Example #1
        public void SubclassesCanRedefineBehaviorThatIsNotVirtual()
            ReallyYippyChihuahua suzie = new ReallyYippyChihuahua("Suzie");

            //Assert.AreEqual (FILL_ME_IN, suzie.Wag ());
            Assert.AreEqual("BUP BUP BUP!!!", suzie.Wag());
Example #2
        public void NewingAMethodDoesNotChangeTheBaseBehavior()
            //This is vital to understand. In Koan 6, you saw that the Wag
            //method did what we defined in our class. But what happens
            //when we do this?
            Chihuahua bennie = new ReallyYippyChihuahua("Bennie");
            Assert.Equal("Happy", bennie.Wag());

            //That's right. The behavior of the object is dependent solely
            //on who you are pretending to be. Unlike when you override a
            //virtual method. Remember this in your path to enlightenment.
Example #3
        public void NewingAMethodDoesNotChangeTheBaseBehavior()
            //This is vital to understand. In Koan 6, you saw that the Wag
            //method did what we defined in our class. But what happens
            //when we do this?
            Chihuahua bennie = new ReallyYippyChihuahua("Bennie");

            Assert.Equal("Happy", bennie.Wag());

            //That's right. The behavior of the object is dependent solely
            //on who you are pretending to be. Unlike when you override a
            //virtual method. Remember this in your path to enlightenment.
Example #4
        public void NewingAMethodDoesNotChangeTheBaseBehavior()
            // Això és crucial que ho entengueu. A la càpsula 6 heu vist
            // que el mètode "Wag" feia el que havíem definit a la nostra
            // classe... Però que passa quan fem això?
            Chihuahua bennie = new ReallyYippyChihuahua("Bennie");

            Assert.AreEqual("Estic content i moc la cua!", bennie.Wag());

            // Així és. El comportament de l'objecte és dependent només
            // de qui preteneu ser (a diferència de quan sobreescrivim un
            // mètode virtual). Recordeu això en el vostre camí a la il·luminació.
        public void NewingAMethodDoesNotChangeTheBaseBehavior()
            //This is vital to understand. In Koan 6, you saw that the Wag
            //method did what we defined in our class. But what happens
            //when we do this?
            Chihuahua bennie = new ReallyYippyChihuahua("Bennie");
            Assert.Equal("Happy", bennie.Wag());

            // # so I guess that if the WAGWAGWAG wag method had been an override method,
            // # it would have stuck with the reallyYippyChihuahua even after
            // # it'd been downcast to a chihuahua. Since it was "born" (instantiated) with it?

            //That's right. The behavior of the object is dependent solely
            //on who you are pretending to be. Unlike when you override a
            //virtual method. Remember this in your path to enlightenment.
Example #6
 public void SubclassesCanRedefineBehaviorThatIsNotVirtual()
     ReallyYippyChihuahua suzie = new ReallyYippyChihuahua("Suzie");
     Assert.Equal("WAG WAG WAG!!", suzie.Wag());
Example #7
        public void SubclassesCanRedefineBehaviorThatIsNotVirtual()
            ReallyYippyChihuahua suzie = new ReallyYippyChihuahua("Suzie");

            Assert.Equal("WAG WAG WAG!!", suzie.Wag());
Example #8
 public void SubclassesCanRedefineBehaviorThatIsNotVirtual()
     ReallyYippyChihuahua suzie = new ReallyYippyChihuahua("Suzie");
     Assert.AreEqual(FILL_ME_IN, suzie.Wag());
        public void AboutInheritanceSubclassesCanRedefineBehaviorThatIsNotVirtual()
            ReallyYippyChihuahua suzie = new ReallyYippyChihuahua("Suzie");

            Assert.AreEqual(FILL_ME_IN, suzie.Wag());