/// <summary>
        /// WMM-006 获取标签信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="barcodeData">箱条码</param>
        /// <returns>返回条码表实体</returns>
        public BarcodeInfo GetBarcode(string barcodeData, string asnRunsheetNo, BarcodeStatusConstants scanType, string loginUser, int scanMode = 1)
            List <BarcodeInfo> barcodeInfos = dal.GetList("[BARCODE_DATA] = N'" + barcodeData + "' ", string.Empty);

            if (barcodeInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000276");///标签信息错误
            BarcodeInfo barcodeInfo = barcodeInfos.FirstOrDefault();

            if (barcodeInfo == null)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000276");///标签信息错误
            if (barcodeInfo.BarcodeStatus.GetValueOrDefault() == (int)BarcodeStatusConstants.Invalid)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000277");///标签已作废
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(asnRunsheetNo))
                barcodeInfo.AsnRunsheetNo = asnRunsheetNo;

            string validBarcodeCreateOrderSameAsAsnrunsheeno = new ConfigDAL().GetValueByCode("VALID_BARCODE_CREATE_ORDER_SAME_AS_ASNRUNSHEETNO");

            if (validBarcodeCreateOrderSameAsAsnrunsheeno.ToLower() == "true")
                if (scanType == BarcodeStatusConstants.Scaned && scanMode == 1)
                    int cnt = new ReceiveDetailDAL().GetCounts("[FID] = N'" + barcodeInfo.CreateSourceFid.GetValueOrDefault() + "' and [TRAN_NO] = N'" + asnRunsheetNo + "'");
                    if (cnt == 0)
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000278");///条码不属于本单据

            if (scanMode == 2)
                OutputDetailInfo outputDetailInfo = new OutputDetailDAL().GetInfo(barcodeInfo.CreateSourceFid.GetValueOrDefault());
                if (outputDetailInfo != null)
                    barcodeInfo.WmNo   = outputDetailInfo.TargetWm;
                    barcodeInfo.ZoneNo = outputDetailInfo.TargetZone;
                    barcodeInfo.Dloc   = outputDetailInfo.TargetDloc;

            string clientScanedBarcodeUpdateBarcodeStatusFlag = new ConfigDAL().GetValueByCode("CLIENT_SCANED_BARCODE_UPDATE_BARCODE_STATUS_FLAG");

            if (clientScanedBarcodeUpdateBarcodeStatusFlag.ToLower() == "true")
                string sql = BarcodeDAL.GetBarcodeUpdateSql((int)scanType
                                                            , barcodeInfo.WmNo
                                                            , barcodeInfo.ZoneNo
                                                            , barcodeInfo.Dloc
                                                            , barcodeInfo.AsnRunsheetNo
                                                            , barcodeInfo.Fid.GetValueOrDefault()
                                                            , loginUser);
                if (!CommonDAL.ExecuteNonQueryBySql(sql))
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000276");///标签信息错误
        /// <summary>
        /// 发货
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowsKeyValues"></param>
        /// <param name="loginUser"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ResendInfos(List <string> rowsKeyValues, string loginUser)
            List <ReceiveInfo> receiveInfos = dal.GetList("[ID] in (" + string.Join(",", rowsKeyValues.ToArray()) + ")", "[ID]");

            if (receiveInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///数据错误
            //int cnt = receiveInfos.Count(d => d.Status.GetValueOrDefault() != (int)WmmOrderStatusConstants.Completed);
            //if (cnt > 0)
            //    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000344");///状态为已完成时才能进行发货
            List <ReceiveDetailInfo> receiveDetailInfos = new ReceiveDetailDAL().GetList("[RECEIVE_FID] in ('" + string.Join("','", receiveInfos.Select(d => d.Fid.GetValueOrDefault()).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty);

            if (receiveDetailInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///数据错误
            List <BarcodeInfo> barcodeInfos = new BarcodeDAL().GetList("" +
                                                                       "[CREATE_SOURCE_FID] in ('" + string.Join("','", receiveDetailInfos.Select(d => d.Fid.GetValueOrDefault()).ToArray()) + "') and " +
                                                                       "[BARCODE_STATUS] = " + (int)BarcodeStatusConstants.Inbound + "", string.Empty);

            if (barcodeInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///数据错误
            string sql = string.Empty;

