public void Save(Bitmap Image, ImageFormat Format, string FileName, TextLocalizer Status, RecentViewModel Recents) { try { Settings.Instance.EnsureOutPath(); var extension = Format.Equals(ImageFormat.Icon) ? "ico" : Format.Equals(ImageFormat.Jpeg) ? "jpg" : Format.ToString().ToLower(); var fileName = FileName ?? Path.Combine(Settings.Instance.OutPath, $"{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss}.{extension}"); using (Image) Image.Save(fileName, Format); Status.LocalizationKey = nameof(Resources.ImgSavedDisk); Recents.Add(fileName, RecentItemType.Image, false); if (Settings.Instance.CopyOutPathToClipboard) { fileName.WriteToClipboard(); } ServiceProvider.SystemTray.ShowScreenShotNotification(fileName); } catch (Exception E) { ServiceProvider.MessageProvider.ShowError($"{nameof(Resources.NotSaved)}\n\n{E}"); Status.LocalizationKey = nameof(Resources.NotSaved); } }
public async Task Save(Bitmap Image, ImageFormat Format, string FileName, RecentViewModel Recents) { var response = await Save(Image, Format); switch (response) { case ImgurUploadResponse uploadResponse: var recentItem = Recents.Add(uploadResponse.Data.Link, RecentItemType.Link, false); recentItem.DeleteHash = uploadResponse.Data.DeleteHash; // Copy path to clipboard only when clipboard writer is off if (_settings.CopyOutPathToClipboard && !ServiceProvider.Get <ClipboardWriter>().Active) { uploadResponse.Data.Link.WriteToClipboard(); } break; case Exception e: if (!_diskWriter.Active) { ServiceProvider.Get <IMainWindow>().IsVisible = true; var yes = _messageProvider.ShowYesNo( $"{_loc.ImgurFailed}\n{e.Message}\n\nDo you want to Save to Disk?", "Imgur Upload Failed"); if (yes) { await _diskWriter.Save(Image, Format, FileName, Recents); } } break; } }
public Task Save(Bitmap Image, ImageFormat Format, string FileName, RecentViewModel Recents) { try { _settings.EnsureOutPath(); var extension = Format.Equals(ImageFormat.Icon) ? "ico" : Format.Equals(ImageFormat.Jpeg) ? "jpg" : Format.ToString().ToLower(); var fileName = FileName ?? Path.Combine(_settings.OutPath, $"{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss}.{extension}"); Image.Save(fileName, Format); Recents.Add(fileName, RecentItemType.Image, false); // Copy path to clipboard only when clipboard writer is off if (_settings.CopyOutPathToClipboard && !ServiceProvider.Get <ClipboardWriter>().Active) { fileName.WriteToClipboard(); } _systemTray.ShowScreenShotNotification(fileName); } catch (Exception e) { _messageProvider.ShowError($"{nameof(LanguageManager.NotSaved)}\n\n{e}"); } return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public Task Save(Bitmap Image, ImageFormat Format, string FileName, RecentViewModel Recents) { try { _settings.EnsureOutPath(); var extension = Format.Equals(ImageFormat.Icon) ? "ico" : Format.Equals(ImageFormat.Jpeg) ? "jpg" : Format.ToString().ToLower(); var fileName = _settings.GetFileName(extension, FileName); Image.Save(fileName, Format); Recents.Add(fileName, RecentItemType.Image, false); // Copy path to clipboard only when clipboard writer is off if (_settings.CopyOutPathToClipboard && !ServiceProvider.Get <ClipboardWriter>().Active) { fileName.WriteToClipboard(); } _systemTray.ShowScreenShotNotification(fileName); } catch (Exception e) { _messageProvider.ShowException(e, _loc.NotSaved); } return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public async void Save(Bitmap Image, ImageFormat Format, string FileName, TextLocalizer Status, RecentViewModel Recents) { var ritem = Recents.Add($"{_loc.ImgurUploading} (0%)", RecentItemType.Link, true); using (var w = new WebClient { Proxy = _settings.Proxy.GetWebProxy() }) { w.UploadProgressChanged += (s, e) => { ritem.Display = $"{_loc.ImgurUploading} ({e.ProgressPercentage}%)"; }; w.Headers.Add("Authorization", $"Client-ID {ApiKeys.ImgurClientId}"); NameValueCollection values; using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { Image.Save(ms, Format); values = new NameValueCollection { { "image", Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray()) } }; } XDocument xdoc; try { var response = await w.UploadValuesTaskAsync("", values); xdoc = XDocument.Load(new MemoryStream(response)); var xAttribute = xdoc.Root?.Attribute("success"); if (xAttribute == null || int.Parse(xAttribute.Value) != 1) { throw new Exception("Response indicates Failure"); } Image.Dispose(); } catch (Exception E) { ritem.Display = _loc.ImgurFailed; Status.LocalizationKey = nameof(LanguageManager.ImgurFailed); var yes = _messageProvider.ShowYesNo($"{_loc.ImgurFailed}\n{E.Message}\n\nDo you want to Save to Disk?", "Imgur Upload Failed"); if (yes) { _diskWriter.Save(Image, Format, FileName, Status, Recents); } return; } var link = xdoc.Root.Element("link").Value; if (_settings.CopyOutPathToClipboard) { link.WriteToClipboard(); } ritem.FilePath = ritem.Display = link; ritem.Saved(); _systemTray.ShowTextNotification($"{_loc.ImgurSuccess}: {link}", _settings.UI.ScreenShotNotifyTimeout, () => Process.Start(link)); Status.LocalizationKey = nameof(LanguageManager.ImgurSuccess); } }
public async Task Save(Bitmap Image, ImageFormat Format, string FileName, RecentViewModel Recents) { var progressItem = _systemTray.ShowProgress(); progressItem.PrimaryText = _loc.ImgurUploading; using (var w = new WebClient { Proxy = _settings.Proxy.GetWebProxy() }) { w.UploadProgressChanged += (s, e) => { progressItem.Progress = e.ProgressPercentage; }; w.Headers.Add("Authorization", $"Client-ID {ApiKeys.ImgurClientId}"); NameValueCollection values; using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { Image.Save(ms, Format); values = new NameValueCollection { { "image", Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray()) } }; } XDocument xdoc; try { var response = await w.UploadValuesTaskAsync("", values); xdoc = XDocument.Load(new MemoryStream(response)); var xAttribute = xdoc.Root?.Attribute("success"); if (xAttribute == null || int.Parse(xAttribute.Value) != 1) { throw new Exception("Response indicates Failure"); } } catch (Exception e) { progressItem.Finished = true; progressItem.Success = false; progressItem.PrimaryText = _loc.ImgurFailed; if (!_diskWriter.Active) { ServiceProvider.Get <IMainWindow>().IsVisible = true; var yes = _messageProvider.ShowYesNo( $"{_loc.ImgurFailed}\n{e.Message}\n\nDo you want to Save to Disk?", "Imgur Upload Failed"); if (yes) { await _diskWriter.Save(Image, Format, FileName, Recents); } } return; } var link = xdoc.Root.Element("link").Value; // Copy path to clipboard only when clipboard writer is off if (_settings.CopyOutPathToClipboard && !ServiceProvider.Get <ClipboardWriter>().Active) { link.WriteToClipboard(); } Recents.Add(link, RecentItemType.Link, false); progressItem.Finished = true; progressItem.Success = true; progressItem.PrimaryText = _loc.ImgurSuccess; progressItem.SecondaryText = link; progressItem.RegisterClick(() => Process.Start(link)); } }