void SetIncoming(RecentWorld recent) { this.IncomingSettings = recent; }
private void RemoveRecent(RecentWorld recent) { SettingsManager.Settings.RecentWorlds.Remove(recent); SettingsManager.Save(); this.RefreshRecent(); }
private void AddRecent(RecentWorld recent) { // If there is an unnamed connection with the same world id, remove it to avoid duplicates RecentWorld old = SettingsManager.Settings.RecentWorlds.FirstOrDefault( v => v.WorldId == recent.WorldId); if (old != null) { SettingsManager.Settings.RecentWorlds.Remove(old); } SettingsManager.Settings.RecentWorlds.Add(recent); }