internal static SMB1Command GetReadResponse(SMB1Header header, ReadAndXRequest request, ISMBShare share, SMB1ConnectionState state)
            SMB1Session    session  = state.GetSession(header.UID);
            OpenFileObject openFile = session.GetOpenFileObject(request.FID);

            if (openFile == null)
                state.LogToServer(Severity.Verbose, "Read failed. Invalid FID. (UID: {0}, TID: {1}, FID: {2})", header.UID, header.TID, request.FID);
                header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE;
                return(new ErrorResponse(request.CommandName));

            if (share is FileSystemShare)
                if (!((FileSystemShare)share).HasReadAccess(session.SecurityContext, openFile.Path))
                    state.LogToServer(Severity.Verbose, "Read from '{0}{1}' failed. User '{2}' was denied access.", share.Name, openFile.Path, session.UserName);
                    header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED;
                    return(new ErrorResponse(request.CommandName));

            uint maxCount = request.MaxCount;

            if ((share is FileSystemShare) && state.LargeRead)
                maxCount = request.MaxCountLarge;
            byte[] data;
            header.Status = share.FileStore.ReadFile(out data, openFile.Handle, (long)request.Offset, (int)maxCount);
            if (header.Status == NTStatus.STATUS_END_OF_FILE)
                // [MS-CIFS] Windows servers set the DataLength field to 0x0000 and return STATUS_SUCCESS.
                // JCIFS expects the same response.
                data          = new byte[0];
                header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS;
            else if (header.Status != NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS)
                state.LogToServer(Severity.Verbose, "Read from '{0}{1}' failed. NTStatus: {2}. (FID: {3})", share.Name, openFile.Path, header.Status, request.FID);
                return(new ErrorResponse(request.CommandName));

            ReadAndXResponse response = new ReadAndXResponse();

            if (share is FileSystemShare)
                // If the client reads from a disk file, this field MUST be set to -1 (0xFFFF)
                response.Available = 0xFFFF;
            response.Data = data;
Example #2
        internal static SMB1Command GetReadResponse(SMB1Header header, ReadAndXRequest request, ISMBShare share, SMB1ConnectionState state)
            SMB1Session    session  = state.GetSession(header.UID);
            OpenFileObject openFile = session.GetOpenFileObject(request.FID);

            if (openFile == null)
                header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE;

            if (share is FileSystemShare)
                if (!((FileSystemShare)share).HasReadAccess(session.SecurityContext, openFile.Path))
                    state.LogToServer(Severity.Verbose, "ReadAndX from '{0}{1}' failed. User '{2}' was denied access.", share.Name, openFile.Path, session.UserName);
                    header.Status = NTStatus.STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED;
                    return(new ErrorResponse(request.CommandName));

            uint maxCount = request.MaxCount;

            if ((share is FileSystemShare) && state.LargeRead)
                maxCount = request.MaxCountLarge;
            byte[] data;
            header.Status = share.FileStore.ReadFile(out data, openFile.Handle, (long)request.Offset, (int)maxCount);
            if (header.Status != NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS)
                return(new ErrorResponse(request.CommandName));

            ReadAndXResponse response = new ReadAndXResponse();

            if (share is FileSystemShare)
                // If the client reads from a disk file, this field MUST be set to -1 (0xFFFF)
                response.Available = 0xFFFF;
            response.Data = data;
Example #3
        internal static SMBCommand GetReadResponse(SMBHeader header, ReadAndXRequest request, object share, StateObject state)
            uint maxCount = request.MaxCount;

            if ((share is FileSystemShare) && state.LargeRead)
                maxCount = request.MaxCountLarge;
            byte[] data = PerformRead(header, share, request.FID, request.Offset, maxCount, state);
            if (header.Status != NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS)
                return(new ErrorResponse(CommandName.SMB_COM_READ_ANDX));

            ReadAndXResponse response = new ReadAndXResponse();

            if (share is FileSystemShare)
                // If the client reads from a disk file, this field MUST be set to -1 (0xFFFF)
                response.Available = 0xFFFF;
            response.Data = data;
Example #4
        public override IEnumerable <AbstractPacket> GetSubPackets(bool includeSelfReference)
            if (includeSelfReference)
                yield return(this);

            AbstractPacket packet = null;

            try {
                CommandTypes commandType = (CommandTypes)command;
                if (commandType == CommandTypes.SMB_COM_NT_CREATE_ANDX)
                    if (!this.FlagsResponse)
                        packet = new NTCreateAndXRequest(this);
                        packet = new NTCreateAndXResponse(this);
                else if (commandType == CommandTypes.SMB_COM_READ_ANDX)
                    if (this.FlagsResponse)
                        packet = new ReadAndXResponse(this);
                        packet = new ReadAndXRequest(this);
                else if (commandType == CommandTypes.SMB_COM_CLOSE)
                    if (!this.FlagsResponse)
                        packet = new CloseRequest(this);
                else if (commandType == CommandTypes.SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE)
                    if (!this.FlagsResponse)
                        packet = new NegotiateProtocolRequest(this);
                        packet = new NegotiateProtocolResponse(this);
                else if (commandType == CommandTypes.SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX)
                    if (!this.FlagsResponse)
                        packet = new SetupAndXRequest(this);
                        packet = new SetupAndXResponse(this);
            catch (Exception e) {
                yield break;//no sub packets

            if (packet != null)
                yield return(packet);

                foreach (AbstractPacket subPacket in packet.GetSubPackets(false))
                    yield return(subPacket);
                yield break;