public void Init()
            _game = new TestGame();
            StaticDataManager.LoadData("Pulsar4x", _game.Game);  // TODO: Figure out correct directory
            _entityManager = _game.Game.GlobalManager;

            // Initialize gas dictionary - haven't found a good way to look up gases without doing this
            _gasDictionary = new Dictionary <string, AtmosphericGasSD>();

            foreach (WeightedValue <AtmosphericGasSD> atmos in _game.Game.StaticData.AtmosphericGases)
                _gasDictionary.Add(atmos.Value.ChemicalSymbol, atmos.Value);

            _planetsList = new List <Entity>();

            _speciesList = new List <Entity>();

            // Set up colonies
            // @todo: add more colonies, especially ones with multiple species in one colony

            ComponentTemplateSD infrastructureSD       = _game.Game.StaticData.ComponentTemplates[new Guid("08b3e64c-912a-4cd0-90b0-6d0f1014e9bb")];
            ComponentDesigner   infrastructureDesigner = new ComponentDesigner(infrastructureSD, _game.HumanFaction.GetDataBlob <FactionTechDB>());

            EntityManipulation.AddComponentToEntity(_game.EarthColony, infrastructureDesigner.CreateDesign(_game.HumanFaction));

Example #2
        public void OnConstructionComplete(Entity industryEntity, CargoStorageDB storage, Guid productionLine, IndustryJob batchJob, IConstrucableDesign designInfo)
            var colonyConstruction = industryEntity.GetDataBlob <IndustryAbilityDB>();

            batchJob.ResourcesRequired = designInfo.ResourceCosts;

            batchJob.ProductionPointsLeft = designInfo.IndustryPointCosts;

            if (batchJob.InstallOn != null)
                ComponentInstance specificComponent = new ComponentInstance((ComponentDesign)designInfo);
                if (batchJob.InstallOn == industryEntity || StorageSpaceProcessor.HasEntity(storage, batchJob.InstallOn.GetDataBlob <CargoAbleTypeDB>()))
                    EntityManipulation.AddComponentToEntity(batchJob.InstallOn, specificComponent);
                StorageSpaceProcessor.AddCargo(storage, (ComponentDesign)designInfo, 1);

            if (batchJob.NumberCompleted == batchJob.NumberOrdered)
                if (batchJob.Auto)
        private void testPlanetAndSpecies(Entity planet, Entity species)
            long[] basePop = new long[] { 0, 5, 10, 100, 999, 1000, 10000, 100000, 10000000 };
            long[] infrastructureAmounts = new long[] { 0, 1, 5, 100 };
            Dictionary <Entity, long> newPop, returnedPop;

            int i, j, k;

            Guid infGUID = new Guid("08b3e64c-912a-4cd0-90b0-6d0f1014e9bb");
            ComponentTemplateSD infrastructureSD = _game.Game.StaticData.ComponentTemplates[infGUID];

            ComponentDesigner infrastructureDesigner = new ComponentDesigner(infrastructureSD, _game.HumanFaction.GetDataBlob <FactionTechDB>());
            ComponentDesign   infrastructureDesign   = infrastructureDesigner.CreateDesign(_game.HumanFaction);

            Dictionary <Entity, long> pop = _game.EarthColony.GetDataBlob <ColonyInfoDB>().Population;

            // Single iteration growth test
            for (i = 0; i < infrastructureAmounts.Length; i++)
                // Create a new colony with this planet and species, add infrastructure item to it
                _game.EarthColony = ColonyFactory.CreateColony(_game.HumanFaction, species, planet);

                // Add the correct number of infrastructure to the colony
                for (k = 0; k < infrastructureAmounts[i]; k++)
                    EntityManipulation.AddComponentToEntity(_game.EarthColony, infrastructureDesign);

                for (j = 0; j < basePop.Length; j++)
                    // set up population and infrastructure for each test
                    newPop = _game.EarthColony.GetDataBlob <ColonyInfoDB>().Population;

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <Entity, long> kvp in newPop.ToArray())
                        newPop[kvp.Key] = basePop[j];

                    //var infrastuctures = _game.EarthColony.GetDataBlob<ComponentInstancesDB>().SpecificInstances[infrastructureEntity].Where(inf => inf.DesignEntity.HasDataBlob<LifeSupportAbilityDB>());

                    returnedPop = calcGrowthIteration(_game.EarthColony, newPop);

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <Entity, long> kvp in pop.ToArray())
                        Assert.AreEqual(returnedPop[kvp.Key], pop[kvp.Key]);

            // Multiple iteration growth test
            for (i = 0; i < infrastructureAmounts.Length; i++)
                // Create a new colony with this planet and species, add infrastructure item to it
                _game.EarthColony = ColonyFactory.CreateColony(_game.HumanFaction, species, planet);

                // Add the correct number of infrastructure to the colony
                for (k = 0; k < infrastructureAmounts[i]; k++)
                    EntityManipulation.AddComponentToEntity(_game.EarthColony, infrastructureDesign);

                for (j = 0; j < basePop.Length; j++)
                    // set up population and infrastructure for each test
                    newPop = _game.EarthColony.GetDataBlob <ColonyInfoDB>().Population;

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <Entity, long> kvp in newPop.ToArray())
                        newPop[kvp.Key] = basePop[j];

                    for (k = 0; k < 10; k++)
                        newPop = calcGrowthIteration(_game.EarthColony, newPop);

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <Entity, long> kvp in pop.ToArray())
                        Assert.AreEqual(newPop[kvp.Key], pop[kvp.Key]);