protected override string ChangedFurText(Creature target, ReadOnlyFurColor oldFurColor) => CaninePepperGeneric.ChangedFurText(target, oldFurColor);
Example #2
 private static string ChangedFurText(Creature target, ReadOnlyFurColor oldFurColor)
     return(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("Your fur tingles, growing in thicker than ever " +
                                                                               "as darkness begins to spread from the roots, turning it midnight black.", StringFormats.BOLD));
Example #3
        protected internal override string DoTransformation(Creature target, out bool isBadEnd)
            isBadEnd = false;

            int changeLimit      = GenerateChangeCount(target, new int[] { 2, 2 });
            int remainingChanges = changeLimit;

            //crit is our modifier for basically all stats. 1 is default, though any non-standard will proc the non-default
            //standard also has a 15% chance of proccing it too.
            int crit = 1;

            if (modifiers > CanineModifiers.STANDARD || Utils.Rand(20) < 3)
                crit = Utils.Rand(20) / 10 + 2;
            bool hasCrit() => crit > 1;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            bool DoKnotChanges(double delta)
                if (target.hasCock)
                    bool changed      = false;
                    int  dogCockCount = target.genitals.CountCocksOfType(CockType.DOG);
                    if (dogCockCount > 0)
                        C**k smallestKnot = target.cocks.MinItem(x => x.type == CockType.DOG ? (double?)x.knotMultiplier : null);
                        if (smallestKnot.knotMultiplier > 2)
                            delta /= 10;
                        else if (smallestKnot.knotMultiplier > 1.75)
                            delta /= 5;
                        else if (smallestKnot.knotMultiplier > 1.5)
                            delta /= 2;

                        double knotMultiplierDelta = smallestKnot.IncreaseKnotMultiplier(delta);
                        if (knotMultiplierDelta != 0)
                            sb.Append(EnlargedSmallestKnotText(target, target.cocks.IndexOf(smallestKnot), knotMultiplierDelta, dogCockCount > 1));
                            changed = true;

                    target.DeltaCreatureStats(sens: 0.5, lus: 5 * crit);

            sb.Append(InitialTransformationText(modifiers, hasCrit()));

            //bad end related checks
            if (hasCrit() && target.body.hasActiveFurData && target.face.type == FaceType.DOG && target.ears.type == EarType.DOG &&
                target.lowerBody.type == LowerBodyType.DOG && target.tail.type == TailType.DOG && target is IExtendedCreature extended)
                //can get bad end.
                if (extended.extendedData.hasDoggoWarning && !extended.extendedData.resistsTFBadEnds)
                    //bad end.
                    if (Utils.RandBool())
                        isBadEnd = true;
                        return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, 0));
                    //get lucky, but warn that they got lucky
                        sb.Append(DoggoWarningText(target, true));
                //not warned
                else if (!extended.extendedData.hasDoggoWarning)
                    extended.extendedData.hasDoggoWarning = true;
                    sb.Append(DoggoWarningText(target, false));
            //stat changes
            if (modifiers.HasFlag(CanineModifiers.BLACK))
                target.IncreaseCreatureStats(lus: (byte)(5 + Utils.Rand(5)), lib: (byte)(2 + Utils.Rand(4)), corr: (byte)(2 + Utils.Rand(4)));
            //stat changes (cont.)
            double strengthIncrease     = 0;
            double speedIncrease        = 0;
            double intelligenceDecrease = 0;

            if (target.relativeStrength < 50 && Utils.Rand(3) == 0)
                strengthIncrease = target.IncreaseStrength(crit);
            if (target.relativeSpeed < 30 && Utils.Rand(3) == 0)
                speedIncrease = target.IncreaseSpeed(crit);
            if (target.relativeIntelligence > 30 && Utils.Rand(3) == 0)
                intelligenceDecrease = target.DecreaseIntelligence(crit);

            sb.Append(StatChangeText(target, strengthIncrease, speedIncrease, intelligenceDecrease));

            //modifier effects (no cost)

            //double pepper
            if (modifiers.HasFlag(CanineModifiers.DOUBLE))
                int dogCocks = target.genitals.CountCocksOfType(CockType.DOG);
                //already has 2+ dog cocks.
                if (dogCocks >= 2)
                    //just treat it like a large. so we'll just bitwise or the
                    //large flag in.
                    modifiers |= CanineModifiers.LARGE;
                //has no dog cocks.
                else if (dogCocks == 0)
                    //has no cocks. - grow 2
                    if (target.cocks.Count == 0)
                        target.AddCock(CockType.DOG, 7 + Utils.Rand(7), 1.5 + Utils.Rand(10) / 10, 1.7);
                        target.AddCock(CockType.DOG, 7 + Utils.Rand(7), 1.5 + Utils.Rand(10) / 10, 1.7);

