public virtual void updateCities() { // Pull all the cities from the realm RealmResults <City> cities = realm.@where(typeof(City)).findAll(); // Put these items in the Adapter mAdapter.Data = cities; mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); mGridView.invalidate(); }
protected internal override void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // Generate a key // IMPORTANT! This is a silly way to generate a key. It is also never stored. // For proper key handling please consult: // * // * sbyte[] key = new sbyte[64]; (new SecureRandom()).NextBytes(key); RealmConfiguration realmConfiguration = (new RealmConfiguration.Builder(this)).encryptionKey(key).build(); // Start with a clean slate every time Realm.deleteRealm(realmConfiguration); // Open the Realm with encryption enabled realm = Realm.getInstance(realmConfiguration); // Everything continues to work as normal except for that the file is encrypted on disk realm.beginTransaction(); Person person = realm.createObject(typeof(Person)); person.Name = "Happy Person"; person.Age = 14; realm.commitTransaction(); person = realm.@where(typeof(Person)).findFirst(); Log.i(TAG, string.Format("Person name: {0}", person.Name)); }
public override void handleMessage(Message msg) { //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final android.os.Bundle bundle = msg.getData(); Bundle bundle = msg.Data; //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final int action = bundle.getInt(ACTION); int action = bundle.getInt(ACTION); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final String timestamp = bundle.getString(TIMESTAMP); string timestamp = bundle.getString(TIMESTAMP); switch (action) { case ADD_TIMESTAMP: realm.beginTransaction(); realm.createObject(typeof(TimeStamp)).TimeStamp = timestamp; realm.commitTransaction(); break; case REMOVE_TIMESTAMP: realm.beginTransaction(); realm.@where(typeof(TimeStamp)).equalTo("timeStamp", timestamp).findAll().clear(); realm.commitTransaction(); break; } }
private void basicCRUD(Realm realm) { showStatus("Perform basic Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) operations..."); // All writes must be wrapped in a transaction to facilitate safe multi threading realm.beginTransaction(); // Add a person Person person = realm.createObject(typeof(Person)); person.Id = 1; person.Name = "Young Person"; person.Age = 14; // When the transaction is committed, all changes a synced to disk. realm.commitTransaction(); // Find the first person (no query conditions) and read a field person = realm.@where(typeof(Person)).findFirst(); showStatus(person.Name + ":" + person.Age); // Update person in a transaction realm.beginTransaction(); person.Name = "Senior Person"; person.Age = 99; showStatus(person.Name + " got older: " + person.Age); realm.commitTransaction(); // Delete all persons realm.beginTransaction(); realm.allObjects(typeof(Person)).clear(); realm.commitTransaction(); }
public override void onStart() { base.onStart(); // Create Realm instance for the UI thread realm = Realm.DefaultInstance; allSortedDots = realm.@where(typeof(Dot)).between("x", 25, 75).between("y", 0, 50).findAllSortedAsync("x", RealmResults.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING, "y", RealmResults.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING); dotAdapter.updateList(allSortedDots); allSortedDots.addChangeListener(this); }
private void basicLinkQuery(Realm realm) { showStatus("\nPerforming basic Link Query operation..."); showStatus("Number of persons: " + realm.allObjects(typeof(Person)).size()); RealmResults <Person> results = realm.@where(typeof(Person)).equalTo("", "Tiger").findAll(); showStatus("Size of result set: " + results.size()); }
private string complexQuery() { string status = "\n\nPerforming complex Query operation..."; Realm realm = Realm.getInstance(this); status += "\nNumber of persons: " + realm.allObjects(typeof(Person)).size(); // Find all persons where age between 7 and 9 and name begins with "Person". RealmResults <Person> results = realm.@where(typeof(Person)).between("age", 7, 9).beginsWith("name", "Person").findAll(); // Notice implicit "and" operation status += "\nSize of result set: " + results.size(); realm.close(); return(status); }