            foreach (var receiveInfo in receiveInfos)
                List <ReceiveDetailInfo> receiveDetails = receiveDetailInfos.Where(d => d.ReceiveFid.GetValueOrDefault() == receiveInfo.Fid.GetValueOrDefault()).ToList();
                if (receiveDetails.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///数据错误
                List <BarcodeInfo> barcodes = barcodeInfos.Where(d => receiveDetails.Select(r => r.Fid.GetValueOrDefault()).Contains(d.CreateSourceFid.GetValueOrDefault())).ToList();
                if (barcodes.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///数据错误
                sql += OutputBLL.CreateOutputByReceiveSql(
                    receiveInfo,    ///入库单
                    receiveDetails, ///入库单明细
                    barcodes,       ///标签
                    string.Empty,   ///目标仓库
                    string.Empty,   ///目标存储区
                    null,           ///出库类型
                    loginUser,      ///操作用户
                    string.Empty, ///承运人
                    string.Empty, ///联系电话
                    null,         ///计划发货时间
                    null);        ///计划到达时间
                sql += "update [LES].[TT_WMM_RECEIVE] " +
                       "set [STATUS] = " + (int)WmmOrderStatusConstants.Closed + ",[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "',[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() " +
                       "where [ID] = " + receiveInfo.ReceiveId + ";";
            using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope())
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 提交(发布)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowsKeyValues"></param>
        /// <param name="loginUser"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ReleaseInfos(List <string> rowsKeyValues, string loginUser)
            List <PlanPullOrderInfo> planPullOrderInfos = dal.GetList("[ID] in (" + string.Join(",", rowsKeyValues.ToArray()) + ")", "[ID]");

            if (planPullOrderInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///数据错误
            StringBuilder @string = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var planPullOrderInfo in planPullOrderInfos)
                if (planPullOrderInfo.OrderStatus.GetValueOrDefault() != (int)PullOrderStatusConstants.Created)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000683");///状态必须为已创建
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(planPullOrderInfo.CustTrustNo))
                    List <ReceiveInfo> receiveInfos = new ReceiveDAL().GetList("" +
                                                                               "[ASN_NO] = N'" + planPullOrderInfo.CustTrustNo + "' and " +
                                                                               "LEN(ISNULL([RUNSHEET_NO],'')) = 0", string.Empty);
                    List <ReceiveDetailInfo> receiveDetailInfos = new List <ReceiveDetailInfo>();
                    if (receiveInfos.Count > 0)
                        receiveDetailInfos = new ReceiveDetailDAL().GetList("" +
                                                                            "[RECEIVE_FID] in ('" + string.Join("','", receiveInfos.Select(d => d.Fid.GetValueOrDefault()).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty);
                    List <BarcodeInfo> barcodeInfos = new List <BarcodeInfo>();
                    if (receiveDetailInfos.Count > 0)
                        barcodeInfos = new BarcodeDAL().GetList("" +
                                                                "[CREATE_SOURCE_FID] in ('" + string.Join("','", receiveDetailInfos.Select(d => d.Fid.GetValueOrDefault()).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty);
                    foreach (var receiveInfo in receiveInfos)
                        @string.AppendLine("update [LES].[TT_WMM_RECEIVE] " +
                                           "set [RUNSHEET_NO] = N'" + planPullOrderInfo.OrderCode + "' " +
                                           "where [ReceiveId] = " + receiveInfo.ReceiveId + ";");
                        foreach (var receiveDetailInfo in receiveDetailInfos)
                            @string.AppendLine("update [LES].[TT_WMM_RECEIVE_DETAIL] " +
                                               "set [RUNSHEET_NO] = N'" + planPullOrderInfo.OrderCode + "' " +
                                               "where [FID] = " + receiveDetailInfo.Fid + ";");
                            List <BarcodeInfo> barcodes = barcodeInfos.Where(d => d.CreateSourceFid.GetValueOrDefault() == receiveDetailInfo.Fid.GetValueOrDefault()).ToList();
                            foreach (var barcode in barcodes)
                                @string.AppendLine("update [LES].[TT_WMM_BARCODE] " +
                                                   "set [RUNSHEET_NO] = N'" + planPullOrderInfo.OrderCode + "' " +
                                                   "where [ID] = " + barcode.Id + ";");
                    List <OutputInfo> outputInfos = new OutputDAL().GetList("[ASN_NO] = N'" + planPullOrderInfo.CustTrustNo + "' and LEN(ISNULL([RUNSHEET_NO],'')) = 0", string.Empty);
                    foreach (var outputInfo in outputInfos)
                        @string.AppendLine("update [LES].[TT_WMM_OUTPUT] " +
                                           "set [RUNSHEET_NO] = N'" + planPullOrderInfo.OrderCode + "' " +
                                           "where [ID] = " + outputInfo.OutputId + ";");
                        @string.AppendLine("update [LES].[TT_WMM_OUTPUT_DETAIL] " +
                                           "set [RUNSHEET_NO] = N'" + planPullOrderInfo.OrderCode + "' " +
                                           "where [OUTPUT_FID] = N'" + outputInfo.Fid.GetValueOrDefault() + "' and [VALID_FLAG] = 1 and LEN(ISNULL([RUNSHEET_NO],'')) = 0;");
            @string.AppendLine("update [LES].[TT_MPM_PLAN_PULL_ORDER] set " +
                               "[ORDER_STATUS] = " + (int)PullOrderStatusConstants.Released + "," +
                               "[PUBLISH_TIME] = GETDATE()," +
                               "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "'," +
                               "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() where " +
                               "[ID] in (" + string.Join(",", rowsKeyValues.ToArray()) + ");");

            using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope())
                if (@string.Length > 0)