                    //has one c**k. - grow one, change one
                    else if (target.cocks.Count == 1)
                        CockData oldCockData = target.cocks[0].AsReadOnlyData();

                        target.genitals.UpdateCockWithKnot(0, CockType.DOG, 1.5);
                        if (target.cocks[0].length < 10)
                        target.AddCock(CockType.DOG, 7 + Utils.Rand(7), 1.5 + Utils.Rand(10) / 10.0, 1.7);

                        sb.Append(ConvertedFirstDogCockGrewSecond(target, oldCockData));
                    //has 2+ cocks. -change 2
                        CockData firstOldData  = target.cocks[0].AsReadOnlyData();
                        CockData secondOldData = target.cocks[1].AsReadOnlyData();

                        target.genitals.UpdateCockWithKnot(0, CockType.DOG, 1.5);
                        if (target.cocks[0].length < 10)
                        target.genitals.UpdateCockWithKnot(1, CockType.DOG, 1.5);
                        if (target.cocks[1].length < 10)
                        sb.Append(ConvertedTwoCocksToDog(target, firstOldData, secondOldData));
                //one dog c**k.
                    if (target.cocks.Count == 1)
                        target.AddCock(CockType.DOG, 7 + Utils.Rand(7), 1.5 + Utils.Rand(10) / 10.0, 1.7);
                        if (target.cocks[0].type == CockType.DOG)
                            CockData oldData = target.cocks[1].AsReadOnlyData();
                            target.genitals.UpdateCockWithKnot(1, CockType.DOG, 1.5);
                            if (target.cocks[1].length < 10)
                            sb.Append(ConvertedOneCockToDogHadOne(target, 1, oldData));
                            CockData oldData = target.cocks[0].AsReadOnlyData();

                            target.genitals.UpdateCockWithKnot(0, CockType.DOG, 1.5);
                            if (target.cocks[0].length < 10)
                            sb.Append(ConvertedOneCockToDogHadOne(target, 0, oldData));

                target.IncreaseCreatureStats(lib: 2, lus: 50);

            //there are two ways to proc this - either via a knotty modifier (written here), or via random chance and/or with a large pepper (written later)
            //however, a knotty pepper modifier has no tf cost, the other check does. also, this will modify a c**k if none have a dog knot, the other will not.
            if (modifiers.HasFlag(CanineModifiers.KNOTTY))
                double delta = ((Utils.Rand(2) + 5) / 20) * crit;

                if (!DoKnotChanges(delta))
                    if (target.hasCock)
                        CockData oldCockData = target.cocks[0].AsReadOnlyData();

                        double knotSize = 1.75;

                        if (target.cocks[0].hasKnot)
                            knotSize = Math.Max(2.1, target.cocks[0].knotMultiplier);

                        target.genitals.UpdateCockWithKnot(0, CockType.DOG, knotSize);
                        if (target.cocks[0].length < 10)
                        sb.Append(ConvertedOneCockToDog(target, 0, oldCockData));


            if (modifiers.HasFlag(CanineModifiers.BULBY))
                if (!target.hasBalls)
                    target.genitals.GrowBalls(2, 1);
                    target.DeltaCreatureStats(lib: 2, lus: -10);
                else if (target.balls.uniBall)
                    BallsData oldData = target.balls.AsReadOnlyData();
                    target.DeltaCreatureStats(lib: 1, lus: 1);

                    sb.Append(EnlargedBallsText(target, oldData));
                    BallsData oldData = target.balls.AsReadOnlyData();

                    byte enlargeAmount = target.genitals.balls.EnlargeBalls(1);
                    target.IncreaseCreatureStats(lib: 1, lus: 3);

                    sb.Append(EnlargedBallsText(target, oldData));

            if (remainingChanges <= 0)
                return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));

            //tfs (cost 1).