protected internal override void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ContentView = R.layout.activity_my; RealmConfiguration realmConfig = (new RealmConfiguration.Builder(this)).build(); Realm.deleteRealm(realmConfig); realm = Realm.getInstance(realmConfig); RealmResults <TimeStamp> timeStamps = realm.@where(typeof(TimeStamp)).findAll(); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final MyAdapter adapter = new MyAdapter(this,, timeStamps, true); MyAdapter adapter = new MyAdapter(this,, timeStamps, true); ListView listView = (ListView)findViewById(; listView.Adapter = adapter; listView.OnItemLongClickListener = new OnItemLongClickListenerAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, adapter); }
protected internal override void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ContentView = R.layout.activity_modules_example; rootLayout = ((LinearLayout)findViewById(; rootLayout.removeAllViews(); // The default Realm instance implicitly knows about all classes in the realmModuleAppExample Android Studio // module. This does not include the classes from the realmModuleLibraryExample AS module so a Realm using this // configuration would know about the following classes: { Cow, Pig, Snake, Spider } RealmConfiguration defaultConfig = (new RealmConfiguration.Builder(this)).build(); // It is possible to extend the default schema by adding additional Realm modules using setModule(). This can // also be Realm modules from libraries. The below Realm contains the following classes: { Cow, Pig, Snake, // Spider, Cat, Dog } RealmConfiguration farmAnimalsConfig = (new RealmConfiguration.Builder(this)).name("farm.realm").setModules(Realm.DefaultModule, new DomesticAnimalsModule()).build(); // Or you can completely replace the default schema. // This Realm contains the following classes: { Elephant, Lion, Zebra, Snake, Spider } RealmConfiguration exoticAnimalsConfig = (new RealmConfiguration.Builder(this)).name("exotic.realm").setModules(new ZooAnimalsModule(), new CreepyAnimalsModule()).build(); // Multiple Realms can be open at the same time showStatus("Opening multiple Realms"); Realm defaultRealm = Realm.getInstance(defaultConfig); Realm farmRealm = Realm.getInstance(farmAnimalsConfig); Realm exoticRealm = Realm.getInstance(exoticAnimalsConfig); // Objects can be added to each Realm independantly showStatus("Create objects in the default Realm"); defaultRealm.executeTransaction(new TransactionAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this)); showStatus("Create objects in the farm Realm"); farmRealm.executeTransaction(new TransactionAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this)); showStatus("Create objects in the exotic Realm"); exoticRealm.executeTransaction(new TransactionAnonymousInnerClassHelper3(this)); // You can copy objects between Realms showStatus("Copy objects between Realms"); showStatus("Number of pigs on the farm : " + farmRealm.@where(typeof(Pig)).count()); showStatus("Copy pig from defaultRealm to farmRealm"); Pig defaultPig = defaultRealm.@where(typeof(Pig)).findFirst(); farmRealm.beginTransaction(); farmRealm.copyToRealm(defaultPig); farmRealm.commitTransaction(); showStatus("Number of pigs on the farm : " + farmRealm.@where(typeof(Pig)).count()); // Each Realm is restricted to only accept the classes in their schema. showStatus("Trying to add an unsupported class"); defaultRealm.beginTransaction(); try { defaultRealm.createObject(typeof(Elephant)); } catch (RealmException expected) { showStatus("This throws a :" + expected.ToString()); } finally { defaultRealm.cancelTransaction(); } // And Realms in library projects are independent from Realms in the app code showStatus("Interacting with library code that uses Realm internally"); int animals = 5; Zoo libraryZoo = new Zoo(this);; showStatus("Adding animals: " + animals); libraryZoo.addAnimals(5); showStatus("Number of animals in the library Realm:" + libraryZoo.NoOfAnimals); libraryZoo.close(); // Remember to close all open Realms defaultRealm.close(); farmRealm.close(); exoticRealm.close(); }