            //restore neck
            if (target.neck.type != NeckType.defaultValue && Utils.Rand(4) == 0)
                NeckData oldNeck = target.neck.AsReadOnlyData();

                sb.Append(RestoredNeckText(target, oldNeck));
                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));

            //remove oviposition
            if (target.womb.canRemoveOviposition && Utils.Rand(5) == 0)
                if (target.womb.ClearOviposition())
                    if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                        return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));

            //remove feather-hair
            if (RemoveFeatheryHair(target))
                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));

            //knot multiplier (but not knotty)
            if (!modifiers.HasFlag(CanineModifiers.KNOTTY) && target.genitals.CountCocksOfType(CockType.DOG) > 0 && (modifiers.HasFlag(CanineModifiers.LARGE) || Utils.Rand(7) < 5))
                double delta = ((Utils.Rand(2) + 1) / 20.0) * crit;
                if (DoKnotChanges(delta))
                    if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                        return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));

            //transform a c**k.
            if (target.genitals.CountCocksOfType(CockType.DOG) < target.cocks.Count && (modifiers.HasFlag(CanineModifiers.LARGE) || Utils.Rand(8) < 5))
                C**k nonDoggo = target.cocks.FirstOrDefault(x => x.type != CockType.DOG && x.type != CockType.DEMON);                 //find any c**k that isn't a dog, but also isn't a demon c**k.
                if (nonDoggo != null)
                    CockData oldData = nonDoggo.AsReadOnlyData();
                    int      index   = target.cocks.IndexOf(nonDoggo);
                    target.genitals.UpdateCock(index, CockType.DOG);

                    sb.Append(ConvertedOneCockToDog(target, index, oldData));

                    if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                        return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));
                    C**k demonSpecialCase = target.cocks.FirstOrDefault(x => x.type == CockType.DEMON);
                    int  index            = demonSpecialCase.cockIndex;
                    if (demonSpecialCase != null)
                        double delta = demonSpecialCase.IncreaseThickness(2);

                        if (delta != 0)
                            sb.Append(CouldntConvertDemonCockThickenedInstead(target, index, delta));
                            if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                                return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));

            //update cum. now, if it reaches the cap, it simply uses the new flat amount adder (up to a certain point). it does not use the messy o****m perk
            //anymore because i've tried to remove calls to random perks because it's not very future-proof - what happens when a new perk is added that has a
            //similar effect? do we add that check literally everywhere too? (of course, if a perk is unique enough that nothing else will act in the same way,
            //that's fine. i dunno, it's difficult to try and clean everything up without being able to predict the future, which is admittedly impossible)
            if (target.hasCock && (target.genitals.cumMultiplier < 1.5 || target.genitals.additionalCum < 500) && Utils.RandBool())
                double delta;
                bool   wasMultiplier;
                if (target.genitals.cumMultiplier < 1.5)
                    delta         = target.genitals.IncreaseCumMultiplier(0.05 * crit);
                    wasMultiplier = true;
                    delta         = target.genitals.AddFlatCumAmount(50);
                    wasMultiplier = false;
                sb.Append(AddedCumText(target, delta, wasMultiplier));

            if (target.hasCock && modifiers.HasFlag(CanineModifiers.LARGE))
                C**k     smallest = target.genitals.ShortestCock();
                CockData oldData  = smallest.AsReadOnlyData();

                smallest.IncreaseLength(Utils.Rand(4) + 3);
                if (smallest.girth < 1)
                    double delta = 1 - smallest.girth;
                sb.Append(GrewSmallestCockText(target, smallest.cockIndex, oldData));

            //do female changes.

            //if we have a vag and > flat breasts.
            if (target.hasVagina && target.genitals.BiggestCupSize() > CupSize.FLAT)
                byte breastCount = (byte)target.breasts.Count;
                if (breastCount < 3)
                    BreastCollectionData oldBreastData = target.genitals.allBreasts.AsReadOnlyData();

                    //in vanilla code, we had some strange checks here that required the first row (and only the first row) be a certain size.
                    //now, we check all the rows, but no longer require any of them to be a certain size. instead, if it's not the right size, we make it that size,
                    //then add the row. so, for two rows, your first row must be at least a B-Cup. for 3: first must be a C cup, second an A cup.
                    //if we supported 4 rows, it'd be D, B, A.

                    for (int x = 0; x < target.breasts.Count; x++)
                        CupSize requiredSize = (CupSize)(byte)(target.breasts.Count - x);
                        if (x == 0)
                        if (target.breasts[x].cupSize < requiredSize)

                    target.genitals.AddBreastRow(target.breasts[breastCount - 1].cupSize.ByteEnumSubtract(1));

                    bool doCrit = false, uberCrit = false;
                    if (target.breasts.Count == 2)
                        target.IncreaseCreatureStats(lus: 5, sens: 6);
                    else if (hasCrit())
                        doCrit = true;
                        if (crit > 2)
                            target.IncreaseCreatureStats(sens: 6, lus: 15);
                            uberCrit = true;
                            target.IncreaseCreatureStats(sens: 3, lus: 10);

                    sb.Append(UpdateAndGrowAdditionalRowText(target, oldBreastData, doCrit, uberCrit));

                    if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                        return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));
                    BreastCollectionData oldBreastData = target.genitals.allBreasts.AsReadOnlyData();

                    //only call the normalize text if we actually did anything. related, anthro breasts now returns a bool. thanks, fox tfs.
                    if (target.genitals.AnthropomorphizeBreasts())
                        sb.Append(NormalizedBreastSizeText(target, oldBreastData));

            //Go into heat
            if (EnterHeat(target, out bool increased))
                sb.Append(EnterOrIncreaseHeatText(target, increased));

                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));

            //doggo fantasies
            if (target.DogScore() > 3 && Utils.Rand(4) == 0)
                target.IncreaseLust(5 + (target.libidoTrue / 20));

                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));

            //doggo tfs.

            if (!target.eyes.isDefault && Utils.Rand(5) == 0)
                EyeData oldData = target.eyes.AsReadOnlyData();


                sb.Append(RestoredEyesText(target, oldData));

                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));

            if (modifiers.HasFlag(CanineModifiers.BLACK) && !target.body.mainEpidermis.fur.IsIdenticalTo(HairFurColors.BLACK))
                //for now, we're ignoring underbody, apparently.
                if (target.body.type != BodyType.SIMPLE_FUR)
                //if (target.body.mainEpidermis.currentType != EpidermisType.FUR)
                    BodyData oldBodyData = target.body.AsReadOnlyData();

                    target.UpdateBody(BodyType.SIMPLE_FUR, new FurColor(HairFurColors.BLACK), FurTexture.THICK);

                    sb.Append(ChangedBodyTypeText(target, oldBodyData));
                    ReadOnlyFurColor oldFur = target.body.mainEpidermis.fur.AsReadOnly();
                    target.body.ChangeMainFur(new FurColor(HairFurColors.MIDNIGHT_BLACK), FurTexture.THICK);
                    sb.Append(ChangedFurText(target, oldFur));

                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));
            //again, we're ignoring underbody for now, idk.
            else if (target.lowerBody.type == LowerBodyType.DOG && target.tail.type == TailType.DOG &&
                     //target.body.mainEpidermis.currentType != EpidermisType.FUR
                     target.body.type != BodyType.SIMPLE_FUR &&
                     Utils.Rand(4) == 0)
                BodyData oldBodyData = target.body.AsReadOnlyData();

                FurColor oldFur = target.body.mainEpidermis.fur;

                target.UpdateBody(BodyType.SIMPLE_FUR, Utils.RandomChoice(Species.DOG.availableColors));

                sb.Append(ChangedBodyTypeText(target, oldBodyData));

                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));

            if (target.lowerBody.type != LowerBodyType.DOG && target.tail.type == TailType.DOG && target.ears.type == EarType.DOG && Utils.Rand(3) == 0)
                LowerBodyData oldData = target.lowerBody.AsReadOnlyData();

                sb.Append(ChangedLowerBodyText(target, oldData));

                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));

            if (target.ears.type != EarType.DOG && target.tail.type == TailType.DOG && Utils.RandBool())
                EarData oldData = target.ears.AsReadOnlyData();


                sb.Append(ChangedEarsText(target, oldData));
                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));

            if (target.tail.type != TailType.DOG && Utils.Rand(3) == 0)
                TailData oldData = target.tail.AsReadOnlyData();


                sb.Append(ChangedTailText(target, oldData));
                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));

            if (target.arms.type != ArmType.DOG && target.body.isFurry && target.tail.type == TailType.DOG &&
                target.lowerBody.type == LowerBodyType.DOG && Utils.Rand(4) == 0)
                ArmData oldArmData = target.arms.AsReadOnlyData();


                sb.Append(ChangedArmsText(target, oldArmData));
                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));

            if (!target.gills.isDefault && Utils.Rand(4) == 0)
                GillData oldGillData = target.gills.AsReadOnlyData();


                sb.Append(RemovedGillsText(target, oldGillData));
                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));

            if (target.body.isFurry && Utils.Rand(3) == 0)
                target.DeltaCreatureStats(tou: 4, sens: -3);


                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));

            if (target is CombatCreature cc2 && remainingChanges == changeLimit)

            return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeLimit - remainingChanges));
Example #4
 protected abstract string ChangedFurText(Creature target, ReadOnlyFurColor oldFurColor);
Example #5
 public bool IsIdenticalTo(ReadOnlyFurColor furColor)
     return(!(furColor is null) && furColor.isMultiColored == isMultiColored && (!isMultiColored || furColor.pattern == multiColorPattern) &&
            furColor.primary == primaryColor && furColor.secondary == this.alternateColor);